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<author>&Craig.Drummond; &Craig.Drummond.Mail;</author>
<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Malcolm</firstname><surname>Hunter</surname><affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation><contrib>Conversion to British English</contrib></othercredit>
<sect1 id="fontinst">
<title>Font Installer</title>
<para>This module is responsible for installing (and uninstalling) fonts. The installer will configure X (XFree86), XRender, (anti-aliasing), and <application>Ghostscript</application> (printing), for any TrueType (<literal role="extension">.ttf</literal>) and Type1 (<literal role="extension">.pfa</literal>, <literal role="extension">.pfb</literal>) fonts that you care to install - bitmap (<literal role="extension">.bdf</literal>, <literal role="extension">.pcf</literal>, <literal role="extension">.snf</literal>), and Speedo (<literal role="extension">.spd</literal>), fonts will also be installed, but these can only used by X.</para>
<para>When the module is started by a normal (non-root) user, then the settings will refer to their personal configuration, and installed fonts will be available to them only. For <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>, the settings will usually refer to the system-wide configuration, and as such any installed fonts should be available to all users.</para>
<para>If you install fonts as a normal user and notice the fonts used for display (and for print preview) do not match those of the printed output - then you should re-install the fonts system-wide (i.e. as <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>). This can occur because when printing the output is sent to a printer queue - and when the system comes to actually send the information to the printer, it is running as a different user (usually <systemitem class="username">lp</systemitem>), and cannot find the font files.</para>
<para>To install fonts, simply select the "Add Fonts" button - this will produce a file dialogue, then just locate the fonts to install. Likewise, to remove a font, simply highlight a font and press the "Delete" button.</para>
<para>Fonts may also be "disabled" - this basically just "hides" the font file, so that the font system cannot "see" it. To enable/disable fonts, just highlight the required fonts, and select the "Enable" or "Disable" button. </para>
<sect2 id="using-konqueror">
<title>Using Konqueror</title>
<para>You can also use Konqueror to install fonts via drag-and-drop. To do this just type <ulink url="fonts:/">fonts:/</ulink> into Konqueror's Location bar.</para>
<para>As a normal (non-root) user, this will produce 2 top-level folders:</para>
<para><ulink url="fonts:/Personal">Personal</ulink> - this will display your personal fonts.</para>
<para><ulink url="fonts:/System">System</ulink> - this will display the system wide fonts. If you drag-n-drop a font on to the folders here, you will be asked for the root password in order to install the font.</para>
<para>If you drop a font over <ulink url="fonts:/">fonts:/</ulink>, then you will be asked whether this should go into "Personal", or "System".</para>
<para>As root, just the contents of the system font folder will be displayed - as root does not have any "personal" fonts.</para>