You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1453 lines
50 KiB
1453 lines
50 KiB
14 years ago
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Designer.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "uic.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "widgetdatabase.h"
#include "domtool.h"
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <globaldefs.h>
static QByteArray unzipXPM( QString data, ulong& length )
const int lengthOffset = 4;
int baSize = data.length() / 2 + lengthOffset;
uchar *ba = new uchar[ baSize ];
for ( int i = lengthOffset; i < baSize; ++i ) {
char h = data[ 2 * (i-lengthOffset) ].latin1();
char l = data[ 2 * (i-lengthOffset) + 1 ].latin1();
uchar r = 0;
if ( h <= '9' )
r += h - '0';
r += h - 'a' + 10;
r = r << 4;
if ( l <= '9' )
r += l - '0';
r += l - 'a' + 10;
ba[ i ] = r;
// qUncompress() expects the first 4 bytes to be the expected length of the
// uncompressed data
ba[0] = ( length & 0xff000000 ) >> 24;
ba[1] = ( length & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16;
ba[2] = ( length & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8;
ba[3] = ( length & 0x000000ff );
QByteArray baunzip = qUncompress( ba, baSize );
delete[] ba;
return baunzip;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030900
#error Add this functionality to QDir (relativePathTo() maybe?) and \
remove it from here and from moc
QCString combinePath( const char *infile, const char *outfile )
QFileInfo inFileInfo( QDir::current(), QFile::decodeName(infile) );
QFileInfo outFileInfo( QDir::current(), QFile::decodeName(outfile) );
int numCommonComponents = 0;
QStringList inSplitted =
QStringList::split( '/', inFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath(), TRUE );
QStringList outSplitted =
QStringList::split( '/', outFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath(), TRUE );
while ( !inSplitted.isEmpty() && !outSplitted.isEmpty() &&
inSplitted.first() == outSplitted.first() ) {
inSplitted.remove( inSplitted.begin() );
outSplitted.remove( outSplitted.begin() );
if ( numCommonComponents < 2 ) {
The paths don't have the same drive, or they don't have the
same root directory. Use an absolute path.
return QFile::encodeName( inFileInfo.absFilePath() );
} else {
The paths have something in common. Use a path relative to
the output file.
while ( !outSplitted.isEmpty() ) {
outSplitted.remove( outSplitted.begin() );
inSplitted.prepend( ".." );
inSplitted.append( inFileInfo.fileName() );
return QFile::encodeName( inSplitted.join("/") );
Creates a declaration (header file) for the form given in \a e
\sa createFormImpl(), createObjectDecl()
void Uic::createFormDecl( const QDomElement &e )
QDomElement n;
QDomNodeList nl;
int i;
QString objClass = getClassName( e );
if ( objClass.isEmpty() )
QString objName = getObjectName( e );
QStringList typeDefs;
QMap<QString, CustomInclude> customWidgetIncludes;
QString imageMembers;
We are generating a few QImage members that are not strictly
necessary in some cases. Ideally, we would use requiredImage,
which is computed elsewhere, to keep the generated .h and .cpp
files synchronized.
// at first the images
QMap<QString, int> customWidgets;
QStringList forwardDecl;
QStringList forwardDecl2;
QString exportMacro;
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "images" ) {
nl = n.elementsByTagName( "image" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QString img = registerObject( nl.item(i).toElement().attribute("name") );
registerObject( img );
imageMembers += QString( " QPixmap %1;\n" ).arg( img );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "customwidgets" ) {
QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "customwidget" ) {
QDomElement n3 = n2.firstChild().toElement();
QString cl;
WidgetDatabaseRecord *r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
while ( !n3.isNull() ) {
if ( n3.tagName() == "class" ) {
cl = n3.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( !nofwd )
forwardDecl << cl;
customWidgets.insert( cl, 0 );
r->name = cl;
} else if ( n3.tagName() == "header" ) {
CustomInclude ci;
ci.header = n3.firstChild().toText().data();
ci.location = n3.attribute( "location", "global" );
r->includeFile = ci.header;
customWidgetIncludes.insert( cl, ci );
WidgetDatabase::append( r );
n3 = n3.nextSibling().toElement();
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
// register the object and unify its name
objName = registerObject( objName );
QString protector = objName.upper() + "_H";
protector.replace( "::", "_" );
out << "#ifndef " << protector << endl;
out << "#define " << protector << endl;
out << endl;
out << "#include <qvariant.h>" << endl; // for broken HP-UX compilers
if ( !imageMembers.isEmpty() )
out << "#include <qpixmap.h>" << endl;
QStringList globalIncludes, localIncludes;
int wid = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( objClass );
QMap<QString, CustomInclude>::Iterator it = customWidgetIncludes.find( objClass );
if ( it != customWidgetIncludes.end() ) {
if ( ( *it ).location == "global" )
globalIncludes += (*it).header;
localIncludes += (*it).header;
} else {
globalIncludes += WidgetDatabase::includeFile( wid );
