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/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
This program is Copyright 2000-2008
Guillaume Laurent <>,
Chris Cannam <>,
Richard Bown <>
The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
#include "NotationGroup.h"
#include "misc/Debug.h"
#include "base/Equation.h"
#include "base/Event.h"
#include "base/NotationRules.h"
#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
#include "base/Quantizer.h"
#include "NotationChord.h"
#include "NotationElement.h"
#include "NotationProperties.h"
#include "NotationStaff.h"
#include "NoteStyleFactory.h"
#include "NotePixmapFactory.h"
namespace Rosegarden
NotationGroup::NotationGroup(NotationElementList &nel,
NELIterator i, const Quantizer *q,
std::pair<timeT, timeT> barRange,
const NotationProperties &p,
const Clef &clef, const Key &key) :
AbstractSet<NotationElement, NotationElementList>(nel, i, q),
//!!! What if the clef and/or key change in the course of the group?
if (!(*i)->event()->get<Int>
(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID, m_groupNo)) m_groupNo = -1;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::NotationGroup: id is " << m_groupNo << endl;
i = getInitialElement();
while (i != getContainer().end()) {
long gid = -1;
(*i)->event()->get<Int>(BEAMED_GROUP_ID, gid);
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Found element with group id "
<< gid << endl;
if (i == getFinalElement()) break;
NotationGroup::NotationGroup(NotationElementList &nel,
const Quantizer *q,
const NotationProperties &p,
const Clef &clef, const Key &key) :
AbstractSet<NotationElement, NotationElementList>(nel, nel.end(), q),
m_barRange(0, 0),
//!!! What if the clef and/or key change in the course of the group?
m_groupNo( -1),
bool NotationGroup::test(const NELIterator &i)
// An event is a candidate for being within the bounds of the
// set if it's simply within the same bar as the original event.
// (Groups may contain other groups, so our bounds may enclose
// events that aren't members of the group: we reject those in
// sample rather than test, so as to avoid erroneously ending
// the group too soon.)
return ((*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime() >= m_barRange.first &&
(*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime() < m_barRange.second);
NotationGroup::sample(const NELIterator &i, bool goingForwards)
if (m_baseIterator == getContainer().end()) {
m_baseIterator = i;
if (m_userSamples)
m_initial = i;
if (m_userSamples)
m_final = i;
std::string t;
if (!(*i)->event()->get<String>(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_TYPE, t)) {
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::NotationGroup: Rejecting sample() for non-beamed element" << endl;
return false;
long n;
if (!(*i)->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID, n)) return false;
if (m_groupNo == -1) {
m_groupNo = n;
} else if (n != m_groupNo) {
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::NotationGroup: Rejecting sample() for event with group id " << n << " (mine is " << m_groupNo << ")" << endl;
return false;
if (t == BaseProperties::GROUP_TYPE_BEAMED) {
m_type = Beamed;
} else if (t == BaseProperties::GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
m_type = Tupled;
} else if (t == BaseProperties::GROUP_TYPE_GRACE) {
std::cerr << "NotationGroup::NotationGroup: WARNING: Obsolete group type Grace found" << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::NotationGroup: Warning: Rejecting sample() for unknown GroupType \"" << t << "\"" << endl;
return false;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::sample: group id is " << m_groupNo << endl;
AbstractSet<NotationElement, NotationElementList>::sample
(i, goingForwards);
// If the sum of the distances from the middle line to the notes
// above the middle line exceeds the sum of the distances from the
// middle line to the notes below, then the beam goes below. We
// can calculate the weightings here, as we construct the group.
if (!static_cast<NotationElement*>(*i)->isNote())
return true;
if (m_userSamples) {
if (m_initialNote == getContainer().end()) m_initialNote = i;
m_finalNote = i;
// The code that uses the Group should not rely on the presence of
// e.g. BEAM_GRADIENT to indicate that a beam should be drawn;
// it's possible the gradient might be left over from a previous
// calculation and the group might have changed since. Instead it
// should test BEAMED, which may be false even if there is a
// gradient present.
