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/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
This program is Copyright 2000-2008
Guillaume Laurent <>,
Chris Cannam <>,
Richard Bown <>
The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
#include "RosegardenCanvasView.h"
#include "misc/Debug.h"
#include "gui/general/CanvasItemGC.h"
#include <tqcanvas.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqrect.h>
#include <tqscrollbar.h>
#include <tqsize.h>
#include <tqsizepolicy.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
namespace Rosegarden
RosegardenCanvasView::RosegardenCanvasView(TQCanvas* canvas,
TQWidget* tqparent,
const char* name, WFlags f)
: TQCanvasView(canvas, tqparent, name, f),
m_currentBottomWidgetHeight( -1),
connect( &m_autoScrollTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) );
void RosegardenCanvasView::fitWidthToContents()
TQRect allItemsBoundingRect;
TQCanvasItemList items = canvas()->allItems();
TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it;
for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) {
allItemsBoundingRect |= (*it)->boundingRect();
TQSize currentSize = canvas()->size();
resizeContents(allItemsBoundingRect.width(), currentSize.height());
void RosegardenCanvasView::setBottomFixedWidget(TQWidget* w)
m_bottomWidget = w;
if (m_bottomWidget) {
int lww = m_leftWidget ? m_leftWidget->tqsizeHint().width() : 0;
m_bottomWidget->reparent(this, 0, TQPoint(0, 0));
m_bottomWidget->tqsetSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed));
setMargins(lww, 0, 0, m_bottomWidget->tqsizeHint().height());
void RosegardenCanvasView::slotUpdate()
// Smooth scroll checks
const int RosegardenCanvasView::AutoscrollMargin = 16;
const int RosegardenCanvasView::InitialScrollTime = 30;
const int RosegardenCanvasView::InitialScrollAccel = 5;
const int RosegardenCanvasView::MaxScrollDelta = 100; // max a.scroll speed
const double RosegardenCanvasView::ScrollAccelValue = 1.04;// acceleration rate
const int RosegardenCanvasView::DefaultSmoothScrollTimeInterval = 10;
const double RosegardenCanvasView::DefaultMinDeltaScroll = 1.2;
void RosegardenCanvasView::startAutoScroll()
// RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenCanvasView::startAutoScroll()\n";
if ( !m_autoScrollTimer.isActive() ) {
m_autoScrollTime = InitialScrollTime;
m_autoScrollAccel = InitialScrollAccel;
m_autoScrollTimer.start( m_autoScrollTime );
TQPoint autoScrollStartPoint = viewport()->mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() );
m_autoScrollYMargin = autoScrollStartPoint.y() / 10;
m_autoScrollXMargin = autoScrollStartPoint.x() / 10;
m_autoScrolling = true;
void RosegardenCanvasView::startAutoScroll(int directionConstraint)
void RosegardenCanvasView::stopAutoScroll()
// RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenCanvasView::stopAutoScroll()\n";
m_minDeltaScroll = DefaultMinDeltaScroll;
m_currentScrollDirection = None;
m_autoScrolling = false;
void RosegardenCanvasView::doAutoScroll()
// RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenCanvasView::doAutoScroll()\n";
TQPoint p = viewport()->mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() );
TQPoint dp = p - m_previousP;
m_previousP = p;
m_autoScrollTimer.start( m_autoScrollTime );
ScrollDirection scrollDirection = None;
int dx = 0, dy = 0;
if (m_scrollDirectionConstraint & FollowVertical) {
if ( p.y() < m_autoScrollYMargin ) {
dy = -(int(m_minDeltaScroll));
scrollDirection = Top;
} else if ( p.y() > visibleHeight() - m_autoScrollYMargin ) {
dy = + (int(m_minDeltaScroll));
scrollDirection = Bottom;
bool startDecelerating = false;
if (m_scrollDirectionConstraint & FollowHorizontal) {
// RG_DEBUG << "p.x() : " << p.x() << " - visibleWidth : " << visibleWidth() << " - autoScrollXMargin : " << m_autoScrollXMargin << endl;
if ( p.x() < m_autoScrollXMargin ) {
if ( dp.x() > 0 ) {
startDecelerating = true;
m_minDeltaScroll /= ScrollAccelValue;
dx = -(int(m_minDeltaScroll));
scrollDirection = Left;
} else if ( p.x() > visibleWidth() - m_autoScrollXMargin ) {
if ( dp.x() < 0 ) {
startDecelerating = true;
m_minDeltaScroll /= ScrollAccelValue;
dx = + (int(m_minDeltaScroll));
scrollDirection = Right;
// RG_DEBUG << "dx: " << dx << ", dy: " << dy << endl;
if ( (dx || dy) &&
((scrollDirection == m_currentScrollDirection) || (m_currentScrollDirection == None)) ) {
scrollBy(dx, dy);
if ( startDecelerating )
m_minDeltaScroll /= ScrollAccelValue;
m_minDeltaScroll *= ScrollAccelValue;
if (m_minDeltaScroll > MaxScrollDelta )
m_minDeltaScroll = MaxScrollDelta;
m_currentScrollDirection = scrollDirection;
} else {
// Don't automatically stopAutoScroll() here, the mouse button
// is presumably still pressed.
