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** Qt->glib main event loop integration by Norbert Frese 2005
** code based on qeventloop_x11.cpp 3.3.5
** $Id: qt/qeventloop_x11_glib.cpp
** Implementation of QEventLoop class
** Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses for Unix/X11 may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial
** License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See or email for
** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
** See for QPL licensing information.
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "qeventloop_glib_p.h" // includes qplatformdefs.h
#include "qeventloop.h"
#include "qapplication.h"
#include "qbitarray.h"
#include "qcolor_p.h"
#include "qt_x11_p.h"
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
# include "qmutex.h"
# include "qthread.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <glib.h>
// Qt-GSource Structure and Callbacks
typedef struct {
GSource source;
QEventLoop * qeventLoop;
} QtGSource;
static gboolean qt_gsource_prepare ( GSource *source, gint *timeout );
static gboolean qt_gsource_check ( GSource *source );
static gboolean qt_gsource_dispatch ( GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data );
static GSourceFuncs qt_gsource_funcs = {
// forward main loop callbacks to QEventLoop methods!
static gboolean qt_gsource_prepare ( GSource *source,
gint *timeout )
QtGSource * qtGSource;
qtGSource = (QtGSource*) source;
return qtGSource->qeventLoop->gsourcePrepare(source, timeout);
static gboolean qt_gsource_check ( GSource *source )
QtGSource * qtGSource = (QtGSource*) source;
return qtGSource->qeventLoop->gsourceCheck(source);
static gboolean qt_gsource_dispatch ( GSource *source,
GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data )
QtGSource * qtGSource = (QtGSource*) source;
QEventLoop* candidateEventLoop = qtGSource->qeventLoop;
QEventLoop* activeThreadEventLoop = QApplication::eventLoop();
if (candidateEventLoop == activeThreadEventLoop) {
return candidateEventLoop->gsourceDispatch(source);
else {
// Dispatch failed
return FALSE;
// -------------------------------------------------
// resolve the conflict between X11's FocusIn and QEvent::FocusIn
#undef FocusOut
#undef FocusIn
static const int XKeyPress = KeyPress;
static const int XKeyRelease = KeyRelease;
#undef KeyPress
#undef KeyRelease
// from qapplication.cpp
extern bool qt_is_gui_used;
// from qeventloop_unix.cpp
extern timeval *qt_wait_timer();
extern void cleanupTimers();
// ### this needs to go away at some point...
typedef void (*VFPTR)();
typedef QValueList<VFPTR> QVFuncList;
void qt_install_preselect_handler( VFPTR );
void qt_remove_preselect_handler( VFPTR );
static QVFuncList *qt_preselect_handler = 0;
void qt_install_postselect_handler( VFPTR );
void qt_remove_postselect_handler( VFPTR );
static QVFuncList *qt_postselect_handler = 0;
void qt_install_preselect_handler( VFPTR handler )
if ( !qt_preselect_handler ) {
qt_preselect_handler = new QVFuncList;
qt_preselect_handler->append( handler );
void qt_remove_preselect_handler( VFPTR handler )
if ( qt_preselect_handler ) {
QVFuncList::Iterator it = qt_preselect_handler->find( handler );
if ( it != qt_preselect_handler->end() ) {
qt_preselect_handler->remove( it );
void qt_install_postselect_handler( VFPTR handler )
if ( !qt_postselect_handler ) {
qt_postselect_handler = new QVFuncList;
qt_postselect_handler->prepend( handler );
void qt_remove_postselect_handler( VFPTR handler )
if ( qt_postselect_handler ) {
QVFuncList::Iterator it = qt_postselect_handler->find( handler );
if ( it != qt_postselect_handler->end() ) {
qt_postselect_handler->remove( it );
void QEventLoop::init()
// initialize ProcessEventFlags (all events & wait for more)
d->pev_flags = AllEvents | WaitForMore;
// initialize the common parts of the event loop
if (pipe( d->thread_pipe ) < 0) {
// Error!
