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# (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian
# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
# Improvements and feedback are welcome
# This file is released under GPL >= 2
get_filename_component( _ui_basename ${UI_FILE} NAME_WE )
execute_process( COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE}
-nounload -tr tr2i18n
OUTPUT_VARIABLE _ui_h_content
if( _ui_h_content )
string( REGEX REPLACE "#ifndef " "#ifndef UI_" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "#define " "#define UI_" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
file( WRITE ${_ui_basename}.h "${_ui_h_content}" )
endif( )
execute_process( COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE}
-nounload -tr tr2i18n
-impl ${_ui_basename}.h
OUTPUT_VARIABLE _ui_cpp_content
if( _ui_cpp_content )
string( REGEX REPLACE "tr2i18n\\(\"\"\\)" "QString::null" _ui_cpp_content "${_ui_cpp_content}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "tr2i18n\\(\"\", \"\"\\)" "QString::null" _ui_cpp_content "${_ui_cpp_content}" )
file( WRITE ${_ui_basename}.cpp "#include <kdialog.h>\n#include <klocale.h>\n\n${_ui_cpp_content}" )
endif( )