You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

674 lines
20 KiB

# translation of kcminput.po to Basque
# translation of kcminput.po to
# Copyright (C) 2002,2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <>, 2002,2003, 2005.
# marcos <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcminput\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-09 20:16+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-25 12:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: marcos <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"
#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Marcos Goienetxe"
#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: core/themepage.cpp:60
msgid "Select the cursor theme you want to use:"
msgstr "Hauta ezazu kurtsorearekin erabili nahi duzun gaia:"
#: core/themepage.cpp:66 xcursor/themepage.cpp:100
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"
#: core/themepage.cpp:67 xcursor/themepage.cpp:101
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Azalpena"
#: core/themepage.cpp:105 xcursor/themepage.cpp:146
msgid "You have to restart TDE for these changes to take effect."
msgstr "TDE berrabiarazi behar duzu aldaketa hauek indarrean jartzeko."
#: core/themepage.cpp:106 xcursor/themepage.cpp:147
msgid "Cursor Settings Changed"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen hobespenak aldatuta"
#: core/themepage.cpp:148
msgid "Small black"
msgstr "Beltza eta txikia"
#: core/themepage.cpp:149
msgid "Small black cursors"
msgstr "Kurtsore beltz txikiak"
#: core/themepage.cpp:153
msgid "Large black"
msgstr "Beltza eta handia"
#: core/themepage.cpp:154
msgid "Large black cursors"
msgstr "Kursore beltz handiak"
#: core/themepage.cpp:158
msgid "Small white"
msgstr "Zuria eta txikia"
#: core/themepage.cpp:159
msgid "Small white cursors"
msgstr "Kursore zuri txikiak"
#: core/themepage.cpp:163
msgid "Large white"
msgstr "Zuria eta handia"
#: core/themepage.cpp:164
msgid "Large white cursors"
msgstr "Kursore zuri handiak"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:50 logitechmouse.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse type: %1"
msgstr "Sagu mota: %1"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:229
msgid ""
"RF channel 1 has been set. Please press Connect button on mouse to re-"
"establish link"
msgstr ""
"RF 1. kanala konfiguratu da. Zapatu saguaren Konektatu botoia esteka "
#: logitechmouse.cpp:229 logitechmouse.cpp:233
msgid "Press Connect Button"
msgstr "Sakatu Konektatu botoia"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:233
msgid ""
"RF channel 2 has been set. Please press Connect button on mouse to re-"
"establish link"
msgstr ""
"RF 2. kanala konfiguratu da. Zapatu saguaren Konektatu botoia esteka "
#: logitechmouse.cpp:370
msgid "none"
msgstr "bat ere ez"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:373 logitechmouse.cpp:403
msgid "Cordless Mouse"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko sagua"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:376 logitechmouse.cpp:382 logitechmouse.cpp:385
msgid "Cordless Wheel Mouse"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko gurpildun sagua"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:379
msgid "Cordless MouseMan Wheel"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko gurpildun MouseMan motako sagua"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:388
msgid "Cordless TrackMan Wheel"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko gurpildun TrackMan motako sagua"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:391
msgid "TrackMan Live"
msgstr "TrackMan Live"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:394
msgid "Cordless TrackMan FX"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko TrackMan FX"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:397
msgid "Cordless MouseMan Optical"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko MouseMan motako sagu optikoa"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:400
msgid "Cordless Optical Mouse"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko sagu optikoa"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:406
msgid "Cordless MouseMan Optical (2ch)"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko MouseMan motako sagua (2 kanalekoa)"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:409
msgid "Cordless Optical Mouse (2ch)"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko sagu optikoa (2 kanalekoa)"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:412
msgid "Cordless Mouse (2ch)"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko sagua (2 kanalekoa)"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:415
msgid "Cordless Optical TrackMan"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko TrackMan motako sagu optikoa"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:418
msgid "MX700 Cordless Optical Mouse"
msgstr "MX700 haririk gabeko sagu optikoa"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:421
msgid "MX700 Cordless Optical Mouse (2ch)"
msgstr "MX700 haririk gabeko sagu optikoa (2 kanalekoa)"
#: logitechmouse.cpp:424
msgid "Unknown mouse"
msgstr "Sagu ezezaguna"
#: mouse.cpp:84
msgid ""
"<h1>Mouse</h1> This module allows you to choose various options for the way "
"in which your pointing device works. Your pointing device may be a mouse, "
"trackball, or some other hardware that performs a similar function."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Sagua</h1> Modulu honen bitartez zure saguaren funtzionamenduarekin "
"zerikusia duten aukera batzuk hauta ditzakezu. Tresna hori sagua, trackball-"
"a, edo antzeko lana betetzen duen beste edozein izan daiteke."