fcntl(d->thread_pipe[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
fcntl(d->thread_pipe[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
// intitialize the X11 parts of the event loop
d->xfd = -1;
if ( qt_is_gui_used && QApplication::isGuiThread() ) {
d->xfd = XConnectionNumber( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() );
// new main context for thread
d->ctx = g_main_context_new();
// new GSource
QtGSource * qtGSource = (QtGSource*) g_source_new(&qt_gsource_funcs, sizeof(QtGSource));
g_source_set_can_recurse ((GSource*)qtGSource, TRUE);
qtGSource->qeventLoop = this;
// init main loop and attach gsource
printf("inside init(1)\n");
g_main_loop_new (d->ctx, 1);
g_source_attach( (GSource*)qtGSource, d->ctx );
d->gSource = (GSource*) qtGSource;
// poll for X11 events
if ( qt_is_gui_used && QApplication::isGuiThread() ) {
d->x_gPollFD.fd = d->xfd;
d-> = G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP;
g_source_add_poll(d->gSource, &d->x_gPollFD);
// poll thread-pipe
d->threadPipe_gPollFD.fd = d->thread_pipe[0];
d-> = G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP;
g_source_add_poll(d->gSource, &d->threadPipe_gPollFD);
printf("inside init(2)\n");
void QEventLoop::cleanup()
// cleanup the common parts of the event loop
close( d->thread_pipe[0] );
close( d->thread_pipe[1] );
// cleanup the X11 parts of the event loop
d->xfd = -1;
// unref the main context
// todo: destroy gsource
bool QEventLoop::processEvents( ProcessEventsFlags flags )
printf("inside processEvents(1) looplevel=%d\n", d->looplevel );
ProcessEventsFlags save_flags;
int rval;
save_flags = d->pev_flags;
d->pev_flags = flags;
rval = g_main_context_iteration(d->ctx, flags & WaitForMore ? TRUE : FALSE);
d->pev_flags = save_flags;
printf("inside processEvents(2) looplevel=%d rval=%d\n", d->looplevel, rval );
return rval; // were events processed?
bool QEventLoop::processX11Events()
ProcessEventsFlags flags = d->pev_flags;
// process events from the X server
XEvent event;
int nevents = 0;
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
QMutexLocker locker( QApplication::qt_mutex );
// handle gui and posted events
if ( qt_is_gui_used ) {
if (QApplication::isGuiThread()) {
// Two loops so that posted events accumulate
while ( XPending( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() ) ) {
// also flushes output buffer
while ( XPending( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() ) ) {
if ( d->shortcut ) {
return FALSE;
XNextEvent( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(), &event );
if ( flags & ExcludeUserInput ) {
switch ( event.type ) {
case ButtonPress:
case ButtonRelease:
case MotionNotify:
case XKeyPress:
case XKeyRelease:
case EnterNotify:
case LeaveNotify:
case ClientMessage:
// from qapplication_x11.cpp
extern Atom qt_wm_protocols;
extern Atom qt_wm_take_focus;
extern Atom qt_qt_scrolldone;
// only keep the wm_take_focus and
// qt_qt_scrolldone protocols, discard all
// other client messages
if ( event.xclient.format != 32 )
if ( event.xclient.message_type == qt_wm_protocols ||
(Atom)[0] == qt_wm_take_focus )
if ( event.xclient.message_type == qt_qt_scrolldone )
default: break;
if ( qApp->x11ProcessEvent( &event ) == 1 )
return TRUE;
if ( d->shortcut ) {
return FALSE;
const uint exclude_all = ExcludeSocketNotifiers | 0x08;
// 0x08 == ExcludeTimers for X11 only
if ( nevents > 0 && ( flags & exclude_all ) == exclude_all && ( flags & WaitForMore ) ) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool QEventLoop::gsourcePrepare(GSource *gs, int * timeout)
printf("inside gsourcePrepare(1)\n");
ProcessEventsFlags flags = d->pev_flags;
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
QMutexLocker locker( QApplication::qt_mutex );
// don't block if exitLoop() or exit()/quit() has been called.
bool canWait = d->exitloop || d->quitnow ? FALSE : (flags & WaitForMore);
// Process timers and socket notifiers - the common UNIX stuff
// return the maximum time we can wait for an event.
static timeval zerotm;
timeval *tm = 0;
if ( ! ( flags & 0x08 ) ) { // 0x08 == ExcludeTimers for X11 only
tm = qt_wait_timer(); // wait for timer or X event
if ( !canWait ) {
if ( !tm ) {
tm = &zerotm;
tm->tv_sec = 0; // no time to wait
tm->tv_usec = 0;
// include or exclude SocketNotifiers (by setting or cleaning poll events)
if ( ! ( flags & ExcludeSocketNotifiers ) ) {
QPtrListIterator<QSockNotGPollFD> it( d->sn_list );
QSockNotGPollFD *sn;
while ( (sn=it.current()) ) {
sn-> = sn->events; // restore poll events
else {
QPtrListIterator<QSockNotGPollFD> it( d->sn_list );
QSockNotGPollFD *sn;
while ( (sn=it.current()) ) {
sn-> = 0; // delete poll events
printf("inside gsourcePrepare(2) canwait=%d\n", canWait);
if ( canWait ) {
emit aboutToBlock();
if ( qt_preselect_handler ) {
QVFuncList::Iterator it, end = qt_preselect_handler->end();
for ( it = qt_preselect_handler->begin(); it != end; ++it )
printf("inside gsourcePrepare(2.1) canwait=%d\n", canWait);
// do we have to dispatch events?
