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application/x-shellscript; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s;; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/english; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/plain; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.txt; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-c++; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.cpp; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-c++hdr; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.hh; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-c++src; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.cpp; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-c; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.c; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-chdr; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.h; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-csrc; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.c; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-java; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s;; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-makefile; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-moc; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.moc; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-pascal; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.p; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-tcl; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.tcl; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7
text/x-tex; kedit -caption "Text Editor" %s; nametemplate=%s.tex; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=7