m_minDeltaScroll = DefaultMinDeltaScroll;
m_currentScrollDirection = None;
bool RosegardenCanvasView::isTimeForSmoothScroll()
if (m_smoothScroll) {
int ta = m_scrollAccelerationTimer.elapsed();
int t = m_scrollTimer.elapsed();
// RG_DEBUG << "t = " << t << ", ta = " << ta << ", int " << m_smoothScrollTimeInterval << ", delta " << m_minDeltaScroll << endl;
if (t < m_smoothScrollTimeInterval) {
return false;
} else {
if (ta > 300) {
// reset smoothScrollTimeInterval
m_smoothScrollTimeInterval = DefaultSmoothScrollTimeInterval;
m_minDeltaScroll = DefaultMinDeltaScroll;
} else if (ta > 50) {
// m_smoothScrollTimeInterval /= 2;
m_minDeltaScroll *= 1.08;
return true;
return true;
void RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollHoriz(int hpos)
TQScrollBar* hbar = getMainHorizontalScrollBar();
int currentContentYPos = contentsY();
/* Lots of performance hitting debug
RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollHoriz: hpos is " << hpos
<< ", contentsX is " << contentsX() << ", visibleWidth is "
<< visibleWidth() << endl;
if (hpos == 0) {
// returning to zero
// hbar->setValue(0);
setContentsPos(0, currentContentYPos);
} else if (hpos > (contentsX() +
visibleWidth() * 1.6) ||
hpos < (contentsX() -
visibleWidth() * 0.7)) {
// miles off one side or the other
// hbar->setValue(hpos - int(visibleWidth() * 0.4));
setContentsPos(hpos - int(visibleWidth() * 0.4), currentContentYPos);
} else if (hpos > (contentsX() +
visibleWidth() * 0.9)) {
// moving off the right hand side of the view
// hbar->setValue(hbar->value() + int(visibleWidth() * 0.6));
setContentsPos(hbar->value() + int(visibleWidth() * 0.6), currentContentYPos);
} else if (hpos < (contentsX() +
visibleWidth() * 0.1)) {
// moving off the left
// hbar->setValue(hbar->value() - int(visibleWidth() * 0.6));
setContentsPos(hbar->value() - int(visibleWidth() * 0.6), currentContentYPos);
void RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollHorizSmallSteps(int hpos)
TQScrollBar* hbar = getMainHorizontalScrollBar();
int currentContentYPos = contentsY();
int diff = 0;
if (hpos == 0) {
// returning to zero
// hbar->setValue(0);
setContentsPos(0, currentContentYPos);
} else if ((diff = int(hpos - (contentsX() +
visibleWidth() * 0.90))) > 0) {
// moving off the right hand side of the view
int delta = diff / 6;
int diff10 = std::min(diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll);
delta = std::max(delta, diff10);
// hbar->setValue(hbar->value() + delta);
setContentsPos(hbar->value() + delta, currentContentYPos);
} else if ((diff = int(hpos - (contentsX() +
visibleWidth() * 0.10))) < 0) {
// moving off the left
int delta = -diff / 6;
int diff10 = std::min( -diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll);
delta = std::max(delta, diff10);
// hbar->setValue(hbar->value() - delta);
setContentsPos(hbar->value() - delta, currentContentYPos);
void RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollVertSmallSteps(int vpos)
TQScrollBar* vbar = verticalScrollBar();
// RG_DEBUG << "RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollVertSmallSteps: vpos is " << vpos << ", contentsY is " << contentsY() << ", visibleHeight is " << visibleHeight() << endl;
// As a special case (or hack), ignore any request made before we've
// actually been rendered and sized
if (visibleHeight() <= 1)
return ;
int diff = 0;
if (vpos == 0) {
// returning to zero
} else if ((diff = int(vpos - (contentsY() +
