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** Implementation of QAction class
** Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "qaction.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_ACTION
#include "qtoolbar.h"
#include "qptrlist.h"
#include "qpopupmenu.h"
#include "qaccel.h"
#include "qtoolbutton.h"
#include "qcombobox.h"
#include "qtooltip.h"
#include "qwhatsthis.h"
#include "qstatusbar.h"
#include "qobjectlist.h"
\class QAction qaction.h
\brief The QAction class provides an abstract user interface
action that can appear both in menus and tool bars.
\ingroup basic
\ingroup application
In GUI applications many commands can be invoked via a menu
option, a toolbar button and a keyboard accelerator. Since the
same action must be performed regardless of how the action was
invoked, and since the menu and toolbar should be kept in sync, it
is useful to represent a command as an \e action. An action can be
added to a menu and a toolbar and will automatically keep them in
sync. For example, if the user presses a Bold toolbar button the
Bold menu item will automatically be checked.
A QAction may contain an icon, a menu text, an accelerator, a
status text, a whats this text and a tool tip. Most of these can
be set in the constructor. They can also be set independently with
setIconSet(), setText(), setMenuText(), setToolTip(),
setStatusTip(), setWhatsThis() and setAccel().
An action may be a toggle action e.g. a Bold toolbar button, or a
command action, e.g. 'Open File' to invoke an open file dialog.
Toggle actions emit the toggled() signal when their state changes.
Both command and toggle actions emit the activated() signal when
they are invoked. Use setToggleAction() to set an action's toggled
status. To see if an action is a toggle action use
isToggleAction(). A toggle action may be "on", isOn() returns
TRUE, or "off", isOn() returns FALSE.
Actions are added to widgets (menus or toolbars) using addTo(),
and removed using removeFrom().
Once a QAction has been created it should be added to the relevant
menu and toolbar and then connected to the slot which will perform
the action. For example:
\quotefile action/application.cpp
\skipto QPixmap( fileopen
\printuntil connect
We create a "File Save" action with a menu text of "&Save" and
\e{Ctrl+S} as the keyboard accelerator. We connect the
fileSaveAction's activated() signal to our own save() slot. Note
that at this point there is no menu or toolbar action, we'll add
them next:
\skipto new QToolBar
\skipto fileSaveAction->addTo
\skipto new QPopupMenu
\printuntil insertItem
\skipto fileSaveAction->addTo
We create a toolbar and add our fileSaveAction to it. Similarly we
create a menu, add a top-level menu item, and add our
We recommend that actions are created as children of the window
that they are used in. In most cases actions will be children of
the application's main window.
To prevent recursion, don't create an action as a child of a
widget that the action is later added to.
class QActionPrivate
QActionPrivate(QAction *act);
QIconSet *iconset;
QString text;
QString menutext;
QString tooltip;
QString statustip;
QString whatsthis;
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
QKeySequence key;
QAccel* accel;
int accelid;
uint enabled : 1;
uint visible : 1;
uint toggleaction : 1;
uint on : 1;
uint forceDisabled : 1;
uint forceInvisible : 1;
QToolTipGroup tipGroup;
QActionGroupPrivate* d_group;
QAction *action;
struct MenuItem {
QPopupMenu* popup;
int id;
// ComboItem is only necessary for actions that are
// in dropdown/exclusive actiongroups. The actiongroup
// will clean this up
struct ComboItem {
ComboItem():combo(0), id(0) {}
QComboBox *combo;
int id;
QPtrList<MenuItem> menuitems;
QPtrList<QToolButton> toolbuttons;
QPtrList<ComboItem> comboitems;
enum Update { Icons = 1, Visibility = 2, State = 4, EverythingElse = 8 };
void update( uint upd = EverythingElse );
QString menuText() const;
QString toolTip() const;
QString statusTip() const;
QActionPrivate::QActionPrivate(QAction *act)
: iconset( 0 ),
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
key( 0 ), accel( 0 ), accelid( 0 ),
enabled( TRUE ), visible( TRUE ), toggleaction( FALSE ), on( FALSE ),
forceDisabled( FALSE ), forceInvisible( FALSE ),
tipGroup( 0 ),
d_group( 0 ), action(act)
menuitems.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
comboitems.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
tipGroup.setDelay( FALSE );
QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> ittb( toolbuttons );
QToolButton *tb;
while ( ( tb = ittb.current() ) ) {
delete tb;
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::MenuItem> itmi( menuitems);
QActionPrivate::MenuItem* mi;
while ( ( mi = itmi.current() ) ) {
QPopupMenu* menu = mi->popup;
if ( menu->findItem( mi->id ) )
menu->removeItem( mi->id );
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::ComboItem> itci(comboitems);
QActionPrivate::ComboItem* ci;
while ( ( ci = itci.current() ) ) {
QComboBox* combo = ci->combo;
QActionGroup *group = ::qt_cast<QActionGroup*>(action->parent());
QObjectList *siblings = group ? group->queryList("QAction") : 0;
if (siblings) {
QObjectListIt it(*siblings);
while (it.current()) {
QAction *sib = ::qt_cast<QAction*>(it.current());
it = QObjectListIt(*siblings);
while (it.current()) {
QAction *sib = ::qt_cast<QAction*>(it.current());
if (sib == action)
delete siblings;
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
delete accel;
delete iconset;
class QActionGroupPrivate
uint exclusive: 1;
uint dropdown: 1;
QPtrList<QAction> actions;
QAction* selected;
QAction* separatorAction;
struct MenuItem {
QPopupMenu* popup;
int id;
QPtrList<QComboBox> comboboxes;
QPtrList<QToolButton> menubuttons;
QPtrList<MenuItem> menuitems;
QPtrList<QPopupMenu> popupmenus;
void update( const QActionGroup * );
void QActionPrivate::update( uint upd )
for ( QPtrListIterator<MenuItem> it( menuitems); it.current(); ++it ) {
MenuItem* mi = it.current();
QString t = menuText();
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( key )
t += '\t' + QAccel::keyToString( key );
if ( upd & State ) {
mi->popup->setItemEnabled( mi->id, enabled );
if ( toggleaction )
mi->popup->setItemChecked( mi->id, on );
if ( upd & Visibility )
mi->popup->setItemVisible( mi->id, visible );