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "include" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) == "in declaration" &&
n2.attribute( "location" ) != "local" ) {
if ( s.right( 5 ) == ".ui.h" )
globalIncludes += s;
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) == "in declaration" &&
n2.attribute( "location" ) == "local" &&!globalIncludes.contains( s ) ) {
if ( s.right( 5 ) == ".ui.h" )
localIncludes += s;
QStringList::Iterator it;
globalIncludes = unique( globalIncludes );
for ( it = globalIncludes.begin(); it != globalIncludes.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
out << "#include <" << *it << ">" << endl;
localIncludes = unique( localIncludes );
for ( it = localIncludes.begin(); it != localIncludes.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
out << "#include \"" << *it << "\"" << endl;
out << endl;
// forward declarations for child widgets and layouts
out << "class QVBoxLayout;" << endl;
out << "class QHBoxLayout;" << endl;
out << "class QGridLayout;" << endl;
out << "class QSpacerItem;" << endl;
if ( objClass == "QMainWindow" ) {
out << "class QAction;" << endl;
out << "class QActionGroup;" << endl;
out << "class QToolBar;" << endl;
out << "class QPopupMenu;" << endl;
bool dbForm = FALSE;
registerDatabases( e );
dbConnections = unique( dbConnections );
if ( dbConnections.count() )
forwardDecl += "QSqlDatabase";
if ( dbCursors.count() )
forwardDecl += "QSqlCursor";
if ( dbForms[ "(default)" ].count() )
dbForm = TRUE;
bool subDbForms = FALSE;
for ( it = dbConnections.begin(); it != dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && (*it) != "(default)" ) {
if ( dbForms[ (*it) ].count() ) {
subDbForms = TRUE;
if ( dbForm || subDbForms )
forwardDecl += "QSqlForm";
for ( it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it ) {
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( *it );
for ( i = 1; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) { // begin at 1, 0 is the toplevel widget
QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
if ( s == "QLayoutWidget" )
continue; // hide qlayoutwidgets
if ( s == "Line" )
s = "QFrame";
if ( !(nofwd && customWidgets.contains(s)) )
forwardDecl += s;
if ( s.mid( 1 ) == "ListBox" || s.mid( 1 ) == "ListView" || s.mid( 1 ) == "IconView" )
forwardDecl += "Q" + s.mid( 1 ) + "Item";
if ( s == "QDataTable" ) { // other convenience classes which are used in QDataTable signals, and thus should be forward-declared by uic for us
forwardDecl += "QSqlRecord";
// some typedefs, maybe
typeDefs = unique( typeDefs );
for ( it = typeDefs.begin(); it != typeDefs.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
out << "typedef " << *it << ";" << endl;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "forward" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ )
forwardDecl2 << nl.item(i).toElement().firstChild().toText().data();
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "include" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) == "in declaration" &&
n2.attribute( "location" ) != "local" )
globalIncludes += s;
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) == "in declaration" &&
n2.attribute( "location" ) == "local" &&!globalIncludes.contains( s ) )
localIncludes += s;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "exportmacro" );
if ( nl.length() == 1 )
exportMacro = nl.item( 0 ).firstChild().toText().data();
forwardDecl = unique( forwardDecl );
for ( it = forwardDecl.begin(); it != forwardDecl.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && (*it) != objClass ) {
QString forwardName = *it;
QStringList forwardNamespaces = QStringList::split( "::",
forwardName );
forwardName = forwardNamespaces.last();
forwardNamespaces.remove( forwardNamespaces.fromLast() );
QStringList::ConstIterator ns = forwardNamespaces.begin();
while ( ns != forwardNamespaces.end() ) {
out << "namespace " << *ns << " {" << endl;
out << "class " << forwardName << ";" << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) forwardNamespaces.count(); i++ )
out << "}" << endl;
for ( it = forwardDecl2.begin(); it != forwardDecl2.end(); ++it ) {
QString fd = *it;
fd = fd.stripWhiteSpace();
if ( !fd.endsWith( ";" ) )
fd += ";";
out << fd << endl;
out << endl;
QStringList::ConstIterator ns = namespaces.begin();
while ( ns != namespaces.end() ) {
out << "namespace " << *ns << " {" << endl;
out << "class ";
if ( !exportMacro.isEmpty() )
out << exportMacro << " ";
out << bareNameOfClass << " : public " << objClass << endl << "{" << endl;
/* qmake ignore Q_OBJECT */
out << " Q_OBJECT" << endl;
out << endl;
out << "public:" << endl;
// constructor
if ( objClass == "QDialog" || objClass == "QWizard" ) {
out << " " << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0 );" << endl;
} else if ( objClass == "QWidget" ) {
out << " " << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = 0 );" << endl;
} else if ( objClass == "QMainWindow" ) {
out << " " << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags fl = WType_TopLevel );" << endl;
isMainWindow = TRUE;
} else {
out << " " << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );" << endl;
// destructor
out << " ~" << bareNameOfClass << "();" << endl;
out << endl;
// children
bool needPolish = FALSE;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "widget" );
