&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; JohnKnight
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2002-02-12 3.00.00 KDE KControl system notification notification
System Notification Settings &kde;, like all applications, needs to inform the user when a problem occurs, a task is completed, or something has happened. &kde; uses a set of System Notifications to keep the user informed on what is happening. Using this module, you can determine what &kde; does to communicate each event. The panel consists of a large list of specific events which need to be communicated to the user. This list is organised into a tree, so that you can rapidly find the notification you are looking for. To configure a notification, simply click on a group, which will open up a subgroup. You can click on subgroups, which may lead to more subgroups, or it may lead to a list of notifications. Once you have found the notification you are looking for, double-click on the notification. You will be presented with 4 options: Log to file This will tell &kde; to add the notification to the end of a file. Once you place a mark in front of this option, you can enter a filename at the bottom of the module. If you click on the folder to the right of the blank, you can browse through your filesystem and select the file you want. Play sound When this notification is activated, &kde; will play a sound. Once you place a mark in front of this option, you can enter a filename at the bottom of the module. If you click on the folder to the right of the blank, you can browse through your filesystem and select the file you want. By clicking the arrow button to the right of the folder button, you can hear the sound. Maybe you want to use a special media player to play sound files, ⪚ because you use sound files in a special format or you don't use the &arts; sound daemon. In that case, check the Use external player option and enter the full path and name of the program you want to use into the text field. Show messagebox When this notification is activated, a message box appears in the middle of the screen to inform the user of the message. Standard error output When this notification is activated, the message is sent to the standard output. You are not limited to choosing one option, you can use any combination of these four options for each notification. You can turn off (or on) all sounds at once, for all installed applications, with the Enable All Sounds or Disable All Sounds Button. Which of these you see depends on the current status.