You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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** Implementation of QKeySequence class
** Created : 0108007
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
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** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "qkeysequence.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
#include "qaccel.h"
#include "qshared.h"
#include "qvaluelist.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
# include "qregexp.h"
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
#define QMAC_CTRL (QString(QChar(0x2318)))
#define QMAC_META (QString(QChar(0x2303)))
#define QMAC_ALT (QString(QChar(0x2325)))
#define QMAC_SHIFT (QString(QChar(0x21E7)))
\class QKeySequence qkeysequence.h
\brief The QKeySequence class encapsulates a key sequence as used
by accelerators.
\ingroup misc
A key sequence consists of up to four keyboard codes, each
optionally combined with modifiers, e.g. \c SHIFT, \c CTRL, \c
ALT, \c META, or \c UNICODE_ACCEL. For example, \c{CTRL + Key_P}
might be a sequence used as a shortcut for printing a document.
The key codes are listed in \c{qnamespace.h}. As an alternative,
use \c UNICODE_ACCEL with the unicode code point of the character.
For example, \c{UNICODE_ACCEL + 'A'} gives the same key sequence
as \c Key_A.
Key sequences can be constructed either from an integer key code,
or from a human readable translatable string such as
"Ctrl+X,Alt+Space". A key sequence can be cast to a QString to
obtain a human readable translated version of the sequence.
Translations are done in the "QAccel" context.
\sa QAccel
\enum Qt::SequenceMatch
\value NoMatch Sequences have nothing in common
\value PartialMatch Sequences match partially, but are not complete
\value Identical Sequences do not differ
static struct {
int key;
const char* name;
} keyname[] = {
{ Qt::Key_Space, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Space" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Escape, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Esc" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Tab, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Tab" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Backtab, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Backtab" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Backspace, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Backspace" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Return, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Return" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Enter, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Enter" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Insert, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Ins" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Delete, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Del" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Pause, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Pause" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Print, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Print" ) },
{ Qt::Key_SysReq, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "SysReq" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Home, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Home" ) },
{ Qt::Key_End, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "End" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Left, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Left" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Up, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Up" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Right, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Right" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Down, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Down" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Prior, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "PgUp" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Next, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "PgDown" ) },
{ Qt::Key_CapsLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "CapsLock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_NumLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "NumLock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_ScrollLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "ScrollLock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Menu, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Menu" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Help, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Help" ) },
// Multimedia keys
{ Qt::Key_Back, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Back" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Forward, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Forward" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Stop, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Stop" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Refresh, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Refresh" ) },
{ Qt::Key_VolumeDown, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Volume Down" ) },
{ Qt::Key_VolumeMute, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Volume Mute" ) },
{ Qt::Key_VolumeUp, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Volume Up" ) },
{ Qt::Key_BassBoost, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Bass Boost" ) },
{ Qt::Key_BassUp, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Bass Up" ) },
{ Qt::Key_BassDown, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Bass Down" ) },
{ Qt::Key_TrebleUp, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Treble Up" ) },
{ Qt::Key_TrebleDown, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Treble Down" ) },
{ Qt::Key_MediaPlay, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Media Play" ) },
{ Qt::Key_MediaStop, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Media Stop" ) },
{ Qt::Key_MediaPrev, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Media Previous" ) },
{ Qt::Key_MediaNext, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Media Next" ) },
{ Qt::Key_MediaRecord, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Media Record" ) },
{ Qt::Key_HomePage, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Home" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Favorites, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Favorites" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Search, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Search" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Standby, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Standby" ) },
{ Qt::Key_OpenUrl, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Open URL" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchMail, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch Mail" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchMedia, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch Media" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (0)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch1, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (1)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch2, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (2)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch3, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (3)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch4, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (4)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch5, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (5)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch6, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (6)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch7, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (7)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch8, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (8)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Launch9, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (9)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchA, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (A)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchB, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (B)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchC, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (C)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchD, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (D)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchE, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (E)" ) },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchF, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Launch (F)" ) },
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// More consistent namings
{ Qt::Key_Print, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Print Screen" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Prior, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Page Up" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Next, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Page Down" ) },
{ Qt::Key_CapsLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Caps Lock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_NumLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Num Lock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_NumLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Number Lock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_ScrollLock, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Scroll Lock" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Insert, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Insert" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Delete, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Delete" ) },
{ Qt::Key_Escape, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "Escape" ) },
{ Qt::Key_SysReq, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "QAccel", "System Request" ) },
{ 0, 0 }
class QKeySequencePrivate : public QShared
inline QKeySequencePrivate()
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
inline QKeySequencePrivate( QKeySequencePrivate *copy )
key[0] = copy->key[0];
key[1] = copy->key[1];
key[2] = copy->key[2];
key[3] = copy->key[3];
int key[4];
Constructs an empty key sequence.