#: mouse.cpp:103
msgid "&General"
msgstr "&Orokorra"
#: mouse.cpp:108
msgid ""
"If you are left-handed, you may prefer to swap the functions of the left and "
"right buttons on your pointing device by choosing the 'left-handed' option. "
"If your pointing device has more than two buttons, only those that function "
"as the left and right buttons are affected. For example, if you have a three-"
"button mouse, the middle button is unaffected."
msgstr ""
"Ezkertia baldin bazara, zure saguaren ezker eta eskuineko botoien zereginak "
"'ezkertia' aukera hautatuz txanda ditzakezu. Zure saguak bi botoi baino "
"gehiago baditu aldaketa horrek ezker eta eskuineko botoien betebeharrei "
"baino ez die eragingo. Beraz, hiru botoidun sagua badaukazu, erdiko botoiari "
"ez dio eraginik egingo."
#: mouse.cpp:118
msgid ""
"The default behavior in TDE is to select and activate icons with a single "
"click of the left button on your pointing device. This behavior is "
"consistent with what you would expect when you click links in most web "
"browsers. If you would prefer to select with a single click, and activate "
"with a double click, check this option."
msgstr ""
"TDEren portaera lehenetsia ikonoak saguaren klikada bakar batez hautatu eta "
"aktibatzea da. Portaera honen zergatia hauxe da: web guneetako esteken "
"gainean behin klikatu ondoren espero ohi duzunarekin bat etortzea. Nahiago "
"bazenu klikada bakar batez hautatu eta bi klikadaz aktibatu, hauta ezazu "
"aukera hau."
#: mouse.cpp:126
msgid "Activates and opens a file or folder with a single click."
msgstr "Klik bakar batez fitxategi edo karpeta bat aktibatu eta irekitzen du."
#: mouse.cpp:132
msgid ""
"If you check this option, pausing the mouse pointer over an icon on the "
"screen will automatically select that icon. This may be useful when single "
"clicks activate icons, and you want only to select the icon without "
"activating it."
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau hobesten baduzu, saguaren gezia pantailako ikono baten gainean "
"pausatuz gero, ikono hori hautatua izango da. Aukera hau lagungarria izan "
"daiteke klikada bakar batek ikonoak aktibatzen dituenerako, eta ikonoa "
"aktibatu barik hautatu nahi duzunerako."
#: mouse.cpp:144
msgid ""
"If you have checked the option to automatically select icons, this slider "
"allows you to select how long the mouse pointer must be paused over the icon "
"before it is selected."
msgstr ""
"Ikonoak era automatikoan hautatuak izan daitezen aukera onartua baduzu, "
"barra graduatzaile honen bitartez saguaren gezia ikono gainean zenbat "
"denboraz geldirik egon behar duen berau hautatu arte aukera dezakezu."
#: mouse.cpp:149
msgid "Show feedback when clicking an icon"
msgstr "Erakutsi erreakzioa ikonoa klikatzean"
#: mouse.cpp:179
msgid "&Cursor Theme"
msgstr "&Kurtsorearen gaia"
#: mouse.cpp:183
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Aurreratua"
#: mouse.cpp:189
msgid "Pointer acceleration:"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen azelerazioa:"
#: mouse.cpp:194
msgid ""
"This option allows you to change the relationship between the distance that "
"the mouse pointer moves on the screen and the relative movement of the "
"physical device itself (which may be a mouse, trackball, or some other "
"pointing device.)<p> A high value for the acceleration will lead to large "
"movements of the mouse pointer on the screen even when you only make a small "
"movement with the physical device. Selecting very high values may result in "
"the mouse pointer flying across the screen, making it hard to control."
msgstr ""
"Aukera honek zure kurtsoreak pantailan zehar duen higiduraren neurriaren eta "
"eskuan daukazun saguaren higiduraren arteko erlazioa aldatzen uzten dizu "
"(berdin sagua, trackball edo kokapenerako erabiltzen den beste edozein "
"tramankulua).<p> Azeleraziorako balio handiek kurtsorearen higidura handiak "
"sortuko dituzte pantailan tramankulu fisikoarekin mugimendu txikia egin "
"arren. Balio oso haundiak hautatzeak gezia pantailan egan ibiltzea dakar, "
"berau kontrolatzea oso zaila bihurtuz!"
