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A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
This program is Copyright 2000-2008
Guillaume Laurent <>,
Chris Cannam <>,
Richard Bown <>
The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
#include "MupExporter.h"
#include "misc/Debug.h"
#include "base/BaseProperties.h"
#include "base/Composition.h"
#include "base/Event.h"
#include "base/Exception.h"
#include "base/NotationQuantizer.h"
#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
#include "base/Segment.h"
#include "base/SegmentNotationHelper.h"
#include "base/Sets.h"
#include "base/Track.h"
#include "gui/general/ProgressReporter.h"
#include <tqobject.h>
using std::string;
namespace Rosegarden
using namespace BaseProperties;
MupExporter::MupExporter(TQObject *parent,
Composition *composition,
string fileName) :
ProgressReporter(parent, "mupExporter"),
// nothing else
// nothing
Composition *c = m_composition;
std::ofstream str(m_fileName.c_str(), std::ios::out);
if (!str) {
std::cerr << "MupExporter::write() - can't write file " << m_fileName
<< std::endl;
return false;
str << "score\n";
str << "\tstaffs=" << c->getNbTracks() << "\n";
int ts = c->getTimeSignatureCount();
std::pair<timeT, TimeSignature> tspair;
if (ts > 0)
tspair = c->getTimeSignatureChange(0);
str << "\ttime="
<< tspair.second.getNumerator() << "/"
<< tspair.second.getDenominator() << "\n";
for (int barNo = -1; barNo < c->getNbBars(); ++barNo) {
for (TrackId trackNo = c->getMinTrackId();
trackNo <= c->getMaxTrackId(); ++trackNo) {
if (barNo < 0) {
writeClefAndKey(str, trackNo);
if (barNo == 0 && trackNo == 0) {
str << "\nmusic\n";
str << "\t" << trackNo + 1 << ":";
Segment *s = 0;
timeT barStart = c->getBarStart(barNo);
timeT barEnd = c->getBarEnd(barNo);
for (Composition::iterator ci = c->begin(); ci != c->end(); ++ci) {
if ((*ci)->getTrack() == trackNo &&
(*ci)->getStartTime() < barEnd &&
(*ci)->getEndMarkerTime() > barStart) {
s = *ci;
TimeSignature timeSig(c->getTimeSignatureAt(barStart));
if (!s) {
// write empty bar
writeInventedRests(str, timeSig, 0, barEnd - barStart);
if (s->getStartTime() > barStart) {
writeInventedRests(str, timeSig,
0, s->getStartTime() - barStart);
// Mup insists that every bar has the correct duration, and won't
// recover if one goes wrong. Keep careful tabs on this: it means
// that for example we have to round chord durations down where
// the next chord starts too soon
//!!! we _really_ can't cope with time sig changes yet!
timeT writtenDuration = writeBar(str, c, s, barStart, barEnd,
timeSig, trackNo);
if (writtenDuration < timeSig.getBarDuration()) {
RG_DEBUG << "writtenDuration: " << writtenDuration
<< ", bar duration " << timeSig.getBarDuration()
<< endl;
writeInventedRests(str, timeSig, writtenDuration,
timeSig.getBarDuration() - writtenDuration);
} else if (writtenDuration > timeSig.getBarDuration()) {
std::cerr << "WARNING: overfull bar in Mup export: duration " << writtenDuration
<< " into bar of duration " << timeSig.getBarDuration()
<< std::endl;
//!!! warn user
str << "\n";
if (barNo >= 0)
str << "bar" << std::endl;
str << "\n" << std::endl;
return true;
MupExporter::writeBar(std::ofstream &str,
Composition *c,
Segment *s,
timeT barStart, timeT barEnd,
TimeSignature &timeSig,
TrackId trackNo)
timeT writtenDuration = 0;
SegmentNotationHelper helper(*s);
long currentGroupId = -1;
string currentGroupType = "";
long currentTupletCount = 3;
bool first = true;
bool openBeamWaiting = false;
for (Segment::iterator si = s->findTime(barStart);
s->isBeforeEndMarker(si) &&
(*si)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() < barEnd; ++si) {
if ((*si)->isa(Note::EventType)) {
Chord chord(*s, si, c->getNotationQuantizer());
Event *e = *chord.getInitialNote();
timeT absTime = e->getNotationAbsoluteTime();
timeT duration = e->getNotationDuration();
try {
// tuplet compensation, etc
Note::Type type = e->get<Int>(NOTE_TYPE);
int dots = e->get
duration = Note(type, dots).getDuration();
} catch (Exception e) { // no properties
std::cerr << "WARNING: MupExporter::writeBar: incomplete note properties: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
timeT toNext = duration;
Segment::iterator nextElt = chord.getFinalElement();
if (s->isBeforeEndMarker(++nextElt)) {
toNext = (*nextElt)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() - absTime;
if (toNext < duration)
duration = toNext;
bool enteringGroup = false;
if (e->has(BEAMED_GROUP_ID) && e->has(BEAMED_GROUP_TYPE)) {
long id = e->get
string type = e->get
if (id != currentGroupId) {
// leave previous group first
if (currentGroupId >= 0) {
if (!openBeamWaiting)
str << " ebm";
openBeamWaiting = false;
