0.3.8: -Fix: compile error with gcc 4.3 -Fix: filenames containing some special characters including '?' work again -Fix: files added by 'add directory' or via context menu from konqueror and containing special characters will work now -Fix: vfat compatible output names won't contain '/' anymore 0.3.7: -Add: sox plugin for aiff (thanks to Ron Fischler) -Add: toolame and twolame plugins for mp2 encoding -Add: amr decoding with ffmpeg -Add: Improved Polish translation (thanks to Michał Smoczyk) -Add: Reading writing composer/disc number tags for tta files -Add: A user script can be executed after each file has been converted (->config dialog->general->user script) -Add: Hungarian and Italian translations (thanks to the language teams at launchpad) -Fix: Flake plugin -Fix: Wavpack encoding -Fix: Dropping folders works again -Fix: Use the current language's decimal symbol for oggenc -Fix: Progress for lame abr/cbr encoding -Fix: mp4v2 works now -Fix: soundkonverter won't display wrong backends in the config dialog any more -Fix: And a lot more ... -Change: Use --vbr-new for lame -Change: Use extension to determine file type if no mime type file was found 0.3.6: -Fix: Don't crash when using kio_audiocd -Fix: Show progress when using kio_audiocd -Fix: Show the soundkonverter window when started with --rip option -Fix: Handle remote files properly (http, smb, etc.) 0.3.5: -Add: Portuguese translation (thanks to Equipa de Traduções 1 / www.portugal-a-programar.org) -Add: Dutch translation (thanks to Sander Thijsen) -Add: Improved Polish translation (thanks to Tomasz Argasiński) -Add: Improved Russian translation (thanks to Ivan) -Add: Support for flake (flac encoder) -Add: Support for aften (ac3 encoder) -Add: File format filter for adding a directory recursive -Add: Tag reading/writing support for wavpack, optimfrog, trueaudio -Add: Read Replay Gain tags for wavpack files -Fix: Write m4a tags properly -Fix: Some problems with the CD-Ripper dialog -Fix: File filter for the Replay Gain tool -Fix: Close soundKonverter faster -Change: Use 'cp' for copying local files (hopefully fixes the 'get file bug') 0.3.4: -Add: Polish translation (thanks to qla) -Add: Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to Leandro Santiago da Silva) -Add: Spanish translation (thanks to Adrian Capel) -Add: Support for ttaenc and bonk -Add: Support for wvgain -Fix: Show Replay Gain of flac files correctly -Fix: Don't recalculate Replay Gain, if all files in an album show the same gain -Fix: Some minor fixes -Remove: Plugin update feature because my website is down 0.3.3: -Add: Russian translation (thanks to Ivan) -Fix: Support autoconf >= 2.60 and automake >= 1.10 (thanks to Darwin Bautista) 0.3.2: -Add: French translation (thanks to Placisfos) -Add: Support for TiMidity++ (decoding midi files) -Fix: Display notification when a backend doesn't provide progress data -Fix: Added audio/x-m4a mime type 0.3.1: -Add: Support for aacgain -Add: Backend information in the readme file -Fix: 2 Bugs where plugins couldn't be found 0.3: -Fix: Log viewer now gets updated correctly -Fix: Replay Gain plugins in single file mode read output correctly -Fix: File length is guessed, when tags can't be read (except remote files) -Fix: Some special characters in file names were not supported: "?", "#", "/" -Fix: Made english command line arguments work independent of the current language -Fix: Made notification for new backends and plugin updates work -Fix: Changing the output directory in simple mode would not be respected -Fix: Some minor fixes 0.3 rc1: -Fix: Output names for CD tracks corrected -Fix: Added 'hack' for writing id3v2 genre and year properly -Fix: Reading backend output was improved -Fix: Conversion of remote files -Fix: Support for more kio slaves (system:/) -Fix: Bug in service menu creation -Fix: Improved the log viewer -Fix: Previous options wouldn't be loaded properly -Fix: Don't save last options, when started in invisible mode -Fix: Detection of profiles wouldn't work properly -Fix: Output directories sometimes got disarranged -Fix: Using SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM solves a few problems -Fix: Added check for cdparanoia in 'configure' (not tested) -Fix: Some