You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

438 lines
12 KiB

// This is the SIP interface definition for QTextEdit.
// Copyright (c) 2007
// Riverbank Computing Limited <>
// This file is part of PyQt.
// This copy of PyQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// PyQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
// details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// PyQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
<Sect2><Title>QTextEdit (Qt v3+)</Title>
<FuncDef>int <Function>charAt</Function></FuncDef>
<ParamDef>const QPoint &amp;<Parameter>pos</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>para</Parameter> = 0</ParamDef>
This takes only the <Literal>pos</Literal> parameter and returns a tuple of the
value returned via the <Literal>para</Literal> pointer and the int result.
<FuncDef>void <Function>del</Function></FuncDef>
This has been renamed <Literal>delChar</Literal> in Python.
<FuncDef>virtual bool <Function>find</Function></FuncDef>
<ParamDef>const QString &amp;<Parameter>expr</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>bool <Parameter>cs</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>bool <Parameter>wo</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>bool <Parameter>forward</Parameter> = TRUE</ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>para</Parameter> = 0</ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>index</Parameter> = 0</ParamDef>
If the <Literal>para</Literal> and <Literal>index</Literal> parameters are
omitted then the bool result is returned. If both are supplied (as integers)
then a tuple of the bool result and the modified values of
<Literal>para</Literal> and <Literal>index</Literal> is returned.
<FuncDef>void <Function>getCursorPosition</Function></FuncDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>para</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>index</Parameter></ParamDef>
This takes no parameters and returns a tuple of the values returned via the
<Literal>para</Literal> and <Literal>index</Literal> pointers.
<FuncDef>void <Function>getSelection</Function></FuncDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>paraFrom</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>indexFrom</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>paraTo</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int *<Parameter>indexTo</Parameter></ParamDef>
<ParamDef>int <Parameter>selNum</Parameter> = 0</ParamDef>
This takes only the <Literal>selNum</Literal> parameter and returns a tuple of
the <Literal>paraFrom</Literal>, <Literal>indexFrom</Literal>,
<Literal>paraTo</Literal> and <Literal>indexTo</Literal> values.
%If (Qt_3_0_0 -)
// These aren't part of the public API in the Qt3 beta, so define them as
// opaque for the moment.
class QTextDocument;
class QTextCursor;
class QTextEdit : QScrollView
#include <qtextedit.h>
enum WordWrap {
enum WrapPolicy {
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
enum AutoFormatting {
enum KeyboardAction {
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
enum CursorAction {
enum VerticalAlignment {
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
enum TextInsertionFlags {
QTextEdit(const QString &,const QString & = QString::null,
QWidget * /TransferThis/ = 0,const char * = 0);
QTextEdit(QWidget * /TransferThis/ = 0,const char * = 0);
void setPalette(const QPalette &);
QString text() const;
QString text(int) const;
TextFormat textFormat() const;
QString context() const;
QString documentTitle() const;
void getSelection(int *,int *,int *,int *,int = 0) const;
// We implement find() as two separate methods as it's the easiest way
// to handle the somewhat strange Qt interface.
virtual bool find(const QString &,bool,bool,bool = 1);
virtual bool find(const QString &,bool,bool,bool,int * /In,Out/,
int * /In,Out/);
int paragraphs() const;
int lines() const;
int linesOfParagraph(int) const;
int lineOfChar(int,int);
int length() const;
QRect paragraphRect(int) const;
int paragraphAt(const QPoint &) const;
// Note that this is handwritten code because the generated code would
// return the values in the (correct but) reverse order.
SIP_PYTUPLE charAt(const QPoint &) const;
int para, index;
index = sipCpp -> QTextEdit::charAt(*a0,&para);
sipRes = sipBuildResult(&sipIsErr,"(ii)",para,index);
int paragraphLength(int) const;
QStyleSheet *styleSheet() const;
QMimeSourceFactory *mimeSourceFactory() const;
QBrush paper() const;
bool linkUnderline() const;
int heightForWidth(int) const;
bool hasSelectedText() const;
QString selectedText() const;
bool isUndoAvailable() const;
bool isRedoAvailable() const;
WordWrap wordWrap() const;
int wrapColumnOrWidth() const;
WrapPolicy wrapPolicy() const;
int tabStopWidth() const;
QString anchorAt(const QPoint &);
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
QString anchorAt(const QPoint &,AnchorAttribute);
QSize sizeHint() const;
bool isReadOnly() const;
void getCursorPosition(int *,int *) const;
bool isModified() const;
bool italic() const;
bool bold() const;
bool underline() const;
QString family() const;
int pointSize() const;
QColor color() const;
QFont font() const;
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
QFont currentFont() const;
int alignment() const;
int undoDepth() const;
// These are undocumented and marked as "don't use".