if ( upd & Icons ) {
if ( iconset )
mi->popup->changeItem( mi->id, *iconset, t );
mi->popup->changeItem( mi->id, QIconSet(), t );
if ( upd & EverythingElse ) {
mi->popup->changeItem( mi->id, t );
if ( !whatsthis.isEmpty() )
mi->popup->setWhatsThis( mi->id, whatsthis );
if ( toggleaction ) {
mi->popup->setCheckable( TRUE );
mi->popup->setItemChecked( mi->id, on );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> it2(toolbuttons); it2.current(); ++it2 ) {
QToolButton* btn = it2.current();
if ( upd & State ) {
btn->setEnabled( enabled );
if ( toggleaction )
btn->setOn( on );
if ( upd & Visibility )
visible ? btn->show() : btn->hide();
if ( upd & Icons ) {
if ( iconset )
btn->setIconSet( *iconset );
btn->setIconSet( QIconSet() );
if ( upd & EverythingElse ) {
btn->setToggleButton( toggleaction );
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
btn->setTextLabel( text, FALSE );
QToolTip::remove( btn );
QToolTip::add( btn, toolTip(), &tipGroup, statusTip() );
QWhatsThis::remove( btn );
if ( !whatsthis.isEmpty() )
QWhatsThis::add( btn, whatsthis );
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( accel ) {
accel->setEnabled( enabled && visible );
if ( !whatsthis.isEmpty() )
accel->setWhatsThis( accelid, whatsthis );
// Only used by actiongroup
for ( QPtrListIterator<ComboItem> it3( comboitems ); it3.current(); ++it3 ) {
ComboItem *ci = it3.current();
if ( !ci->combo )
if ( iconset )
ci->combo->changeItem( iconset->pixmap(), text, ci->id );
ci->combo->changeItem( text, ci->id );
QString QActionPrivate::menuText() const
if ( menutext.isNull() ) {
QString t(text);
t.replace('&', "&&");
return t;
return menutext;
QString QActionPrivate::toolTip() const
if ( tooltip.isNull() ) {
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
if ( accel )
return text + " (" + QAccel::keyToString( accel->key( accelid )) + ")";
return text;
return tooltip;
QString QActionPrivate::statusTip() const
if ( statustip.isNull() )
return toolTip();
return statustip;
internal: guesses a descriptive text from a menu text
static QString qt_stripMenuText( QString s )
s.remove( QString::fromLatin1("...") );
s.remove( QChar('&' ) );
return s.stripWhiteSpace();
Constructs an action called \a name with parent \a parent.
If \a parent is a QActionGroup, the new action inserts itself into
\a parent.
For accelerators and status tips to work, \a parent must either be
a widget, or an action group whose parent is a widget.
\warning To prevent recursion, don't create an action as a child
of a widget that the action is later added to.
QAction::QAction( QObject* parent, const char* name )
: QObject( parent, name )
d = new QActionPrivate(this);
/*! \obsolete
Constructs an action called \a name with parent \a parent.
If \a toggle is TRUE the action will be a toggle action, otherwise
it will be a command action.
If \a parent is a QActionGroup, the new action inserts itself into
\a parent.
For accelerators and status tips to work, \a parent must either be
a widget, or an action group whose parent is a widget.
QAction::QAction( QObject* parent, const char* name, bool toggle )
: QObject( parent, name )
d = new QActionPrivate(this);
d->toggleaction = toggle;
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
This constructor creates an action with the following properties:
the icon or iconset \a icon, the menu text \a menuText and
keyboard accelerator \a accel. It is a child of \a parent and
called \a name.
If \a parent is a QActionGroup, the action automatically becomes
a member of it.
For accelerators and status tips to work, \a parent must either be
a widget, or an action group whose parent is a widget.
The action uses a stripped version of \a menuText (e.g. "\&Menu
Option..." becomes "Menu Option") as descriptive text for
toolbuttons. You can override this by setting a specific
description with setText(). The same text and \a accel will be
used for tool tips and status tips unless you provide text for
these using setToolTip() and setStatusTip().
Call setToggleAction(TRUE) to make the action a toggle action.
\warning To prevent recursion, don't create an action as a child
of a widget that the action is later added to.
QAction::QAction( const QIconSet& icon, const QString& menuText, QKeySequence accel,
QObject* parent, const char* name )
: QObject( parent, name )
d = new QActionPrivate(this);
if ( !icon.isNull() )
setIconSet( icon );
d->text = qt_stripMenuText( menuText );
d->menutext = menuText;
setAccel( accel );
This constructor results in an icon-less action with the the menu
text \a menuText and keyboard accelerator \a accel. It is a child
of \a parent and called \a name.
If \a parent is a QActionGroup, the action automatically becomes
a member of it.
For accelerators and status tips to work, \a parent must either be
a widget, or an action group whose parent is a widget.
The action uses a stripped version of \a menuText (e.g. "\&Menu
Option..." becomes "Menu Option") as descriptive text for
toolbuttons. You can override this by setting a specific
description with setText(). The same text and \a accel will be
used for tool tips and status tips unless you provide text for
these using setToolTip() and setStatusTip().
Call setToggleAction(TRUE) to make the action a toggle action.
\warning To prevent recursion, don't create an action as a child
of a widget that the action is later added to.
QAction::QAction( const QString& menuText, QKeySequence accel,
QObject* parent, const char* name )
: QObject( parent, name )
d = new QActionPrivate(this);
d->text = qt_stripMenuText( menuText );
d->menutext = menuText;
setAccel( accel );
/*! \obsolete
This constructor creates an action with the following properties:
the description \a text, the icon or iconset \a icon, the menu
text \a menuText and keyboard accelerator \a accel. It is a child
of \a parent and called \a name. If \a toggle is TRUE the action
will be a toggle action, otherwise it will be a command action.
If \a parent is a QActionGroup, the action automatically becomes
a member of it.
For accelerators and status tips to work, \a parent must either be
a widget, or an action group whose parent is a widget.
The \a text and \a accel will be used for tool tips and status
tips unless you provide specific text for these using setToolTip()
and setStatusTip().
QAction::QAction( const QString& text, const QIconSet& icon, const QString& menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject* parent, const char* name, bool toggle )
: QObject( parent, name )
d = new QActionPrivate(this);
d->toggleaction = toggle;
if ( !icon.isNull() )
setIconSet( icon );
d->text = text;
d->menutext = menuText;
setAccel( accel );
/*! \obsolete
This constructor results in an icon-less action with the
description \a text, the menu text \a menuText and the keyboard
accelerator \a accel. Its parent is \a parent and it is called \a
name. If \a toggle is TRUE the action will be a toggle action,
otherwise it will be a command action.
The action automatically becomes a member of \a parent if \a
parent is a QActionGroup.
For accelerators and status tips to work, \a parent must either be
a widget, or an action group whose parent is a widget.
The \a text and \a accel will be used for tool tips and status
tips unless you provide specific text for these using setToolTip()
and setStatusTip().
QAction::QAction( const QString& text, const QString& menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject* parent, const char* name, bool toggle )
: QObject( parent, name )
d = new QActionPrivate(this);
d->toggleaction = toggle;
d->text = text;
d->menutext = menuText;
setAccel( accel );
void QAction::init()
if ( ::qt_cast<QActionGroup*>(parent()) )
((QActionGroup*) parent())->add( this ); // insert into action group
Destroys the object and frees allocated resources.
delete d;
\property QAction::iconSet
\brief the action's icon
The icon is used as the tool button icon and in the menu to the
left of the menu text. There is no default icon.
If a null icon (QIconSet::isNull() is passed into this function,
the icon of the action is cleared.
(See the action/toggleaction/toggleaction.cpp example.)
void QAction::setIconSet( const QIconSet& icon )
QIconSet *i = d->iconset;
if ( !icon.isNull() )
d->iconset = new QIconSet( icon );
d->iconset = 0;
delete i;
d->update( QActionPrivate::Icons );
QIconSet QAction::iconSet() const
if ( d->iconset )
return *d->iconset;
return QIconSet();
\property QAction::text
\brief the action's descriptive text
If \l QMainWindow::usesTextLabel is TRUE, the text appears as a
label in the relevant tool button. It also serves as the default
text in menus and tool tips if these have not been specifically
defined. There is no default text.
\sa setMenuText() setToolTip() setStatusTip()
void QAction::setText( const QString& text )
d->text = text;
QString QAction::text() const
return d->text;
\property QAction::menuText
\brief the action's menu text
If the action is added to a menu the menu option will consist of
the icon (if there is one), the menu text and the accelerator (if
there is one). If the menu text is not explicitly set in the
constructor or by using setMenuText() the action's description
text will be used as the menu text. There is no default menu text.
\sa text
void QAction::setMenuText( const QString& text )
if ( d->menutext == text )
d->menutext = text;
QString QAction::menuText() const
return d->menuText();
\property QAction::toolTip
\brief the action's tool tip
This text is used for the tool tip. If no status tip has been set
the tool tip will be used for the status tip.
If no tool tip is specified the action's text is used, and if that
hasn't been specified the description text is used as the tool tip
There is no default tool tip text.
\sa setStatusTip() setAccel()
void QAction::setToolTip( const QString& tip )
if ( d->tooltip == tip )
d->tooltip = tip;
QString QAction::toolTip() const
return d->toolTip();
\property QAction::statusTip
\brief the action's status tip
The statusTip is displayed on all status bars that this action's
toplevel parent widget provides.
If no status tip is defined, the action uses the tool tip text.
There is no default statusTip text.
\sa setStatusTip() setToolTip()
//#### Please reimp for QActionGroup!
//#### For consistency reasons even action groups should show
//#### status tips (as they already do with tool tips)
//#### Please change QActionGroup class doc appropriately after
//#### reimplementation.
void QAction::setStatusTip( const QString& tip )
if ( d->statustip == tip )
d->statustip = tip;
QString QAction::statusTip() const
return d->statusTip();
\property QAction::whatsThis
\brief the action's "What's This?" help text
The whats this text is used to provide a brief description of the
action. The text may contain rich text (HTML-like tags -- see
QStyleSheet for the list of supported tags). There is no default
"What's This" text.
\sa QWhatsThis
void QAction::setWhatsThis( const QString& whatsThis )
if ( d->whatsthis == whatsThis )
d->whatsthis = whatsThis;
QString QAction::whatsThis() const
return d->whatsthis;
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
\property QAction::accel
\brief the action's accelerator key
The keycodes can be found in \l Qt::Key and \l Qt::Modifier. There
is no default accelerator key.
//#### Please reimp for QActionGroup!
//#### For consistency reasons even QActionGroups should respond to
//#### their accelerators and e.g. open the relevant submenu.
//#### Please change appropriate QActionGroup class doc after
//#### reimplementation.
void QAction::setAccel( const QKeySequence& key )
if ( d->key == key )
d->key = key;
delete d->accel;
d->accel = 0;
if ( !(int)key ) {
QObject* p = parent();
while ( p && !p->isWidgetType() ) {
p = p->parent();
if ( p ) {
d->accel = new QAccel( (QWidget*)p, this, "qt_action_accel" );
d->accelid = d->accel->insertItem( d->key );
d->accel->connectItem( d->accelid, this, SLOT( internalActivation() ) );
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
qWarning( "QAction::setAccel() (%s) requires widget in parent chain", name() );
QKeySequence QAction::accel() const
return d->key;
\property QAction::toggleAction
\brief whether the action is a toggle action
A toggle action is one which has an on/off state. For example a
Bold toolbar button is either on or off. An action which is not a
toggle action is a command action; a command action is simply
executed, e.g. file save. This property's default is FALSE.
In some situations, the state of one toggle action should depend
on the state of others. For example, "Left Align", "Center" and
"Right Align" toggle actions are mutually exclusive. To achieve
exclusive toggling, add the relevant toggle actions to a
QActionGroup with the \l QActionGroup::exclusive property set to
void QAction::setToggleAction( bool enable )
if ( enable == (bool)d->toggleaction )
if ( !enable )
d->on = FALSE;
d->toggleaction = enable;
bool QAction::isToggleAction() const
return d->toggleaction;
Activates the action and executes all connected slots.
