You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1181 lines
36 KiB

** Text engine classes
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "qtextengine_p.h"
#include "qscriptengine_p.h"
#include <qfont.h>
#include "qfontdata_p.h"
#include "qfontengine_p.h"
#include <qstring.h>
#include <private/qunicodetables_p.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The BiDi algorithm
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define BIDI_DEBUG 0//2
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 1)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
static const char *directions[] = {
"DirL", "DirR", "DirEN", "DirES", "DirET", "DirAN", "DirCS", "DirB", "DirS", "DirWS", "DirON",
"DirLRE", "DirLRO", "DirAL", "DirRLE", "DirRLO", "DirPDF", "DirNSM", "DirBN"
struct BidiStatus {
BidiStatus() {
eor = QChar::DirON;
lastStrong = QChar::DirON;
last = QChar:: DirON;
dir = QChar::DirON;
QChar::Direction eor;
QChar::Direction lastStrong;
QChar::Direction last;
QChar::Direction dir;
struct BidiControl {
struct Context {
unsigned char level : 6;
unsigned char override : 1;
unsigned char unused : 1;
inline BidiControl( bool rtl )
: cCtx( 0 ), singleLine( FALSE ) {
ctx[0].level = (rtl ? 1 : 0);
ctx[0].override = FALSE;
inline void embed( int level, bool override = FALSE ) {
if ( ctx[cCtx].level < 61 && cCtx < 61 ) {
(void) ++cCtx;
ctx[cCtx].level = level;
ctx[cCtx].override = override;
inline void pdf() {
if ( cCtx ) (void) --cCtx;
inline uchar level() const {
return ctx[cCtx].level;
inline bool override() const {
return ctx[cCtx].override;
inline QChar::Direction basicDirection() {
return (ctx[0].level ? QChar::DirR : QChar:: DirL );
inline uchar baseLevel() {
return ctx[0].level;
inline QChar::Direction direction() {
return ((ctx[cCtx].level%2) ? QChar::DirR : QChar:: DirL );
Context ctx[63];
unsigned int cCtx : 8;
bool singleLine : 8;
static QChar::Direction basicDirection( const QString &str )
int len = str.length();
int pos = 0;
const QChar *uc = str.unicode() + pos;
while( pos < len ) {
switch( direction( *uc ) )
case QChar::DirL:
case QChar::DirLRO:
case QChar::DirLRE:
return QChar::DirL;
case QChar::DirR:
case QChar::DirAL:
case QChar::DirRLO:
case QChar::DirRLE:
return QChar::DirR;
return QChar::DirL;
static void qAppendItems(QTextEngine *engine, int &start, int &stop, BidiControl &control, QChar::Direction dir )
QScriptItemArray &items = engine->items;
const QChar *text = engine->string.unicode();
if ( start > stop ) {
// #### the algorithm is currently not really safe against this. Still needs fixing.
// tqWarning( "Bidi: appendItems() internal error" );
int level = control.level();
if(dir != QChar::DirON && !control.override()) {
// add level of run (cases I1 & I2)
if( level % 2 ) {
if(dir == QChar::DirL || dir == QChar::DirAN || dir == QChar::DirEN )
} else {
if( dir == QChar::DirR )
else if( dir == QChar::DirAN || dir == QChar::DirEN )
level += 2;
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 1)
tqDebug("new run: dir=%s from %d, to %d level = %d\n", directions[dir], start, stop, level);
QFont::Script script = QFont::NoScript;
QScriptItem item;
item.position = start;
item.analysis.script = script;
item.analysis.bidiLevel = level;
item.analysis.override = control.override();
item.analysis.reserved = 0;
if ( control.singleLine ) {
for ( int i = start; i <= stop; i++ ) {
unsigned short uc = text[i].unicode();
QFont::Script s = (QFont::Script)scriptForChar( uc );
if (s == QFont::UnknownScript || s == QFont::CombiningMarks)
s = script;
if (s != script) {
item.analysis.script = s;
item.analysis.bidiLevel = level;
item.position = i;
items.append( item );
script = s;
} else {
for ( int i = start; i <= stop; i++ ) {
unsigned short uc = text[i].unicode();
QFont::Script s = (QFont::Script)scriptForChar( uc );
if (s == QFont::UnknownScript || s == QFont::CombiningMarks)
s = script;
QChar::Category category = ::category( uc );
if ( uc == 0xfffcU || uc == 0x2028U ) {
item.analysis.bidiLevel = level % 2 ? level-1 : level;
item.analysis.script = QFont::Latin;
item.isObject = TRUE;
s = QFont::NoScript;
} else if ((uc >= 9 && uc <=13) ||
(category >= QChar::Separator_Space && category <= QChar::Separator_Paragraph)) {
item.analysis.script = QFont::Latin;
item.isSpace = TRUE;
item.isTab = ( uc == '\t' );
item.analysis.bidiLevel = item.isTab ? control.baseLevel() : level;
s = QFont::NoScript;
} else if ( s != script && (category != QChar::Mark_NonSpacing || script == QFont::NoScript)) {
item.analysis.script = s;
item.analysis.bidiLevel = level;
} else {
if (i - start < 32000)
start = i;
item.position = i;
items.append( item );
script = s;
item.isSpace = item.isTab = item.isObject = FALSE;
start = stop;
typedef void (* fAppendItems)(QTextEngine *, int &start, int &stop, BidiControl &control, QChar::Direction dir);
static fAppendItems appendItems = qAppendItems;
// creates the next QScript items.