//virtual bool getFormat(int,int,QFont *,QColor *,VerticalAlignment *);
//virtual bool getParagraphFormat(int,QFont *,QColor *,
// VerticalAlignment *,int *,
// QStyleSheetItem::DisplayMode *,
// QStyleSheetItem::ListStyle *,
// int *);
bool isOverwriteMode() const;
QColor paragraphBackgroundColor(int) const;
bool isUndoRedoEnabled() const;
bool eventFilter(QObject *,QEvent *);
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
bool tabChangesFocus() const;
// Qt defines the following as uint rather than int because it uses the
// AutoFormatting enum as a set of flags. Because SIP implements enums
// as a subclass of int they are always signed. AutoAll is defined as
// 0xffffffff which Python converts to -1 and then fails to convert it
// to an unsigned. For the moment we just lie to SIP about the type
// and let the compiler handle it.
void setAutoFormatting(int);
int autoFormatting() const;
%If (Qt_3_3_0 -)
QSyntaxHighlighter *syntaxHighlighter() const;
public slots:
void setEnabled(bool);
virtual void setMimeSourceFactory(QMimeSourceFactory *);
virtual void setStyleSheet(QStyleSheet *);
virtual void scrollToAnchor(const QString &);
virtual void setPaper(const QBrush &);
virtual void setLinkUnderline(bool);
virtual void setWordWrap(WordWrap);
virtual void setWrapColumnOrWidth(int);
virtual void setWrapPolicy(WrapPolicy);
virtual void copy();
virtual void append(const QString &);
void setText(const QString &);
virtual void setText(const QString &,const QString &);
virtual void setTextFormat(TextFormat);
virtual void selectAll(bool = 1);
virtual void setTabStopWidth(int);
virtual void zoomIn(int);
virtual void zoomIn();
virtual void zoomOut(int);
virtual void zoomOut();
virtual void zoomTo(int);
virtual void sync();
virtual void setReadOnly(bool);
virtual void undo();
virtual void redo();
virtual void cut();
virtual void paste();
virtual void pasteSubType(const QCString &);
virtual void clear();
virtual void del() /PyName=delChar/;
virtual void indent();
virtual void setItalic(bool);
virtual void setBold(bool);
virtual void setUnderline(bool);
virtual void setFamily(const QString &);
virtual void setPointSize(int);
virtual void setColor(const QColor &);
virtual void setFont(const QFont &);
virtual void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment);
virtual void setAlignment(int);
virtual void setParagType(QStyleSheetItem::DisplayMode,
virtual void setCursorPosition(int,int);
virtual void setSelection(int,int,int,int,int = 0);
virtual void setSelectionAttributes(int,const QColor &,bool);
virtual void setModified(bool);
virtual void resetFormat();
virtual void setUndoDepth(int);
// Marked as internal in the Qt3 beta.
// virtual void setFormat(QTextFormat *,int);
virtual void ensureCursorVisible();
virtual void placeCursor(const QPoint &,QTextCursor * = 0);
virtual void moveCursor(CursorAction,bool);
virtual void doKeyboardAction(KeyboardAction);
virtual void removeSelectedText(int = 0);
virtual void removeSelection(int = 0);
virtual void setCurrentFont(const QFont &);
virtual void setOverwriteMode(bool);
virtual void scrollToBottom();
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
void insert(const QString &,uint = CheckNewLines | RemoveSelected);
virtual void insert(const QString &,bool,bool = 1,bool = 1);
%If (- Qt_3_1_0)
virtual void insert(const QString &,bool = 0,bool = 1,bool = 1);
virtual void insertAt(const QString &,int,int);
virtual void removeParagraph(int);
virtual void insertParagraph(const QString &,int);
virtual void setParagraphBackgroundColor(int,const QColor &);
virtual void clearParagraphBackground(int);
virtual void setUndoRedoEnabled(bool);
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
void setTabChangesFocus(bool);
void polish();
%If (Qt_3_2_0 -)
void setMaxLogLines(int);
int maxLogLines();
void textChanged();
void selectionChanged();
void copyAvailable(bool);
void undoAvailable(bool);
void redoAvailable(bool);
void currentFontChanged(const QFont &);
void currentColorChanged(const QColor &);
void currentAlignmentChanged(int);
void currentVerticalAlignmentChanged(VerticalAlignment);
void cursorPositionChanged(QTextCursor *);
void cursorPositionChanged(int,int);
void returnPressed();
void modificationChanged(bool);
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
void clicked(int,int);
void doubleClicked(int,int);
void repaintChanged();
void updateStyles();
void drawContents(QPainter *,int,int,int,int);
bool event(QEvent *);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
void viewportResizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *);
void contentsWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *);
void imStartEvent(QIMEvent *);
void imComposeEvent(QIMEvent *);
void imEndEvent(QIMEvent *);
void contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *);
void contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *);
void contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *);
void contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *);
void contentsContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *);
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool);
QTextDocument *document() const;
QTextCursor *textCursor() const;
void setDocument(QTextDocument *);
virtual QPopupMenu *createPopupMenu(const QPoint &) /Factory/;
virtual QPopupMenu *createPopupMenu() /Factory/;
void drawCursor(bool);
void windowActivationChange(bool);
protected slots:
virtual void doChangeInterval();
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
void sliderReleased();
%If (Qt_3_1_0 -)
QTextEdit(const QTextEdit &);