This only works for actions that are not toggle action.
\sa toggle()
void QAction::activate()
if ( isToggleAction() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
qWarning( "QAction::%s() (%s) Toggle actions "
"can not be activated", "activate", name() );
emit activated();
Toggles the state of a toggle action.
\sa on, activate(), toggled(), isToggleAction()
void QAction::toggle()
if ( !isToggleAction() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
qWarning( "QAction::%s() (%s) Only toggle actions "
"can be switched", "toggle", name() );
setOn( !isOn() );
\property QAction::on
\brief whether a toggle action is on
This property is always on (TRUE) for command actions and
\l{QActionGroup}s; setOn() has no effect on them. For action's
where isToggleAction() is TRUE, this property's default value is
off (FALSE).
\sa toggleAction
void QAction::setOn( bool enable )
if ( !isToggleAction() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
if ( enable )
qWarning( "QAction::%s() (%s) Only toggle actions "
"can be switched", "setOn", name() );
if ( enable == (bool)d->on )
d->on = enable;
d->update( QActionPrivate::State );
emit toggled( enable );
bool QAction::isOn() const
return d->on;
\property QAction::enabled
\brief whether the action is enabled
Disabled actions can't be chosen by the user. They don't disappear
from the menu/tool bar but are displayed in a way which indicates
that they are unavailable, e.g. they might be displayed grayed
What's this? help on disabled actions is still available provided
the \l QAction::whatsThis property is set.
void QAction::setEnabled( bool enable )
d->forceDisabled = !enable;
if ( (bool)d->enabled == enable )
d->enabled = enable;
d->update( QActionPrivate::State );
bool QAction::isEnabled() const
return d->enabled;
Disables the action if \a disable is TRUE; otherwise
enables the action.
See the \l enabled documentation for more information.
void QAction::setDisabled( bool disable )
setEnabled( !disable );
\property QAction::visible
\brief whether the action can be seen (e.g. in menus and toolbars)
If \e visible is TRUE the action can be seen (e.g. in menus and
toolbars) and chosen by the user; if \e visible is FALSE the
action cannot be seen or chosen by the user.
Actions which are not visible are \e not grayed out; they do not
appear at all.
void QAction::setVisible( bool visible )
d->forceInvisible = !visible;
if ( (bool)d->visible == visible )
d->visible = visible;
d->update( QActionPrivate::Visibility );
#if (QT_VERSION-0 >= 0x040000)
#error "QAction::setVisible function wants to be virtual. Also add virtual change() function"
if ( d->d_group ) //### this function wants to be virtual in 4.0
d->d_group->update( (QActionGroup*) this );
Returns TRUE if the action is visible (e.g. in menus and
toolbars); otherwise returns FALSE.
bool QAction::isVisible() const
return d->visible;
/*! \internal
void QAction::internalActivation()
if ( isToggleAction() )
setOn( !isOn() );
emit activated();
/*! \internal
void QAction::toolButtonToggled( bool on )
if ( !isToggleAction() )
setOn( on );
Adds this action to widget \a w.
Currently actions may be added to QToolBar and QPopupMenu widgets.
An action added to a tool bar is automatically displayed as a tool
button; an action added to a pop up menu appears as a menu option.
addTo() returns TRUE if the action was added successfully and
FALSE otherwise. (If \a w is not a QToolBar or QPopupMenu the
action will not be added and FALSE will be returned.)
\sa removeFrom()
bool QAction::addTo( QWidget* w )
if ( ::qt_cast<QToolBar*>(w) ) {
if ( !qstrcmp( name(), "qt_separator_action" ) ) {
} else {
QCString bname = name() + QCString( "_action_button" );
QToolButton* btn = new QToolButton( (QToolBar*) w, bname );
addedTo( btn, w );
btn->setToggleButton( d->toggleaction );
d->toolbuttons.append( btn );
if ( d->iconset )
btn->setIconSet( *d->iconset );
d->update( QActionPrivate::State | QActionPrivate::Visibility | QActionPrivate::EverythingElse ) ;
connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SIGNAL( activated() ) );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( toolButtonToggled(bool) ) );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( objectDestroyed() ) );
connect( &(d->tipGroup), SIGNAL(showTip(const QString&)), this, SLOT(showStatusText(const QString&)) );
connect( &(d->tipGroup), SIGNAL(removeTip()), this, SLOT(clearStatusText()) );
} else
if ( ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(w) ) {
QActionPrivate::MenuItem* mi = new QActionPrivate::MenuItem;
mi->popup = (QPopupMenu*) w;
QIconSet* diconset = d->iconset;
if ( !qstrcmp( name(), "qt_separator_action" ) )
mi->id = ((QPopupMenu*)w)->insertSeparator();
else if ( diconset )
mi->id = mi->popup->insertItem( *diconset, QString::fromLatin1("") );
mi->id = mi->popup->insertItem( QString::fromLatin1("") );
addedTo( mi->popup->indexOf( mi->id ), mi->popup );
mi->popup->connectItem( mi->id, this, SLOT(internalActivation()) );
d->menuitems.append( mi );
d->update( QActionPrivate::State | QActionPrivate::Visibility | QActionPrivate::EverythingElse ) ;
connect( mi->popup, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, SLOT(menuStatusText(int)) );
connect( mi->popup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(clearStatusText()) );
connect( mi->popup, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( objectDestroyed() ) );
// Makes only sense when called by QActionGroup::addTo
} else if ( ::qt_cast<QComboBox*>(w) ) {
QActionPrivate::ComboItem *ci = new QActionPrivate::ComboItem;
ci->combo = (QComboBox*)w;
connect( ci->combo, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( objectDestroyed() ) );
ci->id = ci->combo->count();
if ( qstrcmp( name(), "qt_separator_action" ) ) {
if ( d->iconset )
ci->combo->insertItem( d->iconset->pixmap(), text() );
ci->combo->insertItem( text() );
} else {
ci->id = -1;
d->comboitems.append( ci );
d->update( QActionPrivate::State | QActionPrivate::EverythingElse );
} else {
qWarning( "QAction::addTo(), unknown object" );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
This function is called from the addTo() function when it has
created a widget (\a actionWidget) for the action in the \a
void QAction::addedTo( QWidget *actionWidget, QWidget *container )
Q_UNUSED( actionWidget );
Q_UNUSED( container );
This function is called from the addTo() function when it has
created a menu item at the index position \a index in the popup
menu \a menu.
