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<sect2 id="calc-eqgal">
>Equatorial/Galactic Coordinates module</title>
>Equatorial/Galactic Coordinates module</tertiary>
>The Equatorial/Galactic Coordinates calculator module </screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="calc-eqgal.png" format="PNG"/>
>Equatorial/Galactic Coordinates</phrase>
>This module converts from <link linkend="equatorial"
>Equatorial coordinates</link
> to <link linkend="galactic"
>Galactic coordinates</link
>, and vice versa. First, select which coordinates should be taken as input values in the <guilabel
>Input Selection</guilabel
> section. Then, fill in the corresponding coordinate values in either the <guilabel
>Galactic coordinates</guilabel
> or <guilabel
>Equatorial coordinates</guilabel
> section. Finally, press the <guibutton
> button, and the complementary coordinates will be filled in. </para>