How to compile Rosegarden ========================= Rosegarden has switched its build system to CMake. We hope this will be the last time we change build systems. You will need CMake 2.4.2 or later. If your Linux distribution doesn't provide CMake, or if it provides an older version, you can get it here: There are ready to use binary packages available for Linux-i386 from that page. They seem to work well -- use them! We advise you avoid building CMake from source if possible. (If you must build it from source, please read the instructions supplied with the CMake tarball, and remember that it will install to /usr/local by default.) A Typical Build with CMake --------------------------- If you are a typical end user wanting to play with the latest Rosegarden, and to install it in the same place the distro package you are replacing came from, then the the following instructions are probably all you need to do in order to get up and running: First, unpack the tarball or check out SVN. We'll assume you have the source in ~/src/rosegarden and need to change to that directory: $ cd ~/src/rosegarden Now run CMake to generate the build files, and specify the location where your system's KDE libraries are installed. A nice general way to do this is: $ cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde-config --prefix` If you omit the install prefix and just run $ cmake . instead, cmake will prepare to install Rosegarden and its data files beneath /usr/local. That may be fine if you have no existing Rosegarden installation you want to replace (see also Advanced Build Options below). Finally, run make, and then (sudo) make install, and you're all set: $ make # make install To uninstall, use: # make uninstall Advanced Build Options ---------------------- By default, make will output brief details of each build step. If you prefer to see full command lines, use: $ make VERBOSE=1 By default, the install prefix will be /usr/local. If your KDE is installed at some other prefix, you probably want to override this setting, as suggested in "A Typical Build with CMake." You may install to /usr/local or anywhere else, but if you do so, you must add that location to your TDEDIRS environment variable before running Rosegarden. For example: $ export TDEDIRS=/usr/local:$TDEDIRS $ rosegarden Another option, useful for packagers, is setting DESTDIR at install time. The DESTDIR directory will be prepended to the prefix when copying the files: $ make install DESTDIR=~/rpmroot Some variables you may want to set: * CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/kde is the equivalent to ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde for programs that use autotools * WANT_XXXX: there are several options, e.g. WANT_JACK or WANT_DSSI. If you disable them, cmake will not even try to find the packages. WANT_DEBUG Include debug support (default OFF) WANT_FULLDBG Full debug support (BIG executables!) (default OFF) WANT_SOUND Include MIDI support using ALSA (default ON) WANT_JACK Include audio support using JACK (default ON) WANT_DSSI Include DSSI plugin support (default ON) WANT_LIRC Include LIRC (Linux Infrared Remote Control) support (def. ON) WANT_PCH Use precompiled headers (default OFF) The above options can take any of the following values: 0, 1, OFF, ON, TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO (case insensitive). For example: $ cmake . -DWANT_DEBUG=YES -DWANT_LIRC=NO -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/kde Disabling SOUND (eg. WANT_SOUND=OFF) also disables JACK and DSSI. To enable FULLDBG you also need to enable DEBUG. If you would prefer to avoid all this typing, you can use ccmake to view and change these options using a friendly curses-based interface: $ ccmake . Dealing with Configuration Problems ----------------------------------- To locate Qt, CMake searches for qmake in your execute path ($PATH). CMake does not use the QTDIR environment variable. So make sure that the first qmake found in the execution path is the one you like to use. When CMake has finished, it will have created a file called "CMakeCache.txt". This file contains all the settings CMake has detected on your system. If you want to run CMake with another generator or you want CMake to detect everything again, delete this file. If CMake didn't find something, but you know it is somewhere on your box, you can tell CMake where to find it manually. CMake uses variables to store this information. These variables are cached in the aforementioned file CMakeCache.txt. You have three options to adjust these variables manually: * tell CMake the correct value via the command line: $ cmake . -DNAME_OF_THE_VARIABLE=value * use ccmake, which provides a curses based GUI to adjust the CMake variables (run: ccmake .) * edit the file CMakeCache.txt directly (not recommended) You should run "ccmake ." at least once so that you get an idea which variables CMake uses. Press "T" to see also the "advanced" variables. So, if CMake didn't find something, start ccmake and adjust it manually. Some other environment variables you may want to set ---------------------------------------------------- If you have headers and libraries installed in non-standard locations that cmake cannot find (e.g., on /sw), then set the following as environment variables. Despite the similar naming convention, these will not work as arguments on the cmake command line: * CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH: directory where headers reside * CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH: directory where shared libraries reside Example: $ export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/sw/include $ export CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/lib For more information on variables, see this wiki page: How to proceed if something fails? ---------------------------------- If cmake finishes with "Generating done" then there was no errors, but if it finishes with "Configuring done" then there was errors that you have to fix. If you got a failure that says something like CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set, and cmake can not find them. Please set the following variables: X11_XTest_LIB (ADVANCED) So the missing library is Xtst. Perhaps you need to install a libXtst-devel library. If you can't solve the problem, please subscribe and ask your question on the rosegarden-user mailing list: