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807 lines
21 KiB
807 lines
21 KiB
12 years ago
%define Werror_cflags %nil
# QTDIR is always /usr/lib/qt3, whether that's a lib64 architecture or
# not (sublibdirs are correctly qualified in the latter case however).
%define qtdir %{_prefix}/lib/qt3
%define libqt3name %mklibname qt 3
%define libqassistantname %mklibname qassistantclient 1
%define libdesignercore %mklibname designercore 1
%define libeditor %mklibname editor 1
%define nameqt qt-x11-free
%define buildSQL 1
%{?_without_SQL: %{expand4 %%global buildSQL 0}}
%define buildDebug 0
%{?_with_debug: %{expand: %%global buildDebug 1}}
%define buildStatic 1
%{?_without_static: %{expand: %%global buildStatic 0}}
%define buildImmodule 1
%{?_without_immodule: %{expand: %%global buildImmodule 0}}
%define plugindir %_libdir/qt3/plugins
Name: qt3
Version: 3.3.8.d
Release: 4%{?dist}
License: GPLv3+ and QPL
Summary: Qt3 Sources
Group: System/Libraries
Source0: trinity-qt3-{?preversion:~%{preversion}}.tar.gz
Source1: qt3.macros
Source2: qt3-assistant.desktop
Source3: qt3-designer.desktop
Source4: qt3-linguist.desktop
Source5: qt3-designer-sh
Source6: qt3-assistant-sh
Source7: qt3-uic-sh
Source8: qt3-README-Mageia
Source9: 90qtrc-jp
Patch1: qt-3.1.1-fix-xft2-compile.patch
Patch2: qt-3.2.3-fix-cupslib.patch
Patch4: qt-x11-free-3.3.5-no-rpath.patch
Patch5: qt-3.3.2-fix-configure.patch
Patch8: qt-3.3.5-lib64-plugins.patch
Patch10: qt-3.3.3-fix-accessible.patch
Patch12: fix-key-release-event-with-imm.diff
Patch14: qt-x11-free-3.3.4-linux32.patch
Patch15: qt-visibility.patch
Patch16: qt-x11-free-3.3.5-makelibshared.patch
Patch24: qt-x11-free-3.3.5-qtranslator-crash.patch
Patch28: qt-x11-immodule-nodebug.diff
Patch29: fix-x11-immodule.diff
Patch30: fix-im-crash-on-exit.diff
Patch31: workaround-for-xlib-xim-bug.diff
Patch56: qt3-3.3.6-fix-xorg7.0.patch
Patch58: qt-3.3.6-fix-qfile-message-error.patch
Patch59: qt-3.3.6-fix-qfile-message-error2.patch
Patch63: qt-x11-free-3.3.8-qmo35263.patch
Patch64: qt-x11-free-3.3.8b-unixodb-64.patch
Patch65: qt-x11-free-3.3.8b-cstddef.patch
#-------------- KDE qt-copy patches ( added the relevant ones )
Patch102: 0017-qiconview-ctrl_rubber.patch
Patch104: 0035-qvaluelist-streaming-operator.patch
Buildroot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-%release-root
%if %buildSQL
BuildRequires: mysql-devel
BuildRequires: unixODBC-devel
BuildRequires: libpq-devel
BuildRequires: freetype2-devel
BuildRequires: mesaglu-devel
BuildRequires: libsm-devel
BuildRequires: libice-devel
BuildRequires: libx11-devel
BuildRequires: libxcursor-devel
BuildRequires: libxext-devel
BuildRequires: libxft-devel
BuildRequires: libxinerama-devel
BuildRequires: libxmu-devel
BuildRequires: libxrandr-devel
BuildRequires: libxrender-devel
BuildRequires: fontconfig-devel
BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: libmng-devel
%if 0%{pclinuxos}
BuildRequires: libpng-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpng15)
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
BuildRequires: nas-devel
BuildRequires: libiodbc-devel
BuildRequires: postgresql-devel
BuildRequires: cups-devel
%if "%{_lib}" != "lib"
%if 0%{?mdkversion} || ( 0%{?mgaversion} && 0%{?mgaversion} <= 2)
BuildRequires: linux32
BuildRequires: util-linux
Qt is a complete and well-designed multi-platform object-oriented framework for
developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications using C++. Qt has
seamless integration with OpenGL/Mesa 3D libraries.