for ( i = 1; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) { // start at 1, 0 is the toplevel widget
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
createObjectDecl( n );
QString t = n.tagName();
if ( t == "vbox" || t == "hbox" || t == "grid" )
createSpacerDecl( n );
QString s = getClassName( n );
if ( s == "QDataTable" || s == "QDataBrowser" ) {
if ( isFrameworkCodeGenerated( n ) )
needPolish = TRUE;
// actions, toolbars, menus
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "actions" ) {
for ( QDomElement a = n.firstChild().toElement(); !a.isNull(); a = a.nextSibling().toElement() )
createActionDecl( a );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "toolbars" ) {
for ( QDomElement a = n.firstChild().toElement(); !a.isNull(); a = a.nextSibling().toElement() )
createToolbarDecl( a );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "menubar" ) {
out << " " << "QMenuBar *" << getObjectName( n ) << ";" << endl;
for ( QDomElement a = n.firstChild().toElement(); !a.isNull(); a = a.nextSibling().toElement() )
createMenuBarDecl( a );
out << endl;
// database connections
dbConnections = unique( dbConnections );
bool hadOutput = FALSE;
for ( it = dbConnections.begin(); it != dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() ) {
// only need pointers to non-default connections
if ( (*it) != "(default)" && !(*it).isEmpty() ) {
out << indent << "QSqlDatabase* " << *it << "Connection;" << endl;
hadOutput = TRUE;
if ( hadOutput )
out << endl;
QStringList publicSlots, protectedSlots, privateSlots;
QStringList publicSlotTypes, protectedSlotTypes, privateSlotTypes;
QStringList publicSlotSpecifier, protectedSlotSpecifier, privateSlotSpecifier;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "slot" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "slots"
&& n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "connections" )
if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
QString returnType = n.attribute( "returnType", "void" );
QString functionName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
if ( functionName.endsWith( ";" ) )
functionName = functionName.left( functionName.length() - 1 );
QString specifier = n.attribute( "specifier" );
QString access = n.attribute( "access" );
if ( access == "protected" ) {
protectedSlots += functionName;
protectedSlotTypes += returnType;
protectedSlotSpecifier += specifier;
} else if ( access == "private" ) {
privateSlots += functionName;
privateSlotTypes += returnType;
privateSlotSpecifier += specifier;
} else {
publicSlots += functionName;
publicSlotTypes += returnType;
publicSlotSpecifier += specifier;
QStringList publicFuncts, protectedFuncts, privateFuncts;
QStringList publicFunctRetTyp, protectedFunctRetTyp, privateFunctRetTyp;
QStringList publicFunctSpec, protectedFunctSpec, privateFunctSpec;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "function" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item( i ).toElement();
if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "functions" )
if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
QString returnType = n.attribute( "returnType", "void" );
QString functionName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
if ( functionName.endsWith( ";" ) )
functionName = functionName.left( functionName.length() - 1 );
QString specifier = n.attribute( "specifier" );
QString access = n.attribute( "access" );
if ( access == "protected" ) {
protectedFuncts += functionName;
protectedFunctRetTyp += returnType;
protectedFunctSpec += specifier;
} else if ( access == "private" ) {
privateFuncts += functionName;
privateFunctRetTyp += returnType;
privateFunctSpec += specifier;
} else {
publicFuncts += functionName;
publicFunctRetTyp += returnType;
publicFunctSpec += specifier;
QStringList publicVars, protectedVars, privateVars;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "variable" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item( i ).toElement();
// Because of compatibility the next lines have to be commented out.
// Someday it should be uncommented.
//if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "variables" )
// continue;
QString access = n.attribute( "access", "protected" );
QString var = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
if (var.isEmpty())
if ( !var.endsWith( ";" ) )
var += ";";
if ( access == "public" )
publicVars += var;
else if ( access == "private" )
privateVars += var;
protectedVars += var;
if ( !publicVars.isEmpty() ) {
for ( it = publicVars.begin(); it != publicVars.end(); ++it )
out << indent << *it << endl;
out << endl;
if ( !publicFuncts.isEmpty() )
writeFunctionsDecl( publicFuncts, publicFunctRetTyp, publicFunctSpec );
if ( needPolish || !publicSlots.isEmpty() ) {
out << "public slots:" << endl;
if ( needPolish ) {
out << indent << "virtual void polish();" << endl;
out << endl;
if ( !publicSlots.isEmpty() )
writeFunctionsDecl( publicSlots, publicSlotTypes, publicSlotSpecifier );
// find signals
QStringList extraSignals;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "signal" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item( i ).toElement();
if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "signals"
