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# translation of kbackgammon.po to Slovenian
# Translation of kbackgammon.po to Slovenian
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# $Id: kbackgammon.po 640772 2007-03-09 05:27:14Z scripty $
# $Source$
# Gregor Rakar <>, 2001.
# Gregor Rakar <>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
# Jure Repinc <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kbackgammon\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-09 02:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-27 02:55+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jure Repinc <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
#: kbg.cpp:78
msgid "Open Board"
msgstr "Odprta plošča"
#: kbg.cpp:79
msgid "FIBS"
msgstr "FIBS"
#: kbg.cpp:80
msgid "GNU Backgammon (Experimental)"
msgstr "GNU Backgammon (poskusno)"
#: kbg.cpp:81
msgid "Next Generation (Experimental)"
msgstr "Nova generacija (poskusno)"
#: kbg.cpp:83
msgid "FIBS Home"
msgstr "Dom FIBS"
#: kbg.cpp:86
msgid "Backgammon Rules"
msgstr "Pravila backgammona"
#: kbg.cpp:108
msgid "&Engine"
msgstr "Po&gon"
#: kbg.cpp:124
msgid "Double Cube"
msgstr "Podvojena kocka"
#: kbg.cpp:133
msgid "&Backgammon on the Web"
msgstr "&Backgammon v spletu"
#: kbg.cpp:145
msgid "Command: "
msgstr "Ukaz: "
#: kbg.cpp:182
msgid ""
"This area contains the status messages for the game. Most of these messages are "
"sent to you from the current engine."
msgstr ""
"To področje vsebuje statusna sporočila za igro. Večina teh sporočil je poslanih "
"iz tega pogona."
#: kbg.cpp:186
msgid ""
"This is the command line. You can type special commands related to the current "
"engine in here. Most relevant commands are also available through the menus."
msgstr ""
"To je ukazna vrstica. Lahko vnesete posebne ukaze, ustrezne za tukajšni pogon. "
"Večina ustreznih ukazov je na voljo tudi preko menijev."
#: kbg.cpp:191
msgid ""
"This is the button bar tool bar. It gives you easy access to game related "
"commands. You can drag the bar to a different location within the window."
msgstr ""
"To je orodjarna z gumbi. Daje vam lahek dostop do ukazov, povezanih z igro. "
"Orodjarno lahko povlečete na drugo mesto znotraj okna."
#: kbg.cpp:196
msgid ""
"This is the status bar. It shows you the currently selected engine in the left "
msgstr "To je statusna vrstica. Prikazuje trenutno izbran pogon v levem kotu."
#: kbg.cpp:509
msgid "General"
msgstr "Splošno"
#: kbg.cpp:509
#, c-format
msgid "Here you can configure general settings of %1"
msgstr "Tu lahko opravite splošne nastavitve za %1"
#: kbg.cpp:516
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Sporočila"
#: kbg.cpp:517
msgid "Timer"
msgstr "Časomerilec"
#: kbg.cpp:518
msgid "Autosave"
msgstr "Samoshranjevanje"
#: kbg.cpp:519
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Dogodki"
#: kbg.cpp:524
msgid ""
"After you finished your moves, they have to be sent to the engine. You can "
"either do that manually (in which case you should not enable this feature), or "
"you can specify an amount of time that has to pass before the move is "
"committed. If you undo a move during the timeout, the timeout will be reset and "
"restarted once you finish the move. This is very useful if you would like to "
"review the result of your move."
msgstr ""
"Ko končate svoje poteze, se morajo poslati pogonu. To lahko naredite ročno (v "
"tem primeru ne nastavite te možnosti) ali pa določite čas, ki mora preteči, "
"preden je poteza sporočena naprej. Če razveljavite potezo med zakasnitvijo, se "
"zakasnitev resetira in ponovno požene, ko opravite potezo. To je zelo uporabno, "
"če bi radi še enkrat premislili rezultate vaše poteze."
#: kbg.cpp:531
msgid "Enable timeout"
msgstr "Omogoči zakasnitev"
#: kbg.cpp:536
msgid "Move timeout in seconds:"
msgstr "Zakasnitev za potezo v sekundah:"
#: kbg.cpp:549
msgid ""
"Check the box to enable all the messages that you have previously disabled by "
"choosing the \"Don't show this message again\" option."
msgstr ""
"Izberite to možnost, če želite vnovič omogočiti prikaz vseh sporočil, ki ste "
"jih prej izključili z izbiro »Ne prikaži več tega sporočila«."
#: kbg.cpp:553
msgid "Reenable all messages"
msgstr "Vnovič omogoči vsa sporočila"
#: kbg.cpp:559
msgid ""
"Check the box to automatically save all window positions on program exit. They "
"will be restored at next start."
msgstr ""
"Izberite to možnost, če želite ob izhodu samodejno shraniti položaje vseh oken. "
"Ob naslednjem zagonu se bodo ta spet obnovila."
#: kbg.cpp:563
msgid "Save settings on exit"
msgstr "Ob izhodu shrani nastavitve"
#: kbg.cpp:570
msgid ""
"Event notification of %1 is configured as part of the system-wide notification "
"process. Click here, and you will be able to configure system sounds, etc."
msgstr ""
"Obvestilo o dogodku %1 je nastavljeno kot del sistemskega procesa obveščanja. "
"Kliknite tu, in lahko boste nastavili sistemske zvoke itd."