static void bidiItemize( QTextEngine *engine, bool rightToLeft, int mode )
BidiControl control( rightToLeft );
if ( mode & QTextEngine::SingleLine )
control.singleLine = TRUE;
int sor = 0;
int eor = -1;
// ### should get rid of this!
bool first = TRUE;
int length = engine->string.length();
if ( !length )
const QChar *unicode = engine->string.unicode();
int current = 0;
QChar::Direction dir = rightToLeft ? QChar::DirR : QChar::DirL;
BidiStatus status;
QChar::Direction sdir = direction( *unicode );
if ( sdir != QChar::DirL && sdir != QChar::DirR && sdir != QChar::DirAL && sdir != QChar::DirEN && sdir != QChar::DirAN )
sdir = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirON;
status.eor = sdir;
status.lastStrong = rightToLeft ? QChar::DirR : QChar::DirL;
status.last = status.lastStrong;
status.dir = sdir;
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 2)
tqDebug("---- bidiReorder --- '%s'", engine->string.utf8().data());
tqDebug("rightToLeft = %d", rightToLeft);
while ( current <= length ) {
QChar::Direction dirCurrent;
if ( current == (int)length )
dirCurrent = control.basicDirection();
dirCurrent = direction( unicode[current] );
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 2)
cout << "pos=" << current << " dir=" << directions[dir]
<< " current=" << directions[dirCurrent] << " last=" << directions[status.last]
<< " eor=" << eor << "/" << directions[status.eor]
<< " sor=" << sor << " lastStrong="
<< directions[status.lastStrong]
<< " level=" << (int)control.level() << endl;
switch(dirCurrent) {
// embedding and overrides (X1-X9 in the BiDi specs)
case QChar::DirRLE:
case QChar::DirRLO:
case QChar::DirLRE:
case QChar::DirLRO:
bool rtl = (dirCurrent == QChar::DirRLE || dirCurrent == QChar::DirRLO );
bool override = (dirCurrent == QChar::DirLRO || dirCurrent == QChar::DirRLO );
uchar level = control.level();
if( (level%2 != 0) == rtl )
level += 2;
if(level < 61) {
eor = current-1;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
eor = current;
control.embed( level, override );
QChar::Direction edir = (rtl ? QChar::DirR : QChar::DirL );
dir = status.eor = edir;
status.lastStrong = edir;
case QChar::DirPDF:
if (dir != control.direction()) {
eor = current-1;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = control.direction();
eor = current;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON;
status.last = control.direction();
if ( control.override() )
dir = control.direction();
dir = QChar::DirON;
status.lastStrong = control.direction();
// strong types
case QChar::DirL:
if(dir == QChar::DirON)
dir = QChar::DirL;
case QChar::DirL:
eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; break;
case QChar::DirR:
case QChar::DirAL:
case QChar::DirEN:
case QChar::DirAN:
if ( !first ) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = eor < length ? direction( unicode[eor] ) : control.basicDirection();
status.eor = dir;
} else {
eor = current; status.eor = dir;
case QChar::DirES:
case QChar::DirET:
case QChar::DirCS:
case QChar::DirBN:
case QChar::DirB:
case QChar::DirS:
case QChar::DirWS:
case QChar::DirON:
if(dir != QChar::DirL) {
//last stuff takes embedding dir
if( control.direction() == QChar::DirR ) {
if(status.eor != QChar::DirR) {
// AN or EN
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirR;
eor = current - 1;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = eor < length ? direction( unicode[eor] ) : control.basicDirection();
status.eor = dir;
} else {
if(status.eor != QChar::DirL) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirL;
} else {
eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; break;
} else {
eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL;
status.lastStrong = QChar::DirL;
case QChar::DirAL:
case QChar::DirR:
if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirR;
case QChar::DirL:
case QChar::DirEN:
case QChar::DirAN:
if ( !first ) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON;
case QChar::DirR:
case QChar::DirAL:
eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; break;
case QChar::DirES:
case QChar::DirET:
case QChar::DirCS:
case QChar::DirBN:
case QChar::DirB:
case QChar::DirS:
case QChar::DirWS:
case QChar::DirON:
if( status.eor != QChar::DirR && status.eor != QChar::DirAL ) {
//last stuff takes embedding dir
if(control.direction() == QChar::DirR
|| status.lastStrong == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirR;
eor = current;
} else {
eor = current - 1;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirR;
} else {
eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR;
status.lastStrong = dirCurrent;
// weak types:
case QChar::DirNSM:
if (eor == current-1)
eor = current;
case QChar::DirEN:
// if last strong was AL change EN to AN
if(status.lastStrong != QChar::DirAL) {
if(dir == QChar::DirON) {
if(status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)
dir = QChar::DirL;
dir = QChar::DirEN;
case QChar::DirET:
if ( status.lastStrong == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL ) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirAN;
// fall through
case QChar::DirEN:
case QChar::DirL:
eor = current;
status.eor = dirCurrent;
case QChar::DirR:
case QChar::DirAL:
case QChar::DirAN:
if ( !first )
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirEN;
dir = QChar::DirAN; break;
case QChar::DirES:
case QChar::DirCS:
if(status.eor == QChar::DirEN || dir == QChar::DirAN) {
eor = current; break;
case QChar::DirBN:
case QChar::DirB:
case QChar::DirS:
case QChar::DirWS:
case QChar::DirON:
if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) {
// neutrals go to R
eor = current - 1;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirEN;
dir = QChar::DirAN;
else if( status.eor == QChar::DirL ||
(status.eor == QChar::DirEN && status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)) {
eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent;
} else {
// numbers on both sides, neutrals get right to left direction
if(dir != QChar::DirL) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON;
eor = current - 1;
dir = QChar::DirR;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON;
dir = QChar::DirAN;
} else {
eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent;
case QChar::DirAN:
dirCurrent = QChar::DirAN;
if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirAN;
case QChar::DirL:
case QChar::DirAN:
eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; break;
case QChar::DirR:
case QChar::DirAL:
case QChar::DirEN:
if ( !first )
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirAN;
case QChar::DirCS:
if(status.eor == QChar::DirAN) {
eor = current; break;
case QChar::DirES:
case QChar::DirET:
case QChar::DirBN:
case QChar::DirB:
case QChar::DirS:
case QChar::DirWS:
case QChar::DirON:
if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) {
// neutrals go to R
eor = current - 1;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirAN;
dir = QChar::DirAN;
} else if( status.eor == QChar::DirL ||
(status.eor == QChar::DirEN && status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)) {
eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent;
} else {
// numbers on both sides, neutrals get right to left direction
if(dir != QChar::DirL) {
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirON;
eor = current - 1;
dir = QChar::DirR;
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
status.eor = QChar::DirAN;
dir = QChar::DirAN;
} else {
eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent;
case QChar::DirES:
case QChar::DirCS:
case QChar::DirET:
if(status.last == QChar::DirEN) {
dirCurrent = QChar::DirEN;
eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent;
// boundary neutrals should be ignored
case QChar::DirBN:
// neutrals
case QChar::DirB:
// ### what do we do with newline and paragraph separators that come to here?
case QChar::DirS:
// ### implement rule L1
case QChar::DirWS:
case QChar::DirON:
//cout << " after: dir=" << // dir << " current=" << dirCurrent << " last=" << status.last << " eor=" << status.eor << " lastStrong=" << status.lastStrong << " embedding=" << control.direction() << endl;
if(current >= (int)length) break;
// set status.last as needed.