&& n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "connections" )
if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
QString sigName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
if ( sigName.endsWith( ";" ) )
sigName = sigName.left( sigName.length() - 1 );
extraSignals += sigName;
// create signals
if ( !extraSignals.isEmpty() ) {
out << "signals:" << endl;
for ( it = extraSignals.begin(); it != extraSignals.end(); ++it )
out << " void " << (*it) << ";" << endl;
out << endl;
out << "protected:" << endl;
if ( !protectedVars.isEmpty() ) {
for ( it = protectedVars.begin(); it != protectedVars.end(); ++it )
out << indent << *it << endl;
out << endl;
if ( !protectedFuncts.isEmpty() )
writeFunctionsDecl( protectedFuncts, protectedFunctRetTyp, protectedFunctSpec );
// child layouts
registerLayouts( e );
out << endl;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030900
#error Make languageChange() a virtual protected non-slot member of QWidget
out << "protected slots:" << endl;
out << " virtual void languageChange();" << endl;
if ( !protectedSlots.isEmpty() ) {
out << endl;
writeFunctionsDecl( protectedSlots, protectedSlotTypes, protectedSlotSpecifier );
out << endl;
// create all private stuff
if ( !privateFuncts.isEmpty() || !privateVars.isEmpty() || !imageMembers.isEmpty() ) {
out << "private:" << endl;
if ( !privateVars.isEmpty() ) {
for ( it = privateVars.begin(); it != privateVars.end(); ++it )
out << indent << *it << endl;
out << endl;
if ( !imageMembers.isEmpty() ) {
out << imageMembers;
out << endl;
if ( !privateFuncts.isEmpty() )
writeFunctionsDecl( privateFuncts, privateFunctRetTyp, privateFunctSpec );
if ( !privateSlots.isEmpty() ) {
out << "private slots:" << endl;
writeFunctionsDecl( privateSlots, privateSlotTypes, privateSlotSpecifier );
out << "};" << endl;
for ( i = 0; i < (int) namespaces.count(); i++ )
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
out << "#endif // " << protector << endl;
void Uic::writeFunctionsDecl( const QStringList &fuLst, const QStringList &typLst, const QStringList &specLst )
QValueListConstIterator<QString> it, it2, it3;
for ( it = fuLst.begin(), it2 = typLst.begin(), it3 = specLst.begin();
it != fuLst.end(); ++it, ++it2, ++it3 ) {
QString signature = *it;
QString specifier;
QString pure;
QString type = *it2;
if ( type.isEmpty() )
type = "void";
if ( *it3 == "static" ) {
specifier = "static ";
} else {
if ( *it3 != "non virtual" && *it3 != "nonVirtual" )
specifier = "virtual ";
if ( *it3 == "pure virtual" || *it3 == "pureVirtual" )
pure = " = 0";
type.replace( ">>", "> >" );
if ( !signature.contains("operator") )
signature.replace( ">>", "> >" );
out << " " << specifier << type << " " << signature << pure << ";" << endl;
out << endl;
Creates an implementation (cpp-file) for the form given in \a e.
\sa createFormDecl(), createObjectImpl()
void Uic::createFormImpl( const QDomElement &e )
QDomElement n;
QDomNodeList nl;
int i;
QString objClass = getClassName( e );
if ( objClass.isEmpty() )
QString objName = getObjectName( e );
// generate local and local includes required
QStringList globalIncludes, localIncludes;
QStringList::Iterator it;
QMap<QString, CustomInclude> customWidgetIncludes;
// find additional slots and functions
QStringList extraFuncts;
QStringList extraFunctTyp;
QStringList extraFunctSpecifier;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "slot" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "slots"
&& n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "connections" )
if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
QString functionName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
if ( functionName.endsWith( ";" ) )
functionName = functionName.left( functionName.length() - 1 );
extraFuncts += functionName;
extraFunctTyp += n.attribute( "returnType", "void" );
extraFunctSpecifier += n.attribute( "specifier", "virtual" );
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "function" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
if ( n.parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "functions" )
if ( n.attribute( "language", "C++" ) != "C++" )
QString functionName = n.firstChild().toText().data().stripWhiteSpace();
if ( functionName.endsWith( ";" ) )
functionName = functionName.left( functionName.length() - 1 );
extraFuncts += functionName;
extraFunctTyp += n.attribute( "returnType", "void" );
extraFunctSpecifier += n.attribute( "specifier", "virtual" );
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "customwidgets" ) {
QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "customwidget" ) {
QDomElement n3 = n2.firstChild().toElement();
QString cl;
WidgetDatabaseRecord *r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
while ( !n3.isNull() ) {
if ( n3.tagName() == "class" ) {
cl = n3.firstChild().toText().data();
r->name = cl;
} else if ( n3.tagName() == "header" ) {
CustomInclude ci;
ci.header = n3.firstChild().toText().data();
ci.location = n3.attribute( "location", "global" );
r->includeFile = ci.header;
customWidgetIncludes.insert( cl, ci );
WidgetDatabase::append( r );
n3 = n3.nextSibling().toElement();
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
// additional includes (local or global) and forward declaractions
