&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; MalcolmHunter
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2003-10-19 3.2 KDE KControl clock date time set configure
Date & Time You can use this module to alter the system date and time, using a convenient graphical interface. You must have system administrator (root) access to change the system date and time. If you do not have this access level, this module will only show you the current settings. When you first start, you are in display mode only. To modify your settings, click on Administrator Mode. If you are logged in as root, you will go straight to the change dialogue. If not, &kde; will ask for a superuser password. Modifying your settings You set the date using the left half of the module. Simply choose your month (the drop down box at the top), year (the spin box at the top), and the day of the month (simply click on the day in the calendar). You set the time using the spin boxes at the bottom of the clock. You can also directly enter your value. The time is represented in 24 hour format. If you want the system time to be set to 8:00 PM, you need to set the hour spinbox to 20 (8 + 12). If you want the system time set to 8:00 AM, you should set the hour spinbox to 8. To set a new time zone, simply select one from the drop down box at the bottom. When you have set the correct date and time, simply click Apply to make the changes permanent.