switch(dirCurrent) {
case QChar::DirET:
case QChar::DirES:
case QChar::DirCS:
case QChar::DirS:
case QChar::DirWS:
case QChar::DirON:
case QChar::DirL:
case QChar::DirR:
case QChar::DirAL:
case QChar::DirEN:
case QChar::DirAN:
status.last = dirCurrent;
status.last = QChar::DirON;
case QChar::DirNSM:
case QChar::DirBN:
// ignore these
case QChar::DirLRO:
case QChar::DirLRE:
status.last = QChar::DirL;
case QChar::DirRLO:
case QChar::DirRLE:
status.last = QChar::DirR;
case QChar::DirEN:
if ( status.last == QChar::DirL ) {
status.last = QChar::DirL;
// fall through
status.last = dirCurrent;
first = FALSE;
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 1)
cout << "reached end of line current=" << current << ", eor=" << eor << endl;
eor = current - 1; // remove dummy char
if ( sor <= eor )
appendItems(engine, sor, eor, control, dir);
void QTextEngine::bidiReorder( int numItems, const Q_UINT8 *levels, int *visualOrder )
// first find highest and lowest levels
uchar levelLow = 128;
uchar levelHigh = 0;
int i = 0;
while ( i < numItems ) {
//printf("level = %d\n", r->level);
if ( levels[i] > levelHigh )
levelHigh = levels[i];
if ( levels[i] < levelLow )
levelLow = levels[i];
// implements reordering of the line (L2 according to BiDi spec):
// L2. From the highest level found in the text to the lowest odd level on each line,
// reverse any contiguous sequence of characters that are at that level or higher.
// reversing is only done up to the lowest odd level
if(!(levelLow%2)) levelLow++;
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 1)
cout << "reorderLine: lineLow = " << (uint)levelLow << ", lineHigh = " << (uint)levelHigh << endl;
int count = numItems - 1;
for ( i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
visualOrder[i] = i;
while(levelHigh >= levelLow) {
int i = 0;
while ( i < count ) {
while(i < count && levels[i] < levelHigh) i++;
int start = i;
while(i <= count && levels[i] >= levelHigh) i++;
int end = i-1;
if(start != end) {
//cout << "reversing from " << start << " to " << end << endl;
for(int j = 0; j < (end-start+1)/2; j++) {
int tmp = visualOrder[start+j];
visualOrder[start+j] = visualOrder[end-j];
visualOrder[end-j] = tmp;
#if (BIDI_DEBUG >= 1)
cout << "visual order is:" << endl;
for ( i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
cout << visualOrder[i] << endl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The line break algorithm. See
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* The Unicode algorithm does in our opinion allow line breaks at some
places they shouldn't be allowed. The following changes were thus
made in comparison to the Unicode reference:
CL->AL from Dbk to Ibk
CL->PR from Dbk to Ibk
EX->AL from Dbk to Ibk
IS->AL from Dbk to Ibk
PO->AL from Dbk to Ibk
SY->AL from Dbk to Ibk
SY->PO from Dbk to Ibk
SY->PR from Dbk to Ibk
SY->OP from Dbk to Ibk
Al->OP from Dbk to Ibk
AL->HY from Dbk to Ibk
AL->PR from Dbk to Ibk
AL->PO from Dbk to Ibk
PR->PR from Dbk to Ibk
PO->PO from Dbk to Ibk
PR->PO from Dbk to Ibk
PO->PR from Dbk to Ibk
HY->PO from Dbk to Ibk
HY->PR from Dbk to Ibk
HY->OP from Dbk to Ibk
PO->OP from Dbk to Ibk
NU->EX from Dbk to Ibk
NU->PR from Dbk to Ibk
PO->NU from Dbk to Ibk
EX->PO from Dbk to Ibk
enum break_action {
Dbk, // Direct break
Ibk, // Indirect break; only allowed if space between the two chars
Pbk // Prohibited break; no break allowed even if space between chars
// The following line break classes are not treated by the table:
// SA, BK, CR, LF, SG, CB, SP
static const Q_UINT8 breakTable[QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM+1][QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM+1] =
// OP, CL, QU, GL, NS, EX, SY, IS, PR, PO, NU, AL, ID, IN, HY, BA, BB, B2, ZW, CM
{ Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk }, // OP
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk }, // CL
{ Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk }, // QU
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk }, // GL
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // NS
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // EX
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // SY
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // IS
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Pbk }, // PR
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // PO
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Pbk }, // NU
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Pbk }, // AL
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // ID
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // IN
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // HY
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // BA
{ Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk }, // BB
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Pbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // B2
{ Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Ibk }, // ZW
{ Dbk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Ibk, Pbk, Pbk, Pbk, Dbk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Dbk, Ibk, Ibk, Ibk, Dbk, Dbk, Pbk, Pbk } // CM
// set the soft break flag at every possible line breaking point. This needs correct clustering information.
