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** Implementation of QMenuData class
** Created : 941128
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
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** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
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** herein.
#include "qmenudata.h"
#include "qpopupmenu.h"
#include "qmenubar.h"
#include "qapplication.h"
#include "qguardedptr.h"
class QMenuItemData {
QCustomMenuItem *custom_item; // custom menu item
class QMenuDataData {
// attention: also defined in qmenubar.cpp and qpopupmenu.cpp
QGuardedPtr<QWidget> aWidget;
int aInt;
: aInt(-1)
\class QMenuData qmenudata.h
\brief The QMenuData class is a base class for QMenuBar and QPopupMenu.
\ingroup misc
QMenuData has an internal list of menu items. A menu item can have
a text(), an \link accel() accelerator\endlink, a pixmap(), an
iconSet(), a whatsThis() text and a popup menu (unless it is a
separator). Menu items may optionally be \link setItemChecked()
checked\endlink (except for separators).
The menu item sends out an \link QMenuBar::activated()
activated()\endlink signal when it is chosen and a \link
QMenuBar::highlighted() highlighted()\endlink signal when it
receives the user input focus.
\keyword menu identifier
Menu items are assigned the menu identifier \e id that is passed
in insertItem() or an automatically generated identifier if \e id
is < 0 (the default). The generated identifiers (negative
integers) are guaranteed to be unique within the entire
application. The identifier is used to access the menu item in
other functions.
Menu items can be removed with removeItem() and removeItemAt(), or
changed with changeItem(). All menu items can be removed with
clear(). Accelerators can be changed or set with setAccel().
Checkable items can be checked or unchecked with setItemChecked().
Items can be enabled or disabled using setItemEnabled() and
connected and disconnected with connectItem() and disconnectItem()
respectively. By default, newly created menu items are visible.
They can be hidden (and shown again) with setItemVisible().
Menu items are stored in a list. Use findItem() to find an item by
its list position or by its menu identifier. (See also indexOf()
and idAt().)
\sa QAccel QPopupMenu QAction
QMenuItem member functions
:ident( -1 ), iconset_data( 0 ), pixmap_data( 0 ), popup_menu( 0 ),
widget_item( 0 ), signal_data( 0 ), is_separator( FALSE ), is_enabled( TRUE ),
is_checked( FALSE ), is_dirty( TRUE ), is_visible( TRUE ), d( 0)
delete iconset_data;
delete pixmap_data;
delete signal_data;
delete widget_item;
if ( d )
delete d->custom_item;
delete d;
QMenuData member functions
QMenuItemData* QMenuItem::extra()
if ( !d ) d = new QMenuItemData;
return d;
QCustomMenuItem *QMenuItem::custom() const
if ( !d ) return 0;
return d->custom_item;
static int get_seq_id()
static int seq_no = -2;
return seq_no--;
Constructs an empty menu data list.
actItem = -1; // no active menu item
mitems = new QMenuItemList; // create list of menu items
Q_CHECK_PTR( mitems );
mitems->setAutoDelete( TRUE );
parentMenu = 0; // assume top level
isPopupMenu = FALSE;
isMenuBar = FALSE;
mouseBtDn = FALSE;
badSize = TRUE;
avoid_circularity = 0;
actItemDown = FALSE;
d = new QMenuDataData;
Removes all menu items and disconnects any signals that have been
delete mitems; // delete menu item list
delete d;
Virtual function; notifies subclasses about an item with \a id
that has been changed.
void QMenuData::updateItem( int /* id */ ) // reimplemented in subclass
Virtual function; notifies subclasses that one or more items have
been inserted or removed.
void QMenuData::menuContentsChanged() // reimplemented in subclass
Virtual function; notifies subclasses that one or more items have
changed state (enabled/disabled or checked/unchecked).
void QMenuData::menuStateChanged() // reimplemented in subclass
Virtual function; notifies subclasses that a popup menu item has
been inserted.
void QMenuData::menuInsPopup( QPopupMenu * ) // reimplemented in subclass
Virtual function; notifies subclasses that a popup menu item has
been removed.
void QMenuData::menuDelPopup( QPopupMenu * ) // reimplemented in subclass
Returns the number of items in the menu.
uint QMenuData::count() const
return mitems->count();
Internal function that insert a menu item. Called by all insert()
int QMenuData::insertAny( const QString *text, const QPixmap *pixmap,
QPopupMenu *popup, const QIconSet* iconset, int id, int index,
QWidget* widget, QCustomMenuItem* custom )
if ( index < 0 ) { // append, but not if the rightmost item is an mdi separator in the menubar
index = mitems->count();
if ( isMenuBar && mitems->last() && mitems->last()->widget() && mitems->last()->isSeparator() )
} else if ( index > (int) mitems->count() ) { // append
index = mitems->count();
if ( id < 0 ) // -2, -3 etc.
id = get_seq_id();
register QMenuItem *mi = new QMenuItem;
Q_CHECK_PTR( mi );
mi->ident = id;
if ( widget != 0 ) {
mi->widget_item = widget;
mi->is_separator = !widget->isFocusEnabled();
} else if ( custom != 0 ) {
mi->extra()->custom_item = custom;
mi->is_separator = custom->isSeparator();
if ( iconset && !iconset->isNull() )
mi->iconset_data = new QIconSet( *iconset );
} else if ( text == 0 && pixmap == 0 && popup == 0 ) {
mi->is_separator = TRUE; // separator
} else {
#ifndef Q_OS_TEMP
mi->text_data = text?*text:QString();
QString newText( *text );
newText.truncate( newText.findRev( '\t' ) );
mi->text_data = newText.isEmpty()?QString():newText;
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
mi->accel_key = Qt::Key_unknown;
if ( pixmap && !pixmap->isNull() )
mi->pixmap_data = new QPixmap( *pixmap );
if ( (mi->popup_menu = popup) )
menuInsPopup( popup );
if ( iconset && !iconset->isNull() )
mi->iconset_data = new QIconSet( *iconset );
mitems->insert( index, mi );
QPopupMenu* p = ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(QMenuData::d->aWidget);
if (p && p->isVisible() && p->mitems) {
for ( QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems ); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->id() != QMenuData::d->aInt && !it.current()->widget() )
p->mitems->append( it.current() );
menuContentsChanged(); // menu data changed
return mi->ident;
Internal function that finds the menu item where \a popup is located,
storing its index at \a index if \a index is not NULL.
QMenuItem *QMenuData::findPopup( QPopupMenu *popup, int *index )
int i = 0;
QMenuItem *mi = mitems->first();
while ( mi ) {
if ( mi->popup_menu == popup ) // found popup
mi = mitems->next();
if ( index && mi )
*index = i;
return mi;
void QMenuData::removePopup( QPopupMenu *popup )
int index = 0;
QMenuItem *mi = findPopup( popup, &index );
if ( mi ) {
mi->popup_menu = 0;
removeItemAt( index );
The family of insertItem() functions inserts menu items into a
popup menu or a menu bar.
A menu item is usually either a text string or a pixmap, both with
an optional icon or keyboard accelerator. For special cases it is
also possible to insert custom items (see \l{QCustomMenuItem}) or
even widgets into popup menus.
Some insertItem() members take a popup menu as an additional
argument. Use this to insert submenus into existing menus or
pulldown menus into a menu bar.
The number of insert functions may look confusing, but they are
actually quite simple to use.
This default version inserts a menu item with the text \a text,
the accelerator key \a accel, an id and an optional index and
connects it to the slot \a member in the object \a receiver.
QMenuBar *mainMenu = new QMenuBar;
QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu;
fileMenu->insertItem( "New", myView, SLOT(newFile()), CTRL+Key_N );
fileMenu->insertItem( "Open", myView, SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O );
mainMenu->insertItem( "File", fileMenu );
Not all insert functions take an object/slot parameter or an
accelerator key. Use connectItem() and setAccel() on those items.
If you need to translate accelerators, use tr() with the text and
accelerator. (For translations use a string \link QKeySequence key
fileMenu->insertItem( tr("Open"), myView, SLOT(open()),
tr("Ctrl+O") );
In the example above, pressing Ctrl+O or selecting "Open" from the
menu activates the myView->open() function.
Some insert functions take a QIconSet parameter to specify the
little menu item icon. Note that you can always pass a QPixmap
object instead.
The \a id specifies the identification number associated with the
menu item. Note that only positive values are valid, as a negative
value will make Qt select a unique id for the item.
The \a index specifies the position in the menu. The menu item is
appended at the end of the list if \a index is negative.
Note that keyboard accelerators in Qt are not application-global,
instead they are bound to a certain top-level window. For example,
accelerators in QPopupMenu items only work for menus that are
associated with a certain window. This is true for popup menus
that live in a menu bar since their accelerators will then be
installed in the menu bar itself. This also applies to stand-alone
popup menus that have a top-level widget in their parentWidget()
chain. The menu will then install its accelerator object on that
top-level widget. For all other cases use an independent QAccel
\warning Be careful when passing a literal 0 to insertItem()
because some C++ compilers choose the wrong overloaded function.
Cast the 0 to what you mean, e.g. \c{(QObject*)0}.
\warning On Mac OS X, items that connect to a slot that are inserted into a
menubar will not function as we use the native menubar that knows nothing
about signals or slots. Instead insert the items into a popup menu and
insert the popup menu into the menubar. This may be fixed in a future Qt
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem(), QAccel,
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QString &text,
const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
const QKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
int actualID = insertAny( &text, 0, 0, 0, id, index );
connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( accel )
setAccel( accel, actualID );
return actualID;
Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, text \a text, accelerator
\a accel, optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The
menu item is connected it to the \a receiver's \a member slot. The
icon will be displayed to the left of the text in the item.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem(), QAccel,
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon,
const QString &text,
const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
const QKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
int actualID = insertAny( &text, 0, 0, &icon, id, index );
connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( accel )
setAccel( accel, actualID );
return actualID;
Inserts a menu item with pixmap \a pixmap, accelerator \a accel,
optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The menu item
is connected it to the \a receiver's \a member slot. The icon will
be displayed to the left of the text in the item.
To look best when being highlighted as a menu item, the pixmap
should provide a mask (see QPixmap::mask()).
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap,
const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
const QKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
int actualID = insertAny( 0, &pixmap, 0, 0, id, index );
connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( accel )
setAccel( accel, actualID );
return actualID;
Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, pixmap \a pixmap,
accelerator \a accel, optional id \a id, and optional \a index
position. The icon will be displayed to the left of the pixmap in
the item. The item is connected to the \a member slot in the \a
receiver object.
To look best when being highlighted as a menu item, the pixmap
should provide a mask (see QPixmap::mask()).
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem(), QAccel,
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon,
const QPixmap &pixmap,
const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
const QKeySequence& accel, int id, int index )
int actualID = insertAny( 0, &pixmap, 0, &icon, id, index );
connectItem( actualID, receiver, member );
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( accel )
setAccel( accel, actualID );
return actualID;
Inserts a menu item with text \a text, optional id \a id, and
optional \a index position.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QString &text, int id, int index )
return insertAny( &text, 0, 0, 0, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, text \a text, optional id
\a id, and optional \a index position. The icon will be displayed
to the left of the text in the item.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon,
const QString &text, int id, int index )
return insertAny( &text, 0, 0, &icon, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with text \a text, submenu \a popup, optional
id \a id, and optional \a index position.
The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
the menu is deleted.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QString &text, QPopupMenu *popup,
int id, int index )
return insertAny( &text, 0, popup, 0, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, text \a text, submenu \a
popup, optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon
will be displayed to the left of the text in the item.
The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
the menu is deleted.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon,
const QString &text, QPopupMenu *popup,
int id, int index )
return insertAny( &text, 0, popup, &icon, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with pixmap \a pixmap, optional id \a id, and
optional \a index position.
To look best when being highlighted as a menu item, the pixmap
should provide a mask (see QPixmap::mask()).
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, &pixmap, 0, 0, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, pixmap \a pixmap, optional
id \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon will be
displayed to the left of the pixmap in the item.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon,
const QPixmap &pixmap, int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, &pixmap, 0, &icon, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with pixmap \a pixmap, submenu \a popup,
optional id \a id, and optional \a index position.
The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
the menu is deleted.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QPixmap &pixmap, QPopupMenu *popup,
int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, &pixmap, popup, 0, id, index );
Inserts a menu item with icon \a icon, pixmap \a pixmap submenu \a
popup, optional id \a id, and optional \a index position. The icon
will be displayed to the left of the pixmap in the item.
The \a popup must be deleted by the programmer or by its parent
widget. It is not deleted when this menu item is removed or when
the menu is deleted.
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem(), changeItem(), setAccel(), connectItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon,
const QPixmap &pixmap, QPopupMenu *popup,
int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, &pixmap, popup, &icon, id, index );
Inserts a menu item that consists of the widget \a widget with
optional id \a id, and optional \a index position.
Ownership of \a widget is transferred to the popup menu or to the
menu bar.
Theoretically, any widget can be inserted into a popup menu. In
practice, this only makes sense with certain widgets.
If a widget is not focus-enabled (see
\l{QWidget::isFocusEnabled()}), the menu treats it as a separator;
this means that the item is not selectable and will never get
focus. In this way you can, for example, simply insert a QLabel if
you need a popup menu with a title.
If the widget is focus-enabled it will get focus when the user
traverses the popup menu with the arrow keys. If the widget does
not accept \c ArrowUp and \c ArrowDown in its key event handler,
the focus will move back to the menu when the respective arrow key
is hit one more time. This works with a QLineEdit, for example. If
the widget accepts the arrow key itself, it must also provide the
possibility to put the focus back on the menu again by calling
QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(). Futhermore, if the embedded widget
closes the menu when the user made a selection, this can be done
safely by calling:
if ( isVisible() &&
parentWidget() &&
parentWidget()->inherits("QPopupMenu") )
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa removeItem()
int QMenuData::insertItem( QWidget* widget, int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index, widget );
Inserts a custom menu item \a custom with optional id \a id, and
optional \a index position.
This only works with popup menus. It is not supported for menu
bars. Ownership of \a custom is transferred to the popup menu.
If you want to connect a custom item to a slot, use connectItem().
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa connectItem(), removeItem(), QCustomMenuItem
int QMenuData::insertItem( QCustomMenuItem* custom, int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index, 0, custom );
Inserts a custom menu item \a custom with an \a icon and with
optional id \a id, and optional \a index position.
This only works with popup menus. It is not supported for menu
bars. Ownership of \a custom is transferred to the popup menu.
If you want to connect a custom item to a slot, use connectItem().
Returns the allocated menu identifier number (\a id if \a id >= 0).
\sa connectItem(), removeItem(), QCustomMenuItem
int QMenuData::insertItem( const QIconSet& icon, QCustomMenuItem* custom, int id, int index )
return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, &icon, id, index, 0, custom );
Inserts a separator at position \a index, and returns the menu identifier
number allocated to it. The separator becomes the last menu item if
\a index is negative.
In a popup menu a separator is rendered as a horizontal line. In a
Motif menu bar a separator is spacing, so the rest of the items
(normally just "Help") are drawn right-justified. In a Windows
menu bar separators are ignored (to comply with the Windows style
int QMenuData::insertSeparator( int index )
return insertAny( 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, index );
\fn void QMenuData::removeItem( int id )
Removes the menu item that has the identifier \a id.
\sa removeItemAt(), clear()
void QMenuData::removeItem( int id )
QMenuData *parent;
if ( findItem( id, &parent ) )
Removes the menu item at position \a index.
\sa removeItem(), clear()
void QMenuData::removeItemAt( int index )
if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)mitems->count() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
qWarning( "QMenuData::removeItem: Index %d out of range", index );
QMenuItem *mi = mitems->at( index );
if ( mi->popup_menu )
menuDelPopup( mi->popup_menu );
QPopupMenu* p = ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(QMenuData::d->aWidget);
if (p && p->isVisible() && p->mitems) {
for ( QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems ); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->id() != QMenuData::d->aInt && !it.current()->widget() )
p->mitems->append( it.current() );
if ( !QApplication::closingDown() ) // avoid trouble
Removes all menu items.
\sa removeItem(), removeItemAt()
void QMenuData::clear()
register QMenuItem *mi = mitems->first();
while ( mi ) {
if ( mi->popup_menu )
menuDelPopup( mi->popup_menu );
mi = mitems->current();
QPopupMenu* p = ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(QMenuData::d->aWidget);
if (p && p->isVisible() && p->mitems) {
if ( !QApplication::closingDown() ) // avoid trouble
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
Returns the accelerator key that has been defined for the menu
item \a id, or 0 if it has no accelerator key or if there is no
such menu item.
\sa setAccel(), QAccel, qnamespace.h
QKeySequence QMenuData::accel( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
if ( mi )
return mi->key();
return QKeySequence();
Sets the accelerator key for the menu item \a id to \a key.
An accelerator key consists of a key code and a combination of the
modifiers \c SHIFT, \c CTRL, \c ALT or \c UNICODE_ACCEL (OR'ed or
added). The header file \c qnamespace.h contains a list of key
Defining an accelerator key produces a text that is added to the
menu item; for instance, \c CTRL + \c Key_O produces "Ctrl+O". The
text is formatted differently for different platforms.
Note that keyboard accelerators in Qt are not application-global,
instead they are bound to a certain top-level window. For example,
accelerators in QPopupMenu items only work for menus that are
associated with a certain window. This is true for popup menus
that live in a menu bar since their accelerators will then be
installed in the menu bar itself. This also applies to stand-alone
popup menus that have a top-level widget in their parentWidget()
chain. The menu will then install its accelerator object on that
top-level widget. For all other cases use an independent QAccel
QMenuBar *mainMenu = new QMenuBar;
QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu; // file sub menu
fileMenu->insertItem( "Open Document", 67 ); // add "Open" item
fileMenu->setAccel( CTRL + Key_O, 67 ); // Ctrl+O to open
fileMenu->insertItem( "Quit", 69 ); // add "Quit" item
fileMenu->setAccel( CTRL + ALT + Key_Delete, 69 ); // add Alt+Del to quit
mainMenu->insertItem( "File", fileMenu ); // add the file menu
If you need to translate accelerators, use tr() with a string:
fileMenu->setAccel( tr("Ctrl+O"), 67 );
You can also specify the accelerator in the insertItem() function.
You may prefer to use QAction to associate accelerators with menu
\sa accel() insertItem() QAccel QAction
void QMenuData::setAccel( const QKeySequence& key, int id )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi ) {
mi->accel_key = key;
#endif // QT_NO_ACCEL
Returns the icon set that has been set for menu item \a id, or 0
if no icon set has been set.
\sa changeItem(), text(), pixmap()
QIconSet* QMenuData::iconSet( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi ? mi->iconSet() : 0;
Returns the text that has been set for menu item \a id, or
QString::null if no text has been set.
\sa changeItem(), pixmap(), iconSet()
QString QMenuData::text( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi ? mi->text() : QString::null;
Returns the pixmap that has been set for menu item \a id, or 0 if
no pixmap has been set.
\sa changeItem(), text(), iconSet()
QPixmap *QMenuData::pixmap( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi ? mi->pixmap() : 0;
\fn void QMenuData::changeItem( const QString &, int )
Changes the text of the menu item \a id. If the item has an icon,
the icon remains unchanged.
\sa text()
\fn void QMenuData::changeItem( const QPixmap &, int )
Changes the pixmap of the menu item \a id. If the item has an icon,
the icon remains unchanged.
\sa pixmap()
\fn void QMenuData::changeItem( const QIconSet &, const QString &, int )
Changes the icon and text of the menu item \a id.
\sa pixmap()
Changes the text of the menu item \a id to \a text. If the item
has an icon, the icon remains unchanged.
\sa text()
void QMenuData::changeItem( int id, const QString &text )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi ) { // item found
if ( mi->text_data == text ) // same string
if ( mi->pixmap_data ) { // delete pixmap
delete mi->pixmap_data;
mi->pixmap_data = 0;
mi->text_data = text;
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( !mi->accel_key && text.find( '\t' ) != -1 )
mi->accel_key = Qt::Key_unknown;
Changes the pixmap of the menu item \a id to the pixmap \a pixmap.
If the item has an icon, the icon is unchanged.
\sa pixmap()
void QMenuData::changeItem( int id, const QPixmap &pixmap )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi ) { // item found
register QPixmap *i = mi->pixmap_data;
bool fast_refresh = i != 0 &&
i->width() == pixmap.width() &&
i->height() == pixmap.height() &&
if ( !mi->text_data.isNull() ) // delete text
mi->text_data = QString::null;
if ( !pixmap.isNull() )
mi->pixmap_data = new QPixmap( pixmap );
mi->pixmap_data = 0;
delete i; // old mi->pixmap_data, could be &pixmap
if ( fast_refresh )
parent->updateItem( id );
Changes the iconset and text of the menu item \a id to the \a icon
and \a text respectively.
\sa pixmap()
void QMenuData::changeItem( int id, const QIconSet &icon, const QString &text )
changeItem( id, text );
changeItemIconSet( id, icon );
Changes the iconset and pixmap of the menu item \a id to \a icon
and \a pixmap respectively.
\sa pixmap()
void QMenuData::changeItem( int id, const QIconSet &icon, const QPixmap &pixmap )
changeItem( id, pixmap );
changeItemIconSet( id, icon );
Changes the icon of the menu item \a id to \a icon.
\sa pixmap()
void QMenuData::changeItemIconSet( int id, const QIconSet &icon )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi ) { // item found
register QIconSet *i = mi->iconset_data;
bool fast_refresh = i != 0;
if ( !icon.isNull() )
mi->iconset_data = new QIconSet( icon );
mi->iconset_data = 0;
delete i; // old mi->iconset_data, could be &icon
if ( fast_refresh )
parent->updateItem( id );
Returns TRUE if the item with identifier \a id is enabled;
otherwise returns FALSE
\sa setItemEnabled(), isItemVisible()
bool QMenuData::isItemEnabled( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi ? mi->isEnabled() : FALSE;
If \a enable is TRUE, enables the menu item with identifier \a id;
otherwise disables the menu item with identifier \a id.
\sa isItemEnabled()
void QMenuData::setItemEnabled( int id, bool enable )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi && (bool)mi->is_enabled != enable ) {
mi->is_enabled = enable;
#if !defined(QT_NO_ACCEL) && !defined(QT_NO_POPUPMENU)
if ( mi->popup() )
mi->popup()->enableAccel( enable );
Returns TRUE if the menu item with the id \a id is currently
active; otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QMenuData::isItemActive( int id ) const
if ( actItem == -1 )
return FALSE;
return indexOf( id ) == actItem;
Returns TRUE if the menu item with the id \a id has been checked;
otherwise returns FALSE.
\sa setItemChecked()
bool QMenuData::isItemChecked( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi ? mi->isChecked() : FALSE;
If \a check is TRUE, checks the menu item with id \a id; otherwise
unchecks the menu item with id \a id. Calls
QPopupMenu::setCheckable( TRUE ) if necessary.
\sa isItemChecked()
void QMenuData::setItemChecked( int id, bool check )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi && (bool)mi->is_checked != check ) {
mi->is_checked = check;
if ( parent->isPopupMenu && !((QPopupMenu *)parent)->isCheckable() )
((QPopupMenu *)parent)->setCheckable( TRUE );
Returns TRUE if the menu item with the id \a id is visible;
otherwise returns FALSE.