#: kbg.cpp:577
msgid "Klick here to configure the event notification"
msgstr "Kliknite tu, če želite nastaviti obveščanje ob dogodku"
#: kbg.cpp:649
#, c-format
msgid "Print %1"
msgstr "Natisni %1"
#: kbg.cpp:671
msgid ""
"You can enable the menubar again with the right mouse button menu of the board."
msgstr ""
"Menijsko vrstico lahko spet obnovite prek menija, ki ga dobite, če z desno "
"tipko miške kliknete ploščo."
#: kbgboard.cpp:131
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Plošča"
#: kbgboard.cpp:131
msgid "Here you can configure the backgammon board"
msgstr "Tu lahko nastavite igralno ploščo za backgammon"
#: kbgboard.cpp:150
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Barve"
#: kbgboard.cpp:151
msgid "Short Moves"
msgstr "Kratki premiki"
#: kbgboard.cpp:164
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Ozadje:"
#: kbgboard.cpp:167
msgid "Color 1"
msgstr "Barva 1"
#: kbgboard.cpp:170
msgid "Color 2"
msgstr "Barva 2"
#: kbgboard.cpp:192
msgid "&Disable short moves. Only drag and drop will move."
msgstr "&Onemogoči kratke premike. Premakne samo povleci-in-spusti."
#: kbgboard.cpp:193
msgid ""
"&Single clicks with the left mouse button will\n"
"move a checker the shortest possible distance."
msgstr ""
"&Enojni klik z levim miškinim gumbom bo\n"
"premaknil figuro za najkrajšo možno razdaljo."
#: kbgboard.cpp:195
msgid ""
"D&ouble clicks with the left mouse button will\n"
"move a checker the shortest possible distance."
msgstr ""
"&Dvojni klik z levim miškinim gumbom bo\n"
"premaknil figuro za najkrajšo možno razdaljo."
#: kbgboard.cpp:210
msgid "Show pip count in title bar"
msgstr "Štej v naslovni letvi"
#: kbgboard.cpp:223
msgid "&Board"
msgstr "&Plošča"
#: kbgboard.cpp:245
msgid "&Font"
msgstr "&Pisava"
#: kbgboard.cpp:383
msgid "Set Cube Values"
msgstr "Nastavi kockine vrednosti"
#: kbgboard.cpp:394
msgid ""
"Set the face value of the cube and select who should be able to\n"
"double. Note that a face value of 1 automatically allows both\n"
"players to double."
msgstr ""
"Nastavi nominalno vrednost kocke in izbere tistega, ki bo\n"
"lahko v paru. Vedite, da nominalna vrednost 1 samodejno\n"
"dovoljuje igranje v paru."
#: kbgboard.cpp:446
msgid "Lower Player"
msgstr "Spodnji igralec"
#: kbgboard.cpp:447
msgid "Upper Player"
msgstr "Zgornji igralec"
#: kbgboard.cpp:448
msgid "Open Cube"
msgstr "Odpri kocko"
#: kbgboard.cpp:533
msgid "Set Dice Values"
msgstr "Nastavi vrednosti kock"
#: kbgboard.cpp:544
msgid ""
"Set the face values of the selected dice. The other player's\n"
"dice will be cleared and it will be the dice's owner's turn."
msgstr ""
"Nastavi vrednost polj izbrane kocke. Kocka drugega\n"
"igralca bo počiščena, poteza pa bo na lastniku kocke."
#: kbgboard.cpp:1616
msgid ""
"This is the bar of the backgammon board.\n"
"Checkers that have been kicked from the board are put on the bar and remain "
"there until they can be put back on the board. Checkers can be moved by "
"dragging them to their destination or by using the 'short move' feature.\n"
"If the cube hasn't been doubled yet and if it can be used, its face shows 64 "
"and if the cube can be doubled, double clicking it will do so."
msgstr ""
"To je črta plošče backgammona.\n"
"Figure, ki so bile odstranjene iz plošče, so postavljene na črto in ostanejo "
"tam, dokler niso lahko postavljene nazaj na ploščo. Figure se lahko premikajo s "
"vlečenjem ali pa z uporabo možnosti »kratkega premika«.\n"
"Če kocka še ni bila podvojena in če je lahko uporabljena, potem njen obraz kaže "
"64, če pa je lahko podvojena, potem bo dvojni klik to naredil."
#: kbgboard.cpp:1633
msgid ""
"This is a regular field of the backgammon board.\n"
"Checkers can be placed on this field and if the current state of the game and "
"the dice permit this, they can be moved by dragging them to their destination "
"or by using the 'short move' feature."
msgstr ""
"To je običajno polje za ploščo backgammona.\n"
"Figure so lahko postavljene na to polje in če stanje igre in kock to dovoljuje, "
"se lahko premaknejo s potegom proti njihovim smerem ali z uporabo možnosti "
"»kratkega premika«."