(*i)->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(NotationProperties::BEAMED, false);
int h = height(i);
if (h > 4)
m_weightAbove += h - 4;
if (h < 4)
m_weightBelow += 4 - h;
return true;
NotationGroup::contains(const NELIterator &i) const
NELIterator j(getInitialElement()),
k( getFinalElement());
for (;;) {
if (j == i)
return true;
if (j == k)
return false;
NotationGroup::height(const NELIterator &i) const
long h = 0;
if ((*i)->event()->get<Int>(NotationProperties::HEIGHT_ON_STAFF, h)) {
return h;
//!!! int pitch = (*i)->event()->get<Int>(PITCH);
// NotationDisplayPitch p(pitch, m_clef, m_key);
// h = p.getHeightOnStaff();
try {
Pitch pitch(*getAsEvent(i));
h = pitch.getHeightOnStaff(m_clef, m_key);
} catch (...) {
// no pitch!
// not setMaybe, as we know the property is absent:
(*i)->event()->set<Int>(NotationProperties::HEIGHT_ON_STAFF, h, false);
return h;
NotationRules rules;
if (initialNote == getContainer().end() ||
initialNote == finalNote) {
//!!! This is not true -- if initialNote == finalNote there is
// one note in the group, not none. But we still won't have a
// beam.
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyStemProperties: no notes in group"
<< endl;
return; // no notes, no case to answer
if (getHighestNote() == getContainer().end()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: NotationGroup::applyStemProperties: no highest note!" << std::endl;
if (getLowestNote() == getContainer().end()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: NotationGroup::applyStemProperties: no lowest note!" << std::endl;
int up = 0, down = 0;
for (NELIterator i = initialNote; i != getContainer().end(); ++i) {
NotationElement* el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*i);
if (el->isNote()) {
if (el->event()->has(NotationProperties::STEM_UP)) {
if (el->event()->get<Bool>(NotationProperties::STEM_UP)) ++up;
else ++down;
if (i == finalNote) break;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyStemProperties: weightAbove "
<< m_weightAbove << ", weightBelow " << m_weightBelow
<< ", up " << up << ", down " << down << endl;
bool aboveNotes = rules.isBeamAbove(height(getHighestNote()),
if (up != down) {
if (up > down) aboveNotes = true;
else aboveNotes = false;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyStemProperties: hence aboveNotes "
<< aboveNotes << endl;
if ((*initialNote)->event()->has(STEM_UP) &&
(*initialNote)->event()->isPersistent<Bool>(STEM_UP)) {
aboveNotes = (*initialNote)->event()->get<Bool>(STEM_UP);
if ((*initialNote)->event()->has(NotationProperties::BEAM_ABOVE) &&
(*initialNote)->event()->isPersistent<Bool>(NotationProperties::BEAM_ABOVE)) {
aboveNotes = (*initialNote)->event()->get<Bool>
for (NELIterator i = initialNote; i != getContainer().end(); ++i) {
NotationElement* el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*i);
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(NotationProperties::BEAM_ABOVE, aboveNotes);
if (el->isNote() &&
el->event()->has(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE) &&
el->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE) < Note::Crotchet &&
el->event()->has(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID) &&
el->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID) == m_groupNo) {
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(NotationProperties::BEAMED, true);
// el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, aboveNotes);
} else if (el->isNote()) {
if (i == initialNote || i == finalNote) {
(m_properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, aboveNotes);
} else {
(m_properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, !aboveNotes);
if (i == finalNote) break;
bool inside = false;
bool found = false;
for (NELIterator i = getInitialNote(); i != getContainer().end(); ++i) {
NotationElement* el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*i);
if (el->isNote() &&
el->event()->has(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE) &&
el->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE) < Note::Crotchet &&
el->event()->has(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID) &&
el->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID) == m_groupNo) {
if (found) return true; // a rest is wholly enclosed by beamed notes
inside = true;
if (el->isRest() && inside) found = true;
if (i == getFinalNote()) break;
return false;
NotationGroup::calculateBeam(NotationStaff &staff)
NotationRules rules;
Beam beam;
beam.aboveNotes = true;
beam.startY = 0;
beam.gradient = 0;
beam.necessary = false;
if (initialNote == getContainer().end() ||