static void calcLineBreaks(const QString &str, QCharAttributes *charAttributes)
int len = str.length();
if (!len)
const QChar *uc = str.unicode();
int cls = lineBreakClass(*uc);
if (cls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM)
cls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_ID;
charAttributes[0].softBreak = FALSE;
charAttributes[0].whiteSpace = (cls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP);
charAttributes[0].charStop = TRUE;
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
int ncls = ::lineBreakClass(uc[i]);
int category = ::category(uc[i]);
if (category == QChar::Mark_NonSpacing)
goto nsm;
if (category == QChar::Other_Surrogate) {
// char stop only on first pair
if (uc[i].unicode() >= 0xd800 && uc[i].unicode() < 0xdc00 && i < len-1
&& uc[i+1].unicode() >= 0xdc00 && uc[i+1].unicode() < 0xe000)
goto nsm;
// ### correctly handle second surrogate
if (ncls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP) {
charAttributes[i].softBreak = FALSE;
charAttributes[i].whiteSpace = TRUE;
charAttributes[i].charStop = TRUE;
cls = ncls;
if (cls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA && ncls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA) {
// two complex chars (thai or lao), thai_attributes might override, but here
// we do a best guess
charAttributes[i].softBreak = TRUE;
charAttributes[i].whiteSpace = FALSE;
charAttributes[i].charStop = TRUE;
cls = ncls;
int tcls = ncls;
if (tcls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA)
tcls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_ID;
if (cls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA)
cls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_ID;
bool softBreak;
int brk = breakTable[cls][tcls];
if (brk == Ibk)
softBreak = (cls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP);
softBreak = (brk == Dbk);
// tqDebug("char = %c %04x, cls=%d, ncls=%d, brk=%d soft=%d", uc[i].cell(), uc[i].unicode(), cls, ncls, brk, charAttributes[i].softBreak);
charAttributes[i].softBreak = softBreak;
charAttributes[i].whiteSpace = FALSE;
charAttributes[i].charStop = TRUE;
cls = ncls;
charAttributes[i].softBreak = FALSE;
charAttributes[i].whiteSpace = FALSE;
charAttributes[i].charStop = FALSE;
#if defined( Q_WS_X11 ) || defined ( Q_WS_QWS )
# include "qtextengine_unix.cpp"
#elif defined( Q_WS_WIN )
# include "qtextengine_win.cpp"
#elif defined( Q_WS_MAC )
# include "qtextengine_mac.cpp"
QTextEngine::QTextEngine( const QString &str, QFontPrivate *f )
: string( str ), fnt( f ), direction( QChar::DirON ), haveCharAttributes( FALSE ), widthOnly( FALSE )
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
if ( !resolvedUsp10 )
if ( fnt ) fnt->ref();
num_glyphs = QMAX( 16, str.length()*3/2 );
int space_charAttributes = (sizeof(QCharAttributes)*str.length()+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_logClusters = (sizeof(unsigned short)*str.length()+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_glyphs = (sizeof(glyph_t)*num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_advances = (sizeof(advance_t)*num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_offsets = (sizeof(qoffset_t)*num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_glyphAttributes = (sizeof(GlyphAttributes)*num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
allocated = space_charAttributes + space_glyphs + space_advances +
space_offsets + space_logClusters + space_glyphAttributes;
memory = (void **)::malloc( allocated*sizeof( void * ) );
memset( memory, 0, allocated*sizeof( void * ) );
void **m = memory;
m += space_charAttributes;
logClustersPtr = (unsigned short *) m;
m += space_logClusters;
glyphPtr = (glyph_t *) m;
m += space_glyphs;
advancePtr = (advance_t *) m;
m += space_advances;
offsetsPtr = (qoffset_t *) m;
m += space_offsets;
glyphAttributesPtr = (GlyphAttributes *) m;
used = 0;
if ( fnt && fnt->deref())
delete fnt;
free( memory );
allocated = 0;
void QTextEngine::reallocate( int totalGlyphs )
int new_num_glyphs = totalGlyphs;