#: kbgboard.cpp:1647
msgid ""
"This part of the backgammon board is the home.\n"
"Depending on the direction of the game, one of the homes contains the dice and "
"the other one contains checkers that have been moved off the board. Checkers "
"can never be moved away from the home. If this home contains the dice and the "
"current state of the game permits this, double clicking on the dice will roll "
"them. Moreover, the cube might be placed on the home bar and if it can be "
"doubled, double clicking it will do so."
msgstr ""
"Ta del plošče backgammona je dom.\n"
"Odvisno od smeri igre, eden od domov vsebuje kocke in drugi vsebuje figure, ki "
"so bile odmaknjene iz plošče. Če ta dom vsebuje kocke in da trenutno stanje "
"igre to dovoljuje, potem dvakratni klik na kocke vrže kocke. Poleg tega je "
"lahko kocka postavljena na domačo črto in če je lahko podvojena, bo dvojni klik "
"to tudi naredil."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:203
msgid "%1 user"
msgstr "%1 uporabnik"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:205
msgid "Kibitz to watchers and players"
msgstr "Zapleci opazovalcem in igralcem"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:207
msgid "Whisper to watchers only"
msgstr "Prišepni le opazovalcem"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:222
msgid "Chat Window"
msgstr "Klepetalno okno"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:224
msgid ""
"This is the chat window.\n"
"The text in this window is colored depending on whether it is directed at you "
"personally, shouted to the general FIBS population, has been said by you, or is "
"of general interest. If you select the name of a player, the context contains "
"entries specifically geared towards that player."
msgstr ""
"To je okno za klepet.\n"
"Besedilo v tem oknu je obarvano glede na to, ali je namenjeno vam osebno, "
"klicano splošni populaciji FIBS, ste ga vi povedali ali je v splošnem interesu. "
"Če izberete ime igralca, besedilo potem vsebuje vnose, ki so namenjeni prav "
"temu igralcu."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:233
msgid "Info On"
msgstr "Podatki o"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:237
msgid "Talk To"
msgstr "Govori z"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:242 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:308
msgid "Use Dialog"
msgstr "Uporabi pogovorno okno"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:244 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:310
msgid "1 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:246 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:312
msgid "2 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 2"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:248 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:314
msgid "3 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 3"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:250 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:316
msgid "4 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 4"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:252 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:318
msgid "5 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 5"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:254 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:320
msgid "6 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 6"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:256 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:322
msgid "7 Point Match"
msgstr "Igra do 7"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:258 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:324
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Neomejeno"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:260 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:326
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Nadaljuj"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:280
msgid "Gag"
msgstr "Priduši"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:281
msgid "Ungag"
msgstr "Odduši"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:282
msgid "Clear Gag List"
msgstr "Počisti seznam pridušenih"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:286
msgid "Silent"
msgstr "Tih"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:364
msgid "Select users to be removed from the gag list."
msgstr "Izberite uporabnike, ki naj se odstranijo s seznama pridušenih."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:366
msgid ""
"Select all the users you want to remove from the gag list and then click OK. "
"Afterwards you will again hear what they shout."
msgstr ""
"Izberite vse uporabnike, ki bi jih radi odstranili iz seznama pridušenih in "
"kliknite V redu. Potem boste spet slišali, kaj kličejo."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:381
msgid "&Gag List"
msgstr "Seznam pri&dušenih"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:453 engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:479
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:686 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:573
#, c-format
msgid "Talk to %1"
msgstr "Govori z %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:552
msgid "<u>%1 tells you:</u> %2"
msgstr "<u>%1 vam pravi:</u> %2"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:561
msgid "<u>%1 shouts:</u> %2"
msgstr "<u>%1 kliče:</u> %2"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:569
msgid "<u>%1 whispers:</u> %2"
msgstr "<u>%1 šepeta:</u> %2"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:578
msgid "<u>%1 kibitzes:</u> %2"
msgstr "<u>%1 zaplečuje:</u> %2"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:586
msgid "<u>You tell %1:</u> %2"
msgstr "<u>Vi pravite %1:</u> %2"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:593
#, c-format
msgid "<u>You shout:</u> %1"
msgstr "<u>Vi kličete:</u> %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:600
#, c-format
msgid "<u>You whisper:</u> %1"
msgstr "<u>Vi šepetate:</u> %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:607
#, c-format
msgid "<u>You kibitz:</u> %1"
msgstr "<u>Vi zaplečujete:</u> %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:618
msgid "<u>User %1 left a message at %2</u>: %3"
msgstr "<u>Uporabnik %1 je na %2 pustil sporočilo:</u> %3"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:625
msgid "Your message for %1 has been delivered."
msgstr "Vaše sporočilo za %1 je bilo dostavljeno."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:632
msgid "Your message for %1 has been saved."
msgstr "Vaše sporočilo za %1 je bilo shranjeno."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:649
msgid "<u>You say to yourself:</u> "
msgstr "<u>Sami pri sebi pravite:</u>"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:689 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:572
#, c-format
msgid "Info on %1"
msgstr "Podatki o %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:693 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:590
#, c-format
msgid "Invite %1"
msgstr "Povabi %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:698
#, c-format
msgid "Gag %1"
msgstr "Priduši %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:701
#, c-format
msgid "Ungag %1"
msgstr "Odduši %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:730
msgid "The gag list is now empty."
msgstr "Seznam pridušenih je zdaj prazen."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:744
msgid "You won't hear what %1 says and shouts."
msgstr "Ne boste slišali, kaj pravi in kliče %1."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:766
msgid "You will again hear what %1 says and shouts."
msgstr "Spet boste slišali, kaj pravi in kliče %1."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:788
msgid "You will not hear what people shout."
msgstr "Ne boste slišali, kaj kličejo ljudje."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibschat.cpp:790
msgid "You will hear what people shout."