initialNote == finalNote) {
return beam; // no notes, or at most one: no case to answer
beam.aboveNotes = rules.isBeamAbove(height(getHighestNote()),
if ((*initialNote)->event()->has(NotationProperties::BEAM_ABOVE)) {
beam.aboveNotes = (*initialNote)->event()->get
timeT crotchet = Note(Note::Crotchet).getDuration();
beam.necessary =
(*initialNote)->getViewDuration() < crotchet &&
(*finalNote)->getViewDuration() < crotchet;
beam.necessary = beam.necessary &&
(((*finalNote)->getViewAbsoluteTime() >
(*initialNote)->getViewAbsoluteTime()) ||
(((*finalNote)->getViewAbsoluteTime() ==
(*initialNote)->getViewAbsoluteTime()) &&
((*finalNote)->event()->getSubOrdering() >
// We continue even if the beam is not necessary, because the
// same data is used to generate the tupling line in tupled
// groups that do not have beams
// if (!beam.necessary) return beam;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::calculateBeam: beam necessariness: " << beam.necessary << endl;
NotationChord initialChord(getContainer(), initialNote, &getQuantizer(),
m_properties, m_clef, m_key),
finalChord(getContainer(), finalNote, &getQuantizer(),
m_properties, m_clef, m_key);
if (initialChord.getInitialElement() == finalChord.getInitialElement()) {
return beam;
bool isGrace =
(*initialNote)->event()->has(BaseProperties::IS_GRACE_NOTE) &&
int initialHeight, finalHeight, extremeHeight;
NELIterator extremeNote;
if (beam.aboveNotes) {
initialHeight = height(initialChord.getHighestNote());
finalHeight = height( finalChord.getHighestNote());
extremeHeight = height( getHighestNote());
extremeNote = getHighestNote();
} else {
initialHeight = height(initialChord.getLowestNote());
finalHeight = height( finalChord.getLowestNote());
extremeHeight = height( getLowestNote());
extremeNote = getLowestNote();
int diff = initialHeight - finalHeight;
if (diff < 0) diff = -diff;
bool linear =
(beam.aboveNotes ?
(extremeHeight <= std::max(initialHeight, finalHeight)) :
(extremeHeight >= std::min(initialHeight, finalHeight)));
if (!linear) {
if (diff > 2)
diff = 1;
diff = 0;
// Now, we need to judge the height of the beam such that the
// nearest note of the whole group, the nearest note of the first
// chord and the nearest note of the final chord are all at least
// two note-body-heights away from it, and at least one of the
// start and end points is at least the usual note stem-length
// away from it. This is a straight-line equation y = mx + c,
// where we have m and two x,y pairs and need to find c.
//!!! If we find that making one extreme a sensible distance from
//the note head makes the other extreme way too far away from it
//in the direction of the gradient, then we should flatten the
//gradient. There may be a better heuristic for this.
int initialX = (int)(*initialNote)->getLayoutX();
int finalDX = (int) (*finalNote)->getLayoutX() - initialX;
int extremeDX = (int)(*extremeNote)->getLayoutX() - initialX;
int spacing = staff.getNotePixmapFactory(isGrace).getLineSpacing();
beam.gradient = 0;
if (finalDX > 0) {
do {
if (diff == 0)
else if (diff > 3)
diff = 3;
beam.gradient = (diff * spacing * 100) / (finalDX * 2);
} while (beam.gradient > 18);
} else {
beam.gradient = 0;
if (initialHeight < finalHeight)
beam.gradient = -beam.gradient;
int finalY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(finalHeight);
int extremeY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(extremeHeight);
int c0 = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(initialHeight), c1, c2;
double dgrad = (double)beam.gradient / 100.0;
Equation::solve(Equation::C, extremeY, dgrad, extremeDX, c1);
Equation::solve(Equation::C, finalY, dgrad, finalDX, c2);
using std::max;
using std::min;
long shortestNoteType = Note::Quaver;
if (!(*getShortestElement())->event()->get
shortestNoteType)) {
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::calculateBeam: WARNING: Shortest element has no note-type; should this be possible?" << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "(Event dump follows)" << endl;
// minimal stem lengths at start, middle-extreme and end of beam
int sl = staff.getNotePixmapFactory(isGrace).getStemLength();
int ml = spacing * 2;
int el = sl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "c0: " << c0 << ", c1: " << c1 << ", c2: " << c2 << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "sl: " << sl << ", ml: " << ml << ", el: " << el << endl;
// If the stems are down, we will need to ensure they end at
// heights lower than 0 if there's an internal rest -- likewise
// with stems up and an internal rest we need to ensure they end
// at higher than 8.