#: mouse.cpp:207
msgid "Pointer threshold:"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen atalasea:"
#: mouse.cpp:215
msgid ""
"The threshold is the smallest distance that the mouse pointer must move on "
"the screen before acceleration has any effect. If the movement is smaller "
"than the threshold, the mouse pointer moves as if the acceleration was set "
"to 1X;<p> thus, when you make small movements with the physical device, "
"there is no acceleration at all, giving you a greater degree of control over "
"the mouse pointer. With larger movements of the physical device, you can "
"move the mouse pointer rapidly to different areas on the screen."
msgstr ""
"Atalasea kurtsore batek, azelerazioaren eraginaren aurretik, ibili behar "
"duen tarte txikiena da. Higidura atalasea baino txikiagoa bada, gezia 1X "
"balioko azelerazioa ezarrita baleuka bezala mugituko da.<p>Gauzak honela, "
"tramankulu fisikoarekin higidura motzak egiterakoan, ez da inolako "
"azeleraziorik izango, saguaren geziaren gain kontrol haundiagoa edukiko "
"duzularik. Tramankulu fisikoaren higidura haundiagoarekin saguaren gezia "
"pantailaren alde batetik bestera bizkortasunez higituko da."
#: mouse.cpp:227
msgid "Double click interval:"
msgstr "Klik bikotzaren bitartea:"
#: mouse.cpp:229 mouse.cpp:278 mouse.cpp:332 mouse.cpp:340 mouse.cpp:349
msgid " msec"
msgstr " mseg"
#: mouse.cpp:234
msgid ""
"The double click interval is the maximal time (in milliseconds) between two "
"mouse clicks which turns them into a double click. If the second click "
"happens later than this time interval after the first click, they are "
"recognized as two separate clicks."
msgstr ""
"Klik bikoitzaren bitartea sagu batek behar duen bi klikadaren arteko denbora "
"luzeena da klik bikoitz bihurtzeko. Bigarren klikada epe horren ostean "
"gertatzen bada, elkarrekin zerikusirik ez duten klikadatzat joak izango dira."
#: mouse.cpp:244
msgid "Double-click on the image below to test your double-click interval:"
msgstr ""
#: mouse.cpp:246
msgid ""
"<p>The image will change when your double-click test time is less than or "
"equal to the interval you configured. For example, if you configure a double-"
"click interval of 700 milliseconds the image will not change when the time "
"between two successive clicks on the image is 800 milliseconds, but the "
"image will change when the time between clicks is 600 milliseconds. The goal "
"is to select a comfortable interval that you find is not too fast or slow.</"
"p> <p>When changing the interval it is not necessary to push the <i>Apply</"
"i> button before testing.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: mouse.cpp:276
msgid "Drag start time:"
msgstr "Arrastatzen hasteko epea:"
#: mouse.cpp:283
msgid ""
"If you click with the mouse (e.g. in a multi-line editor) and begin to move "
"the mouse within the drag start time, a drag operation will be initiated."
msgstr ""
"Saguarekin klik egin eta arrastatzen hasteko epearen barruan mugitzen hasiz "
"gero, arrastatze ekintza hasiko da."
#: mouse.cpp:289
msgid "Drag start distance:"
msgstr "Arrastatze tartearen hasiera:"
#: mouse.cpp:297
msgid ""
"If you click with the mouse and begin to move the mouse at least the drag "
"start distance, a drag operation will be initiated."
msgstr ""
"Saguaz klikatu eta gutxienez 'Arrastatze tartearen hasiera' besteko "
"distantzia mugituz gero. arrastatze eragiketa hasiko da."