msgstr "Slišali boste, kaj kličejo ljudje."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:210
msgid "FIBS Engine"
msgstr "Pogon FIBS"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:210
msgid "Here you can configure the FIBS backgammon engine"
msgstr "Tu lahko nastavite pogon FIBS za igranje backgammona"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:228
msgid "Automatic Messages"
msgstr "Samodejna sporočila"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:236
msgid "Show copy of personal messages in main window"
msgstr "Pokaži kopijo svojega sporočila v glavnem oknu"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:237
msgid "Automatically request player info on invitation"
msgstr "Samodejno zaprosi za podatke o igralcu, če povabi"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:239
msgid ""
"Usually, all messages sent directly to you by other players are displayed only "
"in the chat window. Check this box if you would like to get a copy of these "
"messages in the main window."
msgstr ""
"Običajno se vsa sporočila, neposredno poslana vam od drugih igralcev, prikažejo "
"v klepetalnem oknu. Označite to izbiro, če želite dobiti kopijo teh sporočil v "
"glavnem oknu."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:242
msgid ""
"Check this box if you would like to receive information on players that invite "
"you to games."
msgstr ""
"Označite to izbiro, če želite prejemati podatke o ogralcih, ki vas povabijo k "
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:257
msgid "Start match:"
msgstr "Začetek igre: "
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:258
msgid "Win match:"
msgstr "Dobljena igra: "
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:259
msgid "Lose match:"
msgstr "Izgubljena igra: "
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:261
msgid ""
"If you want to send a standard greeting to your opponent whenever you start a "
"new match, check this box and write the message into the entry field."
msgstr ""
"Če želite poslati običajen pozdrav vsakič, ko pričnete novo igro, označite to "
"izbiro in napišite sporočilo v vnosno polje."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:265
msgid ""
"If you want to send a standard message to your opponent whenever you won a "
"match, check this box and write the message into the entry field."
msgstr ""
"Če želite poslati običajno sporočilo vsakič, ko pričnete dobite igro, označite "
"to izbiro in napišite sporočilo v vnosno polje."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:268
msgid ""
"If you want to send a standard message to your opponent whenever you lost a "
"match, check this box and write the message into the entry field."
msgstr ""
"Če želite poslati običajno sporočilo vsakič, ko pričnete izgubite igro, "
"označite to izbiro in napišite sporočilo v vnosno polje."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:286
msgid "&Local"
msgstr "&Krajevno"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:295
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Strežnik"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:296
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Drugo"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:308
msgid "Server name:"
msgstr "Ime strežnika:"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:309
msgid "Server port:"
msgstr "Vrata strežnika:"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:310
msgid "User name:"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime:"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:311
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Geslo:"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:320
msgid ""
"Enter here the host name of FIBS. With almost absolute certainty this should be "
"\"\". If you leave this blank, you will be asked again at connection "
msgstr ""
"Tukaj vnesite ime gostitelja FIBS. Skoraj zagotovo bi to moral biti »«. "
"Če pustite to prazno, boste spet vprašani ob povezovanju."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:324
msgid ""
"Enter here the port number of FIBS. With almost absolute certainty this should "
"be \"4321\". If you leave this blank, you will be asked again at connection "
msgstr ""
"Tukaj vnesite številko vrat FIBS. Skoraj zagotovo bi to morala biti »4321«. Če "
"pustite to prazno, boste spet vprašani ob povezovanju."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:328
msgid ""
"Enter your login on FIBS here. If you do not have a login yet, you should first "
"create an account using the corresponding menu entry. If you leave this blank, "
"you will be asked again at connection time."
msgstr ""
"Tukaj vnesite svoje prijavno ime na FIBS. Če še nimate urejene prijave, potem "
"morate najprej ustvariti račun z uporabo ustreznega vnosa v menuju. Če pustite "
"to prazno, boste spet vprašani ob povezovanju."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:332
msgid ""
"Enter your password on FIBS here. If you do not have a login yet, you should "
"first create an account using the corresponding menu entry. If you leave this "
"blank, you will be asked again at connection time. The password will not be "
msgstr ""
"Tukaj vnesite svoje geslo na FIBS. Če še nimate urejene prijave, potem morate "
"najprej ustvariti račun z uporabo ustreznega vnosa v menuju. Če pustite to "
"prazno, boste spet vprašani ob povezovanju."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:341
msgid "Keep connections alive"
msgstr "Obdrži povezave žive"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:343
msgid ""
"Usually, FIBS drops the connection after one hour of inactivity. When you check "
"this box, %1 will try to keep the connection alive, even if you are not "
"actually playing or chatting. Use this with caution if you do not have "
"flat-rate Internet access."
msgstr ""
"FIBS navadno spusti povezavo po eni uri neaktivnosti. Če izberete to možnost, "
"bo %1 skušal obdržati povezavo živo, tudi če v resnici ne igrate ali se "
"pomenkujete. To uporabljajte previdno, če za internet ne plačujete pavšalno."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:357
msgid "&Connection"
msgstr "&Povezava"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:369
msgid "&Buddy List"
msgstr "&Seznam kolegov"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:434
msgid ""
"_: R means resume\n"
"%1 (R)"
msgstr "%1 (N)"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:435
msgid ""
"%1 (experience %2, rating %3) wants to resume a saved match with you. If you "
"want to play, use the corresponding menu entry to join (or type 'join %4')."
msgstr ""
"%1 (izkušnje %2, rating %3) želi nadaljevati shranjeno igro z vami. Če želite "
"igrati, uporabite ustrezno postavko v menuju in se mu pridružite (ali pa "
"napišite »join %4«)."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:438
msgid "%1 wants to resume a saved match with you"
msgstr "%1 želi nadaljevati shranjeno igro z vami."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:441
msgid ""
"_: U means unlimited\n"
"%1 (U)"
msgstr "%1 (O)"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:442
msgid ""
"%1 (experience %2, rating %3) wants to play an unlimited match with you. If you "
"want to play, use the corresponding menu entry to join (or type 'join %4')."
