################################################# # # (C) 2013 Alexander Golubev (Fat-Zer) # fatzer2 (AT) gmail.com # # (C) 2020-2022 Slávek Banko # slavek.banko (AT) axis.cz # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# ##### set project version ######################## include( TDEVersion ) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION ${TDE_CMAKE_MINIMUM_VERSION} ) tde_set_project_version( ) ##### general package setup ##################### string( REGEX REPLACE ".*-([^-]*)$" "\\1" _lang ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) message( STATUS "Configure for language ${_lang}" ) project( tde-i18n-${_lang} ) ##### include essential cmake modules ########### include( FindPkgConfig ) # required for find_package( TDE ) ##### include our cmake modules ################# include( TDEMacros ) ##### find required stuff ####################### find_package( TDE ) ##### setup install paths ####################### tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_NAME "${_lang}" ) include( TDESetupPaths ) tde_setup_paths( ) ##### user requested modules #################### option( BUILD_ALL "Build all" OFF ) option( BUILD_DOC "Build documentation" ${BUILD_ALL} ) option( BUILD_DATA "Build data" ${BUILD_ALL} ) option( BUILD_MESSAGES "Build message and GUI translation" ${BUILD_ALL} ) ###### subdirectories ########################### # build data files if( BUILD_DATA AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/CMakeLists.txt ) add_subdirectory( data ) endif() # build documentation if( BUILD_DOC ) # search directories with documentation file( GLOB_RECURSE _doc_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} docs/* ) foreach( _doc_file IN LISTS _doc_files ) get_filename_component( _doc_dir ${_doc_file} PATH ) list( APPEND _doc_dirs ${_doc_dir} ) endforeach() if( _doc_dirs ) # sort and clear the list of directories list( SORT _doc_dirs ) list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _doc_dirs ) list( REMOVE_ITEM _doc_dirs "docs/common" ) # install common files file( GLOB common_docs_INSTALL RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/common docs/common/* ) file( GLOB common_docs_LINK RELATIVE ${TDE_HTML_DIR}/en/common/ ${TDE_HTML_DIR}/en/common/* ) if( common_docs_INSTALL ) list( REMOVE_ITEM common_docs_INSTALL CMakeLists.txt Makefile.am ) foreach( _file IN LISTS common_docs_INSTALL ) list( REMOVE_ITEM common_docs_LINK ${_file} ) install( FILES docs/common/${_file} DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/common ) endforeach( ) endif() foreach( _file IN LISTS common_docs_LINK ) file( RELATIVE_PATH _common_link_target "${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/common" "${TDE_HTML_DIR}/en/common/${_file}" ) tde_install_symlink( ${_common_link_target} ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/common/${_file} ) endforeach( ) # create handbooks or install other files foreach( _doc_dir IN LISTS _doc_dirs ) file( GLOB _doc_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_doc_dir} ${_doc_dir}/*.docbook ) string( REGEX REPLACE "^[^/]*/[^/]*/" "" _doc_dest ${_doc_dir} ) if( _doc_files ) list( FIND _doc_files "index.docbook" _find_index ) if( -1 EQUAL _find_index ) set( _noindex "NOINDEX" ) else() unset( _noindex ) endif() tde_create_handbook( SOURCE_BASEDIR ${_doc_dir} ${_noindex} LANG ${_lang} DESTINATION ${_doc_dest} ) else() file( GLOB _doc_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${_doc_dir}/*.css ${_doc_dir}/*.png ) install( FILES ${_doc_files} DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/${_doc_dest} ) endif() endforeach() endif() endif() # build messages if( BUILD_MESSAGES ) # install base files for locale file( GLOB locale_base_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} messages/flag.png messages/charset ) if( EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/messages/entry.desktop ) tde_create_translated_desktop( SOURCE messages/entry.desktop DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang} PO_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../translations/desktop_files/entry.desktop ) endif() if( locale_base_files ) install( FILES ${locale_base_files} DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang} ) endif() # create translations file( GLOB_RECURSE _messages RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} messages/*.po ) if( _messages ) tde_create_translation( FILES ${_messages} LANG ${_lang} ) endif() endif() # restore default install component name tde_restore( CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_NAME )