# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'guidance_power_manager_ui.ui'
# Created: Thu Apr 10 00:50:39 2008
# by: The PyQt User Interface Compiler (pyuic) 3.17.4
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
import sys
from qt import *
from tdecore import KCmdLineArgs , KApplication
from tdecore import i18n
from tdeui import *
class PowerManagerUI ( QWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent = None , name = None , fl = 0 ) :
QWidget . __init__ ( self , parent , name , fl )
if not name :
self . setName ( " PowerManagerUI " )
self . setMouseTracking ( 1 )
PowerManagerUILayout = QVBoxLayout ( self , 11 , 6 , " PowerManagerUILayout " )
self . GeneralSettingsBox = QGroupBox ( self , " GeneralSettingsBox " )
self . GeneralSettingsBox . setColumnLayout ( 0 , Qt . Vertical )
self . GeneralSettingsBox . layout ( ) . setSpacing ( 6 )
self . GeneralSettingsBox . layout ( ) . setMargin ( 11 )
GeneralSettingsBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout ( self . GeneralSettingsBox . layout ( ) )
GeneralSettingsBoxLayout . setAlignment ( Qt . AlignTop )
self . lockScreenOnResume = QCheckBox ( self . GeneralSettingsBox , " lockScreenOnResume " )
GeneralSettingsBoxLayout . addWidget ( self . lockScreenOnResume )
PowerManagerUILayout . addWidget ( self . GeneralSettingsBox )
self . MainsPoweredBox = QGroupBox ( self , " MainsPoweredBox " )
self . MainsPoweredBox . setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy . Preferred , QSizePolicy . Fixed , 0 , 0 , self . MainsPoweredBox . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) ) )
self . MainsPoweredBox . setColumnLayout ( 0 , Qt . Vertical )
self . MainsPoweredBox . layout ( ) . setSpacing ( 6 )
self . MainsPoweredBox . layout ( ) . setMargin ( 11 )
MainsPoweredBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout ( self . MainsPoweredBox . layout ( ) )
MainsPoweredBoxLayout . setAlignment ( Qt . AlignTop )
layout17 = QHBoxLayout ( None , 0 , 6 , " layout17 " )
self . PoweredBrightnessLabel = QLabel ( self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredBrightnessLabel " )
layout17 . addWidget ( self . PoweredBrightnessLabel )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider = QSlider ( self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredBrightnessSlider " )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setMouseTracking ( 1 )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setAcceptDrops ( 1 )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setMaxValue ( 7 )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setLineStep ( 1 )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setPageStep ( 1 )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setOrientation ( QSlider . Horizontal )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setTickmarks ( QSlider . Both )
self . PoweredBrightnessSlider . setTickInterval ( 0 )
layout17 . addWidget ( self . PoweredBrightnessSlider )
MainsPoweredBoxLayout . addLayout ( layout17 )
layout13 = QHBoxLayout ( None , 0 , 6 , " layout13 " )
spacer12_3_2_2 = QSpacerItem ( 200 , 20 , QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Minimum )
layout13 . addItem ( spacer12_3_2_2 )
self . PoweredIdleLabel = QLabel ( self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredIdleLabel " )
layout13 . addWidget ( self . PoweredIdleLabel )
self . PoweredIdleTime = QSpinBox ( self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredIdleTime " )
layout13 . addWidget ( self . PoweredIdleTime )
self . PoweredIdleCombo = QComboBox ( 0 , self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredIdleCombo " )
layout13 . addWidget ( self . PoweredIdleCombo )
MainsPoweredBoxLayout . addLayout ( layout13 )
layout13_2_2 = QHBoxLayout ( None , 0 , 6 , " layout13_2_2 " )
spacer12_3_2_2_3_2 = QSpacerItem ( 200 , 20 , QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Minimum )
layout13_2_2 . addItem ( spacer12_3_2_2_3_2 )
self . PoweredFreqLabel = QLabel ( self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredFreqLabel " )
layout13_2_2 . addWidget ( self . PoweredFreqLabel )
self . PoweredFreqCombo = QComboBox ( 0 , self . MainsPoweredBox , " PoweredFreqCombo " )
layout13_2_2 . addWidget ( self . PoweredFreqCombo )
MainsPoweredBoxLayout . addLayout ( layout13_2_2 )
PowerManagerUILayout . addWidget ( self . MainsPoweredBox )
self . BatteryBox = QGroupBox ( self , " BatteryBox " )