%package -n %libqt3name
Summary: Qt3 - Shared libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %{name}-common = %version
Provides: qt3 = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %libqt3name
Qt is a complete and well-designed multi-platform object-oriented framework for
developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications using C++. Qt has
seamless integration with OpenGL/Mesa 3D libraries.
This package contains shared libraries.
%postun -n %libqt3name
if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
rm -f /etc/
grep -v -e "^%qtdir/%_lib$" /etc/ > /etc/
mv -f /etc/ /etc/
%files -n %libqt3name
%dir %qtdir/
%dir %{plugindir}/styles/
%if %{buildImmodule}
%dir %{plugindir}/inputmethods/
%package -n %libqt3name-devel
Summary: Qt3 - Files needed to build Qt3 based applications
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name = %version-%release
Requires: %{libeditor} = %version-%release
Requires: %{libqassistantname} = %version-%release
Requires: %{libdesignercore} = %version-%release
Provides: libqt-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: libqt3-pch-headers < 3.3.5
%description -n %libqt3name-devel
The qt3-devel package contains the files necessary to develop
applications using the Qt GUI toolkit: the header files, the Qt meta
object compiler.
%post -n %libqt3name-devel
update-alternatives --install %_bindir/qmake qmake %qtdir/bin/qmake 10
%postun -n %libqt3name-devel
if ! [ -e %qtdir/bin/qmake ]; then
update-alternatives --remove qmake %qtdir/bin/qmake
%files -n %libqt3name-devel
%doc %_mandir/man1/*
%doc %_mandir/man3/*
%dir %qtdir/
%dir %qtdir/bin
%dir %qtdir/include/%multiarch_platform
%dir %qtdir/include/
%dir %qtdir/templates/
%dir %{plugindir}/designer
%dir %qtdir/mkspecs/
%dir %qtdir/src/
%dir %qtdir/bin/%multiarch_platform
%if %{buildStatic}
%package -n %libqt3name-static-devel
Summary: Qt3 - Static files needed to build Qt3 based applications
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name-devel = %version-%release
Provides: libqt-static-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-static-devel = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %libqt3name-static-devel
This package contains:
- files needed to build static Qt based applications
%files -n %libqt3name-static-devel
%package common
Summary: Config, language file for Qt
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name = %version
Obsoletes: libqt3-common < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: libqt3-common = %{version}-%{release}
# Laurent : allow to install package which use this provides (commercial packages which want to install under distro and used this provides
Provides: qt = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: qt3 = %{version}-%{release}
%description common
This package contains all config file and language file
%post common
update-alternatives --install %_bindir/qtconfig qtconfig %qtdir/bin/qtconfig 10
%postun common
if ! [ -e %qtdir/bin/qtconfig ]; then
update-alternatives --remove qtconfig %qtdir/bin/qtconfig
%files common
%dir %{plugindir}
%if %buildSQL
%dir %{plugindir}/sqldrivers
%dir %qtdir/phrasebooks/
%dir %qtdir/
%dir %qtdir/bin
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/qtrc
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/kstylerc
%dir %qtdir/translations/
%if %buildSQL
%package -n %libqt3name-mysql
Summary: MySQL plugin for Qt
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name = %version-%release
Provides: %{name}-MySQL = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %libqt3name-mysql
This package contain the MySQL plugin for Qt.
%files -n %libqt3name-mysql
%package -n %libqt3name-psql
Summary: PostgresSQL plugin for Qt
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name = %version-%release
Provides: %{name}-PostgreSQL = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %libqt3name-psql
This package contain the PostgresSQL plugin for Qt.
%files -n %libqt3name-psql
%package -n %libqt3name-odbc
Summary: ODBC plugin for Qt
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name = %version-%release
Provides: %{name}-ODBC = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %libqt3name-odbc
This package contain the ODBC plugin for Qt.