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "include" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "location" ) != "local" ) {
if ( s.right( 5 ) == ".ui.h" && !QFile::exists( s ) )
if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) != "in implementation" )
globalIncludes += s;
registerDatabases( e );
dbConnections = unique( dbConnections );
if ( dbConnections.count() )
globalIncludes += "qsqldatabase.h";
if ( dbCursors.count() )
globalIncludes += "qsqlcursor.h";
bool dbForm = FALSE;
if ( dbForms[ "(default)" ].count() )
dbForm = TRUE;
bool subDbForms = FALSE;
for ( it = dbConnections.begin(); it != dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && (*it) != "(default)" ) {
if ( dbForms[ (*it) ].count() ) {
subDbForms = TRUE;
if ( dbForm || subDbForms ) {
globalIncludes += "qsqlform.h";
globalIncludes += "qsqlrecord.h";
// do the local includes afterwards, since global includes have priority on clashes
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "location" ) == "local" &&!globalIncludes.contains( s ) ) {
if ( s.right( 5 ) == ".ui.h" && !QFile::exists( s ) )
if ( n2.attribute( "impldecl", "in implementation" ) != "in implementation" )
localIncludes += s;
// additional custom widget headers
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "header" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( n2.attribute( "location" ) != "local" )
globalIncludes += s;
localIncludes += s;
// includes for child widgets
for ( it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it ) {
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( *it );
for ( i = 1; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) { // start at 1, 0 is the toplevel widget
QString name = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
if ( name == "Spacer" ) {
globalIncludes += "qlayout.h";
globalIncludes += "qapplication.h";
if ( name.mid( 1 ) == "ListView" )
globalIncludes += "qheader.h";
if ( name != objClass ) {
int wid = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( name );
QMap<QString, CustomInclude>::Iterator it = customWidgetIncludes.find( name );
if ( it == customWidgetIncludes.end() )
globalIncludes += WidgetDatabase::includeFile( wid );
out << "#include <qvariant.h>" << endl; // first for gcc 2.7.2
globalIncludes = unique( globalIncludes );
for ( it = globalIncludes.begin(); it != globalIncludes.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
out << "#include <" << *it << ">" << endl;
out << "#include <qlayout.h>" << endl;
out << "#include <qtooltip.h>" << endl;
out << "#include <qwhatsthis.h>" << endl;
if ( objClass == "QMainWindow" ) {
out << "#include <qaction.h>" << endl;
out << "#include <qmenubar.h>" << endl;
out << "#include <qpopupmenu.h>" << endl;
out << "#include <qtoolbar.h>" << endl;
// find out what images are required
QStringList requiredImages;
static const char *imgTags[] = { "pixmap", "iconset", 0 };
for ( i = 0; imgTags[i] != 0; i++ ) {
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( imgTags[i] );
for ( int j = 0; j < (int) nl.length(); j++ ) {
QDomNode nn = nl.item(j);
while ( nn.parentNode() != e.parentNode() )
nn = nn.parentNode();
if ( nn.nodeName() != "customwidgets" )
requiredImages += nl.item(j).firstChild().toText().data();
if ( !requiredImages.isEmpty() || externPixmaps ) {
out << "#include <qimage.h>" << endl;
out << "#include <qpixmap.h>" << endl << endl;
Put local includes after all global includes
localIncludes = unique( localIncludes );
for ( it = localIncludes.begin(); it != localIncludes.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && *it != QFileInfo( fileName + ".h" ).fileName() )
out << "#include \"" << *it << "\"" << endl;
QString uiDotH = fileName + ".h";
if ( QFile::exists( uiDotH ) ) {
if ( !outputFileName.isEmpty() )
uiDotH = combinePath( uiDotH, outputFileName );
out << "#include \"" << uiDotH << "\"" << endl;
writeFunctImpl = FALSE;
// register the object and unify its name
objName = registerObject( objName );
QStringList images;
QStringList xpmImages;
if ( pixmapLoaderFunction.isEmpty() && !externPixmaps ) {
// create images
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "images" ) {
nl = n.elementsByTagName( "image" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QString img = registerObject( nl.item(i).toElement().attribute("name") );
if ( !requiredImages.contains( img ) )
QDomElement tmp = nl.item(i).firstChild().toElement();
if ( tmp.tagName() != "data" )
QString format = tmp.attribute("format", "PNG" );
QString data = tmp.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( format == "XPM.GZ" ) {
xpmImages += img;
ulong length = tmp.attribute("length").toULong();
QByteArray baunzip = unzipXPM( data, length );
length = baunzip.size();
// shouldn't we test the initial 'length' against the
// resulting 'length' to catch corrupt UIC files?
int a = 0;
int column = 0;
bool inQuote = FALSE;
out << "static const char* const " << img << "_data[] = { " << endl;
while ( baunzip[a] != '\"' )
for ( ; a < (int) length; a++ ) {
out << baunzip[a];
if ( baunzip[a] == '\n' ) {
column = 0;
} else if ( baunzip[a] == '"' ) {
inQuote = !inQuote;
if ( column++ >= 511 && inQuote ) {
out << "\"\n\""; // be nice with MSVC & Co.