\sa setItemVisible()
bool QMenuData::isItemVisible( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi ? mi->isVisible() : FALSE;
If \a visible is TRUE, shows the menu item with id \a id; otherwise
hides the menu item with id \a id.
\sa isItemVisible(), isItemEnabled()
void QMenuData::setItemVisible( int id, bool visible )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi && (bool)mi->is_visible != visible ) {
mi->is_visible = visible;
Returns the menu item with identifier \a id, or 0 if there is no
item with this identifier.
Note that QMenuItem is an internal class, and that you should not
need to call this function. Use the higher level functions like
text(), pixmap() and changeItem() to get and modify menu item
attributes instead.
\sa indexOf()
QMenuItem *QMenuData::findItem( int id ) const
return findItem( id, 0 );
Returns the menu item with identifier \a id, or 0 if there is no
item with this identifier. Changes \a *parent to point to the
parent of the return value.
Note that QMenuItem is an internal class, and that you should not
need to call this function. Use the higher level functions like
text(), pixmap() and changeItem() to get and modify menu item
attributes instead.
\sa indexOf()
QMenuItem * QMenuData::findItem( int id, QMenuData ** parent ) const
if ( parent )
*parent = (QMenuData *)this; // ###
if ( id == -1 ) // bad identifier
return 0;
QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
QMenuItem *mi;
while ( (mi=it.current()) ) { // search this menu
if ( mi->ident == id ) // found item
return mi;
while ( (mi=it.current()) ) { // search submenus
if ( mi->popup_menu ) {
QPopupMenu *p = mi->popup_menu;
if (!p->avoid_circularity) {
p->avoid_circularity = 1;
mi = mi->popup_menu->findItem( id, parent );
p->avoid_circularity = 0;
if ( mi ) // found item
return mi;
return 0; // not found
Returns the index of the menu item with identifier \a id, or -1 if
there is no item with this identifier.
\sa idAt(), findItem()
int QMenuData::indexOf( int id ) const
if ( id == -1 ) // bad identifier
return -1;
QMenuItemListIt it( *mitems );
QMenuItem *mi;
int index = 0;
while ( (mi=it.current()) ) {
if ( mi->ident == id ) // this one?
return index;
return -1; // not found
Returns the identifier of the menu item at position \a index in
the internal list, or -1 if \a index is out of range.
\sa setId(), indexOf()
int QMenuData::idAt( int index ) const
return index < (int)mitems->count() && index >= 0 ?
mitems->at(index)->id() : -1;
Sets the menu identifier of the item at \a index to \a id.
If \a index is out of range, the operation is ignored.
\sa idAt()
void QMenuData::setId( int index, int id )
if ( index < (int)mitems->count() )
mitems->at(index)->ident = id;
Sets the parameter of the activation signal of item \a id to \a
If any receiver takes an integer parameter, this value is passed.
\sa connectItem(), disconnectItem(), itemParameter()
bool QMenuData::setItemParameter( int id, int param ) {
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
if ( !mi ) // no such identifier
return FALSE;
if ( !mi->signal_data ) { // create new signal
mi->signal_data = new QSignal;
Q_CHECK_PTR( mi->signal_data );
mi->signal_data->setValue( param );
return TRUE;
Returns the parameter of the activation signal of item \a id.
If no parameter has been specified for this item with
setItemParameter(), the value defaults to \a id.
\sa connectItem(), disconnectItem(), setItemParameter()
int QMenuData::itemParameter( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
if ( !mi || !mi->signal_data )
return id;
return mi->signal_data->value().toInt();
Connects the menu item with identifier \a id to \a{receiver}'s \a
member slot or signal.
