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** Implementation of QBitArray class
** Created : 940118
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
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#include "qbitarray.h"
#include "qdatastream.h"
#define SHBLOCK ((bitarr_data*)(sharedBlock()))
\class QBitVal qbitarray.h
\brief The QBitVal class is an internal class, used with QBitArray.
\ingroup collection
The QBitVal is required by the indexing [] operator on bit arrays.
It is not for use in any other context.
\fn QBitVal::QBitVal (QBitArray* a, uint i)
Constructs a reference to element \a i in the QBitArray \a a.
This is what QBitArray::operator[] constructs its return value
\fn QBitVal::operator int()
Returns the value referenced by the QBitVal.
\fn QBitVal& QBitVal::operator= (const QBitVal& v)
Sets the value referenced by the QBitVal to that referenced by
QBitVal \a v.
\overload QBitVal& QBitVal::operator= (bool v)
Sets the value referenced by the QBitVal to \a v.
\class QBitArray qbitarray.h
\brief The QBitArray class provides an array of bits.
\ingroup collection
\ingroup tools
\ingroup shared
Because QBitArray is a QMemArray, it uses explicit \link
shclass.html sharing\endlink with a reference count.
A QBitArray is a special byte array that can access individual
bits and perform bit-operations (AND, OR, XOR and NOT) on entire
arrays or bits.
Bits can be manipulated by the setBit() and clearBit() functions,
but it is also possible to use the indexing [] operator to test
and set individual bits. The [] operator is a little slower than
setBit() and clearBit() because some tricks are required to
implement single-bit assignments.
QBitArray a(3);
a.setBit( 0 );
a.clearBit( 1 );
a.setBit( 2 ); // a = [1 0 1]
QBitArray b(3);
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = 1;
b[2] = 0; // b = [1 1 0]
QBitArray c;
c = ~a & b; // c = [0 1 0]
When a QBitArray is constructed the bits are uninitialized. Use
fill() to set all the bits to 0 or 1. The array can be resized
with resize() and copied with copy(). Bits can be set with
setBit() and cleared with clearBit(). Bits can be toggled with
toggleBit(). A bit's value can be obtained with testBit() and with
QBitArray supports the \& (AND), | (OR), ^ (XOR) and ~ (NOT)
/*! \class QBitArray::bitarr_data
\brief The QBitArray::bitarr_data class is internal.
Constructs an empty bit array.
QBitArray::QBitArray() : QByteArray( 0, 0 )
bitarr_data *x = new bitarr_data;
x->nbits = 0;
setSharedBlock( x );
Constructs a bit array of \a size bits. The bits are uninitialized.
\sa fill()
QBitArray::QBitArray( uint size ) : QByteArray( 0, 0 )
bitarr_data *x = new bitarr_data;
x->nbits = 0;
setSharedBlock( x );
resize( size );
\fn QBitArray::QBitArray( const QBitArray &a )
Constructs a shallow copy of \a a.
\fn QBitArray &QBitArray::operator=( const QBitArray &a )
Assigns a shallow copy of \a a to this bit array and returns a
reference to this array.
Pad last byte with 0-bits.
void QBitArray::pad0()
uint sz = size();
if ( sz && sz%8 )
*(data()+sz/8) &= (1 << (sz%8)) - 1;
\fn uint QBitArray::size() const
Returns the bit array's size (number of bits).
\sa resize()
Resizes the bit array to \a size bits and returns TRUE if the bit
array could be resized; otherwise returns FALSE. The array becomes
a null array if \a size == 0.
If the array is expanded, the new bits are set to 0.
\sa size()
bool QBitArray::resize( uint size )
uint s = this->size();
if ( !QByteArray::resize( (size+7)/8 ) )
return FALSE; // cannot resize
SHBLOCK->nbits = size;
if ( size != 0 ) { // not null array
int ds = (int)(size+7)/8 - (int)(s+7)/8;// number of bytes difference
if ( ds > 0 ) // expanding array
memset( data() + (s+7)/8, 0, ds ); // reset new data
return TRUE;
Fills the bit array with \a v (1's if \a v is TRUE, or 0's if \a v
is FALSE).
fill() resizes the bit array to \a size bits if \a size is
Returns FALSE if a nonnegative \e size was specified and the bit
array could not be resized; otherwise returns TRUE.
