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451 lines
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451 lines
8.2 KiB
13 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
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<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE"
><!-- change language only here -->
<book lang="&language;">
>The &kate; Handbook</title>
>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</author>
>&Seth.Rothberg; &Seth.Rothberg.mail;</author>
<othercredit role="translator"
>Conversion to British English</contrib
>&kate; is a programmer's text editor for &kde; 2.2 and above.</para>
>This handbook documents &kate; Version 1.0</para>
<chapter id="introduction">
>Welcome to &kate;, a programmer's text editor for &kde; version 2.2 and above. Some of &kate;'s many features include configurable syntax highlighting for languages ranging from C and C++ to <acronym
> to bash scripts, the ability to create and maintain projects, a multiple document interface (<acronym
>), and a self-contained terminal emulator. </para>
>But &kate; is more than a programmer's editor. Its ability to open several files at once makes it ideal for editing &UNIX;'s many configuration files. This document was written in &kate;. </para>
><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="kate.png"/></imageobject>
>Editing this manual...</para
<chapter id="credits">
>Credits and Licence</title>
>&kate;. Program copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 by the &kate; developer team. </para>
>The &kate; team:</title>
>&Christoph.Cullmann; &Christoph.Cullmann.mail;</term>
>Project Manager & Core Developer</para
>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</term>
>Core Developer, Perl syntax highlighting, documentation</para
>&Joseph.Wenninger; &Joseph.Wenninger.mail;</term>
>Core Developer, syntax highlighting</para
>Michael Bartl <email
>Core Developer</para
>Phlip <email
>The project compiler</para
>&Waldo.Bastian; &Waldo.Bastian.mail;</term>
>The cool buffer system</para
>Matt Newell <email
>Michael McCallum <email
>Core Developer</para
>Jochen Wilhemly <email
>KWrite Author</para
>&Michael.Koch; &Michael.Koch.mail;</term>
>KWrite port to KParts</para
>Christian Gebauer <email
>&Simon.Hausmann; &Simon.Hausmann.mail;</term>
>Glen Parker <email
>KWrite Undo History, KSpell integration</para
>Scott Manson <email
>KWrite XML syntax highlighting support</para
>&John.Firebaugh; &John.Firebaugh.mail;</term>
>Various Patches</para
>Many other people have contributed:</title>
>Matteo Merli <email
>Highlighting for RPM Spec-Files, Diff and more</para
>Rocky Scaletta <email
>Highlighting for VHDL</para
>Yury Lebedev </term>
>Highlighting for SQL</para
>Chris Ross</term>
>Highlighting for Ferite</para
>Nick Roux</term>
>Highlighting for ILERPG</para
>John Firebaugh</term>
>Highlighting for Java, and much more</para
>Carsten Niehaus</term>
>Highlighting for LaTeX</para
>Per Wigren</term>
>Highlighting for Makefiles, Python</para
>Jan Fritz</term>
>Highlighting for Python</para
>Small bugfixes, XML plugin</para
>Documentation copyright 2000,2001 &Seth.Rothberg; &Seth.Rothberg.mail;</para>
>Documentation copyright 2002, 2003 &Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</para>
>Conversion to British English: John Knight <email
&underFDL; &underGPL; </chapter>
<appendix id="installation">
Index Word List:
menu - context - syntax - markup - shortcuts - highlighting
embedded terminal - editing - search - replace - regexp -> Regular Expression
split window - selection - insert overwrite - selection -
configure/customize/preferences - insert/overwrite - non-printing characters
font - unicode - wordwrap/linewrap - project - bookmarks - docks - plugins
block selection / rectangles - view - indenting - editor - word processor
copy - paste - find - spelling - language (both kinds) - encoding -
pretty printing - formatting - line numbers - icon border -
folding - insert time - sed
comment / uncomment
configure / settings / preferences
Local Variables:
mode: sgml
sgml-namecase-general: t
sgml-namecase-entity: nil
sgml-general-insert-case: lower
sgml-minimize-attributes: nil
sgml-omittag: nil