/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ #include // HP-UX compiler needs this here #include "propertyeditor.h" #include "formwindow.h" #include "command.h" #include "metadatabase.h" #include "propertyobject.h" #include #include "widgetfactory.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include "defs.h" #include "asciivalidator.h" #include "paletteeditorimpl.h" #include "multilineeditorimpl.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "project.h" #include "hierarchyview.h" #include "database.h" #include "menubareditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // FIXME: obsolete #include #include #include #include static QFontDatabase *fontDataBase = 0; QString assistantPath(); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC #include static void setupStyle(QWidget *w) { static QStyle *windowsStyle = 0; if(!windowsStyle) windowsStyle = new QWindowsStyle; w->setStyle(windowsStyle); } #else #define setupStyle(x) #endif static void cleanupFontDatabase() { delete fontDataBase; fontDataBase = 0; } static QStringList getFontList() { if ( !fontDataBase ) { fontDataBase = new QFontDatabase; qAddPostRoutine( cleanupFontDatabase ); } return fontDataBase->families(); } class PropertyWhatsThis : public QWhatsThis { public: PropertyWhatsThis( PropertyList *l ); QString text( const QPoint &pos ); bool clicked( const QString& href ); private: PropertyList *propertyList; }; PropertyWhatsThis::PropertyWhatsThis( PropertyList *l ) : QWhatsThis( l->viewport() ), propertyList( l ) { } QString PropertyWhatsThis::text( const QPoint &pos ) { return propertyList->whatsThisAt( pos ); } bool PropertyWhatsThis::clicked( const QString& href ) { if ( !href.isEmpty() ) { QAssistantClient *ac = MainWindow::self->assistantClient(); ac->showPage( QString( qInstallPathDocs() ) + "/html/" + href ); } return FALSE; // do not hide window } /*! \class PropertyItem propertyeditor.h \brief Base class for all property items This is the base class for each property item for the PropertyList. A simple property item has just a name and a value to provide an editor for a datatype. But more complex datatypes might provide an expandable item for editing single parts of the datatype. See hasSubItems(), initChildren() for that. */ /*! If this item should be a child of another property item, specify \a prop as the parent item. */ PropertyItem::PropertyItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : QListViewItem( l, after ), listview( l ), property( prop ), propertyName( propName ) { setSelectable( FALSE ); open = FALSE; setText( 0, propertyName ); changed = FALSE; setText( 1, "" ); resetButton = 0; } PropertyItem::~PropertyItem() { if ( resetButton ) delete resetButton->parentWidget(); resetButton = 0; } void PropertyItem::toggle() { } void PropertyItem::updateBackColor() { if ( itemAbove() && this != listview->firstChild() ) { if ( ( ( PropertyItem*)itemAbove() )->backColor == *backColor1 ) backColor = *backColor2; else backColor = *backColor1; } else { backColor = *backColor1; } if ( listview->firstChild() == this ) backColor = *backColor1; } QColor PropertyItem::backgroundColor() { updateBackColor(); if ( (QListViewItem*)this == listview->currentItem() ) return *selectedBack; return backColor; } /*! If a subclass is a expandable item, this is called when the child items should be created. */ void PropertyItem::createChildren() { } /*! If a subclass is a expandable item, this is called when the child items should be initialized. */ void PropertyItem::initChildren() { } void PropertyItem::paintCell( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align ) { QColorGroup g( cg ); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, backgroundColor() ); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Foreground, Qt::black ); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, Qt::black ); int indent = 0; if ( column == 0 ) { indent = 20 + ( property ? 20 : 0 ); p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), backgroundColor() ); p->save(); p->translate( indent, 0 ); } if ( isChanged() && column == 0 ) { p->save(); QFont f = p->font(); f.setBold( TRUE ); p->setFont( f ); } if ( !hasCustomContents() || column != 1 ) { QListViewItem::paintCell( p, g, column, width - indent, align ); } else { p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), backgroundColor() ); drawCustomContents( p, QRect( 0, 0, width, height() ) ); } if ( isChanged() && column == 0 ) p->restore(); if ( column == 0 ) p->restore(); if ( hasSubItems() && column == 0 ) { p->save(); p->setPen( cg.foreground() ); p->setBrush( cg.base() ); p->drawRect( 5, height() / 2 - 4, 9, 9 ); p->drawLine( 7, height() / 2, 11, height() / 2 ); if ( !isOpen() ) p->drawLine( 9, height() / 2 - 2, 9, height() / 2 + 2 ); p->restore(); } p->save(); p->setPen( QPen( cg.dark(), 1 ) ); p->drawLine( 0, height() - 1, width, height() - 1 ); p->drawLine( width - 1, 0, width - 1, height() ); p->restore(); if ( listview->currentItem() == this && column == 0 && !listview->hasFocus() && !listview->viewport()->hasFocus() ) paintFocus( p, cg, QRect( 0, 0, width, height() ) ); } void PropertyItem::paintBranches( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int w, int y, int h ) { QColorGroup g( cg ); g.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, backgroundColor() ); QListViewItem::paintBranches( p, g, w, y, h ); } void PropertyItem::paintFocus( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QRect &r ) { p->save(); QApplication::style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Panel, p, r, cg, QStyle::Style_Sunken, QStyleOption(1,1) ); p->restore(); } /*! Subclasses which are expandable items have to return TRUE here. Default is FALSE. */ bool PropertyItem::hasSubItems() const { return FALSE; } /*! Returns the parent property item here if this is a child or 0 otherwise. */ PropertyItem *PropertyItem::propertyParent() const { return property; } bool PropertyItem::isOpen() const { return open; } void PropertyItem::setOpen( bool b ) { if ( b == open ) return; open = b; if ( !open ) { children.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); children.clear(); children.setAutoDelete( FALSE ); qApp->processEvents(); listview->updateEditorSize(); return; } createChildren(); initChildren(); qApp->processEvents(); listview->updateEditorSize(); } /*! Subclasses have to show the editor of the item here */ void PropertyItem::showEditor() { createResetButton(); resetButton->parentWidget()->show(); } /*! Subclasses have to hide the editor of the item here */ void PropertyItem::hideEditor() { createResetButton(); resetButton->parentWidget()->hide(); } /*! This is called to init the value of the item. Reimplement in subclasses to init the editor */ void PropertyItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { val = v; } QVariant PropertyItem::value() const { return val; } bool PropertyItem::isChanged() const { return changed; } void PropertyItem::setChanged( bool b, bool updateDb ) { if ( propertyParent() ) return; if ( changed == b ) return; changed = b; repaint(); if ( updateDb ) { MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( listview->propertyEditor()->widget(), name(), changed ); } updateResetButtonState(); } QString PropertyItem::name() const { return propertyName; } void PropertyItem::createResetButton() { if ( resetButton ) { resetButton->parentWidget()->lower(); return; } QHBox *hbox = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); hbox->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); hbox->setLineWidth( 1 ); resetButton = new QPushButton( hbox ); setupStyle( resetButton ); resetButton->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_resetproperty.png" ) ); resetButton->setFixedWidth( resetButton->sizeHint().width() ); hbox->layout()->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight ); listview->addChild( hbox ); hbox->hide(); QObject::connect( resetButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), listview, SLOT( resetProperty() ) ); QToolTip::add( resetButton, PropertyEditor::tr( "Reset the property to its default value" ) ); QWhatsThis::add( resetButton, PropertyEditor::tr( "Click this button to reset the property to its default value" ) ); updateResetButtonState(); } void PropertyItem::updateResetButtonState() { if ( !resetButton ) return; if ( propertyParent() || !WidgetFactory::canResetProperty( listview->propertyEditor()->widget(), name() ) ) resetButton->setEnabled( FALSE ); else resetButton->setEnabled( isChanged() ); } /*! Call this to place/resize the item editor correctly (normally call it from showEditor()) */ void PropertyItem::placeEditor( QWidget *w ) { createResetButton(); QRect r = listview->itemRect( this ); if ( !r.size().isValid() ) { listview->ensureItemVisible( this ); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) listview->repaintContents( FALSE ); #endif r = listview->itemRect( this ); } r.setX( listview->header()->sectionPos( 1 ) ); r.setWidth( listview->header()->sectionSize( 1 ) - 1 ); r.setWidth( r.width() - resetButton->width() - 2 ); r = QRect( listview->viewportToContents( r.topLeft() ), r.size() ); w->resize( r.size() ); listview->moveChild( w, r.x(), r.y() ); resetButton->parentWidget()->resize( resetButton->sizeHint().width() + 10, r.height() ); listview->moveChild( resetButton->parentWidget(), r.x() + r.width() - 8, r.y() ); resetButton->setFixedHeight( QMAX( 0, r.height() - 3 ) ); } /*! This should be called by subclasses if the user changed the value of the property and this value should be applied to the widget property */ void PropertyItem::notifyValueChange() { if ( !propertyParent() ) { listview->valueChanged( this ); setChanged( TRUE ); if ( hasSubItems() ) initChildren(); } else { propertyParent()->childValueChanged( this ); setChanged( TRUE ); } } /*! If a subclass is a expandable item reimplement this as this is always called if a child item changed its value. So update the display of the item here then. */ void PropertyItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem * ) { } /*! When adding a child item, call this (normally from addChildren() */ void PropertyItem::addChild( PropertyItem *i ) { children.append( i ); } int PropertyItem::childCount() const { return children.count(); } PropertyItem *PropertyItem::child( int i ) const { // ARRRRRRRRG return ( (PropertyItem*)this )->children.at( i ); } /*! If the contents of the item is not displayable with a text, but you want to draw it yourself (using drawCustomContents()), return TRUE here. */ bool PropertyItem::hasCustomContents() const { return FALSE; } /*! \sa hasCustomContents() */ void PropertyItem::drawCustomContents( QPainter *, const QRect & ) { } QString PropertyItem::currentItem() const { return QString::null; } int PropertyItem::currentIntItem() const { return -1; } void PropertyItem::setCurrentItem( const QString & ) { } void PropertyItem::setCurrentItem( int ) { } int PropertyItem::currentIntItemFromObject() const { return -1; } QString PropertyItem::currentItemFromObject() const { return QString::null; } void PropertyItem::setFocus( QWidget *w ) { if ( !qApp->focusWidget() || ( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow() && ( !MainWindow::self->isAFormWindowChild( qApp->focusWidget() ) && !qApp->focusWidget()->inherits( "Editor" ) ) ) ) w->setFocus(); } void PropertyItem::setText( int col, const QString &t ) { QString txt( t ); if ( col == 1 ) txt = txt.replace( "\n", " " ); QListViewItem::setText( col, txt ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyTextItem::PropertyTextItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, bool comment, bool multiLine, bool ascii, bool a ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), withComment( comment ), hasMultiLines( multiLine ), asciiOnly( ascii ), accel( a ) { lin = 0; box = 0; } QLineEdit *PropertyTextItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; if ( hasMultiLines ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); box->setLineWidth( 2 ); box->hide(); } lin = 0; if ( hasMultiLines ) lin = new QLineEdit( box ); else lin = new QLineEdit( listview->viewport() ); if ( asciiOnly ) { if ( PropertyItem::name() == "name" ) { lin->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( QString(":"), lin, "ascii_validator" ) ); if ( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->isFake() ) lin->setEnabled( FALSE ); } else { lin->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( QString("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" "\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9" "\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb1\xb2\xb3" "\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc" "\xbd\xbe\xbf"), lin, "ascii_validator" ) ); } } if ( !hasMultiLines ) { lin->hide(); } else { button = new QPushButton( tr("..."), box ); setupStyle( button ); button->setFixedWidth( 20 ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( getText() ) ); lin->setFrame( FALSE ); } connect( lin, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); connect( lin, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); if ( PropertyItem::name() == "name" || PropertyItem::name() == "itemName" ) connect( lin, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->commandHistory(), SLOT( checkCompressedCommand() ) ); lin->installEventFilter( listview ); return lin; } PropertyTextItem::~PropertyTextItem() { delete (QLineEdit*)lin; lin = 0; delete (QHBox*)box; box = 0; } void PropertyTextItem::setChanged( bool b, bool updateDb ) { PropertyItem::setChanged( b, updateDb ); if ( withComment && childCount() > 0 ) ( (PropertyTextItem*)PropertyItem::child( 0 ) )->lined()->setEnabled( b ); } bool PropertyTextItem::hasSubItems() const { return withComment; } void PropertyTextItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem *child ) { if ( PropertyItem::name() != "name" ) MetaDataBase::setPropertyComment( listview->propertyEditor()->widget(), PropertyItem::name(), child->value().toString() ); else