int space_charAttributes = (sizeof(QCharAttributes)*string.length()+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_logClusters = (sizeof(unsigned short)*string.length()+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_glyphs = (sizeof(glyph_t)*new_num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_advances = (sizeof(advance_t)*new_num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_offsets = (sizeof(qoffset_t)*new_num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int space_glyphAttributes = (sizeof(GlyphAttributes)*new_num_glyphs+sizeof(void*)-1)/sizeof(void*);
int newAllocated = space_charAttributes + space_glyphs + space_advances +
space_offsets + space_logClusters + space_glyphAttributes;
void ** newMemory = (void **)::malloc( newAllocated*sizeof( void * ) );
void **nm = newMemory;
memcpy( nm, memory, string.length()*sizeof(QCharAttributes) );
nm += space_charAttributes;
memcpy( nm, logClustersPtr, num_glyphs*sizeof(unsigned short) );
logClustersPtr = (unsigned short *) nm;
nm += space_logClusters;
memcpy( nm, glyphPtr, num_glyphs*sizeof(glyph_t) );
glyphPtr = (glyph_t *) nm;
nm += space_glyphs;
memcpy( nm, advancePtr, num_glyphs*sizeof(advance_t) );
advancePtr = (advance_t *) nm;
nm += space_advances;
memcpy( nm, offsetsPtr, num_glyphs*sizeof(qoffset_t) );
offsetsPtr = (qoffset_t *) nm;
nm += space_offsets;
memcpy( nm, glyphAttributesPtr, num_glyphs*sizeof(GlyphAttributes) );
glyphAttributesPtr = (GlyphAttributes *) nm;
free( memory );
memory = newMemory;
allocated = newAllocated;
num_glyphs = new_num_glyphs;
const QCharAttributes *QTextEngine::attributes()
QCharAttributes *charAttributes = (QCharAttributes *) memory;
if ( haveCharAttributes )
return charAttributes;
if ( !items.d )
charAttributes = (QCharAttributes *) memory;
calcLineBreaks(string, charAttributes);
for ( int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++ ) {
QScriptItem &si = items[i];
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
int script = uspScriptForItem(this, i);
int script = si.analysis.script;
Q_ASSERT( script < QFont::NScripts );
AttributeFunction attributes = scriptEngines[script].charAttributes;
if (!attributes)
int from = si.position;
int len = length( i );
attributes( script, string, from, len, charAttributes );
haveCharAttributes = TRUE;
return charAttributes;
void QTextEngine::splitItem( int item, int pos )
if ( pos <= 0 )
// we have to ensure we get correct shaping for arabic and other
// complex languages so we have to call shape _before_ we split the item.
if ( items.d->size == items.d->alloc )
items.resize( items.d->size + 1 );
int numMove = items.d->size - item-1;
if ( numMove > 0 )
memmove( items.d->items + item+2, items.d->items +item+1, numMove*sizeof( QScriptItem ) );
QScriptItem &newItem = items.d->items[item+1];
QScriptItem &oldItem = items.d->items[item];
newItem = oldItem;
items.d->items[item+1].position += pos;
if ( newItem.fontEngine )
if (oldItem.num_glyphs) {
// already shaped, break glyphs aswell
int breakGlyph = logClusters(&oldItem)[pos];
newItem.num_glyphs = oldItem.num_glyphs - breakGlyph;
oldItem.num_glyphs = breakGlyph;
newItem.glyph_data_offset = oldItem.glyph_data_offset + breakGlyph;
for (int i = 0; i < newItem.num_glyphs; i++)
logClusters(&newItem)[i] -= breakGlyph;
int w = 0;
const advance_t *a = advances(&oldItem);
for(int j = 0; j < breakGlyph; ++j)
w += *(a++);
newItem.width = oldItem.width - w;
oldItem.width = w;
// tqDebug("split at position %d itempos=%d", pos, item );
int QTextEngine::width( int from, int len ) const
int w = 0;
// tqDebug("QTextEngine::width( from = %d, len = %d ), numItems=%d, strleng=%d", from, len, items.size(), string.length() );
for ( int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++ ) {
QScriptItem *si = &items[i];
int pos = si->position;
int ilen = length( i );
// tqDebug("item %d: from %d len %d", i, pos, ilen );
if ( pos >= from + len )
if ( pos + ilen > from ) {
if ( !si->num_glyphs )
shape( i );
advance_t *advances = this->advances( si );
unsigned short *logClusters = this->logClusters( si );
// fprintf( stderr, " logclusters:" );
// for ( int k = 0; k < ilen; k++ )
// fprintf( stderr, " %d", logClusters[k] );
// fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
// do the simple thing for now and give the first glyph in a cluster the full width, all other ones 0.