%files -n %libqt3name-odbc
%package -n %libqt3name-sqlite
Summary: Sqlite 2 plugin for Qt
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Requires: %libqt3name = %version-%release
Provides: %{name}-Sqlite = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %libqt3name-sqlite
This package contain the Sqlite 2 plugin for Qt.
%files -n %libqt3name-sqlite
%package -n %libqassistantname
Summary: Qt3 - Shared libraries
Group: System/Libraries
%description -n %libqassistantname
Qt3 - Shared libraries
%files -n %libqassistantname
%package assistant
Summary: Qt assistant
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
%description assistant
This package contain Qt assistant
%files assistant
%package linguist
Summary: Qt linguist
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
%description linguist
This package contain Qt linguist
%files linguist
%package -n %libdesignercore
Summary: Qt3 - Shared libraries
Group: System/Libraries
%description -n %libdesignercore
Qt3 - Shared libraries
%files -n %libdesignercore
%package -n %libeditor
Summary: Qt3 - Shared libraries
Group: System/Libraries
%description -n %libeditor
Qt3 - Shared libraries
%files -n %libeditor
%package example
Summary: Qt examples
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Obsoletes: libqt3-example
Provides: libqt3-example
BuildArch: noarch
%description example
This package contain Qt example.
%files example
%dir %_docdir/%name/examples
%doc %_docdir/%name/examples/*
%package tutorial
Summary: Qt tutorials
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
BuildArch: noarch
%description tutorial
This package contain Qt tutorial.
%files tutorial
%dir %_docdir/%name/tutorial
%doc %_docdir/%name/tutorial/*
%package doc
Summary: Qt documentation
Group: Development/KDE and Qt
Conflicts:libqt3-devel <= 3.3.4-13mdk
BuildArch: noarch
%description doc
This package contain Qt documentation
%post doc
# Remove old qt3 doc directories
find %_docdir -maxdepth 1 -type d -name qt-3.\* -exec rm -rf {} \;
%files doc
%dir %_docdir/%name
%doc %_docdir/%name/FAQ
%doc %_docdir/%name/LICENSE*
%doc %_docdir/%name/README*
%dir %_docdir/%name/doc/
%dir %_docdir/%name/doc/html/
%doc %_docdir/%name/doc/html/*
%dir %qtdir/doc/
%if 0%{?pclinuxos}
%setup -q -n trinity-qt3-{?preversion:~%{preversion}}
%patch1 -p1 -b .fix_xft_compile
%patch2 -p1 -b .fix_cups_lib
%patch4 -p0
%patch5 -p1 -b .fix_configure_space
%patch14 -p1 -b .linux32
%patch10 -p1 -b .fix_accessible
%patch15 -p1 -b .fix_qt_export
%patch16 -p1 -b .sharedlibs
%patch24 -p0 -b .qtranslator
%patch56 -p1 -b .fix_xorg_7.0
%patch58 -p1 -b .fix_qfile_message_error
%patch59 -p1 -b .fix_qfile_message_error
%patch63 -p0 -b .fix_bug_35263
%if "%_lib" == "lib64"
%patch64 -p0 -b .fix_unixodbc
%patch65 -p1 -b .gcc46
# KDE qt-copy patches
%patch102 -p0 -b .qt-copy
%patch104 -p0 -b .qt-copy
# (Anssi 01/2008)
# Hack to disable stripping, a better fix for configure script welcome:
mkdir -p stripbin
echo "#!/bin/true" > stripbin/strip
chmod +x stripbin/strip
sed -e "s|^QMAKE_STRIP.*=.*|QMAKE_STRIP =|" -i mkspecs/linux-g++*/qmake.conf
sed -e "s|^QMAKE_CFLAGS\t.*$|QMAKE_CFLAGS = %{optflags} -DPIC -fPIC|" \
-e "s|^QMAKE_LFLAGS\t.*=.*$|QMAKE_LFLAGS = %{ldflags} |" \
-e "s|^QMAKE_LFLAGS_PLUGIN\t.*\+= |QMAKE_LFLAGS_PLUGIN = %(echo %ldflags|sed -e 's#-Wl,--no-undefined##') |" \
-i mkspecs/linux-g++*/qmake.conf
export QTDIR=$(/bin/pwd)
export PATH=$(pwd)/stripbin:$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
export MANPATH=$QTDIR/doc/man:$MANPATH
%if %{buildImmodule}
sh ./
# Default platform (take care to lib64 arches)
%if "%_lib" == "lib64"
echo "#define QT_MITSHM" >> mkspecs/${PLATFORM}/qplatformdefs.h
