// Include Qt Netscape Plugin classes. #include "qnp.h" // Include other Qt classes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Include some C library functions. #include #include #ifndef M_PI // Some math.h don't include this. #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 #endif // // GraphModel is a simple abstract class that describes // a table of numeric and text data. // class GraphModel { public: enum ColType { Numeric, Label }; union Datum { double dbl; QString* str; }; virtual QPtrList& graphData()=0; virtual ColType colType(int col) const=0; virtual int nCols() const=0; }; // // Graph is a widget subclass that displays a GraphModel. // Since the widget is a QNPWidget, it can be used as a plugin window, // returned by Grapher::newWindow() below. // class Graph : public QNPWidget { Q_OBJECT public: // Constructs a Graph to display a GraphModel // Graph(GraphModel&); ~Graph(); // Two styles are available - Pie and Bar graph // enum Style { Pie, Bar }; static const char* styleName[]; void setStyle(Style); void setStyle(const char*); // Timer event processing rotates the pie graph // void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*); // These functions are provided by QNPWidget - we override // them to hide and show the plugin menubar. // void enterInstance(); void leaveInstance(); // Paint the graph... // void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*); // // ... as either a "Loading" message, a Bar graph, a Pie graph, // or an error message. // void paintWait(QPaintEvent*); void paintBar(QPaintEvent*); void paintPie(QPaintEvent*); void paintError(const char*); signals: // Signals emitted when the Help menus are selected. void aboutPlugin(); void aboutData(); private: GraphModel& model; QMenuBar *menubar; Style style; QPopupMenu* stylemenu; int pieRotationTimer; int pieRotation; QPixmap pm; private slots: void setStyleFromMenu(int id); }; Graph::Graph( GraphModel& mdl ) : model(mdl), style(Bar), pieRotationTimer(0), pieRotation(0) { // Create a menubar for the widget // menubar = new QMenuBar( this ); stylemenu = new QPopupMenu; stylemenu->setCheckable(TRUE); for ( Style s = Pie; styleName[s]; s = Style(s+1)) { stylemenu->insertItem(styleName[s], s+100); } connect(stylemenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setStyleFromMenu(int))); setStyle(Pie); menubar->insertItem("Style", stylemenu); menubar->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu; help->insertItem( "About plugin...", this, SIGNAL(aboutPlugin()) ); help->insertItem( "About data...", this, SIGNAL(aboutData()) ); menubar->insertItem("Help", help); menubar->hide(); } Graph::~Graph() { } void Graph::setStyle(Style s) { if (style != s) { if (pieRotationTimer) killTimer(pieRotationTimer); stylemenu->setItemChecked(100+style, FALSE); style = s; if ( style == Pie ) pieRotationTimer = startTimer( 80 ); else pieRotationTimer = 0; stylemenu->setItemChecked(100+style, TRUE); update(); } } void Graph::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) { pieRotation = ( pieRotation + 6 ) % 360; repaint(FALSE); } void Graph::setStyle(const char* stext) { for ( Style s = Pie; styleName[s]; s = Style(s+1) ) { if ( qstricmp(stext,styleName[s])==0 ) { setStyle(s); return; } } } void Graph::enterInstance() { menubar->show(); } void Graph::leaveInstance() { menubar->hide(); } void Graph::paintError(const char* e) { QPainter p(this); int w = width(); p.drawText(w/8, 0, w-w/4, height(), AlignCenter|WordBreak, e); } void Graph::paintBar(QPaintEvent* event) { if ( model.colType(0) != GraphModel::Numeric ) { paintError("First column not numeric, cannot draw bar graph\n"); return; } QPtrList& data = model.graphData(); double max = 0.0; for (GraphModel::Datum* rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { if (rowdata[0].dbl > max) max = rowdata[0].dbl; } const uint w = width(); const uint h = height(); QPainter p(this); p.setClipRect(event->rect()); if ( w > data.count() ) { // More pixels than data int x = 0; int i = 0; QFontMetrics fm=fontMetrics(); int fh = fm.height(); for (GraphModel::Datum* rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { QColor c; c.setHsv( (i * 255)/data.count(), 255, 255 );// rainbow effect p.setBrush(c); int bw = (w-w/4-x)/(data.count()-i); int bh = int((h-h/4-1)*rowdata[0].dbl/max); p.drawRect( w/8+x, h-h/8-1-bh, bw, bh ); i++; x+=bw; } } else { // More data than pixels int x = 0; int i = 0; double av = 0.0; int n = 0; for (GraphModel::Datum* rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { int bx = i*w/data.count(); if (bx > x) { QColor c; c.setHsv( (x * 255)/w, 255, 255 );// rainbow effect p.setPen(c); int bh = int(h*av/n/max); p.drawLine(x,h-1,x,h-bh); av = 0.0; n = 0; x = bx; } av += rowdata[0].dbl; n++; i++; } } } void Graph::paintPie(QPaintEvent* event) { if ( model.colType(0) != GraphModel::Numeric ) { paintError("First column not numeric, cannot draw pie graph\n"); return; } QPtrList& data = model.graphData(); double total = 0.0; GraphModel::Datum* rowdata; for (rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { total += rowdata[0].dbl; } // Only use first column for pie chart if ( !total ) return; int apos = (pieRotation-90)*16; const int w = width(); const int h = height(); const int xd = w - w/5; const int yd = h - h/5; pm.resize(width(),height()); pm.fill(backgroundColor()); QPainter p(&pm); p.setFont(font()); p.setClipRect(event->rect()); int i = 0; for (rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { QColor c; c.setHsv( ( i * 255)/data.count(), 255, 255 );// rainbow effect p.setBrush( c ); // solid fill with color c int a = int(( rowdata[0].dbl * 360.0 ) / total * 16.0 + 0.5); p.drawPie( w/10, h/10, xd, yd, -apos, -a ); apos += a; i++; } if (model.colType(1) == GraphModel::Label) { double apos = (pieRotation-90)*M_PI/180; for (rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { double a = rowdata[0].dbl * 360 / total * M_PI / 180; int x = int(cos(apos+a/2)*w*5/16 + w/2 + 0.5); int y = int(sin(apos+a/2)*h*5/16 + h/2 + 0.5); // ### This causes a crash, so comment out for now /*p.drawText(x-w/8, y-h/8, w/4, h/4, WordBreak|AlignCenter, *rowdata[1].str);*/ apos += a; } } QPainter p2(this); p2.setClipRect(event->rect()); p2.drawPixmap(0,0,pm); } void Graph::paintWait(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter p(this); p.drawText(rect(), AlignCenter, "Loading..."); } void Graph::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { if (!model.nCols()) { paintWait(event); } else { switch (style) { case Pie: paintPie(event); break; case Bar: paintBar(event); break; } } } void Graph::setStyleFromMenu(int id) { setStyle(Style(id-100)); } const char* Graph::styleName[] = { "Pie", "Bar", 0 }; // // Grapher is a subclass of QNPInstance, and so it can be returned // by GrapherPlugin::newInstance(). A QNPInstance represents the // plugin, distinctly from the plugin window. // // Grapher is also a GraphModel, because it loads graph data from // the net. When Grapher creates a window in newWindow(), it creates // a Graph widget to display the GraphModel that is the Grapher itself. // class Grapher : public QNPInstance, GraphModel { Q_OBJECT public: // Create a Grapher - all Grapher plugins are created // by one GrapherPlugin object. // Grapher(); ~Grapher(); // We override this QNPInstance function to create our // own subclass of QNPWidget, a Graph widget. // QNPWidget* newWindow(); // We override this QNPInstance function to process the // incoming graph data. // int write(QNPStream* /*str*/, int /*offset*/, int len, void* buffer); private: // Grapher is a GraphModel, so it implements the pure virtual // functions of that class. // QPtrList& graphData(); ColType colType(int col) const; int nCols() const; void consumeLine(); QPtrList data; QBuffer line; int ncols; ColType *coltype; private slots: // Slots that are connected to the Graph menu items. // void aboutPlugin(); void aboutData(); }; Grapher::Grapher() { data.setAutoDelete(TRUE); ncols = 0; line.