You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

767 lines
30 KiB

/* Smart Card TDE Authentication Script (c) 2010-2011 Timothy Pearson
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ftw.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
// Maximum number of virtual terminals on this system
#define MAXIMUM_VTS 49
// The [secure] temporary directory for authentication
#define SECURE_DIRECTORY_PATH "/tmp/smartauth"
// The Trinity binary directory
#define TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "/opt/trinity/bin/"
// Some internal constants
#define CREATE_LIFE_CYCLE "01"
#define tqarg arg
// In ckpass.o
extern "C" {
int check_password(const char* username, const char* password);
static TQString secure_directory;
static TQString command_mode;
static TQString select_file;
static TQString read_binary;
static TQString update_binary;
static TQString delete_file;
static TQString get_challenge;
static TQString external_auth;
static TQString activate_file;
static TQString hexidecimal_key;
static TQString darray[MAXIMUM_VTS];
static FILE* opensc_explorer_file;
TQString readfile(const char * filename) {
FILE *fp;
long len;
char *buf;
fp=fopen(filename, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("[WARNING] Unable to read from file %s\n\r", filename); fflush(stdout);
return TQString();
fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); // Seek to end
len=ftell(fp); // Get position at end (length)
fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); // Seek to beginning
buf=(char *)malloc(len+1); // Malloc the buffer
fread(buf,len,1,fp); // Read file
TQString contents(buf);
free(buf); // Free the buffer
return contents;
TQString exec(const char * cmd) {
TQString bashcommand = cmd;
bashcommand = bashcommand.replace("\"", "\\\"");
bashcommand = TQString("/bin/bash -c \"%1\"").tqarg(bashcommand);
FILE* pipe = popen(bashcommand.ascii(), "r");
if (!pipe) return "ERROR";
char buffer[128];
TQString result = "";
while(!feof(pipe)) {
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL) {
result += buffer;
result.remove(result.length(), 1);
return result;
int systemexec(const char * cmd) {
TQString bashcommand = cmd;
bashcommand = bashcommand.replace("\"", "\\\"");
bashcommand = TQString("/bin/bash -c \"%1\"").tqarg(bashcommand);
return system(bashcommand.ascii()) >> 8;
TQString execret(const char * cmd, int * retcode) {
TQString bashcommand = cmd;
bashcommand = bashcommand.replace("\"", "\\\"");
bashcommand = TQString("/bin/bash -c \"%1\"").tqarg(bashcommand);
FILE* pipe = popen(bashcommand.ascii(), "r");
if (!pipe) return "ERROR";
char buffer[128];
TQString result = "";
while(!feof(pipe)) {
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL) {
result += buffer;
*retcode = pclose(pipe) >> 8;
result.remove(result.length(), 1);
return result;
int unlink_cb(const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb, int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf)
int rv = remove(fpath);
if (rv)
return rv;
int rmrf(const char *path)
return nftw(path, unlink_cb, 64, FTW_DEPTH | FTW_PHYS);
TQString get_file(TQString prefix, TQString mode) {
if (command_mode == "acos") {
// Select EF prefix under DF 1000
systemexec((TQString("echo \"%1 %2\" > %3/query").tqarg(select_file).tqarg(prefix).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// printf("[DEBUG 100.0] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
// Read binary
systemexec((TQString("echo \"%1\" > %2/query").tqarg(read_binary).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
TQString authokresponse="90 00 : Normal processing";
TQString response1 = exec((TQString("cat %1/response2 | grep \"%2\"").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(authokresponse)).ascii());
if (response1 != "") {
systemexec((TQString("cat %1/response2 | tr -d '\n' > %2/response4").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
TQString stringtoreplace="Using T=0 protocol00 B0 00 00 FF> 00 B0 00 00 FF< ";
TQString newstring="";
systemexec((TQString("sed -i \"s#%1#%2#g\" %3/response4").tqarg(stringtoreplace).tqarg(newstring).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
stringtoreplace=" 90 00 : Normal processing.";
systemexec((TQString("sed -i \"s#%1#%2#g\" %3/response4").tqarg(stringtoreplace).tqarg(newstring).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
if (mode == "text") {
stringtoreplace=" 00";
systemexec((TQString("sed -i \"s#%1#%2#g\" %3/response4").tqarg(stringtoreplace).tqarg(newstring).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// printf("[DEBUG 100.1] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response4").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
systemexec((TQString("xxd -r -p %1/response4 %2/lukskey").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
TQString file = TQString(prefix).replace(' ', "");
// systemexec((TQString("echo \"get %1\" | opensc-explorer").tqarg(file)).ascii());
fputs((TQString("get %1\n").tqarg(file)).ascii(), opensc_explorer_file);
int j;
// Wait up to 2 seconds for the file to be written
for (j=0;j<200;j++) {
FILE* fp1 = fopen((TQString("3F00_%1").tqarg(file)).ascii(), "r");
if (fp1) {
// file exists
usleep(100000); // [FIXME] Here I assume that the entire file will be written (after it was created) within 100us. This may not be correct in all cases!
