You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
210 lines
6.6 KiB
210 lines
6.6 KiB
13 years ago
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-11-24 01:22+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-22 04:15+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Renato Pavicic <renato<-at->>\n"
"Language-Team: CROATIAN <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: cmodule.cpp:47
msgid "Lyrics"
msgstr "Tekstovi pjesama"
#: cmodule.cpp:47
msgid "Configure Lyrics Plugin"
msgstr "Konfiguriranje dodatka Tekstovi pjesama"
#: cmodule.cpp:56
msgid "Search providers:"
msgstr "Pretraži davatelje:"
#: cmodule.cpp:61 cmodule.h:24
msgid "New Search Provider"
msgstr "Novi davatelj usluge"
#: cmodule.cpp:62
msgid "Delete Search Provider"
msgstr "Izbriši davatelja usluge"
#: cmodule.cpp:63
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Prema vrhu"
#: cmodule.cpp:64
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Prema dnu"
#: cmodule.cpp:69
msgid "Search Provider Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva davatelja usluge"
#: cmodule.cpp:72
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Naziv:"
#: cmodule.cpp:74
msgid "Query:"
msgstr "Upit:"
#: cmodule.cpp:78
msgid ""
"For your query, you can use any property of your multimedia item, just "
"enclosing it with a $(property).\n"
"Some common properties used are $(title), $(author) and $(album). For example, "
"to search in Google for the author, title and track, just use:\n"
msgstr ""
"Za potrebe vašeg upita možete upotrijebiti vaš multimedijski album, obuhvaćen s "
"opcijom $(svojstvo).\n"
"Neka uobičajena svojstva koja se upotrebljavaju su $(naslov), $(autor) i "
"$(album). Na primjer, za pretraživanje pomoću tražilice Google po autoru, "
"nazivu i pjesmi, unesite:\n"
#: cmodule.cpp:122
msgid ""
"You must have at least one search provider. The current one will not be "
msgstr ""
"Potrebno je unijeti barem jednom davatelja pretraživanja. Trenutni davatelj "
"neće biti uklonjen."
#: lyrics.cpp:36
msgid "&Follow Noatun Playlist"
msgstr "&Prati Noatun album"
#: lyrics.cpp:38
msgid "&Link URL to File"
msgstr "&URL poveži s datotekom"
#: lyrics.cpp:44
msgid "Search provider:"
msgstr "Davatelj pretraživanja:"
#: lyrics.cpp:44
msgid "Search Provider"
msgstr "Davatelj pretraživanja"
#: lyrics.cpp:45
msgid "&Search Provider"
msgstr "&Davatelj pretraživanja"
#: lyrics.cpp:48
msgid "&View Lyrics"
msgstr "&Prikaži tekstove pjesama"
#: lyrics.cpp:63
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Spreman"
#: lyrics.cpp:82
msgid "Please enter the URL you want to go to:"
msgstr "Unesite URL adresu na koju želite krenuti:"
#: lyrics.cpp:101
msgid ""
"Choosing this option, the current URL will be attached to the current file. "
"This way, if you try to view the lyrics of this file later, you won't have to "
"search for it again. This information can be stored between sessions, as long "
"as your playlist stores metadata about the multimedia items (almost all the "
"playlists do). If you want to be able to search for other lyrics for this "
"music, you must select this option again to clear the stored URL."
msgstr ""
"Odabirom ove opcije, trenutna URL adresa bit će pridodana trenutnoj datoteci. "
"Na taj način pri sljedećem pokretanju nećete morati ponovno pretraživati za "
"tekstom. Ovi podaci mogu se pohraniti između sesija, sve dok vaš album "
"pohranjuje meta-podatke o multimedijskim stavkama (to radi gotovo svaki album). "
"Ako želite mogućnost pretraživanja drugih tekstova ove glazbe, morate ponovno "
"odabrati ovu opciju radi brisanja pohranjene URL adrese."
#: lyrics.cpp:117
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Učitavanje..."
#: lyrics.cpp:124
msgid "Loaded"
msgstr "Učitano"
#: lyrics.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "Lyrics: %1"
msgstr "Tekstovi pjesama: %1"
#: lyrics.cpp:180
msgid ""
"You can only view the lyrics of the current song, and currently there is none."
msgstr ""
"Možete pregledavati samo tekst trenutne pjesme, ali za nju trenutno ne postoji "
#: lyrics.cpp:199
#, c-format
msgid "Loading Lyrics for %1"
msgstr "Učitavanje tekstova pjesama za %1"
#: lyrics.cpp:203
msgid ""
"<p><strong>Please wait! Searching for...</strong></p>"
"<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"100%\"><TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#707671\"><strong>"
"Title</strong></TD><TD>%1</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#707671\"><strong>"
"Author</strong></TD><TD>%2</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#707671\"><strong>"
msgstr ""
"<p><strong>Pričekajte! Pretražuje se...</strong></p>"
"<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"100%\"><TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#707671\"><strong>"
"Naslov</strong></TD><TD>%1</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#707671\"><strong>"
"Autor</strong></TD><TD>%2</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#707671\"><strong>"
#: lyrics.cpp:221
msgid ""
"<p><strong>Searching at %1</strong>"
"<br><small>(<a href=\"%3\">%2</a></small>)</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><strong>Pretraživanjem pri %1</strong>"
"<br><small>(<a href=\"%3\">%2</a></small>)</p>"
#: lyrics.cpp:229
msgid ""
"<p><strong>Using the stored URL</strong>"
"<br><small>(<a href=\"%2\">%1</a></small>)</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><strong>Upotrebom pohranjene URL adrese</strong>"
"<br><small>(<a href=\"%2\">%1</a></small>)</p>"
#: lyrics.cpp:235
msgid ""
"In order to find the lyrics for the current song, this plugin uses the "
"properties stored with each song, such as its title, author and album. These "
"properties are usually retrieved by a tag reader, but in some cases they may "
"not be present or be incorrect. In that case, the Lyrics plugin will not be "
"able to find the lyrics until these properties are fixed (you can fix them "
"using the tag editor).\n"
13 years ago
"Hint: The lucky tag plugin, present in the tdeaddons module, can try to guess "
13 years ago
"properties such as title and author from the filename of a song. Enabling it "
"may increase the probability of finding lyrics."
msgstr ""
"Za pronalaženje teksta trenutne pjesme, ovaj dodatak upotrebljava svojstva "
"pohranjena u svakoj pjesmi, poput naziva, autora i albuma. Ova svojstva obično "
"dohvaća čitač oznaka, ali u nekim slučajevima oznake ne postoje ili su netočne. "
"U tom slučaju, dodatak Tekstovi pjesama neće imati mogućnost pronalaženja "
"teksta dok se ta svojstva ne isprave (ispraviti ih možete pomoću uređivača "
13 years ago
"Savjet: Dodatak \"Lucky tag\" iz modula tdeaddons može pokušati s pogađanjem "
13 years ago
"svojstava poput naslova ili autora iz naziva datoteke ili pjesme. Omogućavanje "
"ovog dodatka može povećati vjerojatnost pronalaženja teksta pjesme."