MetaDataBase::setExportMacro( listview->propertyEditor()->widget(), child->value().toString() ); listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->commandHistory()->setModified( TRUE ); } void PropertyTextItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !lin || lin->text().length() == 0 ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); lined()->setText( value().toString() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } QWidget* w; if ( hasMultiLines ) w = box; else w= lined(); placeEditor( w ); if ( !w->isVisible() || !lined()->hasFocus() ) { w->show(); setFocus( lined() ); } } void PropertyTextItem::createChildren() { PropertyTextItem *i = new PropertyTextItem( listview, this, this, PropertyItem::name() == "name" ? "export macro" : "comment", FALSE, FALSE, PropertyItem::name() == "name" ); i->lined()->setEnabled( isChanged() ); addChild( i ); } void PropertyTextItem::initChildren() { if ( !childCount() ) return; PropertyItem *item = PropertyItem::child( 0 ); if ( item ) { if ( PropertyItem::name() != "name" ) item->setValue( MetaDataBase::propertyComment( listview->propertyEditor()->widget(), PropertyItem::name() ) ); else item->setValue( MetaDataBase::exportMacro( listview->propertyEditor()->widget() ) ); } } void PropertyTextItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); QWidget* w; if ( hasMultiLines ) w = box; else w = lined(); w->hide(); } void PropertyTextItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; if ( lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); int oldCursorPos; oldCursorPos = lin->cursorPosition(); lined()->setText( v.toString() ); if ( oldCursorPos < (int)lin->text().length() ) lin->setCursorPosition( oldCursorPos ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } setText( 1, v.toString() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyTextItem::setValue() { setText( 1, lined()->text() ); QVariant v; if ( accel ) { v = QVariant( QKeySequence( lined()->text() ) ); if ( v.toString().isNull() ) return; // not yet valid input } else { v = lined()->text(); } PropertyItem::setValue( v ); notifyValueChange(); } void PropertyTextItem::getText() { bool richText = !::qt_cast(listview->propertyEditor()->widget()) || ( text( 0 ) == "whatsThis" ); bool doWrap = FALSE; QString txt = MultiLineEditor::getText( listview, value().toString(), richText, &doWrap ); if ( !txt.isEmpty() ) { setText( 1, txt ); PropertyItem::setValue( txt ); notifyValueChange(); lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); lined()->setText( txt ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyDoubleItem::PropertyDoubleItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { lin = 0; } QLineEdit *PropertyDoubleItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; lin = new QLineEdit( listview->viewport() ); lin->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( lin, "double_validator" ) ); connect( lin, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); connect( lin, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); lin->installEventFilter( listview ); return lin; } PropertyDoubleItem::~PropertyDoubleItem() { delete (QLineEdit*)lin; lin = 0; } void PropertyDoubleItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); lined()->setText( QString::number( value().toDouble() ) ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } QWidget* w = lined(); placeEditor( w ); if ( !w->isVisible() || !lined()->hasFocus() ) { w->show(); setFocus( lined() ); } } void PropertyDoubleItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); QWidget* w = lined(); w->hide(); } void PropertyDoubleItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( value() == v ) return; if ( lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); int oldCursorPos; oldCursorPos = lin->cursorPosition(); lined()->setText( QString::number( v.toDouble() ) ); if ( oldCursorPos < (int)lin->text().length() ) lin->setCursorPosition( oldCursorPos ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } setText( 1, QString::number( v.toDouble() ) ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyDoubleItem::setValue() { setText( 1, lined()->text() ); QVariant v = lined()->text().toDouble(); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyDateItem::PropertyDateItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { lin = 0; } QDateEdit *PropertyDateItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; lin = new QDateEdit( listview->viewport() ); QObjectList *l = lin->queryList( "QLineEdit" ); for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) o->installEventFilter( listview ); delete l; connect( lin, SIGNAL( valueChanged( const QDate & ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); return lin; } PropertyDateItem::~PropertyDateItem() { delete (QDateEdit*)lin; lin = 0; } void PropertyDateItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); lined()->setDate( value().toDate() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( lin ); if ( !lin->isVisible() ) { lin->show(); setFocus( lin ); } } void PropertyDateItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); if ( lin ) lin->hide(); } void PropertyDateItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; if ( lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( lined()->date() != v.toDate() ) lined()->setDate( v.toDate() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } setText( 1, v.toDate().toString( ::Qt::ISODate ) ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyDateItem::setValue() { setText( 1, lined()->date().toString( ::Qt::ISODate ) ); QVariant v; v = lined()->date(); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyTimeItem::PropertyTimeItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { lin = 0; } QTimeEdit *PropertyTimeItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; lin = new QTimeEdit( listview->viewport() ); connect( lin, SIGNAL( valueChanged( const QTime & ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); QObjectList *l = lin->queryList( "QLineEdit" ); for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) o->installEventFilter( listview ); delete l; return lin; } PropertyTimeItem::~PropertyTimeItem() { delete (QTimeEdit*)lin; lin = 0; } void PropertyTimeItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); lined()->setTime( value().toTime() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( lin ); if ( !lin->isVisible() ) { lin->show(); setFocus( lin ); } } void PropertyTimeItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); if ( lin ) lin->hide(); } void PropertyTimeItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; if ( lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( lined()->time() != v.toTime() ) lined()->setTime( v.toTime() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } setText( 1, v.toTime().toString( ::Qt::ISODate ) ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyTimeItem::setValue() { setText( 1, lined()->time().toString( ::Qt::ISODate ) ); QVariant v; v = lined()->time(); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyDateTimeItem::PropertyDateTimeItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { lin = 0; } QDateTimeEdit *PropertyDateTimeItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; lin = new QDateTimeEdit( listview->viewport() ); connect( lin, SIGNAL( valueChanged( const QDateTime & ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); QObjectList *l = lin->queryList( "QLineEdit" ); for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) o->installEventFilter( listview ); delete l; return lin; } PropertyDateTimeItem::~PropertyDateTimeItem() { delete (QDateTimeEdit*)lin; lin = 0; } void PropertyDateTimeItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); lined()->setDateTime( value().toDateTime() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( lin ); if ( !lin->isVisible() ) { lin->show(); setFocus( lin ); } } void PropertyDateTimeItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); if ( lin ) lin->hide(); } void PropertyDateTimeItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; if ( lin ) { lined()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( lined()->dateTime() != v.toDateTime() ) lined()->setDateTime( v.toDateTime() ); lined()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } setText( 1, v.toDateTime().toString( ::Qt::ISODate ) ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyDateTimeItem::setValue() { setText( 1, lined()->dateTime().toString( ::Qt::ISODate ) ); QVariant v; v = lined()->dateTime(); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyBoolItem::PropertyBoolItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { comb = 0; } QComboBox *PropertyBoolItem::combo() { if ( comb ) return comb; comb = new QComboBox( FALSE, listview->viewport() ); comb->hide(); comb->insertItem( tr( "False" ) ); comb->insertItem( tr( "True" ) ); connect( comb, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); comb->installEventFilter( listview ); return comb; } PropertyBoolItem::~PropertyBoolItem() { delete (QComboBox*)comb; comb = 0; } void PropertyBoolItem::toggle() { bool b = value().toBool(); setValue( QVariant( !b ) ); setValue(); } void PropertyBoolItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( value().toBool() ) combo()->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else combo()->setCurrentItem( 0 ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( combo() ); if ( !combo()->isVisible() || !combo()->hasFocus() ) { combo()->show(); setFocus( combo() ); } } void PropertyBoolItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); combo()->hide(); } void PropertyBoolItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; if ( comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( v.toBool() ) combo()->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else combo()->setCurrentItem( 0 ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } QString tmp = tr( "True" ); if ( !v.toBool() ) tmp = tr( "False" ); setText( 1, tmp ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyBoolItem::setValue() { if ( !comb ) return; setText( 1, combo()->currentText() ); bool b = combo()->currentItem() == 0 ? (bool)FALSE : (bool)TRUE; PropertyItem::setValue( QVariant( b ) ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyIntItem::PropertyIntItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, bool s ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), signedValue( s ) { spinBx = 0; } QSpinBox *PropertyIntItem::spinBox() { if ( spinBx ) return spinBx; if ( signedValue ) spinBx = new QSpinBox( -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, 1, listview->viewport() ); else spinBx = new QSpinBox( 0, INT_MAX, 1, listview->viewport() ); spinBx->hide(); spinBx->installEventFilter( listview ); QObjectList *ol = spinBx->queryList( "QLineEdit" ); if ( ol && ol->first() ) ol->first()->installEventFilter( listview ); delete ol; connect( spinBx, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); return spinBx; } PropertyIntItem::~PropertyIntItem() { delete (QSpinBox*)spinBx; spinBx = 0; } void PropertyIntItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !spinBx ) { spinBox()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( signedValue ) spinBox()->setValue( value().toInt() ); else spinBox()->setValue( value().toUInt() ); spinBox()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( spinBox() ); if ( !spinBox()->isVisible() || !spinBox()->hasFocus() ) { spinBox()->show(); setFocus( spinBox() ); } } void PropertyIntItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); spinBox()->hide(); } void PropertyIntItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; if ( spinBx ) { spinBox()->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( signedValue ) spinBox()->setValue( v.toInt() ); else spinBox()->setValue( v.toUInt() ); spinBox()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } if ( signedValue ) setText( 1, QString::number( v.toInt() ) ); else setText( 1, QString::number( v.toUInt() ) ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyIntItem::setValue() { if ( !spinBx ) return; setText( 1, QString::number( spinBox()->value() ) ); if ( signedValue ) PropertyItem::setValue( spinBox()->value() ); else PropertyItem::setValue( (uint)spinBox()->value() ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyLayoutItem::PropertyLayoutItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { spinBx = 0; } PropertyLayoutItem::~PropertyLayoutItem() { delete (QSpinBox*)spinBx; spinBx = 0; } QSpinBox* PropertyLayoutItem::spinBox() { if ( spinBx ) return spinBx; spinBx = new QSpinBox( -1, INT_MAX, 1, listview->viewport() ); spinBx->setSpecialValueText( tr( "default" ) ); spinBx->hide(); spinBx->installEventFilter( listview ); QObjectList *ol = spinBx->queryList( "QLineEdit" ); if ( ol && ol->first() ) ol->first()->installEventFilter( listview ); delete ol; connect( spinBx, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); return spinBx; } void PropertyLayoutItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !spinBx ) { spinBox()->blockSignals( TRUE ); spinBox()->setValue( value().toInt() ); spinBox()->blockSignals( TRUE ); } placeEditor( spinBox() ); if ( !spinBox()->isVisible() || !spinBox()->hasFocus() ) { spinBox()->show(); setFocus( spinBox() ); } } void PropertyLayoutItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); spinBox()->hide(); } void PropertyLayoutItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( spinBx ) { spinBox()->blockSignals( TRUE ); spinBox()->setValue( v.toInt() ); spinBox()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } QString s = v.toString(); if ( v.toInt() == -1 ) s = spinBox()->specialValueText(); setText( 1, s ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyLayoutItem::setValue() { if ( !spinBx ) return; PropertyItem::setValue( spinBox()->value() ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyListItem::PropertyListItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, bool e ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), editable( e ) { comb = 0; oldInt = -1; } QComboBox *PropertyListItem::combo() { if ( comb ) return comb; comb = new QComboBox( editable, listview->viewport() ); comb->hide(); connect( comb, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); comb->installEventFilter( listview ); if ( editable ) { QObjectList *ol = comb->queryList( "QLineEdit" ); if ( ol && ol->first() ) ol->first()->installEventFilter( listview ); delete ol; } return comb; } PropertyListItem::~PropertyListItem() { delete (QComboBox*)comb; comb = 0; } void PropertyListItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); combo()->clear(); combo()->insertStringList( value().toStringList() ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( combo() ); if ( !combo()->isVisible() || !combo()->hasFocus() ) { combo()->show(); setFocus( combo() ); } } void PropertyListItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); combo()->hide(); } void PropertyListItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); combo()->clear(); combo()->insertStringList( v.toStringList() ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } setText( 1, v.toStringList().first() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyListItem::setValue() { if ( !comb ) return; setText( 1, combo()->currentText() ); QStringList lst; for ( uint i = 0; i < combo()->listBox()->count(); ++i ) lst << combo()->listBox()->item( i )->text(); PropertyItem::setValue( lst ); notifyValueChange(); oldInt = currentIntItem(); oldString = currentItem(); } QString PropertyListItem::currentItem() const { return ( (PropertyListItem*)this )->combo()->currentText(); } void PropertyListItem::setCurrentItem( const QString &s ) { if ( comb && currentItem().lower() == s.lower() ) return; if ( !comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); combo()->clear(); combo()->insertStringList( value().toStringList() ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } for ( uint i = 0; i < combo()->listBox()->count(); ++i ) { if ( combo()->listBox()->item( i )->text().lower() == s.lower() ) { combo()->setCurrentItem( i ); setText( 1, combo()->currentText() ); break; } } oldInt = currentIntItem(); oldString = currentItem(); } void PropertyListItem::addItem( const QString &s ) { combo()->insertItem( s ); } void PropertyListItem::setCurrentItem( int i ) { if ( comb && i == combo()->currentItem() ) return; if ( !comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); combo()->clear(); combo()->insertStringList( value().toStringList() ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } combo()->setCurrentItem( i ); setText( 1, combo()->currentText() ); oldInt = currentIntItem(); oldString = currentItem(); } int PropertyListItem::currentIntItem() const { return ( (PropertyListItem*)this )->combo()->currentItem(); } int PropertyListItem::currentIntItemFromObject() const { return oldInt; } QString PropertyListItem::currentItemFromObject() const { return oldString; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyCoordItem::PropertyCoordItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, Type t ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), typ( t ) { lin = 0; } QLineEdit *PropertyCoordItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; lin = new QLineEdit( listview->viewport() ); lin->setReadOnly( TRUE ); lin->installEventFilter( listview ); lin->hide(); return lin; } void PropertyCoordItem::createChildren() { PropertyItem *i = this; if ( typ == Rect || typ == Point ) { i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "x" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "y" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); } if ( typ == Rect || typ == Size ) { i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "width" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "height" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); } } void PropertyCoordItem::initChildren() { PropertyItem *item = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i ) { item = PropertyItem::child( i ); if ( item->name() == tr( "x" ) ) { if ( typ == Rect ) item->setValue( val.toRect().x() ); else if ( typ == Point ) item->setValue( val.toPoint().x() ); } else if ( item->name() == tr( "y" ) ) { if ( typ == Rect ) item->setValue( val.toRect().y() ); else if ( typ == Point ) item->setValue( val.toPoint().y() ); } else if ( item->name() == tr( "width" ) ) { if ( typ == Rect ) item->setValue( val.toRect().width() ); else if ( typ == Size ) item->setValue( val.toSize().width() ); } else if ( item->name() == tr( "height" ) ) { if ( typ == Rect ) item->setValue( val.toRect().height() ); else if ( typ == Size ) item->setValue( val.toSize().height() ); } } } PropertyCoordItem::~PropertyCoordItem() { delete (QLineEdit*)lin; lin = 0; } void PropertyCoordItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !lin ) lined()->setText( text( 1 ) ); placeEditor( lined() ); if ( !lined()->isVisible() || !lined()->hasFocus() ) { lined()->show(); setFocus( lined() ); } } void PropertyCoordItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); lined()->hide(); } void PropertyCoordItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; QString s; if ( typ == Rect ) s = "[ " + QString::number( v.toRect().x() ) + ", " + QString::number( v.toRect().y() ) + ", " + QString::number( v.toRect().width() ) + ", " + QString::number( v.toRect().height() ) + " ]"; else if ( typ == Point ) s = "[ " + QString::number( v.toPoint().x() ) + ", " + QString::number( v.toPoint().y() ) + " ]"; else if ( typ == Size ) s = "[ " + QString::number( v.toSize().width() ) + ", " + QString::number( v.toSize().height() ) + " ]"; setText( 1, s ); if ( lin ) lined()->setText( s ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } bool PropertyCoordItem::hasSubItems() const { return TRUE; } void PropertyCoordItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem *child ) { if ( typ == Rect ) { QRect r = value().toRect(); if ( child->name() == tr( "x" ) ) r.moveBy( -r.x() + child->value().toInt(), 0 ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "y" ) ) r.moveBy( 0, -r.y() + child->value().toInt() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "width" ) ) r.setWidth( child->value().toInt() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "height" ) ) r.setHeight( child->value().toInt() ); setValue( r ); } else if ( typ == Point ) { QPoint r = value().toPoint(); if ( child->name() == tr( "x" ) ) r.setX( child->value().toInt() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "y" ) ) r.setY( child->value().toInt() ); setValue( r ); } else if ( typ == Size ) { QSize r = value().toSize(); if ( child->name() == tr( "width" ) ) r.setWidth( child->value().toInt() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "height" ) ) r.setHeight( child->value().toInt() ); setValue( r ); } notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyPixmapItem::PropertyPixmapItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, Type t ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), type( t ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); pixPrev = new QLabel( box ); pixPrev->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); pixPrev->setBackgroundColor( pixPrev->colorGroup().color( QColorGroup::Base ) ); button = new QPushButton( "...", box ); setupStyle( button ); button->setFixedWidth( 20 ); box->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); box->setLineWidth( 2 ); pixPrev->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); box->installEventFilter( listview ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( getPixmap() ) ); } PropertyPixmapItem::~PropertyPixmapItem() { delete (QHBox*)box; } void PropertyPixmapItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() ) { box->show(); listView()->viewport()->setFocus(); } } void PropertyPixmapItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } void PropertyPixmapItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { QString s; if ( type == Pixmap ) pixPrev->setPixmap( v.toPixmap() ); else if ( type == IconSet ) pixPrev->setPixmap( v.toIconSet().pixmap() ); else pixPrev->setPixmap( v.toImage() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); repaint(); } void PropertyPixmapItem::getPixmap() { QPixmap pix = qChoosePixmap( listview, listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow(), value().toPixmap() ); if ( !pix.isNull() ) { if ( type == Pixmap ) setValue( pix ); else if ( type == IconSet ) setValue( QIconSet( pix ) ); else setValue( pix.convertToImage() ); notifyValueChange(); } } bool PropertyPixmapItem::hasCustomContents() const { return TRUE; } void PropertyPixmapItem::drawCustomContents( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { QPixmap pix; if ( type == Pixmap ) pix = value().toPixmap(); else if ( type == IconSet ) pix = value().toIconSet().pixmap(); else pix = value().toImage(); if ( !pix.isNull() ) { p->save(); p->setClipRect( QRect( QPoint( (int)(p->worldMatrix().dx() + r.x()), (int)(p->worldMatrix().dy() + r.y()) ), r.size() ) ); p->drawPixmap( r.x(), r.y() + ( r.height() - pix.height() ) / 2, pix ); p->restore(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyColorItem::PropertyColorItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, bool children ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), withChildren( children ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); colorPrev = new QFrame( box ); button = new QPushButton( "...", box ); setupStyle( button ); button->setFixedWidth( 20 ); box->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); box->setLineWidth( 2 ); colorPrev->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Plain | QFrame::Box ); colorPrev->setLineWidth( 2 ); QPalette pal = colorPrev->palette(); QColorGroup cg = pal.active(); cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Foreground, cg.color( QColorGroup::Base ) ); pal.setActive( cg ); pal.setInactive( cg ); pal.setDisabled( cg ); colorPrev->setPalette( pal ); box->installEventFilter( listview ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( getColor() ) ); } void PropertyColorItem::createChildren() { PropertyItem *i = this; i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Red" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Green" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Blue" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); } void PropertyColorItem::initChildren() { PropertyItem *item = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i ) { item = PropertyItem::child( i ); if ( item->name() == tr( "Red" ) ) item->setValue( val.toColor().red() ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "Green" ) ) item->setValue( val.toColor().green() ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "Blue" ) ) item->setValue( val.toColor().blue() ); } } PropertyColorItem::~PropertyColorItem() { delete (QHBox*)box; } void PropertyColorItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() ) { box->show(); listView()->viewport()->setFocus(); } } void PropertyColorItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } void PropertyColorItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; QString s; setText( 1, v.toColor().name() ); colorPrev->setBackgroundColor( v.toColor() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } bool PropertyColorItem::hasSubItems() const { return withChildren; } void PropertyColorItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem *child ) { QColor c( val.toColor() ); if ( child->name() == tr( "Red" ) ) c.setRgb( child->value().toInt(), c.green(), c.blue() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Green" ) ) c.setRgb( c.red(), child->value().toInt(), c.blue() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Blue" ) ) c.setRgb( c.red(), c.green(), child->value().toInt() ); setValue( c ); notifyValueChange(); } void PropertyColorItem::getColor() { QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor( val.asColor(), listview ); if ( c.isValid() ) { setValue( c ); notifyValueChange(); } } bool PropertyColorItem::hasCustomContents() const { return TRUE; } void PropertyColorItem::drawCustomContents( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { p->save(); p->setPen( QPen( black, 1 ) ); p->setBrush( val.toColor() ); p->drawRect( r.x() + 2, r.y() + 2, r.width() - 5, r.height() - 5 ); p->restore(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyFontItem::PropertyFontItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); lined = new QLineEdit( box ); button = new QPushButton( "...", box ); setupStyle( button ); button->setFixedWidth( 20 ); box->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); box->setLineWidth( 2 ); lined->setFrame( FALSE ); lined->setReadOnly( TRUE ); box->setFocusProxy( lined ); box->installEventFilter( listview ); lined->installEventFilter( listview ); button->installEventFilter( listview ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( getFont() ) ); } void PropertyFontItem::createChildren() { PropertyItem *i = this; i = new PropertyListItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Family" ), FALSE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Point Size" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyBoolItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Bold" ) ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyBoolItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Italic" ) ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyBoolItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Underline" ) ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyBoolItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Strikeout" ) ); addChild( i ); } void PropertyFontItem::initChildren() { PropertyItem *item = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i ) { item = PropertyItem::child( i ); if ( item->name() == tr( "Family" ) ) { ( (PropertyListItem*)item )->setValue( getFontList() ); ( (PropertyListItem*)item )->setCurrentItem( val.toFont().family() ); } else if ( item->name() == tr( "Point Size" ) ) item->setValue( val.toFont().pointSize() ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "Bold" ) ) item->setValue( QVariant( val.toFont().bold() ) ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "Italic" ) ) item->setValue( QVariant( val.toFont().italic() ) ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "Underline" ) ) item->setValue( QVariant( val.toFont().underline() ) ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "Strikeout" ) ) item->setValue( QVariant( val.toFont().strikeOut() ) ); } } PropertyFontItem::~PropertyFontItem() { delete (QHBox*)box; } void PropertyFontItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() || !lined->hasFocus() ) { box->show(); setFocus( lined ); } } void PropertyFontItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } void PropertyFontItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( value() == v ) return; setText( 1, v.toFont().family() + "-" + QString::number( v.toFont().pointSize() ) ); lined->setText( v.toFont().family() + "-" + QString::number( v.toFont().pointSize() ) ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyFontItem::getFont() { bool ok = FALSE; QFont f = QFontDialog::getFont( &ok, val.toFont(), listview ); if ( ok && f != val.toFont() ) { setValue( f ); notifyValueChange(); } } bool PropertyFontItem::hasSubItems() const { return TRUE; } void PropertyFontItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem *child ) { QFont f = val.toFont(); if ( child->name() == tr( "Family" ) ) f.setFamily( ( (PropertyListItem*)child )->currentItem() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Point Size" ) ) f.setPointSize( child->value().toInt() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Bold" ) ) f.setBold( child->value().toBool() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Italic" ) ) f.setItalic( child->value().toBool() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Underline" ) ) f.setUnderline( child->value().toBool() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "Strikeout" ) ) f.setStrikeOut( child->value().toBool() ); setValue( f ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyDatabaseItem::PropertyDatabaseItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName, bool wField ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), withField( wField ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); lined = new QLineEdit( box ); button = new QPushButton( "...", box ); setupStyle( button ); button->setFixedWidth( 20 ); box->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); box->setLineWidth( 2 ); lined->setFrame( FALSE ); lined->setReadOnly( TRUE ); box->setFocusProxy( lined ); box->installEventFilter( listview ); lined->installEventFilter( listview ); button->installEventFilter( listview ); } void PropertyDatabaseItem::createChildren() { PropertyItem *i = this; i = new PropertyListItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Connection" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyListItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Table" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); if ( withField ) { i = new PropertyListItem( listview, i, this, tr( "Field" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); } } void PropertyDatabaseItem::initChildren() { #ifndef QT_NO_SQL PropertyItem *item = 0; QStringList lst = value().toStringList(); QString conn, table; for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i ) { item = PropertyItem::child( i ); if ( item->name() == tr( "Connection" ) ) { QStringList cl = listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->project()->databaseConnectionList(); if ( !cl.isEmpty() ) item->setValue( cl ); else if ( lst.count() > 0 ) item->setValue( QStringList( lst[ 0 ] ) ); else if ( withField ) item->setValue( QStringList( MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->mainContainer(), "database" ).toStringList()[ 0 ] ) ); if ( lst.count() > 0 && !lst[ 0 ].isEmpty() ) item->setCurrentItem( lst[ 0 ] ); else if ( !isChanged() && withField ) item->setCurrentItem( MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->mainContainer(), "database" ).toStringList()[ 0 ] ); else item->setCurrentItem( 0 ); conn = item->currentItem(); } else if ( item->name() == tr( "Table" ) ) { QStringList cl = listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->project()->databaseTableList( conn ); if ( !cl.isEmpty() ) item->setValue( cl ); else if ( lst.count() > 1 ) item->setValue( QStringList( lst[ 1 ] ) ); else if ( withField ) { QStringList fakeLst = MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->mainContainer(), "database" ).toStringList(); if ( fakeLst.count() > 1 ) item->setValue( fakeLst[ 1 ] ); } if ( lst.count() > 1 && !lst[ 1 ].isEmpty() ) item->setCurrentItem( lst[ 1 ] ); else if ( !isChanged() && withField ) { QStringList fakeLst = MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->mainContainer(), "database" ).toStringList(); if ( fakeLst.count() > 1 ) item->setCurrentItem( fakeLst[ 1 ] ); else item->setCurrentItem( 0 ); } else item->setCurrentItem( 0 ); table = item->currentItem(); } else if ( item->name() == tr( "Field" ) ) { QStringList cl = listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->project()->databaseFieldList( conn, table ); if ( !cl.isEmpty() ) item->setValue( cl ); else if ( lst.count() > 2 ) item->setValue( QStringList( lst[ 2 ] ) ); if ( lst.count() > 2 && !lst[ 2 ].isEmpty() ) item->setCurrentItem( lst[ 2 ] ); else item->setCurrentItem( 0 ); } } #endif } PropertyDatabaseItem::~PropertyDatabaseItem() { delete (QHBox*)box; } void PropertyDatabaseItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() || !lined->hasFocus() ) { box->show(); setFocus( lined ); } } void PropertyDatabaseItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } void PropertyDatabaseItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( value() == v ) return; QStringList lst = v.toStringList(); QString s = lst.join( "." ); setText( 1, s ); lined->setText( s ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } bool PropertyDatabaseItem::hasSubItems() const { return TRUE; } void PropertyDatabaseItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem *c ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SQL QStringList lst; lst << ( (PropertyListItem*)PropertyItem::child( 0 ) )->currentItem() << ( (PropertyListItem*)PropertyItem::child( 1 ) )->currentItem(); if ( withField ) lst << ( (PropertyListItem*)PropertyItem::child( 2 ) )->currentItem(); if ( c == PropertyItem::child( 0 ) ) { // if the connection changed lst[ 0 ] = ( (PropertyListItem*)c )->currentItem(); PropertyItem::child( 1 )->setValue( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->project()->databaseTableList( lst[ 0 ] ) ); if ( withField ) PropertyItem::child( 2 )->setValue( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->project()->databaseFieldList( lst[ 0 ], lst[ 1 ] ) ); } else if ( withField && c == PropertyItem::child( 1 ) ) { // if the table changed lst[ 1 ] = ( (PropertyListItem*)c )->currentItem(); if ( withField ) PropertyItem::child( 2 )->setValue( listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow()->project()->databaseFieldList( lst[ 0 ], lst[ 1 ] ) ); } lst.clear(); lst << ( (PropertyListItem*)PropertyItem::child( 0 ) )->currentItem() << ( (PropertyListItem*)PropertyItem::child( 1 ) )->currentItem(); if ( withField ) lst << ( (PropertyListItem*)PropertyItem::child( 2 ) )->currentItem(); setValue( lst ); notifyValueChange(); #else Q_UNUSED( c ); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertySizePolicyItem::PropertySizePolicyItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { lin = 0; } QLineEdit *PropertySizePolicyItem::lined() { if ( lin ) return lin; lin = new QLineEdit( listview->viewport() ); lin->hide(); lin->setReadOnly( TRUE ); return lin; } void PropertySizePolicyItem::createChildren() { QStringList lst; lst << "Fixed" << "Minimum" << "Maximum" << "Preferred" << "MinimumExpanding" << "Expanding" << "Ignored"; PropertyItem *i = this; i = new PropertyListItem( listview, i, this, tr( "hSizeType" ), FALSE ); i->setValue( lst ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyListItem( listview, i, this, tr( "vSizeType" ), FALSE ); i->setValue( lst ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "horizontalStretch" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); i = new PropertyIntItem( listview, i, this, tr( "verticalStretch" ), TRUE ); addChild( i ); } void PropertySizePolicyItem::initChildren() { PropertyItem *item = 0; QSizePolicy sp = val.toSizePolicy(); for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i ) { item = PropertyItem::child( i ); if ( item->name() == tr( "hSizeType" ) ) ( (PropertyListItem*)item )->setCurrentItem( size_type_to_int( sp.horData() ) ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "vSizeType" ) ) ( (PropertyListItem*)item )->setCurrentItem( size_type_to_int( sp.verData() ) ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "horizontalStretch" ) ) ( (PropertyIntItem*)item )->setValue( sp.horStretch() ); else if ( item->name() == tr( "verticalStretch" ) ) ( (PropertyIntItem*)item )->setValue( sp.verStretch() ); } } PropertySizePolicyItem::~PropertySizePolicyItem() { delete (QLineEdit*)lin; } void PropertySizePolicyItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( lined() ); if ( !lined()->isVisible() || !lined()->hasFocus() ) { lined()->show(); listView()->viewport()->setFocus(); } } void PropertySizePolicyItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); lined()->hide(); } void PropertySizePolicyItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( value() == v ) return; QString s = tr( "%1/%2/%2/%2" ); s = s.arg( size_type_to_string( v.toSizePolicy().horData() ) ). arg( size_type_to_string( v.toSizePolicy().verData() ) ). arg( v.toSizePolicy().horStretch() ). arg( v.toSizePolicy().verStretch() ); setText( 1, s ); lined()->setText( s ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertySizePolicyItem::childValueChanged( PropertyItem *child ) { QSizePolicy sp = val.toSizePolicy(); if ( child->name() == tr( "hSizeType" ) ) sp.setHorData( int_to_size_type( ( ( PropertyListItem*)child )->currentIntItem() ) ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "vSizeType" ) ) sp.setVerData( int_to_size_type( ( ( PropertyListItem*)child )->currentIntItem() ) ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "horizontalStretch" ) ) sp.setHorStretch( ( ( PropertyIntItem*)child )->value().toInt() ); else if ( child->name() == tr( "verticalStretch" ) ) sp.setVerStretch( ( ( PropertyIntItem*)child )->value().toInt() ); setValue( sp ); notifyValueChange(); } bool PropertySizePolicyItem::hasSubItems() const { return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyPaletteItem::PropertyPaletteItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); palettePrev = new QLabel( box ); button = new QPushButton( "...", box ); setupStyle( button ); button->setFixedWidth( 20 ); box->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); box->setLineWidth( 2 ); palettePrev->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); box->installEventFilter( listview ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( getPalette() ) ); } PropertyPaletteItem::~PropertyPaletteItem() { delete (QHBox*)box; } void PropertyPaletteItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() ) { box->show(); listView()->viewport()->setFocus(); } } void PropertyPaletteItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } void PropertyPaletteItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { QString s; palettePrev->setPalette( v.toPalette() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); repaint(); } void PropertyPaletteItem::getPalette() { if ( !listview->propertyEditor()->widget()->isWidgetType() ) return; bool ok = FALSE; QWidget *w = (QWidget*)listview->propertyEditor()->widget(); if ( ::qt_cast(w) ) w = ( (QScrollView*)w )->viewport(); QPalette pal = PaletteEditor::getPalette( &ok, val.toPalette(), #if defined(QT_NON_COMMERCIAL) w->backgroundMode(), listview->topLevelWidget(), #else w->backgroundMode(), listview, #endif "choose_palette", listview->propertyEditor()->formWindow() ); if ( !ok ) return; setValue( pal ); notifyValueChange(); } bool PropertyPaletteItem::hasCustomContents() const { return TRUE; } void PropertyPaletteItem::drawCustomContents( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { QPalette pal( value().toPalette() ); p->save(); p->setClipRect( QRect( QPoint( (int)(p->worldMatrix().dx() + r.x()), (int)(p->worldMatrix().dy() + r.y()) ), r.size() ) ); QRect r2( r ); r2.setX( r2.x() + 2 ); r2.setY( r2.y() + 2 ); r2.setWidth( r2.width() - 3 ); r2.setHeight( r2.height() - 3 ); p->setPen( QPen( black, 1 ) ); p->setBrush( pal.active().background() ); p->drawRect( r2 ); p->restore(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyCursorItem::PropertyCursorItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { comb = 0; } QComboBox *PropertyCursorItem::combo() { if ( comb ) return comb; comb = new QComboBox( FALSE, listview->viewport() ); comb->hide(); QBitmap cur; comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_arrow.png" ), tr("Arrow"), QObject::ArrowCursor); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_uparrow.png" ), tr("Up-Arrow"), QObject::UpArrowCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_cross.png" ), tr("Cross"), QObject::CrossCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_wait.png" ), tr("Waiting"), QObject::WaitCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_ibeam.png" ), tr("iBeam"), QObject::IbeamCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_sizev.png" ), tr("Size Vertical"), QObject::SizeVerCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_sizeh.png" ), tr("Size Horizontal"), QObject::SizeHorCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_sizef.png" ), tr("Size