return TQString("3F00_%1").tqarg(file);
void createfile(TQString prefix, TQString mode)
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
// Create transparent file with permissions:
// delete, terminate, activate, deactivate, update, read for Key 1 and Key 2 only
systemexec((TQString("echo \"F0 E0 00 FF 10 FF FF 00 %1 %2 01 3F 44 FF 44 01 03 11 FF 11\" > %3/query").tqarg(prefix).tqarg(mode).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2 2>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
if (command_mode == "acos") {
// Create transparent file with permissions:
// delete, terminate, activate, deactivate, update, read for Key 1, Key 2, and Key 3 only (SE 04)
// created in DF 1000 under MF, SE file is 10FE
systemexec((TQString("echo \"00 E0 00 00 1A 62 18 80 02 00 %1 82 01 01 83 02 %2 8A 01 %3 8C 08 7F 04 04 04 04 04 04 04\" > %4/query").tqarg(prefix).tqarg(mode).tqarg(CREATE_LIFE_CYCLE).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2 2>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 300.0] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
void update_file(TQString prefix, TQString mode) {
if (command_mode == "acos") {
// Select EF prefix under DF 1000
systemexec((TQString("echo \"$SELECT_FILE %1\" > %2/query").tqarg(prefix).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 200.0] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
// Update existing file
// Zero pad input file
systemexec((TQString("dd if=/dev/zero of=%1/response2 bs=1 count=255 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("dd if=%1 of=%2/response2 bs=1 count=255 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null").tqarg(mode).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Truncate to 255 bytes and expand to standard hex listing format
systemexec((TQString("xxd -l 255 -ps -c 1 %1/response2 > %2/response").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("cat %1/response | tr '\n' ' ' > %1/hexready").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
TQString hexready = readfile((TQString("%1/hexready").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("echo \"%1 %2\" > %3/query").tqarg(update_binary).tqarg(hexready).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2 2>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 200.1] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
// Delete old file
systemexec((TQString("echo \"%1 $1\" > %2/query").tqarg(delete_file).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2 2>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 200.2] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
// Create new file
createfile("FF", prefix);
TQString file = TQString(prefix).replace(' ', "");
systemexec((TQString("echo \"put %1 %2\" | opensc-explorer").tqarg(file).tqarg(mode)).ascii());
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
TQString smartcard_username;
TQString oldsmartcard_username;
TQString smartcard_password;
TQString smartcard_slave;
TQString lverify;
TQString cverify;
TQString udisplay;
TQString newdisplay;
TQString logouttest;
TQString blankresult;
TQString smartcard_minutes_raw;
int timer;
int smartcard_minutes;
int internet_minutes;
int newdisplayint;
printf("[DEBUG 390.0] Starting up\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Create the secure directory and lock it down
secure_directory = SECURE_DIRECTORY_PATH;
mkdir(secure_directory.ascii(), 600);
chown(secure_directory.ascii(), 0, 0);
chmod(secure_directory.ascii(), 600);
secure_directory=exec("mktemp " SECURE_DIRECTORY_PATH "/smartauthmon.XXXXXXXXXX");
secure_directory.replace('\n', "");
mkdir(secure_directory.ascii(), 600);
chown(secure_directory.ascii(), 0, 0);
chmod(secure_directory.ascii(), 600);
// Terminate old pcscd process from initrd
system("killall -9 pcscd");
// See if required programs are installed
TQString scriptor = exec("whereis scriptor");
if ( scriptor == "scriptor:" ) {
printf("ERROR: scriptor is not installed! This program cannot continue!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
return 1;
TQString opensc = exec("whereis opensc-explorer");
if ( opensc == "opensc-explorer:" ) {
printf("ERROR: opensc-explorer is not installed! This program cannot continue!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
return 1;
printf("[DEBUG 390.2] Reading keys\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Read hexidecimal_key from the system crypto files
FILE* fpkey = fopen("/etc/smartauth/smartauthmon.key", "rb");
if (fpkey == NULL) {
printf("Smart card login has been disabled. Exiting...\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
return 1;
else {
hexidecimal_key = readfile("/etc/smartauth/smartauthmon.key");
hexidecimal_key.replace('\n', "");