int charFrom = from - pos;
if ( charFrom < 0 )
charFrom = 0;
int glyphStart = logClusters[charFrom];
if ( charFrom > 0 && logClusters[charFrom-1] == glyphStart )
while ( charFrom < ilen && logClusters[charFrom] == glyphStart )
if ( charFrom < ilen ) {
glyphStart = logClusters[charFrom];
int charEnd = from + len - 1 - pos;
if ( charEnd >= ilen )
charEnd = ilen-1;
int glyphEnd = logClusters[charEnd];
while ( charEnd < ilen && logClusters[charEnd] == glyphEnd )
glyphEnd = (charEnd == ilen) ? si->num_glyphs : logClusters[charEnd];
// tqDebug("char: start=%d end=%d / glyph: start = %d, end = %d", charFrom, charEnd, glyphStart, glyphEnd );
for ( int i = glyphStart; i < glyphEnd; i++ )
w += advances[i];
// tqDebug(" --> w= %d ", w );
return w;
void QTextEngine::itemize( int mode )
if ( !items.d ) {
int size = 8;
items.d = (QScriptItemArrayPrivate *)malloc( sizeof( QScriptItemArrayPrivate ) +
sizeof( QScriptItem ) * size );
items.d->alloc = size;
items.d->size = 0;
if ( string.length() == 0 )
if ( !(mode & NoBidi) ) {
if ( direction == QChar::DirON )
direction = basicDirection( string );
bidiItemize( this, direction == QChar::DirR, mode );
} else {
BidiControl control( FALSE );
if ( mode & QTextEngine::SingleLine )
control.singleLine = TRUE;
int start = 0;
int stop = string.length() - 1;
appendItems(this, start, stop, control, QChar::DirL);
if ( (mode & WidthOnly) == WidthOnly )
widthOnly = TRUE;
glyph_metrics_t QTextEngine::boundingBox( int from, int len ) const
glyph_metrics_t gm;
for ( int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++ ) {
QScriptItem *si = &items[i];
int pos = si->position;
int ilen = length( i );
if ( pos > from + len )
if ( pos + len > from ) {
if ( !si->num_glyphs )
shape( i );
advance_t *advances = this->advances( si );
unsigned short *logClusters = this->logClusters( si );
glyph_t *glyphs = this->glyphs( si );
qoffset_t *offsets = this->offsets( si );
// do the simple thing for now and give the first glyph in a cluster the full width, all other ones 0.
int charFrom = from - pos;
if ( charFrom < 0 )
charFrom = 0;
int glyphStart = logClusters[charFrom];
if ( charFrom > 0 && logClusters[charFrom-1] == glyphStart )
while ( charFrom < ilen && logClusters[charFrom] == glyphStart )
if ( charFrom < ilen ) {
glyphStart = logClusters[charFrom];
int charEnd = from + len - 1 - pos;
if ( charEnd >= ilen )
charEnd = ilen-1;
int glyphEnd = logClusters[charEnd];
while ( charEnd < ilen && logClusters[charEnd] == glyphEnd )
glyphEnd = (charEnd == ilen) ? si->num_glyphs : logClusters[charEnd];
if ( glyphStart <= glyphEnd ) {
QFontEngine *fe = si->fontEngine;
glyph_metrics_t m = fe->boundingBox( glyphs+glyphStart, advances+glyphStart,
offsets+glyphStart, glyphEnd-glyphStart );
gm.x = QMIN( gm.x, m.x + gm.xoff );
gm.y = QMIN( gm.y, m.y + gm.yoff );
gm.width = QMAX( gm.width, m.width+gm.xoff );
gm.height = QMAX( gm.height, m.height+gm.yoff );
gm.xoff += m.xoff;
gm.yoff += m.yoff;
return gm;