column = 1;
out << endl;
} else {
images += img;
out << "static const unsigned char " << img << "_data[] = { " << endl;
out << " ";
int a ;
for ( a = 0; a < (int) (data.length()/2)-1; a++ ) {
out << "0x" << QString(data[2*a]) << QString(data[2*a+1]) << ",";
if ( a % 12 == 11 )
out << endl << " ";
out << " ";
out << "0x" << QString(data[2*a]) << QString(data[2*a+1]) << endl;
out << "};" << endl << endl;
out << endl;
} else if ( externPixmaps ) {
pixmapLoaderFunction = "QPixmap::fromMimeSource";
// constructor
if ( objClass == "QDialog" || objClass == "QWizard" ) {
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " as a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
out << " * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'." << endl;
out << " *" << endl;
out << " * The " << objClass.mid(1).lower() << " will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to" << endl;
out << " * TRUE to construct a modal " << objClass.mid(1).lower() << "." << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )" << endl;
out << " : " << objClass << "( parent, name, modal, fl )";
} else if ( objClass == "QWidget" ) {
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " as a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
out << " * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'." << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )" << endl;
out << " : " << objClass << "( parent, name, fl )";
} else if ( objClass == "QMainWindow" ) {
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " as a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
out << " * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'." << endl;
out << " *" << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )" << endl;
out << " : " << objClass << "( parent, name, fl )";
isMainWindow = TRUE;
} else {
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Constructs a " << nameOfClass << " which is a child of 'parent', with the" << endl;
out << " * name 'name'.' " << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << nameOfClass << "::" << bareNameOfClass << "( QWidget* parent, const char* name )" << endl;
out << " : " << objClass << "( parent, name )";
// create pixmaps for all images
if ( !xpmImages.isEmpty() ) {
for ( it = xpmImages.begin(); it != xpmImages.end(); ++it ) {
out << "," << endl;
out << indent << " " << *it << "( (const char **) " << (*it) << "_data )";
out << endl;
out << "{" << endl;
if ( isMainWindow )
out << indent << "(void)statusBar();" << endl;
if ( !images.isEmpty() ) {
out << indent << "QImage img;" << endl;
for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it ) {
out << indent << "img.loadFromData( " << (*it) << "_data, sizeof( " << (*it) << "_data ), \"PNG\" );" << endl;
out << indent << (*it) << " = img;" << endl;
// set the properties
QSize geometry( 0, 0 );
for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
bool stdset = stdsetdef;
if ( n.hasAttribute( "stdset" ) )
stdset = toBool( n.attribute( "stdset" ) );
QString prop = n.attribute("name");
QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
QString value = setObjectProperty( objClass, QString::null, prop, n2, stdset );
if ( value.isEmpty() )
if ( prop == "geometry" && n2.tagName() == "rect" ) {
QDomElement n3 = n2.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n3.isNull() ) {
if ( n3.tagName() == "width" )
geometry.setWidth( n3.firstChild().toText().data().toInt() );
else if ( n3.tagName() == "height" )
geometry.setHeight( n3.firstChild().toText().data().toInt() );
n3 = n3.nextSibling().toElement();
} else {
QString call;
if ( stdset ) {
call = mkStdSet( prop ) + "( ";
} else {
call = "setProperty( \"" + prop + "\", ";
call += value + " );";
if ( n2.tagName() == "string" ) {
trout << indent << call << endl;
} else if ( prop == "name" ) {
out << indent << "if ( !name )" << endl;
out << "\t" << call << endl;
} else {
out << indent << call << endl;
// create all children, some forms have special requirements
if ( objClass == "QWizard" ) {
for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( tags.contains( n.tagName() ) ) {
QString page = createObjectImpl( n, objClass, "this" );
QString comment;
QString label = DomTool::readAttribute( n, "title", "", comment ).toString();
out << indent << "addPage( " << page << ", QString(\"\") );" << endl;
trout << indent << "setTitle( " << page << ", " << trcall( label, comment ) << " );" << endl;
QVariant def( FALSE, 0 );
if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "backEnabled" ) )
out << indent << "setBackEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "backEnabled", def).toBool() ) << endl;
if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "nextEnabled" ) )
out << indent << "setNextEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "nextEnabled", def).toBool() ) << endl;
if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "finishEnabled" ) )
out << indent << "setFinishEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "finishEnabled", def).toBool() ) << " );" << endl;
if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "helpEnabled" ) )
out << indent << "setHelpEnabled( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "helpEnabled", def).toBool() ) << endl;
if ( DomTool::hasAttribute( n, "finish" ) )
out << indent << "setFinish( " << page << ", " << mkBool( DomTool::readAttribute( n, "finish", def).toBool() ) << endl;
} else { // standard widgets
for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( tags.contains( n.tagName() ) )
createObjectImpl( n, objName, "this" );
// database support
dbConnections = unique( dbConnections );
if ( dbConnections.count() )
out << endl;
for ( it = dbConnections.begin(); it != dbConnections.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() && (*it) != "(default)") {
out << indent << (*it) << "Connection = QSqlDatabase::database( \"" <<(*it) << "\" );" << endl;
nl = e.parentNode().toElement().elementsByTagName( "widget" );
for ( i = 1; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) { // start at 1, 0 is the toplevel widget
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString s = getClassName( n );
