<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Andrew</firstname><surname>Coles</surname><affiliation><address><email>andrew_coles@yahoo.co.uk</email></address></affiliation><contrib>Conversion to British English</contrib></othercredit>
<para>&knotes; is a program that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes. The notes are saved automatically when you exit the program and they display when you open the program. </para>
<para>To create a new note &RMB; click on the &knotes; panel icon and select <guimenuitem>New Note</guimenuitem> or using the shortcut <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;&Shift;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>.</para>
<para>You can create a new note containing the contents of the clipboard by selecting <guimenuitem>New Note From Clipboard</guimenuitem> or using the shortcut <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;&Shift;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>.</para>
<para>To write your note, simply type the note in the space provided. Normal keyboard and mouse editing functions are supported. <mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking in the editing space provides the following menu options:</para>
<para>Text may be selected by holding down the &LMB; and moving the mouse, or by holding down the &Shift; key and using the <keycap>arrow</keycap> keys.</para>
<para>To rename a note &RMB; click on the note title bar and select <guimenuitem>Rename...</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para>Type the new name of the note in the dialogue that appears. To accept the new name, press the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button. To exit the dialogue without renaming the note, press the <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button. To clear what you have typed and start over, click the <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> button.</para>
<para>To hide a note, click the <guiicon>X</guiicon> in the upper right corner of the title bar of the note. The note will no longer be displayed on the screen. The note itself will not be deleted.</para>
<para>When you start &knotes;, all notes will display on the screen. If you hide a note and later want to display it, &LMB; on the &knotes; panel icon and select the note you wish to display.</para>
<para>To send a note to a specific desktop, &RMB; click on the title bar of the note and select <guisubmenu>To Desktop</guisubmenu>. Choose the desktop desired, or alternatively, <guimenuitem>All desktops</guimenuitem></para>
<para>To make the note remain on top of other windows &RMB; click on the title bar of the note and select <guimenuitem>Always On Top</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para>To return the note to more normal window behaviour, simply repeat this process.</para>
<para>To configure &knotes; &RMB; click on the panel icon. Select <guimenuitem>Configure KNotes...</guimenuitem> The &knotes; <guilabel>KNotes Defaults</guilabel> dialogue will open.</para>
<listitem><para>The colour square shows the current text colour. By clicking this colour square you open the standard &kde; colour selection dialogue.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The colour square shows the current background colour. By clicking this colour square you open the standard &kde; colour selection dialogue.</para></listitem>
<para>You can customise each note independently of the global settings. The settings you can customise are identical to those described in the <link linkend="configuration">Configuration</link> section, but they will apply only to the note you are changing. Any other open notes, and any new notes you create, will use the default settings.</para>
<para>To customise a single note display &RMB; click on the note title bar and select <guimenuitem>Preferences...</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para>The <guilabel>Local Settings</guilabel> dialogue will open, allowing you to configure the note.</para>