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate); } Grapher::~Grapher() { } QPtrList& Grapher::graphData() { return data; } GraphModel::ColType Grapher::colType(int col) const { return coltype[col]; } int Grapher::nCols() const { return ncols; } QNPWidget* Grapher::newWindow() { // Create a Graph - our subclass of QNPWidget. Graph *graph = new Graph(*this); // Look at the arguments from the EMBED tag. // GRAPHSTYLE chooses pie or bar // FONTFAMILY and FONTSIZE choose the font // const char* style = arg("GRAPHSTYLE"); if ( style ) graph->setStyle(style); const char* fontfamily = arg("FONTFAMILY"); const char* fontsize = arg("FONTSIZE"); int ptsize = fontsize ? atoi(fontsize) : graph->font().pointSize(); if (fontfamily) graph->setFont(QFont(fontfamily, ptsize)); connect(graph, SIGNAL(aboutPlugin()), this, SLOT(aboutPlugin())); connect(graph, SIGNAL(aboutData()), this, SLOT(aboutData())); return graph; } void Grapher::consumeLine() { line.close(); line.open(IO_ReadOnly); QTextStream ts( &line ); if (ncols == 0 ) { ncols=0; QPtrList typelist; typelist.setAutoDelete(TRUE); do { QString typestr; ts >> typestr >> ws; ColType* t = 0; if ( typestr == "num" ) { t = new ColType(Numeric); } else if ( typestr == "label" ) { t = new ColType(Label); } if (t) typelist.append(t); } while (!ts.atEnd()); coltype = new ColType[ncols]; for (ColType* t = typelist.first(); t; t = typelist.next()) { coltype[ncols++] = *t; } } else { int col=0; Datum *rowdata = new Datum[ncols]; while ( col < ncols && !ts.atEnd() ) { switch (coltype[col]) { case Numeric: { double value; ts >> value >> ws; rowdata[col].dbl = value; break; } case Label: { QString* value = new QString; ts >> *value >> ws; rowdata[col].str = value; break; } } col++; } data.append(rowdata); } line.close(); line.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate); } int Grapher::write(QNPStream* /*str*/, int /*offset*/, int len, void* buffer) { // The browser calls this function when data is available on one // of the streams the plugin has requested. Since we are only // processing one stream - the URL in the SRC argument of the EMBED // tag, we assume the QNPStream is that one. Also, since we do not // override QNPInstance::writeReady(), we must accepts ALL the data // that is sent to this function. // char* txt = (char*)buffer; for (int i=0; iupdate(); return len; } void Grapher::aboutPlugin() { getURL( "http://doc.trolltech.com/netscape-plugin.html", "_blank" ); } void Grapher::aboutData() { const char* page = arg("DATAPAGE"); if (page) getURL( page, "_blank" ); else QMessageBox::message("Help", "No help for this data"); } // // GrapherPlugin is the start of everything. It is a QNPlugin subclass, // and it is responsible for describing the plugin to the browser, and // creating instances of the plugin when it appears in web page. // class GrapherPlugin : public QNPlugin { public: GrapherPlugin() { } QNPInstance* newInstance() { // Make a new Grapher, our subclass of QNPInstance. return new Grapher; } const char* getMIMEDescription() const { // Describe the MIME types which this plugin can // process. Just the concocted "application/x-graphable" // type, with the "g1n" filename extension. // return "application/x-graphable:g1n:Graphable ASCII numeric data"; } const char * getPluginNameString() const { // The name of the plugin. This is the title string used in // the "About Plugins" page of the browser. // return "Qt-based Graph Plugin"; } const char * getPluginDescriptionString() const { // A longer description of the plugin. // return "A Qt-based LiveConnected plug-in that graphs numeric data"; } }; // // Finally, we provide the implementation of QNPlugin::create(), to // provide our subclass of QNPlugin. // QNPlugin* QNPlugin::create() { return new GrapherPlugin; } #include "grapher.moc"