printf("[DEBUG 400.0] Ready...\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
while (1) {
int output = systemexec("echo \"exit\" | timeout 1 scriptor 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null");
if (output == 0) {
printf("[DEBUG 400.1] Card inserted!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
systemexec("echo \"TAuthenticating SmartCard...\" > /tmp/ksocket-global/kdesktoplockcontrol &");
// Get card ATR
systemexec((TQString("echo \"RESET\" > %1/query").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
TQString authokresponse="OK: ";
TQString response1 = exec((TQString("cat %1/response2 | grep \"%2\"").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(authokresponse)).ascii());
if (response1 != "") {
systemexec((TQString("cat %1/response2 | tr -d '\n' > %2/response4").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
TQString stringtoreplace="Using T=0 protocolRESET> RESET< OK: ";
TQString newstring="";
systemexec((TQString("sed -i \"s#%1#%2#g\" %3/response4").tqarg(stringtoreplace).tqarg(newstring).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
TQString smartatr = readfile((TQString("%1/response4").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 400.2] Got ATR: %s\n\r", smartatr.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
if (smartatr == "3B BE 18 00 00 41 05 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 ") {
printf("[DEBUG 400.3] Detected ACOS5 card\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
if (smartatr == "3B 02 14 50 ") {
printf("[DEBUG 400.3] Detected Schlumberger CryptoFlex card\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
else {
printf("[DEBUG 400.3] No card detected!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
get_challenge="C0 84 00 00 08";
external_auth="C0 82 00 00 07 01";
select_file="C0 A4 00 00 02";
delete_file="F0 E4 00 00 02";
if (command_mode == "acos") {
get_challenge="00 84 00 00 08";
external_auth="00 82 00 82 08"; // Key 2
select_file="00 A4 00 00 02";
delete_file="00 E4 00 00 00";
read_binary="00 B0 00 00 FF";
update_binary="00 D6 00 00 FF";
activate_file="00 44 00 00 02";
// Authenticate card
if (command_mode == "acos") {
// Select MF
systemexec((TQString("echo \"00 A4 00 00 00\" > %1/query").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 400.4] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
// Select DF 1000 under MF
systemexec((TQString("echo \"%1 10 00\" > %2/query").tqarg(select_file).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/query 1> %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 400.5] %s\n\r", readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory))).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > %2/authscript").tqarg(get_challenge).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/authscript | grep 'Normal processing' > %2/challenge").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("perl -pi -e 's/ //g' %1/challenge").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("perl -pi -e 's/:Normalprocessing.//g' %1/challenge").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("perl -pi -e 's/<//g' %1/challenge").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("xxd -r -p %1/challenge %2/challenge").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Now DES encrypt the challenge
// Later, change the initialization vector to random if possible
// Create the response from the challenge
systemexec((TQString("openssl des-ecb -in %1/challenge -out %2/response -K %3 -iv 1").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(hexidecimal_key)).ascii());
if (command_mode == "acos") {
// Truncate to 8 bytes
systemexec((TQString("dd if=%1/response of=%2/response2 bs=1 count=8 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Expand to standard hex listing format
systemexec((TQString("xxd -g 1 %1/response2 %2/response").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("dd if=%1/response of=%2/response2 bs=1 count=23 skip=9 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
// Truncate to 6 bytes
systemexec((TQString("dd if=%1/response of=%2/response2 bs=1 count=6 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Expand to standard hex listing format
systemexec((TQString("xxd -g 1 %1/response2 %2/response").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("dd if=%1/response of=%2/response2 bs=1 count=17 skip=9 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Assemble the response file
TQString response2 = readfile((TQString("%1/response2").tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
response1 = TQString("%1 %2").tqarg(external_auth).tqarg(response2);
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > %2/response").tqarg(response1).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Send the response!