void QAction::addedTo( int index, QPopupMenu *menu )
Q_UNUSED( index );
Q_UNUSED( menu );
Sets the status message to \a text
void QAction::showStatusText( const QString& text )
// find out whether we are clearing the status bar by the popup that actually set the text
static QPopupMenu *lastmenu = 0;
QObject *s = (QObject*)sender();
if ( s ) {
QPopupMenu *menu = (QPopupMenu*)s->qt_cast( "QPopupMenu" );
if ( menu && !!text )
lastmenu = menu;
else if ( menu && text.isEmpty() ) {
if ( lastmenu && menu != lastmenu )
lastmenu = 0;
QObject* par = parent();
QObject* lpar = 0;
QStatusBar *bar = 0;
while ( par && !bar ) {
lpar = par;
bar = (QStatusBar*)par->child( 0, "QStatusBar", FALSE );
par = par->parent();
if ( !bar && lpar ) {
QObjectList *l = lpar->queryList( "QStatusBar" );
if ( !l )
// #### hopefully the last one is the one of the mainwindow...
bar = (QStatusBar*)l->last();
delete l;
if ( bar ) {
if ( text.isEmpty() )
bar->message( text );
Sets the status message to the menu item's status text, or to the
tooltip, if there is no status text.
void QAction::menuStatusText( int id )
static int lastId = 0;
QString text;
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::MenuItem> it( d->menuitems);
QActionPrivate::MenuItem* mi;
while ( ( mi = it.current() ) ) {
if ( mi->id == id ) {
text = statusTip();
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
showStatusText( text );
else if ( id != lastId )
lastId = id;
Clears the status text.
void QAction::clearStatusText()
if (!statusTip().isEmpty())
showStatusText( QString::null );
Removes the action from widget \a w.
Returns TRUE if the action was removed successfully; otherwise
returns FALSE.
\sa addTo()
bool QAction::removeFrom( QWidget* w )
if ( ::qt_cast<QToolBar*>(w) ) {
QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> it( d->toolbuttons);
QToolButton* btn;
while ( ( btn = it.current() ) ) {
if ( btn->parentWidget() == w ) {
d->toolbuttons.removeRef( btn );
disconnect( btn, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( objectDestroyed() ) );
delete btn;
// no need to disconnect from statusbar
} else
if ( ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(w) ) {
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::MenuItem> it( d->menuitems);
QActionPrivate::MenuItem* mi;
while ( ( mi = it.current() ) ) {
if ( mi->popup == w ) {
disconnect( mi->popup, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, SLOT(menuStatusText(int)) );
disconnect( mi->popup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(clearStatusText()) );
disconnect( mi->popup, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( objectDestroyed() ) );
mi->popup->removeItem( mi->id );
d->menuitems.removeRef( mi );
} else if ( ::qt_cast<QComboBox*>(w) ) {
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::ComboItem> it( d->comboitems );
QActionPrivate::ComboItem *ci;
while ( ( ci = it.current() ) ) {
if ( ci->combo == w ) {
disconnect( ci->combo, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
d->comboitems.removeRef( ci );
} else {
qWarning( "QAction::removeFrom(), unknown object" );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void QAction::objectDestroyed()
const QObject* obj = sender();
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::MenuItem> it( d->menuitems );
QActionPrivate::MenuItem* mi;
while ( ( mi = it.current() ) ) {
if ( mi->popup == obj )
d->menuitems.removeRef( mi );
QActionPrivate::ComboItem *ci;
QPtrListIterator<QActionPrivate::ComboItem> it2( d->comboitems );
while ( ( ci = it2.current() ) ) {
if ( ci->combo == obj )
d->comboitems.removeRef( ci );
d->toolbuttons.removeRef( (QToolButton*) obj );
\fn void QAction::activated()
This signal is emitted when an action is activated by the user,
e.g. when the user clicks a menu option or a toolbar button or
presses an action's accelerator key combination.
Connect to this signal for command actions. Connect to the
toggled() signal for toggle actions.
\fn void QAction::toggled(bool on)
This signal is emitted when a toggle action changes state; command
actions and \l{QActionGroup}s don't emit toggled().
The \a on argument denotes the new state: If \a on is TRUE the
toggle action is switched on, and if \a on is FALSE the toggle
action is switched off.
To trigger a user command depending on whether a toggle action has
been switched on or off connect it to a slot that takes a bool to
indicate the state, e.g.