// [Avoid doing expensive haveInternalRest() test where possible]
if (beam.aboveNotes) {
int topY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(8);
if ((c0 - sl > topY) || (c1 - ml > topY) || (c2 - el > topY)) {
if (haveInternalRest()) {
if (c0 - sl > topY) sl = c0 - topY;
if (c1 - ml > topY) ml = c1 - topY;
if (c2 - el > topY) el = c2 - topY;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "made internal rest adjustment for above notes" << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "sl: " << sl << ", ml: " << ml << ", el: " << el << endl;
} else {
int bottomY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(0);
if ((c0 + sl < bottomY) || (c1 + ml < bottomY) || (c2 + el < bottomY)) {
if (haveInternalRest()) {
if (c0 + sl < bottomY) sl = bottomY - c0;
if (c1 + ml < bottomY) ml = bottomY - c1;
if (c2 + el < bottomY) el = bottomY - c2;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "made internal rest adjustment for below notes" << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "sl: " << sl << ", ml: " << ml << ", el: " << el << endl;
if (shortestNoteType < Note::Semiquaver) {
int off = spacing * (Note::Semiquaver - shortestNoteType);
sl += off;
el += off;
if (shortestNoteType < Note::Quaver) {
int off = spacing * (Note::Quaver - shortestNoteType);
ml += off;
int midY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(4);
// ensure extended to middle line if necessary, and assign suitable stem length
if (beam.aboveNotes) {
if (c0 - sl > midY) sl = c0 - midY;
if (c1 - ml > midY) ml = c1 - midY;
if (c2 - el > midY) el = c2 - midY;
if (extremeDX > 1.0 || extremeDX < -1.0) {
// beam.gradient = int(100 * double(c2 - c0) / double(extremeDX));
beam.startY = min(min(c0 - sl, c1 - ml), c2 - el);
} else {
if (c0 + sl < midY) sl = midY - c0;
if (c1 + ml < midY) ml = midY - c1;
if (c2 + el < midY) el = midY - c2;
if (extremeDX > 1.0 || extremeDX < -1.0) {
// beam.gradient = int(100 * double(c2 - c0) / double(extremeDX));
beam.startY = max(max(c0 + sl, c1 + ml), c2 + el);
NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::calculateBeam: beam data:" << endl
<< "gradient: " << beam.gradient << endl
<< "(c0 " << c0 << ", c2 " << c2 << ", extremeDX " << extremeDX << ")" << endl
<< "startY: " << beam.startY << endl
<< "aboveNotes: " << beam.aboveNotes << endl
<< "shortestNoteType: " << shortestNoteType << endl
<< "necessary: " << beam.necessary << endl;
return beam;
NotationGroup::applyBeam(NotationStaff &staff)
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyBeam, group no is " << m_groupNo << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "\nNotationGroup::applyBeam" << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Group id: " << m_groupNo << ", type " << m_type << endl;
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Coverage:" << endl;
int i = 0;
for (NELIterator i = getInitialElement(); i != getContainer().end(); ++i) {
if (i == getFinalElement()) break;
NELIterator i(getInitialNote());
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Initial note: " << (i == getContainer().end() ? -1 : (*i)->event()->getAbsoluteTime()) << endl;
NELIterator i(getFinalNote());
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Final note: " << (i == getContainer().end() ? -1 : (*i)->event()->getAbsoluteTime()) << endl;
NELIterator i(getHighestNote());
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Highest note: " << (i == getContainer().end() ? -1 : (*i)->event()->getAbsoluteTime()) << endl;
NELIterator i(getLowestNote());
NOTATION_DEBUG << "Lowest note: " << (i == getContainer().end() ? -1 : (*i)->event()->getAbsoluteTime()) << endl;
Beam beam(calculateBeam(staff));
if (!beam.necessary) {
for (NELIterator i = getInitialNote(); i != getContainer().end(); ++i) {
if (i == getFinalNote())
return ;
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyBeam: Beam is necessary" << endl;
NELIterator initialNote(getInitialNote()),
finalNote( getFinalNote());
int initialX = (int)(*initialNote)->getLayoutX();
timeT finalTime = (*finalNote)->getViewAbsoluteTime();
// For each chord in the group, we nominate the note head furthest
// from the beam as the primary note, the one that "owns" the stem
// and the section of beam up to the following chord. For this
// note, we need to:
// * Set the start height, start x-coord and gradient of the beam
// (we can't set the stem length for this note directly, because
// we don't know its y-coordinate yet)
// * Set width of this section of beam
// * Set the number of beams required for the following note (one
// slight complication here: a beamed group in which the very
// first chord is shorter than the following one. Here the first
// chord needs to know it's the first, or else it can't draw the
// part-beams immediately to its right correctly.)
// For the rest of the notes in the chord, we just need to
// indicate that they aren't part of the beam-drawing process and
// don't need to draw a stem.