msgstr ""
"%1 (izkušnje %2, rating %3) želi z vami igrati igro brez omejitev. Če želite "
"igrati, uporabite ustrezen vnos v menuju za pridružitev (ali pa natipkajte "
"»join %4«)."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:445
msgid "%1 has invited you to an unlimited match"
msgstr "%1 vas je povabil(a) na neomejeno igro"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:450
msgid ""
"_: If the format of the (U) and (R) strings is changed, it should also be "
"changed here\n"
"%1 (%2)"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:451
msgid ""
"%1 (experience %2, rating %3) wants to play a %4 point match with you. If you "
"want to play, use the corresponding menu entry to join (or type 'join %5')."
msgstr ""
"%1 (izkušnje %2, rating %3) želi z vami igrati igro na %4 točke. Če želite "
"igrati, uporabite ustrezen vnos v menuju za pridružitev (ali pa natipkajte "
"»join %5«)."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:454
msgid "%1 has invited you for a %2 point match"
msgstr "%1 vas je povabil(a) na igro do %2 točkl"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:645
msgid "Still connected. Log out first?"
msgstr "Še vedno ste povezani. Se želite najprej odjaviti?"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:645
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Odjavi se"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:645
msgid "Stay Connected"
msgstr "Ostani povezan"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:732
msgid ""
"Please type the message that should be displayed to other\n"
"users while you are away."
msgstr ""
"Napišite sporočilo, ki naj bo prikazano drugim uporabnikom\n"
"medtem ko niste prisotni."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:880
#, c-format
msgid "Looking up %1"
msgstr "Iskanje se %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:891
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to %1"
msgstr "Povezovanje s %1"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:901
msgid "Error, connection has been refused"
msgstr "Napaka, povezava je bila zavrnjena"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:904
msgid "Error, nonexistent host or name server down."
msgstr "Napaka, gostitelj ne obstaja ali pa ne deluje imenski strežnik."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:907
msgid "Error, reading data from socket"
msgstr "Napaka pri branju z vtičnice"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:982
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Povezan"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1027
msgid "Disconnected."
msgstr "Prekinjeno."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1053
msgid ""
"Enter the name of the server you want to connect to.\n"
"This should almost always be \"\"."
msgstr ""
"Vnesite ime strežnika, s katerim se želite povezati.\n"
"Skoraj zagotovo bi to moral biti »«."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1065
msgid ""
"Enter the port number on the server. It should almost always be \"4321\"."
msgstr ""
"Vnesite številko vrat na strežniku. Skoraj zagotovo bi to morala biti »4321«."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1078
msgid ""
"Enter the login you would like to use on the server %1. The login may not\n"
"contain spaces or colons. If the login you choose is not available, you'll "
"later be\n"
"given the opportunity to pick another one.\n"
msgstr ""
"Vnesite prijavno ime, ki bi ga radi uporabljali v strežniku %1.\n"
"Prijavno ime ne sme vsebovati presledkov ali dvopičij. Če izbrano\n"
"prijavno ime ni na voljo, boste kasneje imeli priložnost vzeti kako drugo.\n"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1084
msgid ""
"Enter your login on the server %1. If you don't have a login, you\n"
"should create one using the corresponding menu option.\n"
msgstr ""
"Vnesite vaše prijavno ime v strežniku %1. Če nimate prijavnega imena,\n"
"si ga ustvarite z uporabo ustretnega vnosa v menuju.\n"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1093
msgid "The login may not contain spaces or colons!"
msgstr "Prijavno ime ne sme vsebovati presledkov ali dvopičij!"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1108
msgid ""
"Enter the password you would like to use with the login %1\n"
"on the server %2. It may not contain colons.\n"
msgstr ""
"Vnesite geslo, ki bi ga radi uporabili pri prijavi z imenom %1\n"
"v strežniku %2. Geslo ne sme vsebovati dvopičij.\n"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1114
msgid ""
"Enter the password for the login %1 on the server %2.\n"
msgstr ""
"Vnesite geslo za prijavo %1 v strežnik %2.\n"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1129
msgid "The password may not contain colons or spaces!"
msgstr "Geslo ne sme vsebovati dvopičij ali presledkov!"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1403
msgid ""
"There was a problem with your login and password. You can reenter\n"
"your login and password and try to reconnect."
msgstr ""
"Nastal je problem z vašim prijavnim imenom in geslom. Poskusite\n"
"ponovno vnesti svoje prijavno ime in geslo in se poskusite povezati."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1408
msgid "Wrong Login/Password"
msgstr "Napačna prijava/geslo"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1409
msgid "Reconnect"
msgstr "Znova poveži"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1438
msgid "%1, last logged in from %2 at %3."
msgstr "%1, zadnjič prijavljen na %3 iz %2."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1509
msgid "The moreboards toggle has been set."
msgstr "Izbira za več plošč ni bila izbrana."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1516
msgid "The notify toggle has been set."
msgstr "Izbira za obveščanje ni nastavljena."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1523
msgid "The report toggle has been set."
msgstr "Izbira za poročila ni nastavljena."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1571
msgid "The selected login is alreay in use! Please select another one."
msgstr "Izbrano prijavno ime je že v uporabi! Izberite kakšno drugo."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1579
msgid ""
"The login may not contain spaces or colons!"