d = new QKeySequencePrivate();
Creates a key sequence from the string \a key. For example
"Ctrl+O" gives CTRL+UNICODE_ACCEL+'O'. The strings "Ctrl",
"Shift", "Alt" and "Meta" are recognized, as well as their
translated equivalents in the "QAccel" context (using
Multiple key codes (up to four) may be entered by separating them
with commas, e.g. "Alt+X,Ctrl+S,Q".
This contructor is typically used with \link QObject::tr() tr
\endlink(), so that accelerator keys can be replaced in
QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu( this );
file->insertItem( tr("&Open..."), this, SLOT(open()),
QKeySequence( tr("Ctrl+O", "File|Open") ) );
Note the \c "File|Open" translator comment. It is by no means
necessary, but it provides some context for the human translator.
QKeySequence::QKeySequence( const QString& key )
d = new QKeySequencePrivate();
assign( key );
// ### BCI: Merge with constructor below for 4.0
Constructs a key sequence that has a single \a key.
The key codes are listed in \c{qnamespace.h} and can be
combined with modifiers, e.g. with \c SHIFT, \c CTRL, \c
QKeySequence::QKeySequence( int key )
d = new QKeySequencePrivate();
d->key[0] = key;
Constructs a key sequence with up to 4 keys \a k1, \a k2,
\a k3 and \a k4.
The key codes are listed in \c{qnamespace.h} and can be
combined with modifiers, e.g. with \c SHIFT, \c CTRL, \c
QKeySequence::QKeySequence( int k1, int k2, int k3, int k4 )
d = new QKeySequencePrivate();
d->key[0] = k1;
d->key[1] = k2;
d->key[2] = k3;
d->key[3] = k4;
Copy constructor. Makes a copy of \a keysequence.
QKeySequence::QKeySequence( const QKeySequence& keysequence )
: d( keysequence.d )
Destroys the key sequence.
if ( d->deref() )
delete d;
KeySequences should never be modified, but rather just created.
Internally though we do need to modify to keep pace in event
void QKeySequence::setKey( int key, int index )
if ( 0 > index && 4 < index ) {
qWarning( "QKeySequence::setKey: index %u out of range", index );
#endif // QT_CHECK_STATE
if ( 1 < d->count ) {
QKeySequencePrivate *newd = new QKeySequencePrivate( d );
d = newd;
d->key[index] = key;
Returns the number of keys in the key sequence.
The maximum is 4.
uint QKeySequence::count() const
if ( ! d->key[0] )
return 0;
if ( ! d->key[1] )
return 1;
if ( ! d->key[2] )
return 2;
if ( ! d->key[3] )
return 3;
return 4;
Returns TRUE if the key sequence is empty; otherwise returns
bool QKeySequence::isEmpty() const
return !d->key[0];
Adds the string \a keyseq to the key sequence. \a keyseq may
contain up to four key codes, provided they are seperated by a
comma, e.g. "Alt+X,Ctrl+S,Z"). Returns the number of key codes
int QKeySequence::assign( QString keyseq )
QString part;
int n = 0;
int p = 0, diff = 0;
// Run through the whole string, but stop
// if we have 4 keys before the end.
while ( keyseq.length() && n < 4 ) {
// We MUST use something to seperate each sequence, and space
// does not cut it, since some of the key names have space
// in them.. (Let's hope no one translate with a comma in it:)
p = keyseq.find( ',' );
if ( -1 != p ) {
if ( ',' == keyseq[p+1] ) // e.g. 'Ctrl+,, Shift+,,'
if ( ' ' == keyseq[p+1] ) { // Space after comma
diff = 1;
} else if ( '\0' == keyseq[p+1] ) { // Last comma 'Ctrl+,'
p = -1;
} else {
diff = 0;
part = keyseq.left( -1==p?keyseq.length():p-diff );
keyseq = keyseq.right( -1==p?0:keyseq.length() - ( p + 1 ) );
d->key[n] = decodeString( part );
return n;
struct ModifKeyName {
ModifKeyName() { }
ModifKeyName(int q, QString n) : qt_key(q), name(n) { }
int qt_key;
QString name;
Constructs a single key from the string \str.