if ( (dbForm || subDbForms) && (s == "QDataBrowser" || s == "QDataView") ) {
QString objName = getObjectName( n );
QString tab = getDatabaseInfo( n, "table" );
QString con = getDatabaseInfo( n, "connection" );
out << indent << "QSqlForm* " << objName << "Form = new QSqlForm( this, \"" << objName << "Form\" );" << endl;
QDomElement n2;
for ( n2 = n.firstChild().toElement(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement() )
createFormImpl( n2, objName, con, tab );
out << indent << objName << "->setForm( " << objName << "Form );" << endl;
// actions, toolbars, menubar
bool needEndl = FALSE;
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "actions" ) {
if ( !needEndl )
out << endl << indent << "// actions" << endl;
createActionImpl( n.firstChild().toElement(), "this" );
needEndl = TRUE;
if ( needEndl )
out << endl;
needEndl = FALSE;
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "toolbars" ) {
if ( !needEndl )
out << endl << indent << "// toolbars" << endl;
createToolbarImpl( n, objClass, objName );
needEndl = TRUE;
if ( needEndl )
out << endl;
needEndl = FALSE;
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "menubar" ) {
if ( !needEndl )
out << endl << indent << "// menubar" << endl;
createMenuBarImpl( n, objClass, objName );
needEndl = TRUE;
if ( needEndl )
out << endl;
out << indent << "languageChange();" << endl;
// take minimumSizeHint() into account, for height-for-width widgets
if ( !geometry.isNull() ) {
out << indent << "resize( QSize(" << geometry.width() << ", "
<< geometry.height() << ").expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );" << endl;
out << indent << "clearWState( WState_Polished );" << endl;
for ( n = e; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "connections" ) {
// setup signals and slots connections
out << endl << indent << "// signals and slots connections" << endl;
nl = n.elementsByTagName( "connection" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QString sender, receiver, signal, slot;
for ( QDomElement n2 = nl.item(i).firstChild().toElement(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "sender" )
sender = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
else if ( n2.tagName() == "receiver" )
receiver = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
else if ( n2.tagName() == "signal" )
signal = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
else if ( n2.tagName() == "slot" )
slot = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( sender.isEmpty() ||
receiver.isEmpty() ||
signal.isEmpty() ||
slot.isEmpty() )
if ( sender[0] == '<' ||
receiver[0] == '<' ||
signal[0] == '<' ||
slot[0] == '<' )
sender = registeredName( sender );
receiver = registeredName( receiver );
// translate formwindow name to "this"
if ( sender == objName )
sender = "this";
if ( receiver == objName )
receiver = "this";
out << indent << "connect( " << sender << ", SIGNAL( " << signal << " ), "
<< receiver << ", SLOT( " << slot << " ) );" << endl;
} else if ( n.tagName() == "tabstops" ) {
// setup tab order
out << endl << indent << "// tab order" << endl;
QString lastName;
QDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "tabstop" ) {
QString name = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
name = registeredName( name );
if ( !lastName.isEmpty() )
out << indent << "setTabOrder( " << lastName << ", " << name << " );" << endl;
lastName = name;
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
// buddies
bool firstBuddy = TRUE;
for ( QValueList<Buddy>::Iterator buddy = buddies.begin(); buddy != buddies.end(); ++buddy ) {
if ( isObjectRegistered( (*buddy).buddy ) ) {
if ( firstBuddy ) {
out << endl << indent << "// buddies" << endl;
out << indent << (*buddy).key << "->setBuddy( " << registeredName( (*buddy).buddy ) << " );" << endl;
firstBuddy = FALSE;
if ( extraFuncts.find( "init()" ) != extraFuncts.end() )
out << indent << "init();" << endl;
// end of constructor
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
// destructor
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources" << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << nameOfClass << "::~" << bareNameOfClass << "()" << endl;
out << "{" << endl;
if ( extraFuncts.find( "destroy()" ) != extraFuncts.end() )
out << indent << "destroy();" << endl;
out << indent << "// no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us" << endl;
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
// handle application events if required
bool needFontEventHandler = FALSE;
bool needSqlTableEventHandler = FALSE;
bool needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler = FALSE;
nl = e.elementsByTagName( "widget" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
if ( !DomTool::propertiesOfType( nl.item(i).toElement() , "font" ).isEmpty() )
needFontEventHandler = TRUE;
QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
if ( s == "QDataTable" || s == "QDataBrowser" ) {
if ( !isFrameworkCodeGenerated( nl.item(i).toElement() ) )
if ( s == "QDataTable" )
needSqlTableEventHandler = TRUE;
if ( s == "QDataBrowser" )
needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler = TRUE;
if ( needFontEventHandler && needSqlTableEventHandler && needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler )
if ( needFontEventHandler && FALSE ) {
// indent = "\t"; // increase indentation for if-clause below
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Main event handler. Reimplemented to handle" << endl;
out << " * application font changes";
out << " */" << endl;
out << "bool " << nameOfClass << "::event( QEvent* ev )" << endl;
out << "{" << endl;
out << " bool ret = " << objClass << "::event( ev ); " << endl;
if ( needFontEventHandler ) {
indent += "\t";
out << " if ( ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationFontChange ) {" << endl;
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
QStringList list = DomTool::propertiesOfType( n, "font" );
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
createExclusiveProperty( n, *it );
out << " }" << endl;
indent = " ";
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