Slash"), QObject::SizeBDiagCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_sizeb.png" ), tr("Size Backslash"), QObject::SizeFDiagCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_sizeall.png" ), tr("Size All"), QObject::SizeAllCursor ); cur = QBitmap( 25, 25, 1 ); cur.setMask( cur ); comb->insertItem( cur, tr("Blank"), QObject::BlankCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_vsplit.png" ), tr("Split Vertical"), QObject::SplitVCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_hsplit.png" ), tr("Split Horizontal"), QObject::SplitHCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_hand.png" ), tr("Pointing Hand"), QObject::PointingHandCursor ); comb->insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_no.png" ), tr("Forbidden"), QObject::ForbiddenCursor ); connect( comb, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); comb->installEventFilter( listview ); return comb; } PropertyCursorItem::~PropertyCursorItem() { delete (QComboBox*)comb; } void PropertyCursorItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); if ( !comb ) { combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); combo()->setCurrentItem( (int)value().toCursor().shape() ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); } placeEditor( combo() ); if ( !combo()->isVisible() || !combo()->hasFocus() ) { combo()->show(); setFocus( combo() ); } } void PropertyCursorItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); combo()->hide(); } void PropertyCursorItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { if ( ( !hasSubItems() || !isOpen() ) && value() == v ) return; combo()->blockSignals( TRUE ); combo()->setCurrentItem( (int)v.toCursor().shape() ); combo()->blockSignals( FALSE ); setText( 1, combo()->currentText() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyCursorItem::setValue() { if ( !comb ) return; if ( QVariant( QCursor( combo()->currentItem() ) ) == val ) return; setText( 1, combo()->currentText() ); PropertyItem::setValue( QCursor( combo()->currentItem() ) ); notifyValueChange(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- PropertyKeysequenceItem::PropertyKeysequenceItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ), k1( 0 ), k2( 0 ), k3( 0 ), k4( 0 ), num( 0 ), mouseEnter( FALSE ) { box = new QHBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); sequence = new QLineEdit( box ); connect( sequence, SIGNAL(textChanged( const QString & )), this, SLOT(setValue()) ); sequence->installEventFilter( this ); } PropertyKeysequenceItem::~PropertyKeysequenceItem() { delete (QHBox*)box; } void PropertyKeysequenceItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() ) { box->show(); sequence->setFocus(); } } void PropertyKeysequenceItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } bool PropertyKeysequenceItem::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { Q_UNUSED( o ); if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *)e; if ( !mouseEnter && (k->key() == QObject::Key_Up || k->key() == QObject::Key_Down) ) return FALSE; handleKeyEvent( k ); return TRUE; } else if ( (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn) || (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) ) { mouseEnter = ( listview->lastEvent() == PropertyList::MouseEvent ) || (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress); return TRUE; } // Lets eat accelerators now.. if ( e->type() == QEvent::Accel || e->type() == QEvent::AccelOverride || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void PropertyKeysequenceItem::handleKeyEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { int nextKey = e->key(); if ( num > 3 || nextKey == QObject::Key_Control || nextKey == QObject::Key_Shift || nextKey == QObject::Key_Meta || nextKey == QObject::Key_Alt) return; int modifier = translateModifiers( e->state() ); if (nextKey == QObject::Key_BackTab) modifier &= ~QObject::SHIFT; nextKey |= modifier; switch( num ) { case 0: k1 = nextKey; break; case 1: k2 = nextKey; break; case 2: k3 = nextKey; break; case 3: k4 = nextKey; break; default: break; } num++; QKeySequence ks( k1, k2, k3, k4 ); sequence->setText( ks ); } int PropertyKeysequenceItem::translateModifiers( int state ) { int result = 0; if ( state & QObject::ShiftButton ) result |= QObject::SHIFT; if ( state & QObject::ControlButton ) result |= QObject::CTRL; if ( state & QObject::MetaButton ) result |= QObject::META; if ( state & QObject::AltButton ) result |= QObject::ALT; return result; } void PropertyKeysequenceItem::setValue() { QVariant v; v = QVariant( QKeySequence(sequence->text()) ); if ( v.toString().isNull() ) return; setText( 1, sequence->text() ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); if (sequence->hasFocus() // if the user wants to use F1 as accelerator, Designer will pop up a QWhatsThat widget || (qApp->focusWidget() && qApp->focusWidget()->inherits("QWhatsThat"))) notifyValueChange(); setChanged( TRUE ); } void PropertyKeysequenceItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { QKeySequence ks = v.toKeySequence(); if ( sequence ) { sequence->setText( ks ); } num = ks.count(); k1 = ks[0]; k2 = ks[1]; k3 = ks[2]; k4 = ks[3]; setText( 1, ks ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- EnumPopup::EnumPopup( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : QFrame( parent, name, f ) { setLineWidth( 1 ); setFrameStyle( Panel | Plain ); setPaletteBackgroundColor( Qt::white ); popLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 3 ); checkBoxList.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } EnumPopup::~EnumPopup() { } void EnumPopup::insertEnums( QValueList lst ) { while ( checkBoxList.count() ) checkBoxList.removeFirst(); itemList = lst; QCheckBox *cb; QValueListConstIterator it = itemList.begin(); for ( ; it != itemList.end(); ++it ) { cb = new QCheckBox( this ); cb->setText( (*it).key ); cb->setChecked( (*it).selected ); if ( it == itemList.begin() ) cb->setFocus(); checkBoxList.append( cb ); cb->resize( width(), cb->height() ); popLayout->addWidget( cb ); } } void EnumPopup::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( e->key() == Key_Escape ) { hide(); emit hidden(); } else if ( e->key() == Key_Enter || e->key() == Key_Return ) { closeWidget(); } } void EnumPopup::closeWidget() { QPtrListIterator it( checkBoxList ); int i = 0; while ( it.current() != 0 ) { itemList[i].selected = (*it)->isChecked(); ++it; ++i; } close(); emit closed(); } QValueList EnumPopup::enumList() const { return itemList; } EnumBox::EnumBox( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QComboBox( parent, name ) { pop = new EnumPopup( this, "popup", QObject::WType_Popup ); connect( pop, SIGNAL( hidden() ), this, SLOT( popupHidden() ) ); connect( pop, SIGNAL( closed() ), this, SLOT( popupClosed() ) ); popupShown = FALSE; arrowDown = FALSE; } void EnumBox::popupHidden() { popupShown = FALSE; } void EnumBox::popupClosed() { popupShown = FALSE; emit valueChanged(); } void EnumBox::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter p( this ); const QColorGroup & g = colorGroup(); p.setPen(g.text()); QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default; if (isEnabled()) flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled; if (hasFocus()) flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus; if ( width() < 5 || height() < 5 ) { qDrawShadePanel( &p, rect().x(), rect().y(), rect().width(), rect().height(), g, FALSE, 2, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); return; } style().drawComplexControl( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &p, this, rect(), g, flags, QStyle::SC_All, (arrowDown ? QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow : QStyle::SC_None )); QRect re = style().querySubControlMetrics( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, this, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField ); re = QStyle::visualRect(re, this); p.setClipRect( re ); if ( !str.isNull() ) { p.save(); p.setFont(font()); QFontMetrics fm(font()); int x = re.x(), y = re.y() + fm.ascent(); p.drawText( x, y, str ); p.restore(); } } void EnumBox::insertEnums( QValueList lst ) { pop->insertEnums( lst ); } QValueList EnumBox::enumList() const { return pop->enumList(); } void EnumBox::popup() { if ( popupShown ) { pop->closeWidget(); popupShown = FALSE; return; } pop->move( ((QWidget*)parent())->mapToGlobal( geometry().bottomLeft() ) ); pop->setMinimumWidth( width() ); emit aboutToShowPopup(); pop->show(); popupShown = TRUE; } void EnumBox::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e->button() != LeftButton ) return; QRect arrowRect = style().querySubControlMetrics( QStyle::CC_ComboBox, this, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow); arrowRect = QStyle::visualRect(arrowRect, this); arrowRect.setHeight( QMAX( height() - (2 * arrowRect.y()), arrowRect.height() ) ); if ( arrowRect.contains( e->pos() ) ) { arrowDown = TRUE; repaint( FALSE ); } popup(); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( restoreArrow() ) ); } void EnumBox::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( e->key() == Key_Space ) { popup(); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( restoreArrow() ) ); } else if ( e->key() == Key_Enter || e->key() == Key_Return ) { popup(); } } void EnumBox::restoreArrow() { arrowDown = FALSE; repaint( FALSE ); } void EnumBox::setText( const QString &text ) { str = text; repaint( FALSE ); } PropertyEnumItem::PropertyEnumItem( PropertyList *l, PropertyItem *after, PropertyItem *prop, const QString &propName ) : PropertyItem( l, after, prop, propName ) { box = new EnumBox( listview->viewport() ); box->hide(); box->installEventFilter( listview ); connect( box, SIGNAL( aboutToShowPopup() ), this, SLOT( insertEnums() ) ); connect( box, SIGNAL( valueChanged() ), this, SLOT( setValue() ) ); } PropertyEnumItem::~PropertyEnumItem() { delete (EnumBox*)box; } void PropertyEnumItem::showEditor() { PropertyItem::showEditor(); placeEditor( box ); if ( !box->isVisible() ) { box->show(); box->setText( enumString ); listView()->viewport()->setFocus(); } box->setFocus(); } void PropertyEnumItem::hideEditor() { PropertyItem::hideEditor(); box->hide(); } void PropertyEnumItem::setValue( const QVariant &v ) { enumString = ""; enumList.clear(); QStringList lst = v.toStringList(); QValueListConstIterator it = lst.begin(); for ( ; it != lst.end(); ++it ) enumList.append( EnumItem( *it, FALSE ) ); enumList.first().selected = TRUE; enumString = enumList.first().key; box->setText( enumString ); setText( 1, enumString ); PropertyItem::setValue( v ); } void PropertyEnumItem::insertEnums() { box->insertEnums( enumList ); } void PropertyEnumItem::setValue() { enumList = box->enumList(); enumString = ""; QValueListConstIterator it = enumList.begin(); for ( ; it != enumList.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).selected ) enumString += "|" + (*it).key; } if ( !enumString.isEmpty() ) enumString.replace( 0, 1, "" ); box->setText( enumString ); setText( 1, enumString ); notifyValueChange(); } void PropertyEnumItem::setCurrentValues( QStrList lst ) { enumString =""; QStrList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); QValueList::Iterator eit = enumList.begin(); for ( ; eit != enumList.end(); ++eit ) { (*eit).selected = FALSE; for ( it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { if ( QString( *it ) == (*eit).key ) { (*eit).selected = TRUE; enumString += "|" + (*eit).key; break; } } } if ( !enumString.isEmpty() ) enumString.replace( 0, 1, "" ); box->setText( enumString ); setText( 1, enumString ); } QString PropertyEnumItem::currentItem() const { return enumString; } QString PropertyEnumItem::currentItemFromObject() const { return enumString; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \class PropertyList propertyeditor.h \brief PropertyList is a QListView derived class which is used for editing widget properties This class is used for widget properties. It has to be child of a PropertyEditor. To initialize it for editing a widget call setupProperties() which iterates through the properties of the current widget (see PropertyEditor::widget()) and builds the list. To update the item values, refetchData() can be called. If the value of an item has been changed by the user, and this change should be applied to the widget's property, valueChanged() has to be called. To set the value of an item, setPropertyValue() has to be called. */ PropertyList::PropertyList( PropertyEditor *e ) : QListView( e ), editor( e ) { init_colors(); whatsThis = new PropertyWhatsThis( this ); showSorted = FALSE; header()->setMovingEnabled( FALSE ); header()->setStretchEnabled( TRUE ); setResizePolicy( QScrollView::Manual ); viewport()->setAcceptDrops( TRUE ); viewport()->installEventFilter( this ); addColumn( tr( "Property" ) ); addColumn( tr( "Value" ) ); connect( header(), SIGNAL( sizeChange( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( updateEditorSize() ) ); disconnect( header(), SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( changeSortColumn( int ) ) ); connect( header(), SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( toggleSort() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( pressed( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ), this, SLOT( itemPressed( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( toggleOpen( QListViewItem * ) ) ); setSorting( -1 ); setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOn ); setColumnWidthMode( 1, Manual ); mousePressed = FALSE; pressItem = 0; theLastEvent = MouseEvent; header()->installEventFilter( this ); } void PropertyList::toggleSort() { showSorted = !showSorted; editor->clear(); editor->setup(); } void PropertyList::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { QListView::resizeEvent( e ); if ( currentItem() ) ( ( PropertyItem* )currentItem() )->showEditor(); } static QVariant::Type type_to_variant( const QString &s ) { if ( s == "Invalid " ) return QVariant::Invalid; if ( s == "Map" ) return QVariant::Map; if ( s == "List" ) return