systemexec((TQString("scriptor %1/response > %2/response2").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
// Get the result
authokresponse = "< 90 00 : Normal processing";
response1 = exec((TQString("cat %1/response2 | grep \"%2\"").tqarg(secure_directory).tqarg(authokresponse)).ascii());
printf("[DEBUG 400.6] %s\n\r", response1.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
if (response1 != "") {
printf("[DEBUG 400.7] Smart card validation successfull!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
opensc_explorer_file = popen("opensc-explorer 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null", "w");
// Get username and password
TQString response = get_file("10 02", "text");
smartcard_username = readfile(response);
smartcard_username = smartcard_username.replace('\n', "");
response = get_file("10 03", "text");
smartcard_password = readfile(response.ascii());
smartcard_password = smartcard_password.replace('\n', "");
response = get_file("10 04", "text");
smartcard_slave = readfile(response);
smartcard_slave = smartcard_slave.replace('\n', "");
if (smartcard_slave == "SLAVE") {
get_file("10 05", "text");
smartcard_minutes_raw = readfile(response);
smartcard_minutes_raw = smartcard_minutes_raw.replace('\n', "");
get_file("10 06", "text");
internet_minutes = readfile(response).toInt();
else {
printf("[DEBUG 400.7] This card does not recognize this system!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
systemexec("echo \"EInvalid SmartCard Inserted\" > /tmp/ksocket-global/kdesktoplockcontrol &");
if (smartcard_slave == "SLAVE") {
if (smartcard_minutes_raw == "") {
else {
smartcard_minutes = smartcard_minutes_raw.toInt();
// Decrement minutes on card
if (smartcard_minutes > 0) {
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > %2/minutes").tqarg(smartcard_minutes).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
update_file("10 05", TQString("%1/minutes").tqarg(secure_directory));
if (smartcard_minutes == 0) {
printf("[DEBUG 400.8] Minutes have been used up!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Prohibit logon
mkdir("/etc/smartmon", 644);
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > /etc/smartmon/minutesremaining").tqarg(smartcard_minutes)).ascii());
chmod("/etc/smartmon/minutesremaining", 755);
// Initialize variables
int loginok=1;
// Try to do the authentication
TQString result="";
int timeout=0;
int errcode=0;
int waserror=0;
int noactivesessions=0;
result = exec(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl -g list");
if (result == "ok") {
printf("[DEBUG 400.9] %s\n\r", result.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
TQString resultbkp=result;
if (errcode == 0) {
// Allow KDM to finish starting
if (waserror == 1) {
// Zero the desktop array
int index=0;
while (index < MAXIMUM_VTS) {
if (result != "okbutempty") {
TQStringList sessionList = TQStringList::split('\t', result, false);
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = sessionList.begin(); it != sessionList.end(); ++it ) {
TQStringList sessionInfoList = TQStringList::split(',', *it, true);
if ((*(":")) {
darray[(*(] = (*(;
// See if the desired user is already logged in
int foundsession=0;
while (index < MAXIMUM_VTS) {
if (darray[index] == smartcard_username) {
if (darray[index] != "") {
printf("[DEBUG 400.a] Found existing session on desktop: %d\n\r", index); fflush(stdout);
udisplay = TQString(":%1").tqarg(index);
// Check password
if (check_password(smartcard_username.ascii(), smartcard_password.ascii()) == 0) {
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface quit\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface enable false\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl activate %1").tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
else {
systemexec("echo \"EUnauthorized SmartCard Inserted\" > /tmp/ksocket-global/kdesktoplockcontrol &");
else {
printf("[DEBUG 400.b] Username not specified\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
if (foundsession == 0) {
printf("[DEBUG 400.c] Existing session not found, starting new...\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Make sure that this is not display :0 (default login screen).