NELIterator prev = getContainer().end(), prevprev = getContainer().end();
double gradient = (double)beam.gradient / 100.0;
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyBeam starting for group "<< this << endl;
for (NELIterator i = getInitialNote(); i != getContainer().end(); ++i) {
NotationElement* el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*i);
// Clear tuplingness for all events in the group, to be
// reinstated by any subsequent call to applyTuplingLine. We
// do this because applyTuplingLine doesn't clear these
// properties from notes that don't need them; it only applies
// them to notes that do.
if (el->isNote() &&
el->event()->has(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE) &&
<Int>(BaseProperties::NOTE_TYPE) < Note::Crotchet &&
el->event()->has(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID) &&
el->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_ID) == m_groupNo) {
NotationChord chord(getContainer(), i, &getQuantizer(),
m_properties, m_clef, m_key);
unsigned int j;
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyBeam: Found chord" << endl;
bool hasShifted = chord.hasNoteHeadShifted();
for (j = 0; j < chord.size(); ++j) {
NotationElement *el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*chord[j]);
(m_properties.CHORD_PRIMARY_NOTE, false);
(m_properties.DRAW_FLAG, false);
(NotationProperties::BEAMED, true);
(NotationProperties::BEAM_ABOVE, beam.aboveNotes);
(m_properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, beam.aboveNotes);
bool shifted = chord.isNoteHeadShifted(chord[j]);
(m_properties.NOTE_HEAD_SHIFTED, shifted);
long dots = 0;
<Int>(BaseProperties::NOTE_DOTS, dots);
(m_properties.NOTE_DOT_SHIFTED, false);
if (hasShifted && beam.aboveNotes) {
long dots = 0;
<Int>(BaseProperties::NOTE_DOTS, dots);
if (dots > 0) {
(m_properties.NOTE_DOT_SHIFTED, true);
chord.hasNoteHeadShifted() && !beam.aboveNotes);
if (beam.aboveNotes)
j = 0;
j = chord.size() - 1;
NotationElement *el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*chord[j]);
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(NotationProperties::BEAMED, false); // set later
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.DRAW_FLAG, true); // set later
int x = (int)el->getLayoutX();
int myY = (int)(gradient * (x - initialX)) + beam.startY;
int beamCount =
// If THIS_PART_BEAMS is true, then when drawing the
// chord, if it requires more beams than the following
// chord then they should be added as partial beams to the
// right of the stem.
// If NEXT_PART_BEAMS is true, then when drawing the
// chord, if it requires fewer beams than the following
// chord then the difference should be added as partial
// beams to the left of the following chord's stem.
// Procedure for setting these: If we have more beams than
// the preceding chord, then the preceding chord should
// have NEXT_PART_BEAMS set, until possibly unset again on
// the next iteration. If we have at least as many beams
// as the preceding chord, then the preceding chord should
// have THIS_PART_BEAMS unset and the one before it should
// have NEXT_PART_BEAMS unset. The first chord should
// have THIS_PART_BEAMS set, until possibly unset again on
// the next iteration.
if (prev != getContainer().end()) {
NotationElement *prevEl = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*prev);
int secWidth = x - (int)prevEl->getLayoutX();
// prevEl->event()->setMaybe<Int>(BEAM_NEXT_Y, myY);
(m_properties.BEAM_SECTION_WIDTH, secWidth);
(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_BEAM_COUNT, beamCount);
int prevBeamCount =
if ((beamCount > 0) && (prevBeamCount > 0)) {
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.BEAMED, true);
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.DRAW_FLAG, false);
prevEl->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.BEAMED, true);
prevEl->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.DRAW_FLAG, false);
if (beamCount >= prevBeamCount) {
(m_properties.BEAM_THIS_PART_BEAMS, false);
if (prevprev != getContainer().end()) {
(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_PART_BEAMS, false);
if (beamCount > prevBeamCount) {
(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_PART_BEAMS, true);
} else {
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.BEAM_THIS_PART_BEAMS, true);
el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.CHORD_PRIMARY_NOTE, true);
el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.BEAM_MY_Y, myY);
el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.BEAM_GRADIENT, beam.gradient);
// until they're set next time around the loop, as (*prev)->...