function main_configure {
echo "yes" | ./configure \
-I/usr/include/postgresql/server/ \
-I/usr/include/fontconfig \
-I/usr/include/Xft2 \
-I/usr/include/Xft2/X11/Xft \
-I/usr/include/mysql/ \
-I/usr/include/libpng15 \
-prefix %qtdir/ \
-libdir %_libdir \
-plugindir %{plugindir} \
-sysconfdir %_sysconfdir \
-docdir %_docdir/%name/doc/ \
%if %{buildDebug}
-debug \
-release \
-qt-gif \
-system-zlib \
-no-exceptions \
-platform $PLATFORM \
-enable-tools \
-enable-kernel \
-enable-widgets \
-enable-dialogs \
-enable-iconview \
-enable-workspace \
-enable-network \
-enable-canvas \
-enable-table \
-enable-xml \
-enable-cups \
-enable-input \
-enable-opengl \
-dlopen-opengl \
%if %buildSQL
-enable-sql \
-plugin-sql-mysql \
-plugin-sql-odbc \
-plugin-sql-psql \
-plugin-sql-sqlite \
-plugin-style-cde \
-plugin-style-compact \
-plugin-style-motif \
-plugin-style-sgi \
-plugin-style-platinum \
-plugin-style-motifplus \
-thread \
-stl \
-qt-imgfmt-png \
-qt-imgfmt-jpeg \
-qt-imgfmt-mng \
-system-libpng \
-system-libjpeg \
-system-libmng \
-sm \
-xkb \
-xinerama \
-xrender \
-xrandr \
-xcursor \
-xft \
-nis \
-no-tablet \
-v \
-xkb \
%if %{buildStatic}
main_configure -static
pushd src
%make && make INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install_target
mkdir -p safelib
mv -f lib/libqt-mt.a safelib
# Build shared
main_configure -shared
%make symlinks src-qmake src-moc sub-src sub-tools
export QTDIR=$(/bin/pwd)
export PATH=$(pwd)/stripbin:$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
export MANPATH=$QTDIR/doc/man:$MANPATH
rm -fr %buildroot
make install INSTALL_ROOT=%buildroot/
rm -rf %buildroot/%qtdir/bin/qmake
install -m 0755 qmake/qmake %buildroot/%qtdir/bin/
# David - 3.0.0-0.11mdk - Install a README for Mandriva Linux
install -m 0644 %SOURCE8 %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/README.Mandriva_Linux
perl -pi -e "s|QtVersion|%version|" %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/README.Mandriva_Linux
perl -pi -e "s|PackageVersion|%version-%release|" %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/README.Mandriva_Linux
# David - 3.0.0-0.11mdk - Install missing documentation
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/
install -m 0644 FAQ %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/
install -m 0644 LICENSE* %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/
install -m 0644 README %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/
install -m 0644 README-QT.TXT %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/
# David - 3.0.0-0.11mdk - Install man pages
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_mandir/man1/
for i in doc/man/man1/* ; do
if [ ! -d $i ] ; then
install -m 0644 $i %buildroot/%_mandir/man1/
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_mandir/man3/
for i in doc/man/man3/* ; do
if [ ! -d $i ] ; then
install -m 0644 $i %buildroot/%_mandir/man3/
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_bindir/
install -m 0755 bin/moc %buildroot/%qtdir/bin/moc
# David - 3.0.1-2mdk - Install .pri files needed to build examples and tutorials
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%qtdir/src/
for i in src/*.pri; do
install -m 0644 $i %buildroot/%qtdir/src/
cp -ar examples/ %buildroot/%_docdir/%name
cp -ar tutorial/ %buildroot/%_docdir/%name
# Fix include directory for examples ( based on David Faure changes )
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../../include|%qtdir/include|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../include|%qtdir/include|"