\sa resize()
bool QBitArray::fill( bool v, int size )
if ( size >= 0 ) { // resize first
if ( !resize( size ) )
return FALSE; // cannot resize
} else {
size = this->size();
if ( size > 0 )
memset( data(), v ? 0xff : 0, (size + 7) / 8 );
if ( v )
return TRUE;
Detaches from shared bit array data and makes sure that this bit
array is the only one referring to the data.
If multiple bit arrays share common data, this bit array
dereferences the data and gets a copy of the data. Nothing happens
if there is only a single reference.
\sa copy()
void QBitArray::detach()
int nbits = SHBLOCK->nbits;
this->duplicate( *this );
SHBLOCK->nbits = nbits;
Returns a deep copy of the bit array.
\sa detach()
QBitArray QBitArray::copy() const
QBitArray tmp;
tmp.duplicate( *this );
((bitarr_data*)(tmp.sharedBlock()))->nbits = SHBLOCK->nbits;
return tmp;
Returns TRUE if the bit at position \a index is set, i.e. is 1;
otherwise returns FALSE.
\sa setBit(), clearBit()
bool QBitArray::testBit( uint index ) const
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
if ( index >= size() ) {
tqWarning( "QBitArray::testBit: Index %d out of range", index );
return FALSE;
return (*(data()+(index>>3)) & (1 << (index & 7))) != 0;
Sets the bit at position \a index to 1.
\sa clearBit() toggleBit()
void QBitArray::setBit( uint index )
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
if ( index >= size() ) {
tqWarning( "QBitArray::setBit: Index %d out of range", index );
*(data()+(index>>3)) |= (1 << (index & 7));
\fn void QBitArray::setBit( uint index, bool value )
Sets the bit at position \a index to \a value.
Equivalent to:
if ( value )
setBit( index );
clearBit( index );
\sa clearBit() toggleBit()
Clears the bit at position \a index, i.e. sets it to 0.
\sa setBit(), toggleBit()
void QBitArray::clearBit( uint index )
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
if ( index >= size() ) {
tqWarning( "QBitArray::clearBit: Index %d out of range", index );
*(data()+(index>>3)) &= ~(1 << (index & 7));
Toggles the bit at position \a index.
If the previous value was 0, the new value will be 1. If the
previous value was 1, the new value will be 0.
\sa setBit(), clearBit()
bool QBitArray::toggleBit( uint index )
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
if ( index >= size() ) {
tqWarning( "QBitArray::toggleBit: Index %d out of range", index );
return FALSE;
register uchar *p = (uchar *)data() + (index>>3);
uchar b = (1 << (index & 7)); // bit position
uchar c = *p & b; // read bit
*p ^= b; // toggle bit
return c;
\fn bool QBitArray::at( uint index ) const
Returns the value (0 or 1) of the bit at position \a index.
\sa operator[]()
\fn QBitVal QBitArray::operator[]( int index )
Implements the [] operator for bit arrays.
The returned QBitVal is a context object. It makes it possible to
get and set a single bit value by its \a index position.
QBitArray a( 3 );
a[0] = 0;
a[1] = 1;
a[2] = a[0] ^ a[1];
The functions testBit(), setBit() and clearBit() are faster.
\sa at()
\overload bool QBitArray::operator[]( int index ) const
Implements the [] operator for constant bit arrays.
Performs the AND operation between all bits in this bit array and
\a a. Returns a reference to this bit array.
The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
other), taken to be 0.
QBitArray a( 3 ), b( 2 );
a[0] = 1; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 1; // a = [1 0 1]
b[0] = 1; b[1] = 0; // b = [1 0]
a &= b; // a = [1 0 0]
\sa operator|=(), operator^=(), operator~()
QBitArray &QBitArray::operator&=( const QBitArray &a )
resize( QMAX(size(), a.size()) );
register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
int n = QMIN( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() );
int p = QMAX( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() ) - n;
while ( n-- > 0 )
*a1++ &= *a2++;
while ( p-- > 0 )
*a1++ = 0;
return *this;
Performs the OR operation between all bits in this bit array and
\a a. Returns a reference to this bit array.