msgstr ""
"Prijavno ime ne sme vsebovati presledkov ali dvopičij!"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1611
msgid ""
"Your account has been created. Your new login is <u>%1</u>"
". To fully activate this account, I will now close the connection. Once you "
"reconnect, you can start playing backgammon on FIBS."
msgstr ""
"Vaš račun je ustvarjen. Vaše novo prijavno ime je <u>%1</u>"
". Da bi polno aktivirali ta račun, se bo zdaj povezava zaprla. Ko se boste "
"vnovič povezali, boste lahko začeli igrati backgammon na FIBS."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1739
msgid "%1 (%2) vs. %3 (%4) - game over"
msgstr "%1 (%2) vs. %3 (%4) - konec igre"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1742
msgid "%1 (%2) vs. %3 (%4) - unlimited match"
msgstr "%1 (%2) vs. %3 (%4) - neomejena igra"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1745
msgid "%1 (%2) vs. %3 (%4) - %5 point match"
msgstr "%1 (%2) vs. %3 (%4) - %5 igra na točke"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1771
msgid "Please make your move"
msgstr "Prosim napravite potezo"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1784
msgid "(or use the corresponding menu entry to join the match)"
msgstr "(ali pa uporabite ustrezen vnos v menuju, da bi se pridružili igri)"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1838
msgid "It's your turn to roll the dice or double the cube"
msgstr "Na vrsti ste, da vržete kocko ali podvojite"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1899
msgid "(or use the corresponding menu entry to leave or continue the match)"
msgstr ""
"(ali pa uporabite ustrezen vnos v meniju, da bi zapustili ali nadaljevali igro)"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:1995
msgid "(or use the corresponding menu entry to accept or reject the offer)"
msgstr ""
"(ali pa uporabite ustrezen vnos v meniju, da bi sprejeli ali zavrnili ponudbo)"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2016
msgid "Sorry, you lost the game."
msgstr "Žal ste igro izgubili."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2024
msgid "Congratulations, you won the game!"
msgstr "Čestitke, zmagali ste!"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2062
msgid ""
"You should never set the 'boardstyle' variable by hand! It is vital for proper "
"functioning of this program that it remains set to 3. It has been reset for "
msgstr ""
"Nikoli ne bi smeli ročno nastaviti spremnljivko »boardstyle«. Za pravilno "
"delovanje tega programa je zelo važno, da ostane nastavljena na 3. Za vas je "
"bila znova nastavljena."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2162
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Poveži"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2163
msgid "New Account"
msgstr "Nov račun"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2164
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "P&rekini"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2172
msgid "&Invite..."
msgstr "Po&vabi ..."
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2178
msgid "&Commands"
msgstr "&Ukazi"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2180
msgid "Away"
msgstr "Stran"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2197
msgid "Ready to Play"
msgstr "Pripravljen na igro"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2199
msgid "Show Rating Computations"
msgstr "Prikaži izračune rejtingov"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2201
msgid "Hide Rating Computations"
msgstr "Skrij izračune rejtingov"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2202
msgid "Greedy Bearoffs"
msgstr "Pohlepni neotesanci"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2204
msgid "Ask for Doubles"
msgstr "Vprašaj za podvojitve"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2217
msgid "&Response"
msgstr "&Odziv"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2219 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:652
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Sprejmi"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2220 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:652
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Zavrni"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2227
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Pridruži se"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2228
msgid "Leave"
msgstr "Zapusti"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2238
msgid "&Join"
msgstr "&Pridruži"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2261
msgid "&Player List"
msgstr "&Seznam igralcev"
#: engines/fibs/kbgfibs.cpp:2262
msgid "&Chat"
msgstr "&Klepet"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:218
msgid "Player"
msgstr "Igralec"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:219
msgid "Opponent"
msgstr "Nasprotnik"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:220
msgid "Watches"
msgstr "Opazovalci"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:221
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stanje"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:222
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Ocena"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:223
msgid "Exp."
msgstr "Eksp."
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:224
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "Nedejaven"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:225
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Čas"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:226
msgid "Host name"
msgstr "Ime gostitelja"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:227
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Odjemalec"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:228
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-pošta"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:245
msgid ""
"_: abreviate blind\n"
msgstr "N"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:246
msgid ""
"_: abreviate away\n"
msgstr "O"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:247
msgid ""
"_: abreviate ready\n"
msgstr "P"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:259
msgid ""
"This window contains the player list. It shows all players that are currently "
"logged into FIBS.Use the right mouse button to get a context menu with helpful "
"information and commands."
msgstr ""
"To okno vsebuje seznam igralcev. Prikazuje vse igralce, ki so trenutno "
"prijavljeni v FIBS. Z desno tipko miške dobite kontekstni menu z uporabnimi "
"podatki in ukazi."
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:289
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:293
msgid "Talk"
msgstr "Govor"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:298
msgid "Look"
msgstr "Videz"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:299
msgid "Watch"
msgstr "Opazovalec"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:300
msgid "Unwatch"
msgstr "Ne glej več"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:301 engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:600
msgid "Blind"
msgstr "Neviden"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:302
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Posodobi"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:336
msgid "Invite"
msgstr "Povabi"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:454
msgid "Column Selection"
msgstr "Izbira stolpcev"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:461
msgid ""
"Select all the columns that you would\n"
"like to be shown in the player list."
msgstr ""
"Izberite vse stolpce, ki naj bi bili\n"
"prikazani na seznamu igralcev."
