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%define version 1.0.4
%define name polyester
%define prefix %(kde-config --prefix)
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: 1
License: GPL
Summary: A glossy kde theme
Group: System/GUI/KDE
Packager: Marco Martin <>
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Widget style + kwin decoration both aimed to be a good balance between eye candy and simplicity
./configure --enable-final --disable-debug --prefix=%{prefix}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
%defattr(0644, root, root)
*Thu Feb 28 2008
Polyester 1.0.4:
-Corrected some visual glitches in ksnapshot
*Wed Jan 16 2008
Polyester 1.0.3:
-Polish translation by Tomek Argasiński
-Italian translation
*Thu Aug 21 2007
Polyester 1.0.2:
-corrected a bug in the configuration dialog (centered tabbars)
*Fri May 10 2007
Polyester 1.0.1:
-corrected a build problem with automake 2.6+
-better management of the menu stripe width
-another hack for gtk-qt: the menu stripe is always off (yeah, it's a broken solution but it was managed too bad...)
-when both toolbar separators and menubar emphasis with border are turned on don't draw an extra line under the menubar
-when the focus policy is set to "focus follows mouse" the bad flickering should be done (need some testing)
-corrected a bug that caused the windows not being completely painted when kcompmgr is activated
*Mon Dec 18 2006
-With colored scrollbars option turned off, the scrollbar handle has colored extremities on mouse over (similar to the Ubuntu theme)
-In the configuration dialog "Menus and toolbars" was misleading, now it's "Advanced"
-nice circles instead of asterisks in password lineedits. Idea from Daniel Molkentin (will probably be the default in KDE 3.6 btw)
-default button highlight when animations are disabled
-alphablending (yes, fake of course:)) at the corners of the popup menus
-corrected a bug in the sliders aspect
-titlebar buttons icons have a cleaner aspect
*Mon Nov 29 2006
-less (and bigger) dots on QSplitters
-button like menuitems works with transparent menus
-menu stripe works with transparent menus
-entirely redesigned the configuration dialog (should be more usable)
-a lot of code cleanups in the configuration code
-light gradient in the progressbar blank area
-corrected an ugly rendering bug in the QGridView headers
-corrected a rendering bug in the slider with reverse layout
-minor cosmetic changes to the following widgets:
-default buttons contour
-inactive tabs
-better mouse over highlight with checkboxes and radiobuttons
-border of buttons and other 3d widgets
-option to make rectangular titlebar buttons (at the moment is the default)
-antialiased titlebar buttons border
-redesigned the configuration dialog to be similar to the style configuration
-added svg sources of the titlebar buttons icons so it's easier to make modifications
-some code cleanups
+drawing of titlebar buttons follows the global contrast settings
-modified default color schemes and added a new disturbing orange one
*Sun Oct 01 2006
Polyester 1.0_beta2:
-Nicer animation on buttons when the mouse cursor leaves them
-Shadowed text of buttons and menubar configurable separately
-Fixed a bug in the rendering of scrollbar handles
-Don't render dots on scrollbar handle when the handle is too little
-Optimization: lot useless loops in the animation code (i.e. deactivating the QTimer when is not needed :))
-More Fitts' law friendly: titlebar buttons works also when the mouse cursor is at the top edge of the screen
-No longer draws the round border if the window is maximized
-Uses 16x16 icons in titlebar where available instead of scaling down bigger icons
*Thu Aug 17 2006
Polyester 1.0_beta1:
-Corrected a bug in the rendering of checked menubar items
-Added a cute animation to the default botton text that makes it always readable
-Rounded focus rectangle where it's possible
-Corrected a bug that made displaying the menubar in Opera browser with incorrect colors
-Configuration option to disable the coloring of the sorted header in listviews
-Less dots in scrollbar slider
-More contrast in button borders
-Some changes under the hood that make some elements like headers, scrollbars and tabbars to look a little bit more clean
-Corrected a little bug in the animation of toolbar buttons
-Titlebar button icons have a sharper shape
-More smooth buttons animations
-Button animations styles "colorize" and "fade out" should work better regardless what the buttons color is.