int QKeySequence::decodeString( const QString& str )
int ret = 0;
QString accel = str;
QValueList<ModifKeyName> modifs;
#ifdef QMAC_CTRL
modifs << ModifKeyName( CTRL, QMAC_CTRL );
#ifdef QMAC_ALT
modifs << ModifKeyName( ALT, QMAC_ALT );
#ifdef QMAC_META
modifs << ModifKeyName( META, QMAC_META );
modifs << ModifKeyName( SHIFT, QMAC_SHIFT );
modifs << ModifKeyName( CTRL, "ctrl+" ) << ModifKeyName( CTRL, QAccel::tr("Ctrl").lower().append('+') );
modifs << ModifKeyName( SHIFT, "shift+" ) << ModifKeyName( SHIFT, QAccel::tr("Shift").lower().append('+') );
modifs << ModifKeyName( ALT, "alt+" ) << ModifKeyName( ALT, QAccel::tr("Alt").lower().append('+') );
modifs << ModifKeyName( META, "meta+" ) << ModifKeyName( ALT, QAccel::tr("Meta").lower().append('+') );
QString sl = accel.lower();
for( QValueList<ModifKeyName>::iterator it = modifs.begin(); it != modifs.end(); ++it ) {
if ( sl.contains( (*it).name ) ) {
ret |= (*it).qt_key;
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
accel.remove( QRegExp(QRegExp::escape((*it).name), FALSE) );
accel.remove( (*it).name );
sl = accel.lower();
int p = accel.findRev( '+', str.length() - 2 ); // -2 so that Ctrl++ works
if( p > 0 )
accel = accel.mid( p + 1 );
int fnum = 0;
if ( accel.length() == 1 ) {
char ltr = accel[0].upper().latin1();
// We can only upper A-Z without problems.
if ( ltr < (char)Key_A || ltr > (char)Key_Z )
ret |= accel[0].unicode();
ret |= accel[0].upper().unicode();
} else if ( accel[0] == 'F' && (fnum = accel.mid(1).toInt()) && (fnum >= 1) && (fnum <= 35) ) {
ret |= Key_F1 + fnum - 1;
} else {
// Check through translation table for the correct key name
// ...or fall back on english table.
bool found = FALSE;
for ( int tran = 0; tran < 2; tran++ ) {
for ( int i = 0; keyname[i].name; i++ ) {
if ( tran ? accel == QAccel::tr(keyname[i].name)
: accel == keyname[i].name ) {
ret |= keyname[i].key;
found = TRUE;
return ret;
Creates an accelerator string for \a key. For example,
CTRL+Key_O gives "Ctrl+O". The strings, "Ctrl", "Shift", etc. are
translated (using QObject::tr()) in the "QAccel" context.
QString QKeySequence::encodeString( int key )
QString s;
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(QWS)
// On MAC the order is Meta, Alt, Shift, Control.
if ( (key & META) == META )
if ( (key & ALT) == ALT )
s += QMAC_ALT;
if ( (key & SHIFT) == SHIFT )
if ( (key & CTRL) == CTRL )
// On other systems the order is Meta, Control, Alt, Shift
if ( (key & META) == META )
s += QAccel::tr( "Meta" );
if ( (key & CTRL) == CTRL ) {
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
s += QAccel::tr( "+" );
s += QAccel::tr( "Ctrl" );
if ( (key & ALT) == ALT ) {
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
s += QAccel::tr( "+" );
s += QAccel::tr( "Alt" );
if ( (key & SHIFT) == SHIFT ) {
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
s += QAccel::tr( "+" );
s += QAccel::tr( "Shift" );
key &= ~(SHIFT | CTRL | ALT | META );
QString p;
// Note: This character should NOT be upper()'ed, since
// the encoded string should indicate EXACTLY what the
// key represents! Hence a 'Ctrl+Shift+c' is posible to
// represent, but is clearly impossible to trigger...
p = QChar(key & 0xffff);
} else if ( key >= Key_F1 && key <= Key_F35 ) {
p = QAccel::tr( "F%1" ).arg(key - Key_F1 + 1);
} else if ( key > Key_Space && key <= Key_AsciiTilde ) {
p.sprintf( "%c", key );
} else {
int i=0;
while (keyname[i].name) {
if ( key == keyname[i].key ) {
p = QAccel::tr(keyname[i].name);
// If we can't find the actual translatable keyname,
// fall back on the unicode representation of it...