// If it is, execute login. If not, create new session, then execute login
int usebasedisplay=0;
if (noactivesessions == 1) {
newdisplay = exec("ls /var/run/xdmctl/ | grep 'xdmctl-:0'");
printf("[DEBUG 400.d] %s\n\r", newdisplay.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
if (newdisplay != "") {
if (!resultbkp.contains(":")) {
newdisplay = exec("ls /var/run/xdmctl/ | grep 'xdmctl-:0'");
printf("[DEBUG 400.d] %s\n\r", newdisplay.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
if (newdisplay != "") {
printf("[DEBUG 400.e] Creating new session\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
if (usebasedisplay) {
printf("[DEBUG 400.e] Using base display\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Attempt login
// // Find next sequential inactive display
// // FIXME
// // This assumes the original VT is on display 0 at all times,
// // which is not always true
// int minvt = 0;
// TQStringList sessionList = TQStringList::split('\t', result, false);
// for (newdisplayint = minvt; newdisplayint<MAXIMUM_VTS; newdisplayint++) {
// bool displayfound = false;
// for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = sessionList.begin(); it != sessionList.end(); ++it ) {
// TQStringList sessionInfoList = TQStringList::split(',', *it, true);
// if ((*(":%1").tqarg(newdisplayint))) {
// displayfound = true;
// }
// }
// if (displayfound == false) {
// break;
// }
// }
// This external bash code does not assume that the original VT is on display 0 at all times,
// but it is a bit sloppy to have to call it from here. FIXME
newdisplayint = systemexec("smartauth_displayfinder");
newdisplay = TQString(":%1").tqarg(newdisplayint);
printf("[DEBUG 400.f] The next display to start will be %s\n\r", newdisplay.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
if (!usebasedisplay) {
systemexec(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl -g reserve");
TQString kdmctl_command = TQString("login\t%1\tnow\t%2\t%3\n").tqarg(newdisplay).tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(smartcard_password);
FILE* kdmctlpipe = popen(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl -g -", "w");
if (pipe) {
fputs(kdmctl_command.ascii(), kdmctlpipe);
systemexec((TQString(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl -g activate %1").tqarg(newdisplay)).ascii());
if (smartcard_slave == "SLAVE") {
if (smartcard_minutes < 5) {
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; zenity --warning --text 'You have less than 5 minutes of computer time remaining' || exit 0\" &").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
// if (loginok == 1) {
// Wait for SmartCard removal
systemexec("echo \"C\" > /tmp/ksocket-global/kdesktoplockcontrol &");
while (output == 0) {
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface quit\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface enable false\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
output = systemexec("echo \"exit\" | scriptor 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null");
if (smartcard_slave == "SLAVE") {
if (timer == 0) {
// 60 seconds have passed, decrement minutes on card
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > /etc/smartmon/minutesremaining").tqarg(smartcard_minutes)).ascii());
chmod("/etc/smartmon/minutesremaining", 755);
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > %2/minutes").tqarg(smartcard_minutes).tqarg(secure_directory)).ascii());
update_file("10 05", TQString("%1/minutes").tqarg(secure_directory));
if (smartcard_minutes == 0) {
printf("[DEBUG 401.0] Minutes have been used up!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Prohibit logon
mkdir("/etc/smartmon", 644);
systemexec((TQString("echo %1 > /etc/smartmon/minutesremaining").tqarg(smartcard_minutes)).ascii());
chmod("/etc/smartmon/minutesremaining", 755);
if (smartcard_minutes == 5) {
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; zenity --warning --text 'You have less than 5 minutes of computer time remaining' || exit 0\" &").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
if (smartcard_minutes == 0) {
printf("[DEBUG 401.1] Minutes have been used up!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
printf("[DEBUG 401.2] Beginning logoff process\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
printf("[DEBUG 401.3] Card removed\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// Is the user still logged in?
result = exec(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl -g list");
if (result == "ok") {
printf("[DEBUG 401.4] %s\n\r", result.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
// Zero the desktop array
while (index < MAXIMUM_VTS) {
TQStringList sessionList = TQStringList::split('\t', result, false);
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = sessionList.begin(); it != sessionList.end(); ++it ) {
TQStringList sessionInfoList = TQStringList::split(',', *it, true);
if ((*(":")) {
darray[(*(] = (*(;
// See if the desired user is still logged in
while (index != MAXIMUM_VTS) {
if (darray[index] == smartcard_username) {
if (darray[index] != "") {
printf("[DEBUG 401.5] Found existing session on desktop: %d\n\r", index); fflush(stdout);
udisplay = TQString(":%1").tqarg(index);
while (blankresult != "true") {
systemexec((TQString(TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "kdmctl -g activate %1").tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface enable true\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
systemexec((TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay)).ascii());
int retcode;
blankresult = execret(TQString("su %1 -c \"export DISPLAY=%2; " TRINITY_BIN_PREFIX "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface isBlanked\"").tqarg(smartcard_username).tqarg(udisplay).ascii(), &retcode);
if (retcode != 0) {
blankresult = blankresult.replace('\n', "");
logouttest = exec((TQString("echo %1 | grep 'target display has no VT assigned'").tqarg(blankresult)).ascii());
if (logouttest != "") {
printf("[DEBUG 401.6] User has logged out\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
else {
printf("[DEBUG 401.7] Username not specified!\n\r"); fflush(stdout);
// }
if (command_mode == "cryptoflex") {
systemexec("echo \"C\" > /tmp/ksocket-global/kdesktoplockcontrol &");