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>Conversion to British English</contrib
<sect1 id="mixer">
>This module can be used to configure some of the more basic options of &kmix; (the &kde; Mixer).</para>
>The first section, relates to default volumes. With this section, you can save the current volume levels as the default. You can also load the default volume levels (thereby restoring them to the default status).</para>
>By selecting the <guilabel
>Load volumes on login</guilabel
>, you can instruct &kde; to automatically load the default volume levels whenever &kde; is started.</para>
>The next section, lets you specify what hardware &kmix; should look for.</para>
>The slider labelled <guilabel
>Maximum number of probed mixers</guilabel
> determines when &kmix; stops looking for soundcards. If you have one soundcard in your computer, you should set this to one. Using a higher number, means &kmix; will continue to search for a second sound card, which will delay the startup of &kmix;.</para>
>The slider labelled <guilabel
>Maximum number of probed devices per mixer</guilabel
> determines how many devices &kmix; tries to detect on each soundcard. If there are more devices on your soundcard than &kmix; shows on startup, you should increase this number.</para>
<sect2 id="mixer-author">
>Section Author</title>
>This section written by Mike McBride <email
> </para>
>Conversion to British English: Malcolm Hunter <email