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:484
msgid "&Playerlist"
msgstr "&Seznam igralcev"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:574
#, c-format
msgid "Email to %1"
msgstr "E-pismo za %1"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:575
#, c-format
msgid "Look at %1"
msgstr "Poglej %1"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:576
#, c-format
msgid "Watch %1"
msgstr "Opazuj %1"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:577
#, c-format
msgid "Update %1"
msgstr "Posodobi %1"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:598
#, c-format
msgid "Unblind %1"
msgstr "Viden %1"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:598
#, c-format
msgid "Blind %1"
msgstr "Neviden %1"
#: engines/fibs/kplayerlist.cpp:889
msgid "Player List - %1 - %2/%3"
msgstr "Seznam igralcev - %1 - %2/%3"
#: engines/fibs/kbginvite.cpp:55
msgid "Invite Players"
msgstr "Povabi igralce"
#: engines/fibs/kbginvite.cpp:64
msgid "&Invite"
msgstr "&Povabi"
#: engines/fibs/kbginvite.cpp:65
msgid "&Resume"
msgstr "Na&daljuj"
#: engines/fibs/kbginvite.cpp:66
msgid "&Unlimited"
msgstr "N&eomejeno"
#: engines/fibs/kbginvite.cpp:71
msgid ""
"Type the name of the player you want to invite in the first entry\n"
"field and select the desired match length in the spin box."
msgstr ""
"Ime igralca, ki bi ga radi povabili, vnesite v prvo vnosno polje\n"
"in izberite željeno dolžino igre v vrteče polje."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:134
#, c-format
msgid "gnubg doubles the cube to %1."
msgstr "gnubg podvoji kocko na %1."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:135
msgid "gnubg doubles"
msgstr "gnubg podvaja"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:136
msgid "&Accept"
msgstr "&Sprejmi"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:136
msgid "Re&double"
msgstr "Š&e podvoji"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:136
msgid "&Reject"
msgstr "&Zavrni"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:188
msgid "Please roll or double."
msgstr "Prosim mecite ali podvojite"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:191
msgid "Please roll."
msgstr "Prosim mecite."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:202
msgid "You roll %1 and %2."
msgstr "Vrgli ste %1 in %2."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:208
msgid "Please move 1 piece."
msgstr "Premaknite en kos."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:211
msgid "Please move %1 pieces."
msgstr "Premaknite %1 kosov."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:223
msgid "gnubg rolls %1 and %2."
msgstr "gnubg vrže %1 in %2."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:225
msgid "gnubg cannot move."
msgstr "gnubg ne more napraviti poteze."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:239 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:341
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:798
msgid "%1 vs. %2"
msgstr "%1 proti %2"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:279 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:286
msgid "A game is currently in progress. Starting a new one will terminate it."
msgstr "Trenutno poteka igra. Začetek nove jo bo končal."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:281 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:288
msgid "Start New Game"
msgstr "Začni novo igro"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:281 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:289
msgid "Continue Old Game"
msgstr "Nadaljuj s staro igro"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:294
msgid "Starting a new game."
msgstr "Začenja se nova igra."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:382
msgid "GNU Engine"
msgstr "Pogon GNU"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:382
msgid "Here you can configure the GNU backgammon engine"
msgstr "Tu lahko nastavite pogon GNU za igranje backgammona."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:442
msgid "&Restart GNU Backgammon"
msgstr "&Vnovič zaženi GNU Backgammon"
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:474
msgid ""
"This is experimental code which currently requires a specially patched version "
"of GNU Backgammon."
msgstr ""
"To je eksperimentalna koda, ki trenutno zahteva posebej popravljeno različico "
"GNU Backgammona."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:507
msgid ""
"Could not start the GNU Backgammon process.\n"
"Make sure the program is in your PATH and is called \"gnubg\".\n"
"Make sure that your copy is at least version 0.10"
msgstr ""
"Procesa GNU Backgammon ni moč zagnati.\n"
"Prepričajte se, da je program v vaši poti PATH in da se imenuje »gnubg«.\n"
"Prepričajte se tudi, da je različica vašega izvoda vsaj 0.10."
#: engines/gnubg/kbggnubg.cpp:535
msgid "The GNU Backgammon process (%1) has exited. "
msgstr "Proces GNU Backgammon (%1) je končal."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:63
msgid "Local Games"
msgstr "Krajevne igre"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:64
msgid "Offer Network Games"
msgstr "Ponudi omrežne igre"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:65
msgid "Join Network Games"
msgstr "Pridruži se omrežnim igram"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:71
msgid "&Types"
msgstr "&Vrste"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:77
msgid "&Names..."
msgstr "&Imena ..."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:138
msgid ""
"Type the port number on which you want to listen to connections.\n"
"The number should be between 1024 and 65535."
msgstr ""
"Napišite številko vrat, s katerimi bi radi poslušali povezave.\n"
"Številka mora biti med 1024 in 65535."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:150
#, c-format
msgid "Now waiting for incoming connections on port %1."
msgstr "Čakanje na prihajajoče povezave na vratih %1 ..."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:153
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to offer connections on port %1."
msgstr "Na vratih %1 ni uspelo ponuditi povezav."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:159
msgid "Type the name of the server you want to connect to:"
msgstr "Vnesite ime strežnika, na katerega se želite povezati:"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Type the port number on %1 you want to connect to.\n"
"The number should be between 1024 and 65535."
msgstr ""
"Napišite številko vrat na %1, na katera bi se radi povezali.\n"
"Številka mora biti med 1024 in 65535."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:186
msgid "Now connected to %1:%2."
msgstr "Sedaj povezan k %1:%2."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:189
msgid "Failed to connect to %1:%2."
msgstr "Povezava k %1:%2 ni uspela."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:210 engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:211
msgid "Player %1 (%2) has joined the game."
msgstr "Igralec %1 (%2) se je pridružil igri."