#: mouse.cpp:303
msgid "Mouse wheel scrolls by:"
msgstr "Saguaren gurpilaren higidura:"
#: mouse.cpp:311
msgid ""
"If you use the wheel of a mouse, this value determines the number of lines "
"to scroll for each wheel movement. Note that if this number exceeds the "
"number of visible lines, it will be ignored and the wheel movement will be "
"handled as a page up/down movement."
msgstr ""
"Saguaren gurpila erabiltzen baduzu, balio honek gurpilaren higidura "
"bakoitzean zenbat lerro gora edo beherantz mugitzen den zehazten du. Balio "
"hau ikus daitezkeen lerroen kopurua baino haundiagoa bada, ez zaio jaramonik "
"egingo eta gurpilaren higidura orria gora eta behera eramateko mugimendutzat "
"joko da."
#: mouse.cpp:317
msgid "Mouse Navigation"
msgstr "Sagu bitarteko nabigazioa"
#: mouse.cpp:325
msgid "&Move pointer with keyboard (using the num pad)"
msgstr "&Mugitu sagua teklatuaz (zenbakidun teklatua erabiliz)"
#: mouse.cpp:331
msgid "&Acceleration delay:"
msgstr "&Azelerazioaren atzerapena:"
#: mouse.cpp:339
msgid "R&epeat interval:"
msgstr "&Errepikatze tartea:"
#: mouse.cpp:347
msgid "Acceleration &time:"
msgstr "Azelerazio &denbora:"
#: mouse.cpp:355
msgid "Ma&ximum speed:"
msgstr "Ge&hieneko abiadura:"
#: mouse.cpp:357
msgid " pixel/sec"
msgstr " pixel/sek"
#: mouse.cpp:363
msgid "Acceleration &profile:"
msgstr "Azelerazio &profila:"
#: mouse.cpp:436
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Sagua"
#: mouse.cpp:437
msgid "(c) 1997 - 2005 Mouse developers"
msgstr "(c) 1997 - 2005 saguaren garatzaileak"
#: mouse.cpp:769 mouse.cpp:774
msgid ""
"_n: pixel\n"
" pixels"
msgstr ""
" pixel\n"
" pixel"
#: mouse.cpp:779
msgid ""
"_n: line\n"
" lines"
msgstr ""
" lerro\n"
" lerro"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:79
msgid "XFree theme %1 - incomplete for TDE"
msgstr ""
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:80
msgid "No description available"
msgstr "Ez dago azalpen erabilgarririk"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:91
msgid "Select the cursor theme you want to use (hover preview to test cursor):"
msgstr "Hauta ezazu kurtsorearekin erabili nahi duzun gaia:"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:111
msgid "Install New Theme..."
msgstr "Instalatu gai berria..."
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:112
msgid "Remove Theme"
msgstr "Ezabatu gaia"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:219
msgid "Drag or Type Theme URL"
msgstr "Arrastatu edo idatzi gaiaren URLa"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:228
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find the cursor theme archive %1."
msgstr "Ezinezkoa da kurtsorearen gaia duen %1 artxiboa aurkitu."
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:230
msgid ""
"Unable to download the cursor theme archive; please check that the address "
"%1 is correct."
msgstr ""
"Ezinezkoa da kurtsorearen gaia duen artxiboa jeitsi. Begira ezazu ea %1 "
"helbidea zuzena den."
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:238
msgid "The file %1 does not appear to be a valid cursor theme archive."
msgstr "Ez dirudi %1 fitxategia kurtsore gaia fitxategi balioduna denik."
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:247
msgid ""
"<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the <strong>%1</strong> cursor theme?"
"<br>This will delete all the files installed by this theme.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Seguru zaude <strong>%1</strong> kurtsore gaia ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"<br>Horren ondorioz gai horrek instalatutako fitxategi guztiak ezabatu "
"egingo lirateke."