The receiver's slot (or signal) is activated when the menu item is
\sa disconnectItem(), setItemParameter()
bool QMenuData::connectItem( int id, const QObject *receiver,
const char* member )
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
if ( !mi ) // no such identifier
return FALSE;
if ( !mi->signal_data ) { // create new signal
mi->signal_data = new QSignal;
Q_CHECK_PTR( mi->signal_data );
mi->signal_data->setValue( id );
return mi->signal_data->connect( receiver, member );
Disconnects the \a{receiver}'s \a member from the menu item with
identifier \a id.
All connections are removed when the menu data object is
\sa connectItem(), setItemParameter()
bool QMenuData::disconnectItem( int id, const QObject *receiver,
const char* member )
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
if ( !mi || !mi->signal_data ) // no identifier or no signal
return FALSE;
return mi->signal_data->disconnect( receiver, member );
Sets \a text as What's This help for the menu item with identifier
\a id.
\sa whatsThis()
void QMenuData::setWhatsThis( int id, const QString& text )
QMenuData *parent;
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id, &parent );
if ( mi ) {
mi->setWhatsThis( text );
Returns the What's This help text for the item with identifier \a
id or QString::null if no text has yet been defined.
\sa setWhatsThis()
QString QMenuData::whatsThis( int id ) const
QMenuItem *mi = findItem( id );
return mi? mi->whatsThis() : QString::null;
\class QCustomMenuItem qmenudata.h
\brief The QCustomMenuItem class is an abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus.
\ingroup misc
A custom menu item is a menu item that is defined by two pure
virtual functions, paint() and sizeHint(). The size hint tells the
menu how much space it needs to reserve for this item, and paint
is called whenever the item needs painting.
This simple mechanism allows you to create all kinds of
application specific menu items. Examples are items showing
different fonts in a word processor or menus that allow the
selection of drawing utilities in a vector drawing program.
A custom item is inserted into a popup menu with
By default, a custom item can also have an icon and a keyboard
accelerator. You can reimplement fullSpan() to return TRUE if you
want the item to span the entire popup menu width. This is
particularly useful for labels.
If you want the custom item to be treated just as a separator,
reimplement isSeparator() to return TRUE.
Note that you can insert pixmaps or bitmaps as items into a popup
menu without needing to create a QCustomMenuItem. However, custom
menu items offer more flexibility, and -- especially important
with Windows style -- provide the possibility of drawing the item
with a different color when it is highlighted.
\link menu-example.html menu/menu.cpp\endlink shows a simple
example how custom menu items can be used.
Note: the current implementation of QCustomMenuItem will not
recognize shortcut keys that are from text with ampersands. Normal
accelerators work though.
<img src=qpopmenu-fancy.png>
\sa QMenuData, QPopupMenu
Constructs a QCustomMenuItem
Destroys a QCustomMenuItem
Sets the font of the custom menu item to \a font.
This function is called whenever the font in the popup menu
changes. For menu items that show their own individual font entry,
you want to ignore this.
void QCustomMenuItem::setFont( const QFont& /* font */ )
Returns TRUE if this item wants to span the entire popup menu
width; otherwise returns FALSE. The default is FALSE, meaning that
the menu may show an icon and an accelerator key for this item as
bool QCustomMenuItem::fullSpan() const
return FALSE;
Returns TRUE if this item is just a separator; otherwise returns
bool QCustomMenuItem::isSeparator() const
return FALSE;
\fn void QCustomMenuItem::paint( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, bool act, bool enabled, int x, int y, int w, int h );
Paints this item. When this function is invoked, the painter \a p
is set to a font and foreground color suitable for a menu item
text using color group \a cg. The item is active if \a act is TRUE
and enabled if \a enabled is TRUE. The geometry values \a x, \a y,
\a w and \a h specify where to draw the item.
Do not draw any background, this has already been done by the
popup menu according to the current GUI style.
\fn QSize QCustomMenuItem::sizeHint();
Returns the item's size hint.
Activates the menu item at position \a index.
If the index is invalid (for example, -1), the object itself is
void QMenuData::activateItemAt( int index )
if ( isMenuBar )
( (QMenuBar*)this )->activateItemAt( index );
if ( isPopupMenu )
( (QPopupMenu*)this )->activateItemAt( index );