MAINTAINER=Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <> UPLOADERS=$(shell grep -e +++ -e "^ -- " debian/changelog | grep -v "" | head -13 | /bin/sed 's/^\s*//;s/\s*$$//;s/^+++\? Changes by //;s/^+++\? //;s/-- //;s/:$$//;s/ <.*//' | sort -u | while read line ; do grep "$$line" debian/cdbs/team-members ; done | tr "\n" ", " | sed 's/,/, /g;s/, $$//') debian/control.tmp: @if [ ! -e debian/ ] ; then \ echo "this package is not yet prepared for using automatic update of uploaders"; \ echo "Please do so."; \ exit 1; \ fi @sed 's/@@@UPLOADERS@@@/$(UPLOADERS)/;s#@@@MAINTAINER@@@#$(MAINTAINER)#' debian/ > debian/control.tmp check-uploaders: debian/control.tmp @if ! diff -q debian/control debian/control.tmp ; then \ echo "WARNING:: Control file differs from manually generated one" ; \ echo "WARNING:: Please update it manually and check it afterwards" ; \ echo "WARNING:: Uploaders are updated by debian/rules update-uploaders" ;\ echo "WARNING:: If this is a binNMU, NMU or security upload, just ignore" ;\ fi clean:: rm -f debian/control.tmp update-uploaders: debian/control.tmp @mv -f debian/control.tmp debian/control makebuilddir:: check-uploaders