\quotefile action/toggleaction/toggleaction.cpp
\skipto QMainWindow * window
\printline QMainWindow * window
\skipto labelonoffaction
\printline labelonoffaction
\skipto connect
\printuntil setUsesTextLabel
\sa activated() setToggleAction() setOn()
void QActionGroupPrivate::update( const QActionGroup* that )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( actions ); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( that->isEnabled() && !it.current()->d->forceDisabled ) {
it.current()->setEnabled( TRUE );
} else if ( !that->isEnabled() && it.current()->isEnabled() ) {
it.current()->setEnabled( FALSE );
it.current()->d->forceDisabled = FALSE;
if ( that->isVisible() && !it.current()->d->forceInvisible ) {
it.current()->setVisible( TRUE );
} else if ( !that->isVisible() && it.current()->isVisible() ) {
it.current()->setVisible( FALSE );
it.current()->d->forceInvisible = FALSE;
for ( QPtrListIterator<QComboBox> cb( comboboxes ); cb.current(); ++cb ) {
QComboBox *combobox = cb.current();
combobox->setEnabled( that->isEnabled() );
combobox->setShown( that->isVisible() );
QToolTip::remove( combobox );
if ( !!that->toolTip() )
QToolTip::add( combobox, that->toolTip() );
QWhatsThis::remove( combobox );
if ( !!that->whatsThis() )
QWhatsThis::add( combobox, that->whatsThis() );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> mb( menubuttons ); mb.current(); ++mb ) {
QToolButton *button = mb.current();
button->setEnabled( that->isEnabled() );
button->setShown( that->isVisible() );
if ( !that->text().isNull() )
button->setTextLabel( that->text() );
if ( !that->iconSet().isNull() )
button->setIconSet( that->iconSet() );
QToolTip::remove( mb.current() );
if ( !!that->toolTip() )
QToolTip::add( button, that->toolTip() );
QWhatsThis::remove( button );
if ( !!that->whatsThis() )
QWhatsThis::add( button, that->whatsThis() );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem> pu( menuitems ); pu.current(); ++pu ) {
QWidget* parent = pu.current()->popup->parentWidget();
if ( ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(parent) ) {
QPopupMenu* ppopup = (QPopupMenu*)parent;
ppopup->setItemEnabled( pu.current()->id, that->isEnabled() );
ppopup->setItemVisible( pu.current()->id, that->isVisible() );
} else {
pu.current()->popup->setEnabled( that->isEnabled() );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QPopupMenu> pm( popupmenus ); pm.current(); ++pm ) {
QPopupMenu *popup = pm.current();
QPopupMenu *parent = ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(popup->parentWidget());
if ( !parent )
int index;
parent->findPopup( popup, &index );
int id = parent->idAt( index );
if ( !that->iconSet().isNull() )
parent->changeItem( id, that->iconSet(), that->menuText() );
parent->changeItem( id, that->menuText() );
parent->setItemEnabled( id, that->isEnabled() );
#ifndef QT_NO_ACCEL
parent->setAccel( that->accel(), id );
\class QActionGroup qaction.h
\brief The QActionGroup class groups actions together.
\ingroup basic
\ingroup application
In some situations it is useful to group actions together. For
example, if you have a left justify action, a right justify action
and a center action, only one of these actions should be active at
any one time, and one simple way of achieving this is to group the
actions together in an action group.
An action group can also be added to a menu or a toolbar as a
single unit, with all the actions within the action group
appearing as separate menu options and toolbar buttons.
Here's an example from examples/textedit:
\quotefile textedit/textedit.cpp
\skipto QActionGroup
\printuntil connect
Here we create a new action group. Since the action group is exclusive
by default, only one of the actions in the group is ever active at any
one time. We then connect the group's selected() signal to our
textAlign() slot.
\printuntil actionAlignLeft->setToggleAction
We create a left align action, add it to the toolbar and the menu
and make it a toggle action. We create center and right align
actions in exactly the same way.
A QActionGroup emits an activated() signal when one of its actions
is activated.
The actions in an action group emit their activated() (and for
toggle actions, toggled()) signals as usual.
The setExclusive() function is used to ensure that only one action
is active at any one time: it should be used with actions which
have their \c toggleAction set to TRUE.
Action group actions appear as individual menu options and toolbar
buttons. For exclusive action groups use setUsesDropDown() to
display the actions in a subwidget of any widget the action group
is added to. For example, the actions would appear in a combobox
in a toolbar or as a submenu in a menu.
Actions can be added to an action group using add(), but normally
they are added by creating the action with the action group as
parent. Actions can have separators dividing them using
addSeparator(). Action groups are added to widgets with addTo().
Constructs an action group called \a name, with parent \a parent.
The action group is exclusive by default. Call setExclusive(FALSE) to make
the action group non-exclusive.
QActionGroup::QActionGroup( QObject* parent, const char* name )
: QAction( parent, name )
d = new QActionGroupPrivate;
d->exclusive = TRUE;
d->dropdown = FALSE;
d->selected = 0;
d->separatorAction = 0;
QAction::d->d_group = d;
connect( this, SIGNAL(selected(QAction*)), SLOT(internalToggle(QAction*)) );
Constructs an action group called \a name, with parent \a parent.
If \a exclusive is TRUE only one toggle action in the group will
ever be active.
\sa exclusive
QActionGroup::QActionGroup( QObject* parent, const char* name, bool exclusive )
: QAction( parent, name )
d = new QActionGroupPrivate;
d->exclusive = exclusive;
d->dropdown = FALSE;
d->selected = 0;
d->separatorAction = 0;
QAction::d->d_group = d;
connect( this, SIGNAL(selected(QAction*)), SLOT(internalToggle(QAction*)) );
Destroys the object and frees allocated resources.
QPtrListIterator<QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem> mit( d->menuitems );
while ( mit.current() ) {
QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem *mi = mit.current();
if ( mi->popup )
mi->popup->disconnect( SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
QPtrListIterator<QComboBox> cbit( d->comboboxes );
while ( cbit.current() ) {
QComboBox *cb = cbit.current();
cb->disconnect( SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> mbit( d->menubuttons );
while ( mbit.current() ) {
QToolButton *mb = mbit.current();
mb->disconnect( SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
QPtrListIterator<QPopupMenu> pmit( d->popupmenus );
while ( pmit.current() ) {
QPopupMenu *pm = pmit.current();
pm->disconnect( SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
delete d->separatorAction;
d->menubuttons.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
d->comboboxes.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
d->menuitems.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
d->popupmenus.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
delete d;
\property QActionGroup::exclusive
\brief whether the action group does exclusive toggling
If exclusive is TRUE only one toggle action in the action group
can ever be active at any one time. If the user chooses another
toggle action in the group the one they chose becomes active and
the one that was active becomes inactive.
\sa QAction::toggleAction
void QActionGroup::setExclusive( bool enable )
d->exclusive = enable;
bool QActionGroup::isExclusive() const
return d->exclusive;
\property QActionGroup::usesDropDown
\brief whether the group's actions are displayed in a subwidget of
the widgets the action group is added to
Exclusive action groups added to a toolbar display their actions
in a combobox with the action's \l QAction::text and \l
QAction::iconSet properties shown. Non-exclusive groups are
represented by a tool button showing their \l QAction::iconSet and
-- depending on \l QMainWindow::usesTextLabel() -- text()
In a popup menu the member actions are displayed in a submenu.
Changing usesDropDown only affects \e subsequent calls to addTo().
