You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from PyTQt.tqt import TQVBox, TQLabel, TQLineEdit, TQString, TQPixmap, TQPushButton, TQColor, TQ_SIGNAL, TQButtonGroup,\
TQRadioButton, TQt, TQWidget
from tdecore import TDEAccel, i18n
from tdeui import TDEAboutDialog, TDEAboutKDE, KBugReport, KColorDialog, KDialog, KDialogBase, TDEFontDialog,\
KPasswordDialog, KMessageBox, KLineEditDlg, KKeyDialog, KWizard
# despite what the docs say, there is no enum (in 2.1.1 anyway)
# that contains these values
QuestionYesNo = 0
WarningYesNo = 1
WarningContinueCancel = 2
WarningYesNoCancel = 3
Information = 4
Sorry = 5
Error = 6
class CustomDlg (KDialog):
def __init__ (self, parent, name = "custom dlg", modal = False):
KDialog.__init__ (self, parent, name, modal)
x = 20
y = 10
rLbl = TQLabel ("r", self)
gLbl = TQLabel ("g", self)
bLbl = TQLabel ("b", self)
self.rEd = TQLineEdit ("64", self)
self.gEd = TQLineEdit ("64", self)
self.bEd = TQLineEdit ("64", self)
self.dlgBtn = TQPushButton ("Set/Get Color", self)
self.okBtn = TQPushButton ("OK", self)
self.canBtn = TQPushButton ("Cancel", self)
rLbl.setGeometry (x, y, 25, 20)
gLbl.setGeometry (x + 30, y, 25, 20)
bLbl.setGeometry (x + 60, y, 25, 20)
y = y + 20
self.rEd.setGeometry (x, y, 25, 20)
self.gEd.setGeometry (x + 30, y, 25, 20)
self.bEd.setGeometry (x + 60, y, 25, 20)
y = y + 30
self.dlgBtn.setGeometry (x, y, 90, 22)
y = y + 30
self.okBtn.setGeometry (x, y, 40, 22)
self.canBtn.setGeometry (x + 50, y, 40, 22)
self.connect (self.dlgBtn, TQ_SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.dlgClicked)
self.connect (self.okBtn, TQ_SIGNAL ("clicked ()"), self.okClicked)
self.connect (self.canBtn, TQ_SIGNAL ("clicked ()"), self.cancelClicked)
def dlgClicked (self):
# get some (numerical) color values from the original dialog
red = int (self.rEd.text ().latin1 ())
green = int (self.gEd.text ().latin1 ())
blue = int (self.bEd.text ().latin1 ())
# convert the numbers to a TQColor
color = TQColor (red, green, blue)
# invoke the dialog (getColor is a 'static' call)
# initialize with the colors from above (in color)
# color will also hold the new value chosen in the
# KColorDialog
result = KColorDialog.getColor (color, self)
# get the numerical color values back
red, green, blue = color.rgb ()
# update the TQLineEdits in the original dialog
self.rEd.setText (str (red))
self.gEd.setText (str (green))
self.bEd.setText (str (blue))
def okClicked (self):
self.done (1)
def cancelClicked (self):
self.done (0)
class MessageDlg (KDialog):
def __init__ (self, parent, name = "message dlg", modal = False):
KDialog.__init__ (self, parent, name, modal)
buttons = ["QuestionYesNo", "WarningYesNo", "WarningContiueCancel", "WarningYesNoCancel",\
"Information", "Sorry", "Error"]
n = len (buttons)
grp = TQButtonGroup (n, TQt.Vertical, "MessageBoxes", self, "button grp")
grp.setGeometry (10, 10, 200, 30*n)
for i in range (n):
TQRadioButton (buttons [i], grp)
self.connect (grp, TQ_SIGNAL ("clicked (int)"), self.launch)
def launch (self, which):
if which == QuestionYesNo:
KMessageBox.questionYesNo (self, "This is a questionYesNo message box\nThere is also a list version of this dialog",\
elif which == WarningYesNo:
KMessageBox.warningYesNo (self, "This is a warningYesNo message box", "warningYesNo")
elif which == WarningContinueCancel:
KMessageBox.warningContinueCancel (self, "This is a warningContinueCancel message box", "warningContinueCancel");
elif which == WarningYesNoCancel:
KMessageBox.warningYesNoCancel (self, "This is a warningYesNoCancel message box", "warningYesNoCancel")
elif which == Information:
KMessageBox.information (self, "This is an information message box", "Information")
elif which == Sorry:
KMessageBox.sorry (self, "This is a 'sorry' message box", "Sorry")
elif which == Error:
KMessageBox.error (self, "No - this isn't really an error\nIt's an error message box\n", "Error")
def dlgTDEAboutDialog (parent):
dlg = TDEAboutDialog (parent, 'about dialog', False)
dlg.setLogo (TQPixmap ("pytestimage.png"))
dlg.setTitle ("UISampler for PyTDE")
dlg.setAuthor ("Jim Bublitz", "", "",\
"\n\nPyTDE -- Python bindings\n\tfor TDE")
dlg.addContributor ("PyTDE list", "", TQString.null, TQString.null) ()
def dlgKBugReport (parent):
dlg = KBugReport (parent)
dlg.exec_loop ()
def dlgTDEAboutKDE (parent):
dlg = TDEAboutKDE (parent, "about kde", False) ()
def dlgKColorDialog (parent):
dlg = KColorDialog (parent, "color dlg", False) ()
def dlgKDialog (parent):
dlg = CustomDlg (parent) ()
def dlgKDialogBase (parent):
caption = "KDialogBase sample"
text_ = "This is a KDialogBase example"
dlg = KDialogBase (parent, "sample_dialog", False, caption,\
KDialogBase.Ok | KDialogBase.Cancel, KDialogBase.Ok, True )
page = dlg.makeVBoxMainWidget();
# making 'page' the parent inserts the widgets in
# the VBox created above
label = TQLabel( caption, page, "caption" );
lineedit = TQLineEdit(text_, page, "lineedit" );
# This tests some handwritten code in KDialogBase
label0 = TQLabel ("Border widths", page)
a, b, c, d = dlg.getBorderWidths ()
labelA = TQLabel ("Upper Left X: " + str (a), page)
labelB = TQLabel ("Upper Left Y: " + str (b), page)
labelC = TQLabel ("Lower Right X: " + str (c), page)
labelD = TQLabel ("Lower Right Y: " + str (d), page) ()
def dlgTDEFontDialog (parent):
dlg = TDEFontDialog (parent, "font dlg", False, False) ()
def dlgKKeyDialog (parent):
# This really doesn't do anything except pop up the dlg
keys = TDEAccel (parent)
keys.insertItem( i18n( "Zoom in" ), "Zoom in", "+" );
KKeyDialog.configureKeys (keys)
def dlgKLineEditDlg (parent):
result, ok = KLineEditDlg.getText ("Enter text", "<Your input here>", parent)
print("result", result)
print("ok", ok)
# pop up another dlg to show what happened in the KLineEditDlg
if ok:
result = result.latin1 ()
KMessageBox.information (parent, "OK was pressed\nText: " + result, "KLineEditDlg result")
result = ""
KMessageBox.information (parent, "Cancel pressed\nText: " + result, "KLineEditDlg result")
def dlgKMessageBox (parent):
dlg = MessageDlg (parent) ()
def dlgKPasswordDialog (parent):
dlg = KPasswordDialog (KPasswordDialog.Password, "Enter password (just a test)")
dlg.exec_loop ()
def dlgKWizard (parent):
wiz = KWizard (parent)
page1 = TQWidget (wiz)
p1Lbl = TQLabel ("This is page 1", page1)
p1Lbl.setGeometry (20, 20, 100, 20)
page2 = TQWidget (wiz)
p2Lbl = TQLabel ("This is page 2", page2)
p2Lbl.setGeometry (50, 20, 100, 20)
page3 = TQWidget (wiz)
p3Lbl = TQLabel ("This is page 3", page3)
p3Lbl.setGeometry (80, 20, 100, 20)
wiz.addPage (page1, "Page 1")
wiz.addPage (page2, "Page 2")
wiz.addPage (page3, "Page 3") ()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Please run")