if ( needSqlTableEventHandler || needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler ) {
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Widget polish. Reimplemented to handle" << endl;
if ( needSqlTableEventHandler )
out << " * default data table initialization" << endl;
if ( needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler )
out << " * default data browser initialization" << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << "void " << nameOfClass << "::polish()" << endl;
out << "{" << endl;
if ( needSqlTableEventHandler ) {
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
if ( s == "QDataTable" ) {
n = nl.item(i).toElement();
QString c = getObjectName( n );
QString conn = getDatabaseInfo( n, "connection" );
QString tab = getDatabaseInfo( n, "table" );
if ( !( conn.isEmpty() || tab.isEmpty() || !isFrameworkCodeGenerated( nl.item(i).toElement() ) ) ) {
out << indent << "if ( " << c << " ) {" << endl;
out << indent << indent << "QSqlCursor* cursor = " << c << "->sqlCursor();" << endl;
out << indent << indent << "if ( !cursor ) {" << endl;
if ( conn == "(default)" )
out << indent << indent << indent << "cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\" );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << "cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\", TRUE, " << conn << "Connection );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << "if ( " << c << "->isReadOnly() ) " << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << indent << "cursor->setMode( QSqlCursor::ReadOnly );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << c << "->setSqlCursor( cursor, FALSE, TRUE );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << "}" << endl;
out << indent << indent << "if ( !cursor->isActive() )" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << c << "->refresh( QDataTable::RefreshAll );" << endl;
out << indent << "}" << endl;
if ( needSqlDataBrowserEventHandler ) {
nl = e.elementsByTagName( "widget" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int) nl.length(); i++ ) {
QString s = getClassName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
if ( s == "QDataBrowser" ) {
QString obj = getObjectName( nl.item(i).toElement() );
QString tab = getDatabaseInfo( nl.item(i).toElement(),
"table" );
QString conn = getDatabaseInfo( nl.item(i).toElement(),
"connection" );
if ( !(tab.isEmpty() || !isFrameworkCodeGenerated( nl.item(i).toElement() ) ) ) {
out << indent << "if ( " << obj << " ) {" << endl;
out << indent << indent << "if ( !" << obj << "->sqlCursor() ) {" << endl;
if ( conn == "(default)" )
out << indent << indent << indent << "QSqlCursor* cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\" );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << "QSqlCursor* cursor = new QSqlCursor( \"" << tab << "\", TRUE, " << conn << "Connection );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << obj << "->setSqlCursor( cursor, TRUE );" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << obj << "->refresh();" << endl;
out << indent << indent << indent << obj << "->first();" << endl;
out << indent << indent << "}" << endl;
out << indent << "}" << endl;
out << indent << objClass << "::polish();" << endl;
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
out << "/*" << endl;
out << " * Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current" << endl;
out << " * language." << endl;
out << " */" << endl;
out << "void " << nameOfClass << "::languageChange()" << endl;
out << "{" << endl;
out << languageChangeBody;
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
// create stubs for additional slots if necessary
if ( !extraFuncts.isEmpty() && writeFunctImpl ) {
it = extraFuncts.begin();
QStringList::Iterator it2 = extraFunctTyp.begin();
QStringList::Iterator it3 = extraFunctSpecifier.begin();
while ( it != extraFuncts.end() ) {
QString type = *it2;
if ( type.isEmpty() )
type = "void";
type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
QString fname = Parser::cleanArgs( *it );
if ( !(*it3).startsWith("pure") ) { // "pure virtual" or "pureVirtual"
out << type << " " << nameOfClass << "::" << fname << endl;
out << "{" << endl;
if ( *it != "init()" && *it != "destroy()" ) {
QRegExp numeric( "^(?:signed|unsigned|u?char|u?short|u?int"
"|double)$" );
QString retVal;
We return some kind of dummy value to shut the
compiler up.
1. If the type is 'void', we return nothing.
2. If the type is 'bool', we return 'FALSE'.
3. If the type is 'unsigned long' or
'Q_UINT16' or 'double' or similar, we
return '0'.
4. If the type is 'Foo *', we return '0'.
5. If the type is 'Foo &', we create a static
variable of type 'Foo' and return it.
6. If the type is 'Foo', we assume there's a
default constructor and use it.
if ( type != "void" ) {
QStringList toks = QStringList::split( " ", type );
bool isBasicNumericType =
( toks.grep(numeric).count() == toks.count() );
if ( type == "bool" ) {
retVal = "FALSE";
} else if ( isBasicNumericType || type.endsWith("*") ) {
retVal = "0";
} else if ( type.endsWith("&") ) {
do {
type.truncate( type.length() - 1 );
} while ( type.endsWith(" ") );
retVal = "uic_temp_var";
out << indent << "static " << type << " " << retVal << ";" << endl;
} else {
retVal = type + "()";
out << indent << "qWarning( \"" << nameOfClass << "::" << fname << ": Not implemented yet\" );" << endl;
if ( !retVal.isEmpty() )
out << indent << "return " << retVal << ";" << endl;
out << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
/*! Creates form support implementation code for the widgets given
in \a e.
Traverses recursively over all children.
void Uic::createFormImpl( const QDomElement& e, const QString& form, const QString& connection, const QString& table )
if ( e.tagName() == "widget" &&
e.attribute( "class" ) != "QDataTable" ) {
QString field = getDatabaseInfo( e, "field" );
if ( !field.isEmpty() ) {
if ( isWidgetInTable( e, connection, table ) )
out << indent << form << "Form->insert( " << getObjectName( e ) << ", " << fixString( field ) << " );" << endl;
QDomElement n;
for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
createFormImpl( n, form, connection, table );