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "creating player. virtual=%1"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje igralca. virtualni=%1"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:456
msgid "one"
msgstr "eden"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:457
msgid "two"
msgstr "dva"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:509
msgid "Player %1 has changed the name to %2."
msgstr "Igralec %1 je spremenil ime v %2"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:548
msgid "Type the name of the first player:"
msgstr "Vnesite ime prvega igralca:"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:551
msgid "Type the name of the second player:"
msgstr "Vnesite ime drugega igralca:"
#: engines/nextgen/kbgng.cpp:570
msgid "Players are %1 and %2"
msgstr "Igralca sta %1 in %2"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:123
msgid "&New Game..."
msgstr "&Nova igra ..."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:124
msgid "&Swap Colors"
msgstr "&Zamenjaj barve"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:126
msgid "&Edit Mode"
msgstr "&Urejevalni način"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:182
msgid "Offline Engine"
msgstr "Pogon brez povezave"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:182
msgid "Use this to configure the Offline engine"
msgstr "Tu lahko nastavite pogon brez povezave."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:199
msgid "Names"
msgstr "Imena"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:209
msgid "First player:"
msgstr "Prvi igralec:"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:210
msgid "Second player:"
msgstr "Drugi igralec:"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:217
msgid "Enter the name of the first player."
msgstr "Vnesite ime prvega igralca."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:218
msgid "Enter the name of the second player."
msgstr "Vnesite ime drugega igralca."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:224
msgid "&Player Names"
msgstr "&Imena igralcev"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:237 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:253
msgid "South"
msgstr "Jug"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:238 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:254
msgid "North"
msgstr "Sever"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:320
msgid "%1 rolls %2, %3 rolls %4."
msgstr "%1 vrže %2, %3 vrže %4."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:325 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:328
msgid "%1 makes the first move."
msgstr "%1 napravi prvo potezo."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:391
msgid ""
"Please enter the nickname of the player whose home\n"
"is in the lower half of the board:"
msgstr ""
"Vnesite vzdevek igralca, čigar dom je v spodnji\n"
"polovici plošče."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:395
msgid ""
"Please enter the nickname of the player whose home\n"
"is in the upper half of the board:"
msgstr ""
"Vnesite vzdevek igralca, čigar dom je v zgornji\n"
"polovici plošče."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:424 engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:656
msgid "%1 wins the game. Congratulations!"
msgstr "%1 je zmagal(a) igro. Čestitke!"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:443
msgid "%1, please roll or double."
msgstr "%1, mečite ali podvojite."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:562
msgid "It's not your turn to roll!"
msgstr "Ni vaša poteza za met!"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:614
msgid "Game over!"
msgstr "Konec igre!"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:621
msgid "%1, you cannot move."
msgstr "%1, ne morete premakniti."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:630
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: , please move 1 piece.\n"
", please move %n pieces."
msgstr ""
", premaknite %n kosov.\n"
", premaknite %n kos.\n"
", premaknite %n kosa.\n"
", premaknite %n kose."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:649
msgid "%1 has doubled. %2, do you accept the double?"
msgstr "%1 je podvojil(a). %2, ali sprejmete podvojitev?"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:652
msgid "Doubling"
msgstr "Podvojevanje"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:661
msgid "%1 has accepted the double. The game continues."
msgstr "%1 je sprejel(a) podvojitev. Igra se nadaljuje."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:699
msgid "In the middle of a game. Really quit?"
msgstr "Sredi igre ste. Zares želite končati?"
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:724
msgid "Text commands are not yet working. The command '%1' has been ignored."
msgstr "Besedilni ukazi še ne delujejo. Ukaz »%1« je bil prezrt."
#: engines/offline/kbgoffline.cpp:794
msgid "%1 vs. %2 - Edit Mode"
msgstr "%1 proti %2 - urejevalni način"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Gregor Rakar"
#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: main.cpp:31
msgid "A Backgammon program for KDE"
msgstr "Program Backgammon za KDE"
#: main.cpp:32
msgid ""
"This is a graphical backgammon program. It supports backgammon games\n"
"with other players, games against computer engines like GNU bg and even\n"
"on-line games on the 'First Internet Backgammon Server'."
msgstr ""
"To je grafični program backgammon. Podpira igre backgammon z \n"
"drugimi igralci, igre proti računalniškim pogonom kot je GNU bg in celo\n"
"omrežne igre na »Prvem internetnem strežniku za backgammon«."
#: main.cpp:43
msgid "KBackgammon"
msgstr "KBackgammon"
#: main.cpp:46
msgid "Author & maintainer"
msgstr "Avtor in vzdrževalec"
#: main.cpp:49
msgid "Initial anti-aliasing of the board"
msgstr "Začetno glajenje plošče"
#. i18n: file kbackgammonui.rc line 5
#: rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Move"
msgstr "P&oteza"
#. i18n: file kbackgammonui.rc line 10
#: rc.cpp:6
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Command"
msgstr "&Ukaz"
#. i18n: file kbackgammonui.rc line 32
#: rc.cpp:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "Command Toolbar"
msgstr "Ukazna orodjarna"