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:253
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Berrespena"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:307
msgid ""
"A theme named %1 already exists in your icon theme folder. Do you want "
"replace it with this one?"
msgstr "%1 izeneko gaia badago zure gai-ikonoen karpetan. Ordeztu nahi duzu?"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:309
msgid "Overwrite Theme?"
msgstr "Gainidatzi gaia?"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:544
msgid "No theme"
msgstr "Gairik ez"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:544
msgid "The old classic X cursors"
msgstr "X kurtsore klasikoak"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:546
msgid "System theme"
msgstr "Sistemaren gaia"
#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:546
msgid "Do not change cursor theme"
msgstr "Ez aldatu kurtsoaren gaia"
#: kmousedlg.ui:16
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "KMouseDlg"
msgstr "Sagua"
#: kmousedlg.ui:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "Button Order"
msgstr "Botoien ordena"
#: kmousedlg.ui:92
#, no-c-format
msgid "Righ&t handed"
msgstr "&Eskuina"
#: kmousedlg.ui:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Le&ft handed"
msgstr "E&zkertia"
#: kmousedlg.ui:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Re&verse scroll direction"
msgstr "A&lderantzizko higidura polaritatea"
#: kmousedlg.ui:138
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Change the direction of scrolling for the mouse wheel, if present."
msgstr ""
"Aldatu sagu-gurpiltxoaren higiduraren norabidea, edo saguaren 4. eta 5. "
#: kmousedlg.ui:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Swap &history navigation buttons"
msgstr ""
#: kmousedlg.ui:149
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Swap the two history navigation buttons on the mouse, if present."
msgstr ""
"Aldatu sagu-gurpiltxoaren higiduraren norabidea, edo saguaren 4. eta 5. "
#: kmousedlg.ui:157
#, no-c-format
msgid "Icons"
msgstr "Ikonoak"
#: kmousedlg.ui:168
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dou&ble-click to open files and folders (select icons on first click)"
msgstr ""
"Klik &bikoitzak fitxategi eta karpetak irekitzen ditu (ikonoak aurreneko "
"klikadaz hautatu)"
#: kmousedlg.ui:193
#, no-c-format
msgid "Visual f&eedback on activation"
msgstr "Piztean ikust&eko bezalako feedback-a"
#: kmousedlg.ui:201
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cha&nge pointer shape over icons"
msgstr "Aldatu kurtsorearen &itxura ikono baten gainetik igarotzean"
#: kmousedlg.ui:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "A&utomatically select icons"
msgstr "Hautatu ikonoak a&utomatikoki"
#: kmousedlg.ui:245
#, no-c-format
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Txikia"
#: kmousedlg.ui:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dela&y:"
msgstr "&Atzerapena:"
#: kmousedlg.ui:298
#, no-c-format
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Luzea"
#: kmousedlg.ui:330
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Single-click to open files and folders"
msgstr "Klik &soil batek karpeta eta fitxategiak irekitzen ditu"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:24
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cordless Name"
msgstr "Haririk gabeko izena"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:32
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"You have a Logitech Mouse connected, and libusb was found at compile time, "
"but it was not possible to access this mouse. This is probably caused by a "
"permissions problem - you should consult the manual on how to fix this."
msgstr ""
"Logitech sagua konektatu duzu eta libusb aurkitu da baina ezin izan da sagu "
"hau atzitu. Hau, seguru aski, baimenengatik da - eskuliburua irakurri "
"beharko duzu arazo hau konpontzeko."
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sensor Resolution"
msgstr "Sentsorearen bereizmena"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "400 counts per inch"
msgstr "400 puntu hazbeteko"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "800 counts per inch"
msgstr "800 puntu hazbeteko"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:87
#, no-c-format
msgid "Battery Level"
msgstr "Bateriaren maila"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "RF Channel"
msgstr "RF kanala"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel 1"
msgstr "1. kanala"
#: logitechmouse_base.ui:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel 2"
msgstr "2. kanala"
#~ msgid " pixels"
#~ msgstr " pixel"
#~ msgid " lines"
#~ msgstr " lerro"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Change the direction of scrolling for the mouse wheel or the 4th and 5th "
#~ "mouse buttons."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aldatu sagu-gurpiltxoaren higiduraren norabidea, edo saguaren 4. eta 5. "
#~ "botoiena."
#, fuzzy
#~| msgid ""
#~| "Change the direction of scrolling for the mouse wheel or the 4th and 5th "
#~| "mouse buttons."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Swap the two history navigation buttons on the mouse (8th and 9th mouse "
#~ "button)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aldatu sagu-gurpiltxoaren higiduraren norabidea, edo saguaren 4. eta 5. "
#~ "botoiena."