Note that setting this property for actions in a combobox causes
calls to their \link QAction::setVisible()\endlink,
\link QAction::setEnabled()\endlink, and
\link QAction::setDisabled()\endlink functions to have no effect.
This property's default is FALSE.
void QActionGroup::setUsesDropDown( bool enable )
d->dropdown = enable;
bool QActionGroup::usesDropDown() const
return d->dropdown;
Adds action \a action to this group.
Normally an action is added to a group by creating it with the
group as parent, so this function is not usually used.
\sa addTo()
void QActionGroup::add( QAction* action )
if ( d->actions.containsRef( action ) )
d->actions.append( action );
if ( action->whatsThis().isNull() )
action->setWhatsThis( whatsThis() );
if ( action->toolTip().isNull() )
action->setToolTip( toolTip() );
if (!action->d->forceDisabled)
action->d->enabled = isEnabled();
if (!action->d->forceInvisible)
action->d->visible = isVisible();
connect( action, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, SLOT( childDestroyed() ) );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SIGNAL( activated() ) );
connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( childToggled(bool) ) );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QComboBox> cb( d->comboboxes ); cb.current(); ++cb ) {
action->addTo( cb.current() );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> mb( d->menubuttons ); mb.current(); ++mb ) {
QPopupMenu* popup = mb.current()->popup();
if ( !popup )
action->addTo( popup );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem> mi( d->menuitems ); mi.current(); ++mi ) {
QPopupMenu* popup = mi.current()->popup;
if ( !popup )
action->addTo( popup );
Adds a separator to the group.
void QActionGroup::addSeparator()
if ( !d->separatorAction )
d->separatorAction = new QAction( 0, "qt_separator_action" );
d->actions.append( d->separatorAction );
/*! \fn void QActionGroup::insert( QAction* a )
Use add() instead, or better still create the action with the action
group as its parent.
Adds this action group to the widget \a w.
If isExclusive() is FALSE or usesDropDown() is FALSE, the actions within
the group are added to the widget individually. For example, if the widget
is a menu, the actions will appear as individual menu options, and
if the widget is a toolbar, the actions will appear as toolbar buttons.
If both isExclusive() and usesDropDown() are TRUE, the actions
are presented either in a combobox (if \a w is a toolbar) or in a
submenu (if \a w is a menu).
All actions should be added to the action group \e before the
action group is added to the widget. If actions are added to the
action group \e after the action group has been added to the
widget these later actions will \e not appear.
\sa setExclusive() setUsesDropDown() removeFrom()
bool QActionGroup::addTo( QWidget* w )
if ( ::qt_cast<QToolBar*>(w) ) {
if ( d->dropdown ) {
if ( !d->exclusive ) {
QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions);
if ( !it.current() )
return TRUE;
QAction *defAction = it.current();
QToolButton* btn = new QToolButton( (QToolBar*) w, "qt_actiongroup_btn" );
addedTo( btn, w );
connect( btn, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
d->menubuttons.append( btn );
if ( !iconSet().isNull() )
btn->setIconSet( iconSet() );
else if ( !defAction->iconSet().isNull() )
btn->setIconSet( defAction->iconSet() );
if ( !!text() )
btn->setTextLabel( text() );
else if ( !!defAction->text() )
btn->setTextLabel( defAction->text() );
if ( !!toolTip() )
QToolTip::add( btn, toolTip() );
else if ( !!defAction->toolTip() )
QToolTip::add( btn, defAction->toolTip() );
if ( !!whatsThis() )
QWhatsThis::add( btn, whatsThis() );
else if ( !!defAction->whatsThis() )
QWhatsThis::add( btn, defAction->whatsThis() );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), defAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), defAction, SLOT( toolButtonToggled(bool) ) );
connect( btn, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), defAction, SLOT( objectDestroyed() ) );
QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( btn, "qt_actiongroup_menu" );
btn->setPopupDelay( 0 );
btn->setPopup( menu );
while( it.current() ) {
it.current()->addTo( menu );
d->update( this );
return TRUE;
} else {
QComboBox *box = new QComboBox( FALSE, w, "qt_actiongroup_combo" );
addedTo( box, w );
connect( box, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
d->comboboxes.append( box );
if ( !!toolTip() )
QToolTip::add( box, toolTip() );
if ( !!whatsThis() )
QWhatsThis::add( box, whatsThis() );
int onIndex = 0;
bool foundOn = FALSE;
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
QAction *action = it.current();
if ( !foundOn )
foundOn = action->isOn();
if ( qstrcmp( action->name(), "qt_separator_action" ) && !foundOn )
action->addTo( box );
if ( foundOn )
box->setCurrentItem( onIndex );
connect( box, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( internalComboBoxActivated(int)) );
connect( box, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), this, SLOT( internalComboBoxHighlighted(int)) );
d->update( this );
return TRUE;
} else
if ( ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(w) ) {
QPopupMenu *popup;
if ( d->dropdown ) {
QPopupMenu *menu = (QPopupMenu*)w;
popup = new QPopupMenu( w, "qt_actiongroup_menu" );
d->popupmenus.append( popup );
connect( popup, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(objectDestroyed()) );
int id;
if ( !iconSet().isNull() ) {
if ( menuText().isEmpty() )
id = menu->insertItem( iconSet(), text(), popup );
id = menu->insertItem( iconSet(), menuText(), popup );
} else {
if ( menuText().isEmpty() )
id = menu->insertItem( text(), popup );
id = menu->insertItem( menuText(), popup );
addedTo( menu->indexOf( id ), menu );
QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem *item = new QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem;
item->id = id;
item->popup = popup;
d->menuitems.append( item );
} else {
popup = (QPopupMenu*)w;
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
// #### do an addedTo( index, popup, action), need to find out index
it.current()->addTo( popup );
return TRUE;
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
// #### do an addedTo( index, popup, action), need to find out index
it.current()->addTo( w );
return TRUE;
/*! \reimp
bool QActionGroup::removeFrom( QWidget* w )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
it.current()->removeFrom( w );
if ( ::qt_cast<QToolBar*>(w) ) {
QPtrListIterator<QComboBox> cb( d->comboboxes );
while( cb.current() ) {
QComboBox *box = cb.current();
