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<chapter id="config">
<othercredit role="translator"
>Conversion to British English</contrib
> <releaseinfo
> </chapterinfo>
>Configuring &konqueror;</title>
>In common with the rest of &kde;, &konqueror; is highly configurable, so you can really get the look and feel that best fits your needs and wishes.</para>
<sect1 id="configure-bars">
>When &kde; is newly installed, &konqueror;'s window contains a Menubar, Main and Location Toolbars and possibly a Bookmark Toolbar.</para>
>Maybe you don't need all these toolbars. To hide one of them, go into the <menuchoice
> </menuchoice
> menu and uncheck its box. To show a hidden toolbar, just check the box.</para
>The Menubar itself can be toggled on and off with the shortcut key combination <keycombo action="simul"
>. </para>
<!-- FIXME -->
>On the left hand end of each bar you can see some vertical lines. By &LMB; clicking on them, you <quote
> the bar, meaning that it is hidden but can be quickly restored by clicking on the now horizontal lines. You can also drag a bar into a new position with these lines.</para>
>If you <mousebutton
> click on a Toolbar, you will get a menu to configure this bar. You can choose the orientation, text position and icon size</para>
>The icons shown in the various bars can be changed by using the <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem
> option, which brings up the <guilabel
>Configure Toolbars</guilabel
> dialogue box. The Main and Extra Toolbars are divided into sections, such as Main Toolbar &lt;&konqueror;&gt;, Main Toolbar &lt;tdehtmlpart&gt; and Extra Toolbar &lt;tdehtmlsettingsplugin&gt;. The number and type of these sections will depend on whether &konqueror; is in Web Browser or File Manager mode and whether you have &konqueror; plugins installed.</para>
<sect1 id="configshort">
>To change the shortcut key arrangements used by &konqueror; select <menuchoice
>Configure Shortcuts... </guimenuitem
>. This will launch a dialogue box as shown below. </para>
<imagedata fileref="shortcut1.png" format="PNG"/>
>Shortcut config screenshot 1</phrase>
>Search through the combo box to find the action you want to add or change the shortcut keys for and select it by <mousebutton
> clicking on the name. You will then be able to change the shortcut by selecting the <guilabel
>, <guilabel
> or <guilabel
> radio button or by clicking on the large button in the <guilabel
>Shortcut for Selected Action</guilabel
> area.</para>
>The <guilabel
>Define Shortcut</guilabel
> dialogue box will then open. </para>
<imagedata fileref="shortcut2.png" format="PNG"/>
>Shortcut config screenshot 2</phrase>
>Choose whether you want to change the <guilabel
> or <guilabel
> shortcut then press the key combination you want to act as the shortcut, for example <keycombo action="simul"
> &Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap
>. If the <guilabel
> box is checked the dialogue will vanish as soon as you enter the key combination, otherwise it will remain until you press <guibutton
> or <guibutton
>. Clicking on the little black icon with a white cross in it clears the shortcut.</para>
<sect2 id="userdefmenus">
>User Defined Menus</title>
>You can add your own pop up menu to &konqueror; so that pressing one key combination will make the menu appear then pressing a second key, or using the <keysym
>Up arrow</keysym
> and <keysym
>Down arrow</keysym
> keys and pressing <keycap
>, will select an item from it.</para>
>To do this add a <guilabel
> shortcut for each of the actions you want to appear in the menu and in the <guilabel
>Define Shortcut </guilabel
> dialogue check the <guilabel
> box, press the key combination that you want to bring up your new menu then, separately, press the key that will choose that item from the menu.</para>
<sect1 id="othersettings">
>Other Settings</title>
>Selecting <menuchoice
> Configure Konqueror...</guimenuitem
> brings up a dialogue box which you can use to control most aspects of &konqueror;'s behaviour. It contains several sections which are selected by <mousebutton
>left </mousebutton
> clicking on one of the icons at the left of the dialogue box.</para>
>Pressing the <guibutton
> button will give you detailed instructions about how to use each of these sections, or you can use the <link linkend="bubble"
>What's This?</link
> feature.</para>
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