if (hasPendingEvents()) {
*timeout = 0; // no time to stay in poll
printf("inside gsourcePrepare(3a)\n");
return FALSE;
// stay in poll until something happens?
if (!tm) { // fixme
*timeout = -1; // wait forever
printf("inside gsourcePrepare(3b) timeout=%d \n", *timeout);
return FALSE;
// else timeout >=0
*timeout = tm->tv_sec * 1000 + tm->tv_usec/1000;
printf("inside gsourcePrepare(3c) timeout=%d \n", *timeout);
return FALSE;
bool QEventLoop::gsourceCheck(GSource *gs) {
printf("inside gsourceCheck(1)\n");
// Socketnotifier events?
QPtrList<QSockNotGPollFD> *list = &d->sn_list;
//if ( list ) {
QSockNotGPollFD *sn = list->first();
while ( sn ) {
if ( sn->gPollFD.revents )
return TRUE;
sn = list->next();
if (d->x_gPollFD.revents) {
printf("inside gsourceCheck(2) xfd!\n");
return TRUE; // we got events!
if (d->threadPipe_gPollFD.revents) {
printf("inside gsourceCheck(2) threadpipe!!\n");
return TRUE; // we got events!
if (hasPendingEvents()) {
printf("inside gsourceCheck(2) pendingEvents!\n");
return TRUE; // we got more X11 events!
// check if we have timers to activate?
timeval * tm =qt_wait_timer();
if (tm && (tm->tv_sec == 0 && tm->tv_usec == 0 )) {
printf("inside gsourceCheck(2) qtwaittimer!\n");
return TRUE;
// nothing to dispatch
printf("inside gsourceCheck(2) nothing to dispatch!\n");
return FALSE;
bool QEventLoop::gsourceDispatch(GSource *gs) {
// relock the GUI mutex before processing any pending events
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
QMutexLocker locker( QApplication::qt_mutex );
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
if (locker.mutex()) locker.mutex()->lock();
int nevents=0;
ProcessEventsFlags flags = d->pev_flags;
printf("inside gsourceDispatch(1)\n");
// we are awake, broadcast it
emit awake();
emit qApp->guiThreadAwake();
// some other thread woke us up... consume the data on the thread pipe so that
// select doesn't immediately return next time
if ( d->threadPipe_gPollFD.revents) {
char c;
if (::read( d->thread_pipe[0], &c, 1 ) < 0) {
// Error!
if ( qt_postselect_handler ) {
QVFuncList::Iterator it, end = qt_postselect_handler->end();
for ( it = qt_postselect_handler->begin(); it != end; ++it )
// activate socket notifiers
if ( ! ( flags & ExcludeSocketNotifiers )) {
// if select says data is ready on any socket, then set the socket notifier
// to pending
// if ( &d->sn_list ) {
QPtrList<QSockNotGPollFD> *list = &d->sn_list;
QSockNotGPollFD *sn = list->first();
while ( sn ) {
if ( sn->gPollFD.revents )
setSocketNotifierPending( sn->obj );
sn = list->next();
// }
nevents += activateSocketNotifiers();
// activate timers
if ( ! ( flags & 0x08 ) ) {
// 0x08 == ExcludeTimers for X11 only
nevents += activateTimers();
// return true if we handled events, false otherwise
//return (nevents > 0);
// now process x11 events!
printf("inside gsourceDispatch(2) hasPendingEvents=%d\n", hasPendingEvents());
if (hasPendingEvents()) {
// color approx. optimization - only on X11
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
if (locker.mutex()) locker.mutex()->unlock();
else {
#if defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT)
if (locker.mutex()) locker.mutex()->unlock();
if (d->singletoolkit) {
return TRUE; // Eat the event
else {
return FALSE; // Pass the event on to GTK
bool QEventLoop::hasPendingEvents() const
extern uint qGlobalPostedEventsCount(); // from qapplication.cpp
return ( qGlobalPostedEventsCount() || ( (qt_is_gui_used && QApplication::isGuiThread()) ? XPending( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() ) : 0));
void QEventLoop::appStartingUp()
if ( qt_is_gui_used ) {
d->xfd = XConnectionNumber( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay() );
void QEventLoop::appClosingDown()
d->xfd = -1;
void QEventLoop::setSingleToolkitEventHandling(bool enabled) {
d->singletoolkit = enabled;