if ( box->parentWidget() == w )
delete box;
QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> mb( d->menubuttons );
while( mb.current() ) {
QToolButton *btn = mb.current();
if ( btn->parentWidget() == w )
delete btn;
} else
if ( ::qt_cast<QPopupMenu*>(w) ) {
QPtrListIterator<QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem> pu( d->menuitems );
while ( pu.current() ) {
QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem *mi = pu.current();
if ( d->dropdown && mi->popup )
( (QPopupMenu*)w )->removeItem( mi->id );
delete mi->popup;
return TRUE;
/*! \internal
void QActionGroup::childToggled( bool b )
if ( !isExclusive() )
QAction* s = (QAction*) sender();
if ( b ) {
if ( s != d->selected ) {
d->selected = s;
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->isToggleAction() && it.current() != s )
it.current()->setOn( FALSE );
emit activated();
emit selected( s );
} else if ( !s->isToggleAction() ) {
emit activated();
} else {
if ( s == d->selected ) {
// at least one has to be selected
s->setOn( TRUE );
/*! \internal
void QActionGroup::childDestroyed()
d->actions.removeRef( (QAction*) sender() );
if ( d->selected == sender() )
d->selected = 0;
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setEnabled( bool enable )
if ( enable == isEnabled() )
QAction::setEnabled( enable );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setToggleAction( bool toggle )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it )
it.current()->setToggleAction( toggle );
QAction::setToggleAction( TRUE );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setOn( bool on )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
QAction *act = it.current();
if ( act->isToggleAction() )
act->setOn( on );
QAction::setOn( on );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setIconSet( const QIconSet& icon )
QAction::setIconSet( icon );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setText( const QString& txt )
if ( txt == text() )
QAction::setText( txt );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setMenuText( const QString& text )
if ( text == menuText() )
QAction::setMenuText( text );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setToolTip( const QString& text )
if ( text == toolTip() )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->toolTip().isNull() )
it.current()->setToolTip( text );
QAction::setToolTip( text );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::setWhatsThis( const QString& text )
if ( text == whatsThis() )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->whatsThis().isNull() )
it.current()->setWhatsThis( text );
QAction::setWhatsThis( text );
d->update( this );
/*! \reimp
void QActionGroup::childEvent( QChildEvent *e )
if ( !e->removed() )
QAction *action = ::qt_cast<QAction*>(e->child());
if ( !action )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QComboBox> cb( d->comboboxes ); cb.current(); ++cb ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < cb.current()->count(); i++ ) {
if ( cb.current()->text( i ) == action->text() ) {
cb.current()->removeItem( i );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QToolButton> mb( d->menubuttons ); mb.current(); ++mb ) {
QPopupMenu* popup = mb.current()->popup();
if ( !popup )
action->removeFrom( popup );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem> mi( d->menuitems ); mi.current(); ++mi ) {
QPopupMenu* popup = mi.current()->popup;
if ( !popup )
action->removeFrom( popup );
\fn void QActionGroup::selected( QAction* )
This signal is emitted from exclusive groups when toggle actions
change state.
The argument is the action whose state changed to "on".
\sa setExclusive(), isOn() QAction::toggled()
/*! \internal
void QActionGroup::internalComboBoxActivated( int index )
QAction *a = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i <= index && i < (int)d->actions.count(); ++i ) {
a = d-> i );
if ( a && !qstrcmp( a->name(), "qt_separator_action" ) )
a = d-> index );
if ( a ) {
if ( a != d->selected ) {
d->selected = a;
for ( QPtrListIterator<QAction> it( d->actions); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->isToggleAction() && it.current() != a )
it.current()->setOn( FALSE );
if ( a->isToggleAction() )
a->setOn( TRUE );
emit activated();
if ( a->isToggleAction() )
emit selected( d->selected );
emit ((QActionGroup*)a)->activated();
} else if ( !a->isToggleAction() ) {
emit activated();
emit ((QActionGroup*)a)->activated();
/*! \internal
void QActionGroup::internalComboBoxHighlighted( int index )
QAction *a = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i <= index && i < (int)d->actions.count(); ++i ) {
a = d-> i );
if ( a && !qstrcmp( a->name(), "qt_separator_action" ) )
a = d-> index );
if ( a )
/*! \internal
void QActionGroup::internalToggle( QAction *a )
int index = d->actions.find( a );
if ( index == -1 )
int lastItem = index;
for ( int i = 0; i < lastItem; i++ ) {
QAction *action = d-> i );
if ( !qstrcmp( action->name(), "qt_separator_action" ) )
for ( QPtrListIterator<QComboBox> it( d->comboboxes); it.current(); ++it )
it.current()->setCurrentItem( index );
/*! \internal
void QActionGroup::objectDestroyed()
const QObject* obj = sender();
d->menubuttons.removeRef( (QToolButton*)obj );
for ( QPtrListIterator<QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem> mi( d->menuitems ); mi.current(); ++mi ) {
if ( mi.current()->popup == obj ) {
d->menuitems.removeRef( mi.current() );
d->popupmenus.removeRef( (QPopupMenu*)obj );
d->comboboxes.removeRef( (QComboBox*)obj );
This function is called from the addTo() function when it has
created a widget (\a actionWidget) for the child action \a a in
the \a container.
void QActionGroup::addedTo( QWidget *actionWidget, QWidget *container, QAction *a )
Q_UNUSED( actionWidget );
Q_UNUSED( container );
Q_UNUSED( a );
This function is called from the addTo() function when it has
created a menu item for the child action at the index position \a
index in the popup menu \a menu.
void QActionGroup::addedTo( int index, QPopupMenu *menu, QAction *a )
Q_UNUSED( index );
Q_UNUSED( menu );
Q_UNUSED( a );
This function is called from the addTo() function when it has
created a widget (\a actionWidget) in the \a container.
void QActionGroup::addedTo( QWidget *actionWidget, QWidget *container )
Q_UNUSED( actionWidget );
Q_UNUSED( container );
This function is called from the addTo() function when it has
created a menu item at the index position \a index in the popup
menu \a menu.
void QActionGroup::addedTo( int index, QPopupMenu *menu )
Q_UNUSED( index );
Q_UNUSED( menu );