The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
other), taken to be 0.
QBitArray a( 3 ), b( 2 );
a[0] = 1; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 1; // a = [1 0 1]
b[0] = 1; b[1] = 0; // b = [1 0]
a |= b; // a = [1 0 1]
\sa operator&=(), operator^=(), operator~()
QBitArray &QBitArray::operator|=( const QBitArray &a )
resize( QMAX(size(), a.size()) );
register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
int n = QMIN( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() );
while ( n-- > 0 )
*a1++ |= *a2++;
return *this;
Performs the XOR operation between all bits in this bit array and
\a a. Returns a reference to this bit array.
The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
other), taken to be 0.
QBitArray a( 3 ), b( 2 );
a[0] = 1; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 1; // a = [1 0 1]
b[0] = 1; b[1] = 0; // b = [1 0]
a ^= b; // a = [0 0 1]
\sa operator&=(), operator|=(), operator~()
QBitArray &QBitArray::operator^=( const QBitArray &a )
resize( QMAX(size(), a.size()) );
register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
int n = QMIN( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() );
while ( n-- > 0 )
*a1++ ^= *a2++;
return *this;
Returns a bit array that contains the inverted bits of this bit array.
QBitArray a( 3 ), b;
a[0] = 1; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 1; // a = [1 0 1]
b = ~a; // b = [0 1 0]
QBitArray QBitArray::operator~() const
QBitArray a( size() );
register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
int n = QByteArray::size();
while ( n-- )
*a2++ = ~*a1++;
return a;
\relates QBitArray
Returns the AND result between the bit arrays \a a1 and \a a2.
The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
other), taken to be 0.
\sa QBitArray::operator&=()
QBitArray operator&( const QBitArray &a1, const QBitArray &a2 )
QBitArray tmp = a1.copy();
tmp &= a2;
return tmp;
\relates QBitArray
Returns the OR result between the bit arrays \a a1 and \a a2.
The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
other), taken to be 0.
\sa QBitArray::operator|=()
QBitArray operator|( const QBitArray &a1, const QBitArray &a2 )
QBitArray tmp = a1.copy();
tmp |= a2;
return tmp;
\relates QBitArray
Returns the XOR result between the bit arrays \a a1 and \a a2.
The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
other), taken to be 0.
\sa QBitArray::operator^()
QBitArray operator^( const QBitArray &a1, const QBitArray &a2 )
QBitArray tmp = a1.copy();
tmp ^= a2;
return tmp;
/* \enum QGArray::array_data
\warning This will be renamed in the next major release of Qt. Until
then it is undocumented and we recommend against its use.
### 3.0 rename ###
### 3.0 move it to QGArray? ###
\fn QBitArray::array_data * QBitArray::newData()
Returns data specific to QBitArray that extends what QGArray provides.
QPtrCollection mechanism for allowing extra/different data.
\fn void QBitArray::deleteData ( array_data * d )
Deletes data specific to QBitArray that extended what QGArray provided.
QPtrCollection mechanism for allowing extra/different data.
QBitArray stream functions
\relates QBitArray
Writes bit array \a a to stream \a s.
\sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QBitArray &a )
Q_UINT32 len = a.size();
s << len; // write size of array
if ( len > 0 ) // write data
s.writeRawBytes(, a.QByteArray::size() );
return s;
\relates QBitArray
Reads a bit array into \a a from stream \a s.
\sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QBitArray &a )
Q_UINT32 len;
s >> len; // read size of array
if ( !a.resize( (uint)len ) ) { // resize array
#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
tqWarning( "QDataStream: Not enough memory to read QBitArray" );
len = 0;
if ( len > 0 ) // read data
s.readRawBytes(, a.QByteArray::size() );
return s;