minor bugs -Add: System tray icon, when starting soundKonverter in invisible mode -Add: Amarok script works now (but it's very worthy of improvement) -Add: German translation (plugin translations missing) 0.3 beta1: -Fix: Backends configuration page is rebuild properly and some general fixes -Fix: Adding directories by dropping them, improved progress bar -Fix: Code cleanups in the Replay Gain tool -Fix: Always load the latest plugins available -Fix: Make the tool bar work -Add: Boyan Tabakov's patch for selecting cddb entries, if there were multiple found -Add: Quality parameter preview as tool tip of the quality spin box -Add: Force VFAT compatible output file names -Add: Automaticly save file list when adding new items and converting items -Change: The 'Copy directory structure' feature produces shorter paths -Change: Removed the 'Default output directory', 'By meta data' is now default -Change: Removed the about plugins dialog and added a plugins configuration page to the configuration dialog -Change: The backends process priority has been moved to the config dialog 0.3 alpha1: Changed almost everything. The most important changes are: -Add: CD ripping (including cddb and support for multiple devices and simultaneous ripping) -Add: Converting multiple files at once -Add: Editing of output options and tags -Add: Support for discnumber and composer tags for ogg, mp3 and flac files -Add: Tagging support for wma, ape, mp4, aac, aa and rm files -Add: Support for Replay Gain in album mode including extended Replay Gain Tool -Add: Custom profiles (including user defined commands) -Add: Basic support for hybrid compression -Add: KIO support (partly) -Change: GUI cleanups A big change is that soundKonverter now uses mime types. Unfortunately this causes a lot of problems. Please report missing/wrong mime types! 0.2: Nothing done! 0.2 rc2: -Fix: Saving last options works now with different languages -Fix: Calculation of remaining time corrected -Fix: Replace / through \ when these characters are in tags that build the new file name -Fix: When %[aAbBcCgGnNtTyY] is in a tag, it will not be replaced by the tag any longer. -Fix: After a conversion is completed, the progress is calculated correct now. Big thanks to Peter. 0.2 rc1: -Fix: Several bugs -Add: Last options are saved now (Thx Angelo) -Add: German Translation 0.2 beta2: -Fix: The output directory text box now isn't cleared after finishing a job. Thx Miguel -Fix: The backend outputs are now read -Fix: Setting the backend priority works now. For setting to a higher priority the root password is asked (kdesu) -Fix: The toolbar works now correct -Change: The menu can't be hidden now -Change: The userinterface has been changed a bit. Thx Miguel -Change: The Cue Editor now adds 0,5 sec. to each track -Add: Spanish translation (partly) Thx Adrian Capel 0.2 beta1: -Fix: Moving the columns in the file list works now -Change: You can now extend soundkonverter by plugins -Change: We have now a menu and a (not complete working) toolbar -Add: Support for ReplayGain -Add: Convert the next file if an error happens -Add: Load the last file list, if soundkonverter crashed -Add: Scan for new backends and plugins on startup -Add: A ReplayGain tool for tagging/untagging files -Add: A cue-Editor - just a supplement to all these tag editors out there - documentation will follow -Add: An amaroK-Script for easily accessing soundKonverter from out of amaroK -Add: Support for creating output directories by the file's tags/copy the file's source directory structure 0.1: -Fix: Some spelling errors -Fix: A compilation error (Nothing really new, there is no need to upgrade) 0.1 RC1: -Fix: Installation of the servicemenu file -Fix: Support for wma decoder if only mplayer was found -Fix: 'Default' button in configuration Dialog -Fix: Progressbar -Change: Modifyed the userinterface a little bit -Change: English handbook is now complete -Add: German handbook 0.1 beta2 update: -Fix: Compilation error -Fix: Scan for backends automatic 0.1 beta2: -Fix: KUniqueApplication works now -Fix: A few irritations -Add: Formats: ape, mpc -Add: Translation: German -Add: Handbook: English (not jet complete) -Add: Some small features 0.1 beta1: Initial Release