self . BatteryBox . setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy . Preferred , QSizePolicy . Fixed , 0 , 0 , self . BatteryBox . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) ) )
self . BatteryBox . setColumnLayout ( 0 , Qt . Vertical )
self . BatteryBox . layout ( ) . setSpacing ( 6 )
self . BatteryBox . layout ( ) . setMargin ( 11 )
BatteryBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout ( self . BatteryBox . layout ( ) )
BatteryBoxLayout . setAlignment ( Qt . AlignTop )
layout16 = QHBoxLayout ( None , 0 , 6 , " layout16 " )
self . BatteryBrightnessLabel = QLabel ( self . BatteryBox , " BatteryBrightnessLabel " )
layout16 . addWidget ( self . BatteryBrightnessLabel )
self . BatteryBrightnessSlider = QSlider ( self . BatteryBox , " BatteryBrightnessSlider " )
self . BatteryBrightnessSlider . setMouseTracking ( 1 )
self . BatteryBrightnessSlider . setMaxValue ( 7 )
self . BatteryBrightnessSlider . setPageStep ( 1 )
self . BatteryBrightnessSlider . setOrientation ( QSlider . Horizontal )
self . BatteryBrightnessSlider . setTickmarks ( QSlider . Both )
layout16 . addWidget ( self . BatteryBrightnessSlider )
BatteryBoxLayout . addLayout ( layout16 )
layout14 = QGridLayout ( None , 1 , 1 , 0 , 6 , " layout14 " )
self . BatteryIdleCombo = QComboBox ( 0 , self . BatteryBox , " BatteryIdleCombo " )
layout14 . addWidget ( self . BatteryIdleCombo , 1 , 4 )
self . BatteryIdleLabel = QLabel ( self . BatteryBox , " BatteryIdleLabel " )
layout14 . addWidget ( self . BatteryIdleLabel , 1 , 2 )
self . BatteryCriticalCombo = QComboBox ( 0 , self . BatteryBox , " BatteryCriticalCombo " )
layout14 . addWidget ( self . BatteryCriticalCombo , 0 , 4 )
self . BatteryCriticalLabel = QLabel ( self . BatteryBox , " BatteryCriticalLabel " )
layout14 . addMultiCellWidget ( self . BatteryCriticalLabel , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
self . BatteryIdleTime = QSpinBox ( self . BatteryBox , " BatteryIdleTime " )
layout14 . addWidget ( self . BatteryIdleTime , 1 , 3 )
self . CriticalRemainTime = QSpinBox ( self . BatteryBox , " CriticalRemainTime " )
layout14 . addWidget ( self . CriticalRemainTime , 0 , 3 )
spacer12_3 = QSpacerItem ( 28 , 20 , QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Minimum )
layout14 . addItem ( spacer12_3 , 0 , 0 )
spacer12_3_2 = QSpacerItem ( 50 , 20 , QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Minimum )
layout14 . addMultiCell ( spacer12_3_2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 )
BatteryBoxLayout . addLayout ( layout14 )
layout13_2 = QHBoxLayout ( None , 0 , 6 , " layout13_2 " )
spacer12_3_2_2_3 = QSpacerItem ( 200 , 20 , QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Minimum )
layout13_2 . addItem ( spacer12_3_2_2_3 )
self . BatteryFreqLabel = QLabel ( self . BatteryBox , " BatteryFreqLabel " )
layout13_2 . addWidget ( self . BatteryFreqLabel )
self . BatteryFreqCombo = QComboBox ( 0 , self . BatteryBox , " BatteryFreqCombo " )
layout13_2 . addWidget ( self . BatteryFreqCombo )
BatteryBoxLayout . addLayout ( layout13_2 )
PowerManagerUILayout . addWidget ( self . BatteryBox )
self . LaptopLidRadios = QButtonGroup ( self , " LaptopLidRadios " )
self . LaptopLidRadios . setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy . Preferred , QSizePolicy . Fixed , 0 , 0 , self . LaptopLidRadios . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) ) )
self . LaptopLidRadios . setFrameShape ( QButtonGroup . GroupBoxPanel )
self . LaptopLidRadios . setColumnLayout ( 0 , Qt . Vertical )
self . LaptopLidRadios . layout ( ) . setSpacing ( 5 )
self . LaptopLidRadios . layout ( ) . setMargin ( 11 )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout = QHBoxLayout ( self . LaptopLidRadios . layout ( ) )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . setAlignment ( Qt . AlignTop )
self . laptopClosedNone = QRadioButton ( self . LaptopLidRadios , " laptopClosedNone " )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . addWidget ( self . laptopClosedNone )
self . laptopClosedBlank = QRadioButton ( self . LaptopLidRadios , " laptopClosedBlank " )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . addWidget ( self . laptopClosedBlank )
self . laptopClosedSuspend = QRadioButton ( self . LaptopLidRadios , " laptopClosedSuspend " )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . addWidget ( self . laptopClosedSuspend )
self . laptopClosedHibernate = QRadioButton ( self . LaptopLidRadios , " laptopClosedHibernate " )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . addWidget ( self . laptopClosedHibernate )