visibleHeight() * 0.90))) > 0) {
// moving off up
int delta = diff / 6;
int diff10 = std::min(diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll);
delta = std::max(delta, diff10);
vbar->setValue(vbar->value() + diff);
} else if ((diff = int(vpos - (contentsY() +
visibleHeight() * 0.10))) < 0) {
// moving off down
int delta = -diff / 6;
int diff10 = std::min( -diff, (int)m_minDeltaScroll);
delta = std::max(delta, diff10);
vbar->setValue(vbar->value() - delta);
void RosegardenCanvasView::slotScrollVertToTop(int vpos)
TQScrollBar* vbar = verticalScrollBar();
if (vpos < visibleHeight() / 3)
vbar->setValue(vpos - visibleHeight() / 5);
void RosegardenCanvasView::slotSetScrollPos(const TQPoint &pos)
void RosegardenCanvasView::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* e)
if (!horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible())
void RosegardenCanvasView::setHBarGeometry(TQScrollBar &hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h)
TQCanvasView::setHBarGeometry(hbar, x, y, w, h);
void RosegardenCanvasView::updateBottomWidgetGeometry()
if (!m_bottomWidget)
return ;
int bottomWidgetHeight = m_bottomWidget->tqsizeHint().height();
int leftWidgetWidth = 0;
if (m_leftWidget && m_leftWidget->isVisible()) {
TQScrollView * qsv = dynamic_cast<TQScrollView *>(m_leftWidget);
leftWidgetWidth = qsv->contentsWidth()+2;
setMargins(leftWidgetWidth, 0, 0, bottomWidgetHeight);
TQRect r = frameRect();
int hScrollBarHeight = 0;
if (horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible())
hScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar()->height() + 2;
// + 2 offset : needed to preserve border shadow
int vScrollBarWidth = 0;
if (verticalScrollBar()->isVisible())
vScrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar()->width();
m_bottomWidget->setGeometry(r.x() + leftWidgetWidth,
r.y() + r.height() - bottomWidgetHeight - hScrollBarHeight,
r.width() - vScrollBarWidth - leftWidgetWidth,
if (bottomWidgetHeight != m_currentBottomWidgetHeight) {
emit bottomWidgetHeightChanged(bottomWidgetHeight);
m_currentBottomWidgetHeight = bottomWidgetHeight;
void RosegardenCanvasView::wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *e)
if (e->state() & ControlButton) {
if (e->delta() > 0)
emit zoomIn();
else if (e->delta() < 0)
emit zoomOut();
return ;
void RosegardenCanvasView::setLeftFixedWidget(TQWidget* w)
m_leftWidget = w;
if (m_leftWidget) {
int bwh = m_bottomWidget ? m_bottomWidget->tqsizeHint().height() : 0;
m_leftWidget->reparent(this, 0, TQPoint(0, 0));
m_leftWidget->tqsetSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Preferred));
setMargins(m_leftWidget->tqsizeHint().width(), 0, 0, bwh);
void RosegardenCanvasView::updateLeftWidgetGeometry()
if (!m_leftWidget)
return ;
int leftWidgetWidth = 0;
if (m_leftWidget->isVisible()) {
TQScrollView * qsv = dynamic_cast<TQScrollView *>(m_leftWidget);
leftWidgetWidth = qsv->contentsWidth() + 2;
int bottomWidgetHeight = m_bottomWidget ?
m_bottomWidget->tqsizeHint().height() : 0;
setMargins(leftWidgetWidth, 0, 0, bottomWidgetHeight);
TQRect r = frameRect();
int hScrollBarHeight = 0;
if (horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible())
hScrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar()->height() + 2;
// + 2 offset : needed to preserve border shadow
m_leftWidget->setFixedHeight(r.height() - bottomWidgetHeight - hScrollBarHeight);
#include "RosegardenCanvasView.moc"