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** Implementation of QPixmapCache class
** Created : 950504
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
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** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
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#include "qpixmapcache.h"
#include "qcache.h"
#include "qobject.h"
#include "qcleanuphandler.h"
// REVISED: paul
\class QPixmapCache qpixmapcache.h
\brief The QPixmapCache class provides an application-global cache for
\ingroup environment
\ingroup graphics
\ingroup images
This class is a tool for optimized drawing with QPixmap. You can
use it to store temporary pixmaps that are expensive to generate
without using more storage space than cacheLimit(). Use insert()
to insert pixmaps, find() to find them and clear() to empty the
For example, QRadioButton has a non-trivial visual representation
so we don't want to regenerate a pixmap whenever a radio button is
displayed or changes state. In the function
QRadioButton::drawButton(), we do not draw the radio button
directly. Instead, we first check the global pixmap cache for a
pixmap with the key "$qt_radio_nnn_", where \c nnn is a numerical
value that specifies the the radio button state. If a pixmap is
found, we bitBlt() it onto the widget and return. Otherwise, we
create a new pixmap, draw the radio button in the pixmap, and
finally insert the pixmap in the global pixmap cache, using the
key above. The bitBlt() is ten times faster than drawing the
radio button. All radio buttons in the program share the cached
pixmap since QPixmapCache is application-global.
QPixmapCache contains no member data, only static functions to
access the global pixmap cache. It creates an internal QCache for
caching the pixmaps.
The cache associates a pixmap with a string (key). If two pixmaps
are inserted into the cache using equal keys, then the last pixmap
will hide the first pixmap. The QDict and QCache classes do
exactly the same.
The cache becomes full when the total size of all pixmaps in the
cache exceeds cacheLimit(). The initial cache limit is 1024 KByte
(1 MByte); it is changed with setCacheLimit(). A pixmap takes
roughly width*height*depth/8 bytes of memory.
See the \l QCache documentation for more details about the cache
static const int cache_size = 149; // size of internal hash array
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC9
static int cache_limit = 256; // 256 KB cache limit
static int cache_limit = 1024; // 1024 KB cache limit
class QPMCache: public QObject, public QCache<QPixmap>
QObject( 0, "global pixmap cache" ),
QCache<QPixmap>( cache_limit * 1024, cache_size ),
id( 0 ), ps( 0 ), t( FALSE )
setAutoDelete( TRUE );
~QPMCache() {}
void timerEvent( QTimerEvent * );
bool insert( const QString& k, const QPixmap *d, int c, int p = 0 );
int id;
int ps;
bool t;
This is supposed to cut the cache size down by about 80-90% in a
minute once the application becomes idle, to let any inserted pixmap
remain in the cache for some time before it becomes a candidate for
cleaning-up, and to not cut down the size of the cache while the
cache is in active use.
When the last pixmap has been deleted from the cache, kill the
timer so Qt won't keep the CPU from going into sleep mode.
void QPMCache::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * )
int mc = maxCost();
bool nt = totalCost() == ps;
setMaxCost( nt ? totalCost() * 3 / 4 : totalCost() -1 );
setMaxCost( mc );
ps = totalCost();
if ( !count() ) {
killTimer( id );
id = 0;
} else if ( nt != t ) {
killTimer( id );
id = startTimer( nt ? 10000 : 30000 );
t = nt;
bool QPMCache::insert( const QString& k, const QPixmap *d, int c, int p )
bool r = QCache<QPixmap>::insert( k, d, c, p );
if ( r && !id ) {
id = startTimer( 30000 );
t = FALSE;
return r;
static QPMCache *pm_cache = 0; // global pixmap cache
static QSingleCleanupHandler<QPMCache> qpm_cleanup_cache;
Returns the pixmap associated with the \a key in the cache, or
null if there is no such pixmap.
\warning If valid, you should copy the pixmap immediately (this is
fast). Subsequent insertions into the cache could cause the
pointer to become invalid. For this reason, we recommend you use
find(const QString&, QPixmap&) instead.
QPixmap* pp;
QPixmap p;
if ( (pp=QPixmapCache::find("my_big_image", pm)) ) {
p = *pp;
} else {
QPixmapCache::insert("my_big_image", new QPixmap(p));
painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, p);
QPixmap *QPixmapCache::find( const QString &key )
return pm_cache ? pm_cache->find(key) : 0;
Looks for a cached pixmap associated with the \a key in the cache.
If a pixmap is found, the function sets \a pm to that pixmap and
returns TRUE; otherwise leaves \a pm alone and returns FALSE.
QPixmap p;
if ( !QPixmapCache::find("my_big_image", pm) ) {
QPixmapCache::insert("my_big_image", pm);
painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, p);
bool QPixmapCache::find( const QString &key, QPixmap& pm )
QPixmap* p = pm_cache ? pm_cache->find(key) : 0;
if ( p ) pm = *p;
return !!p;
Inserts the pixmap \a pm associated with \a key into the cache.
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the pixmap is too big for the cache.
Note: \a pm must be allocated on the heap (using \c new).
If this function returns FALSE, you must delete \a pm yourself.
If this function returns TRUE, do not use \a pm afterwards or
keep references to it because any other insertions into the cache,
whether from anywhere in the application or within Qt itself, could cause
the pixmap to be discarded from the cache and the pointer to
become invalid.
Due to these dangers, we strongly recommend that you use
insert(const QString&, const QPixmap&) instead.
bool QPixmapCache::insert( const QString &key, QPixmap *pm )
if ( !pm_cache ) { // create pixmap cache
pm_cache = new QPMCache;
Q_CHECK_PTR( pm_cache );
qpm_cleanup_cache.set( &pm_cache );
return pm_cache->insert( key, pm, pm->width()*pm->height()*pm->depth()/8 );
Inserts a copy of the pixmap \a pm associated with the \a key into
the cache.
All pixmaps inserted by the Qt library have a key starting with
"$qt", so your own pixmap keys should never begin "$qt".
When a pixmap is inserted and the cache is about to exceed its
limit, it removes pixmaps until there is enough room for the
pixmap to be inserted.
The oldest pixmaps (least recently accessed in the cache) are
deleted when more space is needed.
\sa setCacheLimit().
bool QPixmapCache::insert( const QString &key, const QPixmap& pm )
if ( !pm_cache ) { // create pixmap cache
pm_cache = new QPMCache;
Q_CHECK_PTR( pm_cache );
qpm_cleanup_cache.set( &pm_cache );
QPixmap *p = new QPixmap(pm);
bool rt = pm_cache->insert( key, p, p->width()*p->height()*p->depth()/8 );
if ( !rt )
delete p;
return rt;
Returns the cache limit (in kilobytes).
The default setting is 1024 kilobytes.
\sa setCacheLimit().
int QPixmapCache::cacheLimit()
return cache_limit;
Sets the cache limit to \a n kilobytes.
The default setting is 1024 kilobytes.
\sa cacheLimit()
void QPixmapCache::setCacheLimit( int n )
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC9
if(n > 256)
qWarning("QPixmapCache::setCacheLimit: Setting cache limits high is harmfull to mac9's health");
cache_limit = n;
if ( pm_cache )
pm_cache->setMaxCost( 1024*cache_limit );
Removes the pixmap associated with \a key from the cache.
void QPixmapCache::remove( const QString &key )
if ( pm_cache )
pm_cache->remove( key );
Removes all pixmaps from the cache.
void QPixmapCache::clear()
if ( pm_cache )