if (currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
str << "; }" << currentTupletCount;
currentGroupId = id;
currentGroupType = type;
enteringGroup = true;
} else {
if (currentGroupId >= 0) {
if (!openBeamWaiting)
str << " ebm";
openBeamWaiting = false;
if (currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
str << "; }" << currentTupletCount;
currentGroupId = -1;
currentGroupType = "";
if (openBeamWaiting)
str << " bm";
if (!first)
str << ";";
str << " ";
if (currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
<Int>(BEAMED_GROUP_UNTUPLED_COUNT, currentTupletCount);
if (enteringGroup)
str << "{ ";
//!!! duration = helper.getCompensatedNotationDuration(e);
writeDuration(str, duration);
if (toNext > duration && currentGroupType != GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
(str, timeSig,
absTime + duration - barStart, toNext - duration);
writtenDuration += toNext;
for (Chord::iterator chi = chord.begin();
chi != chord.end(); ++chi) {
writePitch(str, trackNo, **chi);
openBeamWaiting = false;
if (currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_BEAMED ||
currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
if (enteringGroup)
openBeamWaiting = true;
si = chord.getFinalElement();
first = false;
} else if ((*si)->isa(Note::EventRestType)) {
if (currentGroupId >= 0) {
if (!openBeamWaiting)
str << " ebm";
openBeamWaiting = false;
if (currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
str << "; }" << currentTupletCount;
currentGroupId = -1;
currentGroupType = "";
if (openBeamWaiting)
str << " bm";
if (!first)
str << ";";
str << " ";
writeDuration(str, (*si)->getNotationDuration());
writtenDuration += (*si)->getNotationDuration();
str << "r";
first = false;
openBeamWaiting = false;
} // ignore all other sorts of events for now
if (currentGroupId >= 0) {
if (!openBeamWaiting)
str << " ebm";
openBeamWaiting = false;
if (currentGroupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
str << "; }" << currentTupletCount;
if (openBeamWaiting)
str << " bm";
if (!first)
str << ";";
return writtenDuration;
MupExporter::writeClefAndKey(std::ofstream &str, TrackId trackNo)
Composition *c = m_composition;
for (Composition::iterator i = c->begin(); i != c->end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->getTrack() == trackNo) {
Clef clef((*i)->getClefAtTime((*i)->getStartTime()));
Rosegarden::Key key((*i)->getKeyAtTime((*i)->getStartTime()));
str << "staff " << trackNo + 1 << "\n";
if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Treble) {
str << "\tclef=treble\n";
} else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Alto) {
str << "\tclef=alto\n";
} else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Tenor) {
str << "\tclef=tenor\n";
} else if (clef.getClefType() == Clef::Bass) {
str << "\tclef=bass\n";
str << "\tkey=" << key.getAccidentalCount()
<< (key.isSharp() ? "#" : "&")
<< (key.isMinor() ? "minor" : "major") << std::endl;
m_clefKeyMap[trackNo] = ClefKeyPair(clef, key);
return ;
MupExporter::writeInventedRests(std::ofstream &str,
TimeSignature &timeSig,
timeT offset,
timeT duration)
str << " ";
DurationList dlist;
timeSig.getDurationListForInterval(dlist, duration, offset);
for (DurationList::iterator i = dlist.begin();
i != dlist.end(); ++i) {
writeDuration(str, *i);
str << "r;";
MupExporter::writePitch(std::ofstream &str, TrackId trackNo,
Event *event)
long pitch = 0;
if (!event->get
<Int>(PITCH, pitch)) {
str << "c"; // have to write something, or it won't parse
return ;
Accidental accidental = Accidentals::NoAccidental;
<String>(ACCIDENTAL, accidental);
// mup octave: treble clef is in octave 4?
ClefKeyPair ck;
ClefKeyMap::iterator ckmi = m_clefKeyMap.find(trackNo);
if (ckmi != m_clefKeyMap.end())
ck = ckmi->second;
Pitch p(pitch, accidental);
Accidental acc(p.getDisplayAccidental(ck.second));
char note(p.getNoteName(ck.second));
int octave(p.getOctave());
// just to avoid assuming that the note names returned by Pitch are in
// the same set as those expected by Mup -- in practice they are the same
// letters but this changes the case
str << "cdefgab"[Pitch::getIndexForNote(note)];
if (acc == Accidentals::DoubleFlat)
str << "&&";
else if (acc == Accidentals::Flat)
str << "&";
else if (acc == Accidentals::Sharp)
str << "#";
else if (acc == Accidentals::DoubleSharp)
str << "##";
else if (acc == Accidentals::Natural)
str << "n";
str << octave + 1;
MupExporter::writeDuration(std::ofstream &str, timeT duration)
Note note(Note::getNearestNote(duration, 2));
int n = Note::Semibreve - note.getNoteType();
if (n < 0)
str << "1/" << (1 << ( -n));
str << (1 << n);
for (int d = 0; d < note.getDots(); ++d)
str << ".";