// el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_Y, myY);
el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.BEAM_SECTION_WIDTH, 0);
el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_BEAM_COUNT, 1);
prevprev = prev;
prev = chord[j];
i = chord.getFinalElement();
else if (el->isNote()) {
//!!! should we really be setting these here as well as in
// applyStemProperties?
if (i == initialNote || i == finalNote) {
(*i)->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, beam.aboveNotes);
} else {
(*i)->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.VIEW_LOCAL_STEM_UP, !beam.aboveNotes);
if (i == finalNote || el->getViewAbsoluteTime() > finalTime) break;
NotationGroup::applyTuplingLine(NotationStaff &staff)
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyTuplingLine, group no is " << m_groupNo << ", group type is " << m_type << endl;
if (m_type != Tupled)
return ;
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyTuplingLine: line is necessary" << endl;
Beam beam(calculateBeam(staff));
NELIterator initialNoteOrRest(initialElement);
NotationElement* initialNoteOrRestEl = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*initialNoteOrRest);
while (initialNoteOrRest != finalElement &&
!(initialNoteOrRestEl->isNote() ||
initialNoteOrRestEl->isRest())) {
initialNoteOrRestEl = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*initialNoteOrRest);
if (!initialNoteOrRestEl->isRest()) {
initialNoteOrRest = initialNote;
initialNoteOrRestEl = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*initialNoteOrRest);
if (initialNoteOrRest == staff.getViewElementList()->end()) return;
bool isGrace = false;
if (initialNote != staff.getViewElementList()->end()) {
isGrace =
(*initialNote)->event()->has(BaseProperties::IS_GRACE_NOTE) &&
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationGroup::applyTuplingLine: first element is " << (initialNoteOrRestEl->isNote() ? "Note" : "Non-Note") << ", last is " << (static_cast<NotationElement*>(*finalElement)->isNote() ? "Note" : "Non-Note") << endl;
int initialX = (int)(*initialNoteOrRest)->getLayoutX();
int finalX = (int)(*finalElement)->getLayoutX();
if (initialNote == staff.getViewElementList()->end() &&
finalNote == staff.getViewElementList()->end()) {
Event *e = (*initialNoteOrRest)->event();
e->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.TUPLING_LINE_WIDTH, finalX - initialX);
e->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.TUPLING_LINE_GRADIENT, 0);
} else {
// only notes have height
int initialY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(height(initialNote));
int finalY = staff.getLayoutYForHeight(height( finalNote));
// if we have a beam and both end-points of it are notes,
// place the tupling number over it (that is, make the tupling
// line follow the beam and say so); otherwise make the line
// follow the gradient a beam would have, but on the other
// side of the notes
bool followBeam =
(beam.necessary &&
(*initialNoteOrRest)->event()->isa(Note::EventType) &&
(finalNote == finalElement));
int startY = (followBeam ? beam.startY :
initialY - (beam.startY - initialY));
int endY = startY + (int)((finalX - initialX) *
((double)beam.gradient / 100.0));
// NOTATION_DEBUG << "applyTuplingLine: beam.startY is " << beam.startY << ", initialY is " << initialY << " so my startY is " << startY << ", endY " << endY << ", beam.gradient " << beam.gradient << endl;
int nh = staff.getNotePixmapFactory(isGrace).getNoteBodyHeight();
if (followBeam) { // adjust to move text slightly away from beam
int maxEndBeamCount = 1;
long bc;
if ((*initialNoteOrRest)->event()->get<Int>
(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_BEAM_COUNT, bc)) {
if (bc > maxEndBeamCount)
maxEndBeamCount = bc;
if ((*finalNote)->event()->get<Int>
(m_properties.BEAM_NEXT_BEAM_COUNT, bc)) {
if (bc > maxEndBeamCount)
maxEndBeamCount = bc;
int extraBeamSpace = maxEndBeamCount * nh + nh / 2;
if (beam.aboveNotes) {
startY -= extraBeamSpace;
endY -= extraBeamSpace;
finalX += nh;
} else {
startY += extraBeamSpace;
endY += extraBeamSpace;
finalX -= nh;
} else { // adjust to place close to note heads
if (startY < initialY) {
if (initialY - startY > nh * 3)
startY = initialY - nh * 3;
if ( finalY - endY < nh * 2)
startY -= nh * 2 - (finalY - endY);
} else {
if (startY - initialY > nh * 3)
startY = initialY + nh * 3;
if ( endY - finalY < nh * 2)
startY += nh * 2 - (endY - finalY);
Event *e = (*initialNoteOrRest)->event();
e->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.TUPLING_LINE_MY_Y, startY);
e->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.TUPLING_LINE_WIDTH, finalX - initialX);
e->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.TUPLING_LINE_GRADIENT, beam.gradient);
e->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.TUPLING_LINE_FOLLOWS_BEAM, followBeam);