self . laptopClosedShutdown = QRadioButton ( self . LaptopLidRadios , " laptopClosedShutdown " )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . addWidget ( self . laptopClosedShutdown )
spacer12_2 = QSpacerItem ( 213 , 20 , QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Minimum )
LaptopLidRadiosLayout . addItem ( spacer12_2 )
PowerManagerUILayout . addWidget ( self . LaptopLidRadios )
spacer11 = QSpacerItem ( 31 , 80 , QSizePolicy . Minimum , QSizePolicy . Expanding )
PowerManagerUILayout . addItem ( spacer11 )
self . languageChange ( )
self . resize ( QSize ( 505 , 374 ) . expandedTo ( self . minimumSizeHint ( ) ) )
self . clearWState ( Qt . WState_Polished )
def languageChange ( self ) :
self . setCaption ( i18n ( " PowerManagerUI " ) )
self . GeneralSettingsBox . setTitle ( i18n ( " General Settings " ) )
self . lockScreenOnResume . setText ( i18n ( " Lock screen on resume " ) )
self . MainsPoweredBox . setTitle ( i18n ( " Mains Powered " ) )
self . PoweredBrightnessLabel . setText ( i18n ( " Brightness " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . PoweredBrightnessSlider , i18n ( " With this slider you can set the brightness when the system is plugged into the socket outlet " ) )
self . PoweredIdleLabel . setText ( i18n ( " When the system is idle for more than " ) )
self . PoweredIdleTime . setPrefix ( QString . null )
self . PoweredIdleTime . setSuffix ( i18n ( " min " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . PoweredIdleTime , i18n ( " To prevent data loss or other damage, you can have the system suspend or hibernate, so you don ' t run accidentally out of battery power. Configure the number of minutes below which the machine will run the configured action. " ) )
self . PoweredFreqLabel . setText ( i18n ( " CPU frequency scaling policy " ) )
self . BatteryBox . setTitle ( i18n ( " Battery Powered " ) )
self . BatteryBrightnessLabel . setText ( i18n ( " Brightness " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . BatteryBrightnessSlider , i18n ( " This slider controls the brightness when the system runs on batteries " ) )
self . BatteryIdleLabel . setText ( i18n ( " When the system is idle for more than " ) )
self . BatteryCriticalLabel . setText ( i18n ( " When battery remaining time drops below " ) )
self . BatteryIdleTime . setPrefix ( QString . null )
self . BatteryIdleTime . setSuffix ( i18n ( " min " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . BatteryIdleTime , i18n ( " To prevent data loss or other damage, you can have the system suspend or hibernate, so you don ' t run accidentally out of battery power. Configure the number of minutes below which the machine will run the configured action. " ) )
self . CriticalRemainTime . setPrefix ( QString . null )
self . CriticalRemainTime . setSuffix ( i18n ( " min " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . CriticalRemainTime , i18n ( " To prevent data loss or other damage, you can have the system suspend or hibernate, so you don ' t run accidentally out of battery power. Configure the number of minutes below which the machine will run the configured action. " ) )
self . BatteryFreqLabel . setText ( i18n ( " CPU frequency scaling policy " ) )
self . LaptopLidRadios . setTitle ( i18n ( " When Laptop Lid Closed " ) )
self . laptopClosedNone . setText ( i18n ( " Do nothing " ) )
self . laptopClosedBlank . setText ( i18n ( " Lock screen " ) )
self . laptopClosedSuspend . setText ( i18n ( " Suspend " ) )
QToolTip . add ( self . laptopClosedSuspend , i18n ( " Suspend to Memory " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . laptopClosedSuspend , i18n ( " Suspend is a sleep state, the system will consume only very little energy when suspended " ) )
self . laptopClosedHibernate . setText ( i18n ( " Hibernate " ) )
QToolTip . add ( self . laptopClosedHibernate , i18n ( " Suspend to Disk " ) )
QWhatsThis . add ( self . laptopClosedHibernate , i18n ( " Hibernate or \" Suspend to Disk \" is a deep sleepstate, allowing the system to power off completely " ) )
self . laptopClosedShutdown . setText ( i18n ( " Shutdown " ) )
QToolTip . add ( self . laptopClosedShutdown , i18n ( " Halt the machine " ) )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
appname = " "
description = " "
version = " "
KCmdLineArgs . init ( sys . argv , appname , description , version )
a = KApplication ( )
QObject . connect ( a , SIGNAL ( " lastWindowClosed() " ) , a , SLOT ( " quit() " ) )
w = PowerManagerUI ( )
a . setMainWidget ( w )
w . show ( )
a . exec_loop ( )