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14 years ago
** QCollection fake documentation
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
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/*! \page qarray.html
\title QArray Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qarray.h>\endcode
The QArray class has been renamed <b> \l QMemArray </b> in Qt 3.0.
/*! \page qcollection.html
\title QCollection Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qcollection.h>\endcode
The QCollection class has been renamed <b> \l QPtrCollection </b> in Qt 3.0.
/*! \page qlist.html
\title QList Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qlist.h>\endcode
The QList class has been renamed <b> \l QPtrList </b> in Qt 3.0.
/*! \page qlistiterator.html
\title QListIterator Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qlist.h>\endcode
The QListIterator class has been renamed <b> \l QPtrListIterator </b> in
Qt 3.0.
/*! \page qqueue.html
\title QQueue Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qqueue.h>\endcode
The QQueue class has been renamed <b> \l QPtrQueue </b> in Qt 3.0.
/*! \page qstack.html
\title QStack Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qstack.h>\endcode
The QStack class has been renamed <b> \l QPtrStack </b> in Qt 3.0.
/*! \page qvector.html
\title QVector Class Reference (obsolete)
#include <qvector.h>\endcode
The QVector class has been renamed <b> \l QPtrVector </b> in Qt 3.0.