Pawel "l0ner" Soltys
arts: added profile files, added post-install instructions
13 years ago
Pawel 'l0ner' Soltys
arts, kdelibs: fixed trinity internal dependencies
13 years ago
Pawel 'l0ner' Soltys
fixed libtool file errors
13 years ago
Pawel 'l0ner' Soltys
arts: changed makeopts
- added conflicts (kdemod3-arts)
- changed Calvin to contributor
- added Maintaner string
- removed useless variables
- removed useless and commented out instructions
- removed useless exports
- removed unused cmake options (QT_VERSION)
- added glib2 dependency, since it's reported by namcap as missing dep
- removed alsa-lib dependency, since it's satisified as idirect dep (dependency of dependency)
- incremented pkgrel
13 years ago
Pawel "l0ner" Soltys
changed tarball sources to the new mirror
13 years ago
Pawel "l0ner" Soltys
trinity-{base,extras}: modified most of the PKGBULDs to pull the tarballs
from LFS server instead of pulling them from our dead mirror.
Some of them (libkipi,libkexiv2,libkdcraw) could not be changed
since their tarballs are not hosteb on LFS servers.
13 years ago
Pawel "l0ner" Soltys
new categorization, new PKGBUILDs
for most of kde* monolithic packets
i18n unfinished
13 years ago
Pawel "l0ner" Soltys
little modifiactions to base components PKGBUILDs,
removed dropped things
added PKGBUILD templates
fixed kde-style-lipstik PKGBUILD
13 years ago
Calvin Morrison
fixed URLs and package desc / groups
13 years ago
Calvin Morrison
changed maintainer from David Rankin to Calvin Morrison. Also removed the unnessecary bit about licenses
13 years ago
Calvin Morrison
Added the 3.5.13 Release PKGBUILDs.
13 years ago