You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE"
> <!-- change language only here -->
<article lang="&language;">
<sect1 id="locale">
>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
>&Krishna.Tateneni; &Krishna.Tateneni.mail;</author>
<othercredit role="translator"
>Conversion to British English</contrib
> <releaseinfo
> <keywordset>
>Country and Language</title>
>This module of the &kde; control centre allows you select customisation options that depend on the region of the world that you happen to live in. There are five different pages in this module, each of which is described in detail in the following sections.</para>
>In most cases, you can simply select the country you live in, and the other options will be set in an appropriate manner.</para>
>Below the pages of this module, you can see a preview of what the settings look like. In addition to positive and negative numbers, you can see how positive and negative currency values, long and short dates, and times are displayed. When you change any of the settings, the preview shows the effects of the changes before you apply them.</para>
<sect2 id="locale-locale">
>On this page, there are two lists, from which you can select the country and languages that you want to use.</para>
>When you click on the <guilabel
> list, a menu pops up showing major groups of countries. You can select one of these regions and see a list of the countries that are available for that region.</para>
>If the language for the country you have selected is available on your system, it will be selected automatically. For instance, choosing <guilabel
> as the country will select <guilabel
> as the language, if it is available.</para>
<sect2 id="locale-numbers">
>On this page, you can select options for how numbers are displayed. The defaults are selected automatically based on the country which is currently selected.</para>
>In the text box labelled <guilabel
>Decimal symbol</guilabel
>, you can type the character that you want to use to separate the decimal portion of numbers. You could put anything here you wanted to, but really, <userinput
> and <userinput
> are the two characters that make the most sense.</para>
>Similarly, you can choose the character which is used to group units of thousands in numbers. If no character, not even a space, is present, then there will be no separator for thousands.</para>
>Finally, you can choose what character should be prefixed to positive and negative numbers respectively. For example, the default for English is not to have any prefix for positive numbers, and a <userinput
> for negative numbers.</para>
<sect2 id="locale-money">
>Unlike the display of ordinary numbers, conventions for currency values do vary from region to region. However, you will find that the defaults are probably fine.</para>
>The character or characters representing the currency symbol are based on the country that is currently selected. The decimal symbol and thousands separator work as they do for numbers. The text box labelled <guilabel
>Fract digits</guilabel
> allows you to specify the number of fractional digits used in displaying currency values.</para>
>For both positive and negative currency values, you can control whether the currency symbol appears before or after the numeric value, and how the sign of the value is distinguished in the display. Note that the symbols used for the sign of currency values are the same as those used for other numeric values.</para>
>If the checkbox labelled <guilabel
>Prefix currency symbol</guilabel
> is selected, the currency symbol appears before the numeric value. If this checkbox is cleared, then the currency symbol appears after the numeric value.</para>
>There are five choices for the way in which the sign of the currency value is handled:</para>
>The <guilabel
>Parens around</guilabel
> option displays the numeric value within a pair of parentheses.</para
>The <guilabel
>Before quantity money</guilabel
> option displays the sign before the numeric value, but after any currency symbol that may be present.</para
>The <guilabel
>After quantity money</guilabel
> option displays the sign after the numeric value, but before any currency symbol that may be present.</para
>The <guilabel
>Before money</guilabel
> option displays the sign before the numeric value as well as any currency symbol that may be present.</para
>The <guilabel
>After money</guilabel
> option displays the sign after the numeric value as well as any currency symbol that may be present.</para
<sect2 id="locale-datetime">
>Time and Dates</title>
>If you use a different calendar system than Gregorian, you can choose this from the first dropdown box.</para>
>On the rest of this page, there are text boxes for the time, long date, and short date, in which you can type format strings to control the way in which times and dates are displayed.</para>
>Except for the special codes described below, any other characters in the format strings are displayed literally. The special codes consist of a <parameter
> sign followed by a character, as shown in the list of codes below:</para>
>Time format codes:</para>
> - The hour according to a 24-hour clock, using two digits (00 to 23).</para
> - The hour according to a 24-hour clock, using one or two digits (0 to 23).</para
> (uppercase eye) - The hour according to a 12-hour clock, using two digits (01 to 12).</para
> (lowercase ell) - The hour according to a 12-hour clock, using one or two digits (1 to 12).</para
> - The current minute using two digits (00 to 59).</para
> - The current second using two digits (00 to 59).</para
> - Either <quote
> or <quote
> depending on the hour. Useful with <parameter
> or <parameter
>Date format codes:</para>
> - The year, using 4 digits.</para
> - The year, using 2 digits.</para
> - The month, using 2 digits (01 to 12).</para
> - The month, using 1 or 2 digits (1 to 12).</para
> - The name of the month.</para
> - The abbreviated name of the month.</para
> - The day, using 2 digits (01 to 31).</para
> - The day, using 1 or 2 digits (1 to 31).</para
> - The name of the weekday.</para
> - The abbreviated name of the weekday.</para
>Finally, there's a combobox labelled <guilabel
>First day of the week</guilabel
> which lets you select which day is the first one of the week in your country.</para>
<sect2 id="locale-other">
>You can select the default paper format with the combo box labelled <guilabel
>Paper Format</guilabel
>Use the drop down box labelled <guilabel
>Measure system</guilabel
> to select Imperial or Metric systems of measurement.</para>