# Fix lib directory for examples
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../../../lib/libqt-mt.prl|%_libdir/libqt-mt.prl|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../../lib/libqt-mt.prl|%_libdir/libqt-mt.prl|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../lib/libqt-mt.prl|%_libdir/libqt-mt.prl|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../src/qt_professional.pri|%qtdir/src/qt_professional.pri|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|%_builddir/qt-%version|%qtdir|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|%_builddir/qt-x11-free-%version/mkspecs/|%qtdir/mkspecs/|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|%_builddir/qt-x11-free-%version/|%qtdir/|"
find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|../../lib/libqassistantclient.prl|%_libdir/libqassistantclient.prl|"
# Remove .obj .moc directories
for name in `find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -type d -name .obj`; do
rm -rf $name
for name in `find %buildroot/%_docdir/%name/{examples,tutorial} -type d -name .moc`; do
rm -rf $name
install -m 0755 %SOURCE5 %buildroot/%_bindir/designer-qt3
install -m 0755 %SOURCE6 %buildroot/%_bindir/assistant-qt3
cd %buildroot/%qtdir/
install -d -m 0755 doc
ln -s %_docdir/%name/doc/html/ doc/html
cd -
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/profile.d/
cat >> %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/profile.d/qt3.csh << EOF
if (! \$?QTDIR ) then
setenv QTDIR "%qtdir"
if (! \$?QTINC ) then
setenv QTINC "%qtdir/include"
if (! \$?QTLIB ) then
setenv QTLIB "%_libdir"
if (! \$?QT_XFT ) then
setenv QT_XFT 0
cat > %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/profile.d/ << EOF
#! /bin/bash
[ -z "\$QTDIR" ] && QTDIR="%qtdir"
[ -z "\$QTINC" ] && QTINC="%qtdir/include"
[ -z "\$QTLIB" ] && QTLIB="%_libdir"
[ -z "\$QT_XFT" ] && QT_XFT=0
if ! echo \${PATH} | /bin/grep -q \$QTDIR/bin ; then
# Generate default qtrc
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/
cat >> %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/qtrc << EOF
cat >> %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/kstylerc << EOF
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_datadir/applications
install -m 0644 %SOURCE2 %buildroot/%_datadir/applications/qt3-assistant.desktop
install -m 0644 %SOURCE3 %buildroot/%_datadir/applications/qt3-designer.desktop
install -m 0644 %SOURCE4 %buildroot/%_datadir/applications/qt3-linguist.desktop
# Multiarch fixes
%multiarch_binaries %buildroot%qtdir/bin/qmake
%multiarch_includes %buildroot%qtdir/include/qconfig.h
%if %{buildStatic}
# Static install
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot/%_libdir/
install -m644 safelib/* %{buildroot}/%_libdir/
# Removing invalid symlink. They really should not be here
# Old symlink if was set in right place, would create a cyclic symlynk
cd %buildroot/%qtdir/mkspecs/
if [ -h default ]; then
rm -f default/linux*
# provide default64 for multiarch devel
%if "%_lib" == "lib64"
ln -sf linux-g++-64 default64
cd -
# Install rpm macros
mkdir -p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/rpm/macros.d
install -m 0644 %SOURCE1 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/rpm/macros.d
mkdir -p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/xinit.d/
install -m 0755 %SOURCE9 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/xinit.d/
# Fix all buildroot paths
rm -fr %buildroot
* Sat Jan 19 2013 Francois Andriot <> 3.3.8.d-4
- Initial release for TDE
* Sat Sep 29 2012 Francois Andriot <> 3.3.8.d-3
- Initial release for TDE
* Mon Aug 27 2012 Francois Andriot <> 3.3.8.d-2
- Rebuild with libpng 1.5
- Updates zh_TW translations
* Sat Jul 28 2012 Francois Andriot <> 3.3.8.d-1
- Initial build for MGA2