// Or else characters like Key_aring may not get displayed
// ( Really depends on you locale )
if ( !keyname[i].name )
// Note: This character should NOT be upper()'ed, see above!
p = QChar(key & 0xffff);
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
s += QAccel::tr( "+" );
s += p;
return s;
Matches the sequence with \a seq. Returns \c Qt::Identical if
successful, \c Qt::PartialMatch for matching but incomplete \a seq,
and \c Qt::NoMatch if the sequences have nothing in common.
Returns \c Qt::NoMatch if \a seq is shorter.
Qt::SequenceMatch QKeySequence::matches( const QKeySequence& seq ) const
uint userN = count(),
seqN = seq.count();
if ( userN > seqN )
return NoMatch;
// If equal in length, we have a potential Identical sequence,
// else we already know it can only be partial.
SequenceMatch match = ( userN == seqN ? Identical : PartialMatch );
for ( uint i = 0; i < userN; i++ ) {
int userKey = (*this)[i],
sequenceKey = seq[i];
if ( (userKey & ~Qt::UNICODE_ACCEL) !=
(sequenceKey & ~Qt::UNICODE_ACCEL) )
return NoMatch;
return match;
Creates an accelerator string for the key sequence.
For instance CTRL+Key_O gives "Ctrl+O". If the key sequence has
multiple key codes they are returned comma-separated, e.g.
"Alt+X, Ctrl+Y, Z". The strings, "Ctrl", "Shift", etc. are
translated (using QObject::tr()) in the "QAccel" scope. If the key
sequence has no keys, QString::null is returned.
On Mac OS X, the string returned resembles the sequence that is shown in
the menubar.
QKeySequence::operator QString() const
int end = count();
if ( !end ) return QString::null;
QString complete;
int i = 0;
while ( i < end ) {
complete += encodeString( d->key[i] );
if ( i != end)
complete += ", ";
return complete;
For backward compatibility: returns the first keycode
as integer. If the key sequence is empty, 0 is returned.
QKeySequence::operator int () const
if ( 1 <= count() )
return d->key[0];
return 0;
Returns a reference to the element at position \a index in the key
sequence. This can only be used to read an element.
int QKeySequence::operator[]( uint index ) const
if ( index > 4 ) {
qWarning( "QKeySequence::operator[]: index %u out of range", index );
return 0;
#endif // QT_CHECK_STATE
return d->key[index];
Assignment operator. Assigns \a keysequence to this
QKeySequence &QKeySequence::operator=( const QKeySequence & keysequence )
if ( d->deref() )
delete d;
d = keysequence.d;
return *this;
Returns TRUE if \a keysequence is equal to this key
sequence; otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QKeySequence::operator==( const QKeySequence& keysequence ) const
return ( (d->key[0]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) == (keysequence.d->key[0]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) &&
(d->key[1]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) == (keysequence.d->key[1]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) &&
(d->key[2]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) == (keysequence.d->key[2]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) &&
(d->key[3]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) == (keysequence.d->key[3]&~UNICODE_ACCEL) );
Returns TRUE if \a keysequence is not equal to this key sequence;
otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QKeySequence::operator!= ( const QKeySequence& keysequence ) const
QKeySequence *that = (QKeySequence*)this;
return !( (*that) == keysequence );
QKeySequence stream functions
#if !defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM) && !defined(QT_NO_IMAGEIO)
\relates QKeySequence
Writes the key sequence \a keysequence to the stream \a s.
\sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QKeySequence &keysequence )
QValueList<int> list;
list += keysequence.d->key[0];
list += keysequence.d->key[1];
list += keysequence.d->key[2];
list += keysequence.d->key[3];
s << list;
return s;
\relates QKeySequence
Reads a key sequence from the stream \a s into the key sequence \a
\sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QKeySequence &keysequence )
QValueList<int> list;
s >> list;
if ( 1 != list.count() && 4 != list.count() ) {
qWarning( "Invalid QKeySequence data in the datastream." );
return s;
if ( 1 == list.count() ) {
keysequence.d->key[0] = * 0 );
keysequence.d->key[1] =
keysequence.d->key[2] =
keysequence.d->key[3] = 0;
} else {
keysequence.d->key[0] = * 0 );
keysequence.d->key[1] = * 1 );
keysequence.d->key[2] = * 2 );
keysequence.d->key[3] = * 3 );
return s;
#endif //QT_NO_ACCEL