QVariant::List; if ( s == "String" ) return QVariant::String; if ( s == "StringList" ) return QVariant::StringList; if ( s == "Font" ) return QVariant::Font; if ( s == "Pixmap" ) return QVariant::Pixmap; if ( s == "Brush" ) return QVariant::Brush; if ( s == "Rect" ) return QVariant::Rect; if ( s == "Size" ) return QVariant::Size; if ( s == "Color" ) return QVariant::Color; if ( s == "Palette" ) return QVariant::Palette; if ( s == "ColorGroup" ) return QVariant::ColorGroup; if ( s == "IconSet" ) return QVariant::IconSet; if ( s == "Point" ) return QVariant::Point; if ( s == "Image" ) return QVariant::Image; if ( s == "Int" ) return QVariant::Int; if ( s == "UInt" ) return QVariant::UInt; if ( s == "Bool" ) return QVariant::Bool; if ( s == "Double" ) return QVariant::Double; if ( s == "CString" ) return QVariant::CString; if ( s == "PointArray" ) return QVariant::PointArray; if ( s == "Region" ) return QVariant::Region; if ( s == "Bitmap" ) return QVariant::Bitmap; if ( s == "Cursor" ) return QVariant::Cursor; if ( s == "SizePolicy" ) return QVariant::SizePolicy; if ( s == "Date" ) return QVariant::Date; if ( s == "Time" ) return QVariant::Time; if ( s == "DateTime" ) return QVariant::DateTime; return QVariant::Invalid; } #ifndef QT_NO_SQL static bool parent_is_data_aware( QWidget *w ) { QWidget *p = w ? w->parentWidget() : 0; while ( p && !p->isTopLevel() ) { if ( ::qt_cast(p) || ::qt_cast(p) ) return TRUE; p = p->parentWidget(); } return FALSE; } #endif /*! Sets up the property list by adding an item for each designable property of the widget which is just edited. */ void PropertyList::setupProperties() { if ( !editor->widget() ) return; bool allProperties = !::qt_cast(editor->widget()); QStrList lst = editor->widget()->metaObject()->propertyNames( allProperties ); PropertyItem *item = 0; QMap unique; QObject *w = editor->widget(); QStringList valueSet; bool parentHasLayout = w->isWidgetType() && !editor->formWindow()->isMainContainer( (QWidget*)w ) && ( (QWidget*)w )->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType( ( (QWidget*)w )->parentWidget() ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout; for ( QPtrListIterator it( lst ); it.current(); ++it ) { const QMetaProperty* p = editor->widget()->metaObject()-> property( editor->widget()->metaObject()->findProperty( it.current(), allProperties), allProperties ); if ( !p ) continue; if ( unique.contains( QString::fromLatin1( it.current() ) ) ) continue; if ( ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) || ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) ) { if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumHeight" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumWidth" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumHeight" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumWidth" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "geometry" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "sizePolicy" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumSize" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumSize" ) == 0 ) continue; } unique.insert( QString::fromLatin1( it.current() ), TRUE ); if ( editor->widget()->isWidgetType() && editor->formWindow()->isMainContainer( (QWidget*)editor->widget() ) ) { if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "geometry" ) == 0 ) continue; } else { // hide some toplevel-only stuff if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "icon" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "iconText" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "caption" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "sizeIncrement" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "baseSize" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( parentHasLayout && qstrcmp( p->name(), "geometry" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( ::qt_cast(w) || ::qt_cast(w) ) { if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "sizePolicy" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumHeight" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumWidth" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumHeight" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumWidth" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "geometry" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumSize" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumSize" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "enabled" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "paletteForegroundColor" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "paletteBackgroundColor" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "paletteBackgroundPixmap" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "palette" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "font" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "cursor" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "mouseTracking" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "focusPolicy" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "acceptDrops" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "autoMask" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "backgroundOrigin" ) == 0 ) continue; } } if ( ::qt_cast(w) ) { if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "usesDropDown" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "toggleAction" ) == 0 ) continue; } if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumHeight" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "minimumWidth" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumHeight" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "maximumWidth" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "buttonGroupId" ) == 0 ) { // #### remove this when designable in Q_PROPERTY can take a function (isInButtonGroup() in this case) if ( !editor->widget()->isWidgetType() || !editor->widget()->parent() || !::qt_cast(editor->widget()->parent()) ) continue; } bool isPropertyObject = w->isA( "PropertyObject" ); if ( ( p->designable(w) || ( isPropertyObject && p->designable( ( (PropertyObject*)w )->widgetList().first() ) ) ) && ( !isPropertyObject || qstrcmp( p->name(), "name" ) != 0 ) ) { if ( p->isSetType() ) { if ( QString( p->name() ) == "alignment" ) { QStringList lst; lst << p->valueToKey( AlignAuto ) << p->valueToKey( AlignLeft ) << p->valueToKey( AlignHCenter ) << p->valueToKey( AlignRight ) << p->valueToKey( AlignJustify ); item = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, "hAlign", FALSE ); item->setValue( lst ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "hAlign" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); if ( !::qt_cast(editor->widget()) ) { lst.clear(); lst << p->valueToKey( AlignTop ) << p->valueToKey( AlignVCenter ) << p->valueToKey( AlignBottom ); item = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, "vAlign", FALSE ); item->setValue( lst ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "vAlign" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); item = new PropertyBoolItem( this, item, 0, "wordwrap" ); if ( ::qt_cast(w) ) item->setVisible( FALSE ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "wordwrap" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } } else { QStrList lst( p->enumKeys() ); QStringList l; QPtrListIterator it( lst ); while ( it.current() != 0 ) { l << QString(*it); ++it; } item = new PropertyEnumItem( this, item, 0, p->name() ); item->setValue( l ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), p->name() ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } } else if ( p->isEnumType() ) { QStrList l = p->enumKeys(); QStringList lst; for ( uint i = 0; i < l.count(); ++i ) { QString k = l.at( i ); // filter out enum-masks if ( k[0] == 'M' && k[1].category() == QChar::Letter_Uppercase ) continue; lst << k; } item = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, p->name(), FALSE ); item->setValue( lst ); } else { QVariant::Type t = QVariant::nameToType( p->type() ); if ( !addPropertyItem( item, p->name(), t ) ) continue; } } if ( item && !p->isSetType() ) { if ( valueSet.findIndex( item->name() ) == -1 ) { setPropertyValue( item ); valueSet << item->name(); } if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), p->name() ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } } if ( !::qt_cast(w) && !::qt_cast(w) && !::qt_cast(w) && w->isWidgetType() && WidgetFactory::layoutType( (QWidget*)w ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) { item = new PropertyLayoutItem( this, item, 0, "layoutSpacing" ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "layoutSpacing" ) || MetaDataBase::spacing( editor->widget() ) != -1 ) layoutInitValue( item, TRUE ); else layoutInitValue( item ); item = new PropertyLayoutItem( this, item, 0, "layoutMargin" ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "layoutMargin" ) || MetaDataBase::margin( editor->widget() ) != -1 ) layoutInitValue( item, TRUE ); else layoutInitValue( item ); QWidget *widget = (QWidget*)w; if ( ( !::qt_cast(widget) && widget->parentWidget() && ::qt_cast(widget->parentWidget()) ) ) { item = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, "resizeMode", FALSE ); QStringList lst; lst << "Auto" << "FreeResize" << "Minimum" << "Fixed"; item->setValue( lst ); setPropertyValue( item ); QString resizeMod = MetaDataBase::resizeMode( editor->widget() ); if ( !resizeMod.isEmpty() && resizeMod != WidgetFactory::defaultCurrentItem( editor->widget(), "resizeMode" ) ) { item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "resizeMode", TRUE ); } } } if ( !::qt_cast(w) && !::qt_cast(w) && !::qt_cast(w) && !::qt_cast(w) ) { item = new PropertyTextItem( this, item, 0, "toolTip", TRUE, FALSE ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "toolTip" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); item = new PropertyTextItem( this, item, 0, "whatsThis", TRUE, TRUE ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "whatsThis" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } #ifndef QT_NO_SQL if ( !::qt_cast(editor->widget()) && !::qt_cast(editor->widget()) && !::qt_cast(editor->widget()) && parent_is_data_aware( ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) ) ) { item = new PropertyDatabaseItem( this, item, 0, "database", editor->formWindow()->mainContainer() != w ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "database" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } if ( ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) || ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) || ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) ) { item = new PropertyDatabaseItem( this, item, 0, "database", FALSE ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "database" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); item = new PropertyBoolItem( this, item, 0, "frameworkCode" ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), "frameworkCode" ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } #endif if ( w->isA("PropertyObject") ) { const QWidgetList wl = ( (PropertyObject*)w )->widgetList(); QPtrListIterator wIt( wl ); while ( *wIt ) { if ( (*wIt)->inherits("CustomWidget") ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw = ( (CustomWidget*)*wIt )->customWidget(); setupCusWidgetProperties( cw, unique, item ); } ++wIt; } } else if ( w->inherits( "CustomWidget" ) ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw = ( (CustomWidget*)w )->customWidget(); setupCusWidgetProperties( cw, unique, item ); } setCurrentItem( firstChild() ); if ( showSorted ) { setSorting( 0 ); sort(); setSorting( -1 ); setCurrentItem( firstChild() ); qApp->processEvents(); } updateEditorSize(); } void PropertyList::setupCusWidgetProperties( MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw, QMap &unique, PropertyItem *&item ) { if ( !cw ) return; for ( QValueList::Iterator it = cw->lstProperties.begin(); it != cw->lstProperties.end(); ++it ) { if ( unique.contains( QString( (*it).property ) ) ) continue; unique.insert( QString( (*it).property ), TRUE ); addPropertyItem( item, (*it).property, type_to_variant( (*it).type ) ); setPropertyValue( item ); if ( MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), (*it).property ) ) item->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); } } bool PropertyList::addPropertyItem( PropertyItem *&item, const QCString &name, QVariant::Type t ) { if ( name == "buddy" ) { PropertyListItem *itm = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, name, TRUE ); QPtrDict *widgets = editor->formWindow()->widgets(); QPtrDictIterator it( *widgets ); QStringList l; l << ""; while ( it.current() ) { if ( editor->formWindow()->canBeBuddy( it.current() ) ) { if ( l.find( it.current()->name() ) == l.end() ) l << it.current()->name(); } ++it; } l.sort(); itm->setValue( l ); item = itm; return TRUE; } switch ( t ) { case QVariant::String: item = new PropertyTextItem( this, item, 0, name, TRUE, ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) || ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) || ::qt_cast(editor->widget()) ); break; case QVariant::CString: item = new PropertyTextItem( this, item, 0, name, name == "name" && editor->widget() == editor->formWindow()->mainContainer(), FALSE, TRUE ); break; case QVariant::Bool: item = new PropertyBoolItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::Font: item = new PropertyFontItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::Int: if ( name == "accel" ) item = new PropertyTextItem( this, item, 0, name, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ); else if ( name == "layoutSpacing" || name == "layoutMargin" ) item = new PropertyLayoutItem( this, item, 0, name ); else if ( name == "resizeMode" ) item = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, name, TRUE ); else item = new PropertyIntItem( this, item, 0, name, TRUE ); break; case QVariant::Double: item = new PropertyDoubleItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::KeySequence: item = new PropertyKeysequenceItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::UInt: item = new PropertyIntItem( this, item, 0, name, FALSE ); break; case QVariant::StringList: item = new PropertyListItem( this, item, 0, name, TRUE ); break; case QVariant::Rect: item = new PropertyCoordItem( this, item, 0, name, PropertyCoordItem::Rect ); break; case QVariant::Point: item = new PropertyCoordItem( this, item, 0, name, PropertyCoordItem::Point ); break; case QVariant::Size: item = new PropertyCoordItem( this, item, 0, name, PropertyCoordItem::Size ); break; case QVariant::Color: item = new PropertyColorItem( this, item, 0, name, TRUE ); break; case QVariant::Pixmap: item = new PropertyPixmapItem( this, item, 0, name, PropertyPixmapItem::Pixmap ); break; case QVariant::IconSet: item = new PropertyPixmapItem( this, item, 0, name, PropertyPixmapItem::IconSet ); break; case QVariant::Image: item = new PropertyPixmapItem( this, item, 0, name, PropertyPixmapItem::Image ); break; case QVariant::SizePolicy: item = new PropertySizePolicyItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::Palette: item = new PropertyPaletteItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::Cursor: item = new PropertyCursorItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::Date: item = new PropertyDateItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::Time: item = new PropertyTimeItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; case QVariant::DateTime: item = new PropertyDateTimeItem( this, item, 0, name ); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void PropertyList::paintEmptyArea( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { p->fillRect( r, *backColor2 ); } void PropertyList::setCurrentItem( QListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return; if ( currentItem() ) ( (PropertyItem*)currentItem() )->hideEditor(); QListView::setCurrentItem( i ); ( (PropertyItem*)currentItem() )->showEditor(); } void PropertyList::updateEditorSize() { if ( currentItem() ) ( ( PropertyItem* )currentItem() )->showEditor(); } /*! This has to be called if the value if \a i should be set as property to the currently edited widget. */ void PropertyList::valueChanged( PropertyItem *i ) { if ( !editor->widget() ) return; QString pn( tr( "Set '%1' of '%2'" ).arg( i->name() ).arg( editor->widget()->name() ) ); SetPropertyCommand *cmd = new SetPropertyCommand( pn, editor->formWindow(), editor->widget(), editor, i->name(), WidgetFactory::property( editor->widget(), i->name() ), i->value(), i->currentItem(), i->currentItemFromObject() ); cmd->execute(); editor->formWindow()->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd, TRUE ); } void PropertyList::layoutInitValue( PropertyItem *i, bool changed ) { if ( !editor->widget() ) return; QString pn( tr( "Set '%1' of '%2'" ).arg( i->name() ).arg( editor->widget()->name() ) ); SetPropertyCommand *cmd = new SetPropertyCommand( pn, editor->formWindow(), editor->widget(), editor, i->name(), WidgetFactory::property( editor->widget(), i->name() ), i->value(), i->currentItem(), i->currentItemFromObject() ); cmd->execute(); if ( i->value().toString() != "-1" ) changed = TRUE; i->setChanged( changed ); } void PropertyList::itemPressed( QListViewItem *i, const QPoint &p, int c ) { if ( !i ) return; PropertyItem *pi = (PropertyItem*)i; if ( !pi->hasSubItems() ) return; if ( c == 0 && viewport()->mapFromGlobal( p ).x() < 20 ) toggleOpen( i ); } void PropertyList::toggleOpen( QListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return; PropertyItem *pi = (PropertyItem*)i; if ( pi->hasSubItems() ) { pi->setOpen( !pi->isOpen() ); } else { pi->toggle(); } } bool PropertyList::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( !o || !e ) return TRUE; PropertyItem *i = (PropertyItem*)currentItem(); if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) theLastEvent = KeyEvent; else if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) theLastEvent = MouseEvent; if ( o != this &&e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent*)e; if ( ( ke->key() == Key_Up || ke->key() == Key_Down ) && ( o != this || o != viewport() ) && !( ke->state() & ControlButton ) ) { QApplication::sendEvent( this, (QKeyEvent*)e ); return TRUE; } else if ( ( !::qt_cast(o) || ( ::qt_cast(o) && ( (QLineEdit*)o )->isReadOnly() ) ) && i && i->hasSubItems() ) { if ( !i->isOpen() && ( ke->key() == Key_Plus || ke->key() == Key_Right )) i->setOpen( TRUE ); else if ( i->isOpen() && ( ke->key() == Key_Minus || ke->key() == Key_Left ) ) i->setOpen( FALSE ); } else if ( ( ke->key() == Key_Return || ke->key() == Key_Enter ) && ::qt_cast(o) ) { QKeyEvent ke2( QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Space, 0, 0 ); QApplication::sendEvent( o, &ke2 ); return TRUE; } } else if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut && ::qt_cast(o) && editor->formWindow() ) { QTimer::singleShot( 100, editor->formWindow()->commandHistory(), SLOT( checkCompressedCommand() ) ); } else if ( o == viewport() ) { QMouseEvent *me; PropertyListItem* i; switch ( e->type() ) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: me = (QMouseEvent*)e; i = (PropertyListItem*) itemAt( me->pos() ); if ( i && ( ::qt_cast(i) || ::qt_cast(i) ) ) { pressItem = i; pressPos = me->pos(); mousePressed = TRUE; } break; case QEvent::MouseMove: me = (QMouseEvent*)e; if ( me && me->state() & LeftButton && mousePressed) { i = (PropertyListItem*) itemAt( me->pos() ); if ( i && i == pressItem ) { if (( pressPos - me->pos() ).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance() ){ if ( ::qt_cast(i) ) { QColor col = i->value().asColor(); QColorDrag *drg = new QColorDrag( col, this ); QPixmap pix( 25, 25 ); pix.fill( col ); QPainter p( &pix ); p.drawRect( 0, 0, pix.width(), pix.height() ); p.end(); drg->setPixmap( pix ); mousePressed = FALSE; drg->dragCopy(); } else if ( ::qt_cast(i) ) { QPixmap pix = i->value().asPixmap(); if( !pix.isNull() ) { QImage img = pix.convertToImage(); QImageDrag *drg = new QImageDrag( img, this ); drg->setPixmap( pix ); mousePressed = FALSE; drg->dragCopy(); } } } } } break; default: break; } } else if ( o == header() ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu ) { ((QContextMenuEvent *)e)->accept(); QPopupMenu menu( 0 ); menu.setCheckable( TRUE ); const int cat_id = 1; const int alpha_id = 2; menu.insertItem( tr( "Sort &Categorized" ), cat_id ); int alpha = menu.insertItem( tr( "Sort &Alphabetically" ), alpha_id ); if ( showSorted ) menu.setItemChecked( alpha_id, TRUE ); else menu.setItemChecked( cat_id, TRUE ); int res = menu.exec( ( (QContextMenuEvent*)e )->globalPos() ); if ( res != -1 ) { bool newShowSorted = ( res == alpha ); if ( showSorted != newShowSorted ) { showSorted = newShowSorted; editor->clear(); editor->setup(); } } return TRUE; } } return QListView::eventFilter( o, e ); } /*! This method re-initializes each item of the property list. */ void PropertyList::refetchData() { QListViewItemIterator it( this ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { PropertyItem *i = (PropertyItem*)it.current(); if ( !i->propertyParent() ) setPropertyValue( i ); if ( i->hasSubItems() ) i->initChildren(); bool changed = MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), i->name() ); if ( ( i->name() == "layoutSpacing" || i->name() == "layoutMargin" ) ) { if ( i->value().toString() != "-1" ) i->setChanged( TRUE, FALSE ); else i->setChanged( FALSE, FALSE ); } else if ( changed != i->isChanged() ) i->setChanged( changed, FALSE ); } updateEditorSize(); } static void clearAlignList( QStrList &l ) { if ( l.count() == 1 ) return; if ( l.find( "AlignAuto" ) != -1 ) l.remove( "AlignAuto" ); if ( l.find( "WordBreak" ) != -1 ) l.remove( "WordBreak" ); } /*! This method initializes the value of the item \a i to the value of the corresponding property. */ void PropertyList::setPropertyValue( PropertyItem *i ) { const QMetaProperty *p = editor->widget()->metaObject()-> property( editor->widget()->metaObject()->findProperty( i->name(), TRUE), TRUE ); if ( !p ) { if ( i->name() == "hAlign" ) { int align = editor->widget()->property( "alignment" ).toInt(); p = editor->widget()->metaObject()-> property( editor->widget()->metaObject()->findProperty( "alignment", TRUE ), TRUE ); align &= ~AlignVertical_Mask; QStrList l = p->valueToKeys( align ); clearAlignList( l ); ( (PropertyListItem*)i )->setCurrentItem( l.last() ); } else if ( i->name() == "vAlign" ) { int align = editor->widget()->property( "alignment" ).toInt(); p = editor->widget()->metaObject()-> property( editor->widget()->metaObject()->findProperty( "alignment", TRUE ), TRUE ); align &= ~AlignHorizontal_Mask; ( (PropertyListItem*)i )->setCurrentItem( p->valueToKeys( align ).last() ); } else if ( i->name() == "wordwrap" ) { int align = editor->widget()->property( "alignment" ).toInt(); if ( align & WordBreak ) i->setValue( QVariant( true ) ); else i->setValue( QVariant( false ) ); } else if ( i->name() == "layoutSpacing" ) { ( (PropertyLayoutItem*)i )->setValue( MetaDataBase::spacing( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( (QWidget*)editor->widget() ) ) ); } else if ( i->name() == "layoutMargin" ) { ( (PropertyLayoutItem*)i )->setValue( MetaDataBase::margin( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( (QWidget*)editor->widget() ) ) ); } else if ( i->name() == "resizeMode" ) { ( (PropertyListItem*)i )->setCurrentItem( MetaDataBase::resizeMode( WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( (QWidget*)editor->widget() ) ) ); } else if ( i->name() == "toolTip" || i->name() == "whatsThis" || i->name() == "database" || i->name() == "frameworkCode" ) { i->setValue( MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( editor->widget(), i->name() ) ); } else if ( editor->widget()->inherits( "CustomWidget" ) ) { MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw = ( (CustomWidget*)editor->widget() )->customWidget(); if ( !cw ) return; i->setValue( MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( editor->widget(), i->name() ) ); } return; } if ( p->isSetType() ) ( (PropertyEnumItem*)i )->setCurrentValues( p->valueToKeys( editor->widget()->property( i->name() ).toInt() ) ); else if ( p->isEnumType() ) ( (PropertyListItem*)i )->setCurrentItem( p->valueToKey( editor->widget()->property( i->name() ).toInt() ) ); else if ( qstrcmp( p->name(), "buddy" ) == 0 ) ( (PropertyListItem*)i )->setCurrentItem( editor->widget()->property( i->name() ).toString() ); else i->setValue( editor->widget()->property( i->name() ) ); } void PropertyList::setCurrentProperty( const QString &n ) { if ( ( currentItem() && currentItem()->text( 0 ) == n ) || ( currentItem() && ( (PropertyItem*)currentItem() )->propertyParent() && ( (PropertyItem*)currentItem() )->propertyParent()->text( 0 ) == n ) ) return; QListViewItemIterator it( this ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->text( 0 ) == n ) { setCurrentItem( it.current() ); break; } } } PropertyEditor *PropertyList::propertyEditor() const { return editor; } void PropertyList::resetProperty() { if ( !currentItem() ) return; PropertyItem *i = (PropertyItem*)currentItem(); if ( !MetaDataBase::isPropertyChanged( editor->widget(), i->PropertyItem::name() ) ) return; QString pn( tr( "Reset '%1' of '%2'" ).arg( i->name() ).arg( editor->widget()->name() ) ); SetPropertyCommand *cmd = new SetPropertyCommand( pn, editor->formWindow(), editor->widget(), editor, i->name(), i->value(), WidgetFactory::defaultValue( editor->widget(), i->name() ), WidgetFactory::defaultCurrentItem( editor->widget(), i->name() ), i->currentItem(), TRUE ); cmd->execute(); editor->formWindow()->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd, FALSE ); if ( i->hasSubItems() ) i->initChildren(); } void PropertyList::viewportDragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *e ) { PropertyListItem *i = (PropertyListItem*) itemAt( e->pos() ); if( !i ) { e->ignore(); return; } if ( ::qt_cast(i) && QColorDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else if ( ::qt_cast(i) && QImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else e->ignore(); } void PropertyList::viewportDragMoveEvent ( QDragMoveEvent *e ) { PropertyListItem *i = (PropertyListItem*) itemAt( e->pos() ); if( !i ) { e->ignore(); return; } if ( ::qt_cast(i) && QColorDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else if ( ::qt_cast(i) && QImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else e->ignore(); } void PropertyList::viewportDropEvent ( QDropEvent *e ) { PropertyListItem *i = (PropertyListItem*) itemAt( e->pos() ); if( !i ) { e->ignore(); return; } if ( ::qt_cast(i) && QColorDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { QColor color; QColorDrag::decode( e, color ); i->setValue( QVariant( color ) ); valueChanged( i ); e->accept(); } else if ( ::qt_cast(i) && QImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { QImage img; QImageDrag::decode( e, img ); QPixmap pm; pm.convertFromImage( img ); i->setValue( QVariant( pm ) ); valueChanged( i ); e->accept(); } else e->ignore(); } QString PropertyList::whatsThisAt( const QPoint &p ) { return whatsThisText( itemAt( p ) ); } void PropertyList::showCurrentWhatsThis() { if ( !currentItem() ) return; QPoint p( 0, currentItem()->itemPos() ); p = viewport()->mapToGlobal( contentsToViewport( p ) ); QWhatsThis::display( whatsThisText( currentItem() ), p, viewport() ); } QString PropertyList::whatsThisText( QListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i || !editor->widget() ) return QString::null; readPropertyDocs(); if ( ( (PropertyItem*)i )->propertyParent() ) i = ( (PropertyItem*)i )->propertyParent(); const QMetaObject *mo = editor->widget()->metaObject(); QString prop = ( (PropertyItem*)i )->name(); while ( mo ) { QString s; s = QString( mo->className() ) + "::" + prop; QMap::Iterator it; if ( ( it = propertyDocs.find( s ) ) != propertyDocs.end() ) { return *it; } mo = mo->superClass(); } return tr( "


There is no documentation available for this property.

