Source: python-kde3-kde3
Section: python
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net>
XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina <rcardenes@debian.org>
Uploaders: Torsten Marek <shlomme@debian.org>, Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.38), libqt3-mt-dev (>= 3:3.3.7), qt3-dev-tools (>= 3:3.3.7), qt3-apps-dev (>= 3:3.3.7), python, python-all-dev, python-all-dbg, sip4 (>= 4.10), python-sip4-dev (>= 4.10), python-qt-dev (>= 3.18), kdelibs4-kde3-dev, python-central (>= 0.6.11), dpatch, python-sip4, python-sip4-dbg, python-sip4-dev
Standards-Version: 3.8.3
Homepage: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pytde/index.php
XS-Python-Version: all
Package: python-kde3-kde3
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, python-qt3 (>= 3.18)
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Provides: ${python:Provides}
Conflicts: python-kde3-kde3
Description: KDE3 bindings for Python [KDE3]
Python binding module that provides wide access to the KDE3 API,
also known as PyKDE. Using this, you'll get (for example) classes
from kio, kjs, khtml and kprint.
Package: python-kde3-kde3-dbg
Priority: extra
Architecture: any
Depends: python-kde3-kde3 (= ${binary:Version}), python-dbg, python-qt3-dbg, ${shlibs:Depends}
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Description: KDE3 bindings for Python (debug extensions) [KDE3]
Python binding module that provides wide access to the KDE3 API,
also known as PyKDE. Using this, you'll get (for example) classes
from kio, kjs, khtml and kprint.
This package contains the extension built for the Python debug interpreter.
Package: python-kde3-kde3-dev
Section: python
Architecture: all
Depends: pyqt-tools, ${python:Depends}
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Description: KDE3 bindings for Python - Development files and scripts [KDE3]
Development .sip files with definitions of PyKDE classes. They
are needed to build PyKDE, but also as building blocks of other
packages based on them.
The package also contains kdepyuic, a wrapper script around PyQt's
user interface compiler.
Package: python-kde3-kde3-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Description: Documentation and examples for PyKDE [KDE3]
General documentation and examples for PyKDE providing programming
tips and working code you can use to learn from.