*Mon Jun 19 2006
Polyester 0.9.3:
Mainly a bugfix release:
-text tab coloring works again
-no more that ugly white border around the selected tab
-scrollbar size configurable
-the border around the menubar emphasis can be deactivated
-selected tab highlight configurable
*Mon May 23 2006
Polyester 0.9.2:
-bottom tabbars follows style settings
-little change on the look of the scrollbars
-little change on the look of highlighted buttons and tabbars
-bugfix: icons on listview headers are shown again
-bugfix: menu stripe on the right side when layout is reversed
-usability fix: only highlight listview headers when there is something to sort (still not perfect i.e. kmail)
-the use shadows option now applies a shadow on the text of menubar, buttons and tabs
-when colored scrollbars is off, also the sliders are not colored
-tool windows (like OpenOffice stylist) with smaller titlebar and never rounded
-if the window title is too large it's faded out with a nice gradient (similar to the taskbar)
-added flat buttons style
-drawing of the titlebar should be a lot faster
-a little bit less broken with composite enabled
-configuration dialogs more friendly with low screen resolutions
*Fri Mar 31 2006
Polyester 0.9:
-The coloring algorithm of the sliders now it's fixed (Thanks to Yogesh M.)
-Slighty changed the look of the sliders
-Changed contour color of scrollbar slider
-Scrollbar slider highlighting on mouse hover
-Sunken scrollbar slider when it's dragged
-Scrollbar style always in Windows style in gtk apps that uses gtk-qt (this fixes a bug into Firefox and Thunderbird)
-Highlighting of buttons works again on gtk-qt and Openoffice even if the animations are anabled
-highlighting listview and table headers on mouse over
-colored the header of the sorted field in listviews
-Little usability feature: the label of the leftmost header in a listview is moved in order to be kept always visible (this is similar to iTunes behaviour)
-Added configuration option to render all the buttons text lowercase (Thanks to Federico M.)
-mousewheel over titlebar should work again and compile on older versions of kde (Thanks to Fabio R.)
-hopefully fixed a paint bug in glass style titlebar
-titlebar button style can be configured in: "Gradients", "glass" and "Reverse gradients" look and feel
*Thu Mar 23 2006
Polyester 0.8.8:
Mainly a bugfix release: fixed some issues of sliders drawing (no, it's still not perfect) and a bug into the rendering of scrollbar buttons.
The only new feature is that now the look of the titlebar can be configured as "gradients" or "glass"
*Tue Mar 07 2006
Polyester 0.8.5:
-Buttons with more flat and light borders (configurable)
-New button style available: Flat
-New option for disabling the frames around statusbar items
-Stripe on a side of menus (configurable)
-Colored left part of horizontal sliders and bottom part of vertical sliders
-New Polyester Blue color scheme (now quite similar, but not identical to the default Suse scheme)
-(Hopefully) fixed some build errors
-Configurable light button borders (same as the widget style)
-Adjusted the proportions of some button icons
*Wed Mar 01 2006
Polyester 0.8:
-rewritten configuration dialog (now based on QT Designer)
-new configuration options:
-menu items spacing
-Menubar emphasis color
-Highlighted menu items can be configured to be button-like or not
(when menus are semitransparent active menu items are never button-like
due to a limitation into the procedure that renders the contours,
I fear it can't be fixed until qt4)
-Modified active menubar items look
-some micro-enhancements to scrollbars
-animated highlight on all animated widgets
-different look of checkable menu items
-little fix of the positioning of titlebar buttons when "round corners" is not used
* Mon Feb 20 2006
Mainly a bugfix release:
-fixed an issue that made some rubbish to be displayed around the popup menu items
-fixed a bug into the custom menuitems drawing code that prevented displaying of keyboard shortcuts
-changed a little bit the pushbutton animation
-fixed a little bug of the drawing code of inactive titlebars
* Fri Jan 12 2006
-some little code cleanups-menubar text shadow configurable
-as requested the look has been made a little bit similar to (but not identical)
-active menu item more button-like-new option (default off) "menubar emphasis" that makes the menubar more glass-like
-litte modification of the titlebar border
-titlebar buttons with more contrast-when a dark color is chosen for the titlebar buttons, their icons become white