" ).arg( prop ); } void PropertyList::readPropertyDocs() { if ( !propertyDocs.isEmpty() ) return; QString docFile = MainWindow::self->documentationPath() + "/propertydocs"; QFile f( docFile ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; QDomDocument doc; QString errMsg; int errLine; if ( !doc.setContent( &f, &errMsg, &errLine ) ) return; QDomElement e = doc.firstChild().toElement().firstChild().toElement(); for ( ; !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSibling().toElement() ) { QDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement(); QString name; QString doc; for ( ; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) { if ( n.tagName() == "name" ) name = n.firstChild().toText().data(); else if ( n.tagName() == "doc" ) doc = n.firstChild().toText().data(); } doc.insert( 0, "

" + name + "

" ); propertyDocs.insert( name, doc ); } } PropertyList::LastEventType PropertyList::lastEvent() { return theLastEvent; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ EventList::EventList( QWidget *parent, FormWindow *fw, PropertyEditor *e ) : HierarchyList( parent, fw, TRUE ), editor( e ) { header()->hide(); removeColumn( 1 ); setRootIsDecorated( TRUE ); connect( this, SIGNAL( itemRenamed( QListViewItem *, int, const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( renamed( QListViewItem * ) ) ); } QString clean_arguments( const QString &s ) { QString slot = s; QString arg = slot.mid( slot.find( '(' ) + 1 ); arg = arg.left( arg.findRev( ')' ) ); QStringList args = QStringList::split( ',', arg ); slot = slot.left( slot.find( '(' ) + 1 ); int num = 0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it, ++num ) { QString a = *it; int i; if ( ( i =a.find( ':' ) ) == -1 ) slot += a.simplifyWhiteSpace(); else slot += a.mid( i + 1 ).simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( num < (int)args.count() - 1 ) slot += ","; } slot += ")"; return slot; } void EventList::setup() { clear(); if ( !formWindow ) return; LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( formWindow->project()->language() ); QStrList sigs; if ( iface ) sigs = iface->signalNames( editor->widget() ); QStrListIterator it( sigs ); while ( it.current() ) { HierarchyItem *eventItem = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Event, this, (HierarchyItem*)0, it.current(), QString::null, QString::null ); eventItem->setOpen( TRUE ); QValueList conns = MetaDataBase::connections( formWindow, editor->widget(), formWindow->mainContainer() ); HierarchyItem *item = 0; for ( QValueList::Iterator cit = conns.begin(); cit != conns.end(); ++cit ) { QString s = it.current(); if ( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( clean_arguments( QString( (*cit).signal ) ) ) != MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( clean_arguments( s ) ) ) continue; item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::EventFunction, eventItem, item, (*cit).slot, QString::null, QString::null ); item->setPixmap( 0, QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_editslots.png" ) ); } ++it; } } extern QListViewItem *newItem; void EventList::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { QListViewItem *i = itemAt( contentsToViewport( e->pos() ) ); if ( !i || i->parent() ) return; QString s; if ( !formWindow->project()->isCpp() ) { QString s1 = i->text( 0 ); int pt = s1.find( "(" ); if ( pt != -1 ) s1 = s1.left( pt ); s = QString( editor->widget()->name() ) + "_" + s1; } else { s = QString( editor->widget()->name() ) + "_" + i->text( 0 ); } insertEntry( i, QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_editslots.png" ), s ); } void EventList::setCurrent( QWidget * ) { } void EventList::objectClicked( QListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i || !i->parent() ) return; formWindow->mainWindow()->editFunction( i->text( 0 ) ); } void EventList::showRMBMenu( QListViewItem *i, const QPoint &pos ) { if ( !i ) return; QPopupMenu menu; const int NEW_ITEM = 1; const int DEL_ITEM = 2; menu.insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_filenew.png" ), tr( "New Signal Handler" ), NEW_ITEM ); menu.insertItem( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_editcut.png" ), tr( "Delete Signal Handler" ), DEL_ITEM ); int res = menu.exec( pos ); if ( res == NEW_ITEM ) { QString s; if ( !formWindow->project()->isCpp() ) { QString s1 = ( i->parent() ? i->parent() : i )->text( 0 ); int pt = s1.find( "(" ); if ( pt != -1 ) s1 = s1.left( pt ); s = QString( editor->widget()->name() ) + "_" + s1; } else { s = QString( editor->widget()->name() ) + "_" + ( i->parent() ? i->parent() : i )->text( 0 ); } insertEntry( i->parent() ? i->parent() : i, QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "designer_editslots.png" ), s ); } else if ( res == DEL_ITEM && i->parent() ) { MetaDataBase::Connection conn; conn.sender = editor->widget(); conn.receiver = formWindow->mainContainer(); conn.signal = i->parent()->text( 0 ); conn.slot = i->text( 0 ); delete i; RemoveConnectionCommand *cmd = new RemoveConnectionCommand( tr( "Remove connection" ), formWindow, conn ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); editor->formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->updateFormDefinitionView(); } } void EventList::renamed( QListViewItem *i ) { if ( newItem == i ) newItem = 0; if ( !i->parent() ) return; QListViewItem *itm = i->parent()->firstChild(); bool del = FALSE; while ( itm ) { if ( itm != i && itm->text( 0 ) == i->text( 0 ) ) { del = TRUE; break; } itm = itm->nextSibling(); } i->setRenameEnabled( 0, FALSE ); if ( del ) { delete i; } else { MetaDataBase::Connection conn; conn.sender = editor->widget(); conn.receiver = formWindow->mainContainer(); conn.signal = i->parent()->text( 0 ); conn.slot = i->text( 0 ); AddConnectionCommand *cmd = new AddConnectionCommand( tr( "Add connection" ), formWindow, conn ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); // #### we should look if the specified slot already // exists and if we can connect to this one QString funcname = i->text( 0 ).latin1(); if ( funcname.find( '(' ) == -1 ) { // try to create a signature QString sig = i->parent()->text( 0 ); sig = sig.mid( sig.find( '(' ) + 1 ); sig.remove( (int)sig.length() - 1, 1 ); LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( formWindow->project()->language() ); if ( iface ) sig = iface->createArguments( sig.simplifyWhiteSpace() ); funcname += "(" + sig + ")"; } MetaDataBase::addFunction( formWindow, funcname.latin1(), "virtual", "public", "slot", formWindow->project()->language(), "void" ); editor->formWindow()->mainWindow()-> editFunction( i->text( 0 ).left( i->text( 0 ).find( "(" ) ), TRUE ); cmd->execute(); editor->formWindow()->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->updateFormDefinitionView(); editor->formWindow()->formFile()->setModified( TRUE ); } } void EventList::save( QListViewItem *p ) { QStringList lst; QListViewItem *i = p->firstChild(); while ( i ) { lst << i->text( 0 ); i = i->nextSibling(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \class PropertyEditor propertyeditor.h \brief PropertyEdior toplevel window This is the toplevel window of the property editor which contains a listview for editing properties. */ PropertyEditor::PropertyEditor( QWidget *parent ) : QTabWidget( parent, 0, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_StaysOnTop | WStyle_Tool |WStyle_MinMax | WStyle_SysMenu ) { setCaption( tr( "Property Editor" ) ); wid = 0; formwindow = 0; listview = new PropertyList( this ); addTab( listview, tr( "P&roperties" ) ); eList = new EventList( this, formWindow(), this ); addTab( eList, tr( "Signa&l Handlers" ) ); } QObject *PropertyEditor::widget() const { return wid; } void PropertyEditor::setWidget( QObject *w, FormWindow *fw ) { if ( fw && fw->isFake() ) w = fw->project()->objectForFakeForm( fw ); eList->setFormWindow( fw ); if ( w && w == wid ) { // if there is no properties displayed then we really should show them. // to do this check the number of properties in the list. bool ret = (listview->childCount() > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ( wid->isWidgetType() && WidgetFactory::layoutType( (QWidget*)wid ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) { QListViewItemIterator it( listview ); ret = FALSE; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->text( 0 ) == "layoutSpacing" || it.current()->text( 0 ) == "layoutMargin" ) { ret = TRUE; break; } ++it; } } if ( ret ) return; } if ( !w || !fw ) { setCaption( tr( "Property Editor" ) ); clear(); wid = 0; formwindow = 0; return; } wid = w; formwindow = fw; setCaption( tr( "Property Editor (%1)" ).arg( formwindow->name() ) ); listview->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); listview->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); clear(); listview->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); listview->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); setup(); } void PropertyEditor::clear() { listview->setContentsPos( 0, 0 ); listview->clear(); eList->setContentsPos( 0, 0 ); eList->clear(); } void PropertyEditor::setup() { if ( !formwindow || !wid ) return; listview->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); listview->setupProperties(); listview->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); listview->updateEditorSize(); // the forced processing of events in setupProperties() can set wid to 0, so we have to check if ( wid && !wid->isA( "PropertyObject" ) ) { eList->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); eList->setup(); eList->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } } void PropertyEditor::refetchData() { listview->refetchData(); } void PropertyEditor::emitWidgetChanged() { if ( formwindow && wid ) formwindow->widgetChanged( wid ); } void PropertyEditor::closed( FormWindow *w ) { if ( w == formwindow ) { formwindow = 0; wid = 0; clear(); } } void PropertyEditor::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ) { emit hidden(); e->accept(); } PropertyList *PropertyEditor::propertyList() const { return listview; } FormWindow *PropertyEditor::formWindow() const { return formwindow; } QString PropertyEditor::currentProperty() const { if ( !wid ) return QString::null; if ( ( (PropertyItem*)listview->currentItem() )->propertyParent() ) return ( (PropertyItem*)listview->currentItem() )->propertyParent()->name(); return ( (PropertyItem*)listview->currentItem() )->name(); } QString PropertyEditor::classOfCurrentProperty() const { if ( !wid ) return QString::null; QObject *o = wid; QString curr = currentProperty(); QMetaObject *mo = o->metaObject(); while ( mo ) { QStrList props = mo->propertyNames( FALSE ); if ( props.find( curr.latin1() ) != -1 ) return mo->className(); mo = mo->superClass(); } return QString::null; } QMetaObject* PropertyEditor::metaObjectOfCurrentProperty() const { if ( !wid ) return 0; return wid->metaObject(); } void PropertyEditor::resetFocus() { if ( listview->currentItem() ) ( (PropertyItem*)listview->currentItem() )->showEditor(); } EventList *PropertyEditor::eventList() const { return eList; } void PropertyEditor::setPropertyEditorEnabled( bool b ) { if ( !b ) removePage( listview ); else insertTab( listview, tr( "Property Editor" ), 0 ); updateWindow(); } void PropertyEditor::setSignalHandlersEnabled( bool b ) { if ( !b ) removePage( eList ); else insertTab( eList, tr( "Signal Handlers" ), 0 ); updateWindow(); } void PropertyEditor::updateWindow() { if ( isHidden() && count() ) { parentWidget()->show(); MainWindow::self->setAppropriate( (QDockWindow*)parentWidget(), TRUE ); } else if ( isShown() && !count() ) { parentWidget()->hide(); MainWindow::self->setAppropriate( (QDockWindow*)parentWidget(), FALSE ); } }