&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; MalcolmHunter
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2002-09-01 3.01.00 KDE KControl accessibility
Accessibility Introduction This module is designed to help users who have difficulty hearing audible cues, or who have difficulty using a keyboard. The module is divided into two tabs: Bell and Keyboard. <guilabel>Bell</guilabel> This panel is divided into an Audible Bell section and a Visible Bell section. The top check box labelled Use System Bell, determines whether the normal System bell rings. If this option is disabled, the System bell will be silenced. The next check box down can be used to play a different sound whenever the system bell is triggered. To activate, place a mark in the check box labelled Use customised bell, and enter the complete pathname to the sound file in the text box labelled Sound to Play. If you want, you can select the Browse button to navigate through your filesystem to find the exact file. For those users who have difficulty hearing the System bell, or those users who have a silent computer, &kde; offers the visible bell. This provides a visual signal (inverting the screen or flashing a colour across it) when the system bell would normally sound. To use the visible bell, first place a mark in the check box labelled Use visible bell. You can then select between Invert screen, or Flash screen. If you select Invert screen, all colours on the screen will be reversed. If you choose Flash screen, you can choose the colour by clicking the button to the right of the Flash screen selection. The slider bar can be used to adjust the duration of the visible bell. The default value is 500ms, or half a second. <guilabel>Keyboard</guilabel> There are three sections to this panel. Use Sticky Keys If this option is enabled, the user can press and release the &Shift;, &Alt; or &Ctrl; keys, and then press another key to get a key combo (example: &Ctrl; &Alt; Del could be done with &Ctrl; then &Alt; then Del). Also in this section is a check box labelled Lock Sticky Keys. If this check box is enabled, the &Alt;, &Ctrl; and &Shift; keys stay selected until they are de-selected by the user. As an example: With Lock Sticky Keys disabled: The user presses the &Shift; key, then presses the F key. The computer translates this into &Shift;F. Now if the user types a p, the computer interprets this as the letter p (no shift). With Lock Sticky Keys enabled: The user presses the &Shift; key, then presses the F key. The computer translates this into &Shift;F. Now if the user types a p, the computer interprets this as the letter P (&Shift;P). Slow keys If this option is enabled, the user must hold the key down for a specified period of time (adjustable with the slider) before the keystroke will be accepted. This helps prevent accidental key strokes. Bounce keys If this option is enabled, the user must wait a specified delay (configurable with the slider) before the next key press can be accepted. This prevents accidental multiple key strokes.