You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
228 lines
8.5 KiB
228 lines
8.5 KiB
14 years ago
import sys
sys.path.append ("./uimodules")
from qt import QSplitter, QWidgetStack, QWidget, QListViewItem, SIGNAL, QCString , QScrollView, QRect, Qt
from kdecore import KApplication, KCmdLineArgs, KAboutData
from kdeui import KMainWindow, KListView
from uidialogs import *
from uiwidgets import *
from uimenus import *
from uixml import *
from uimisc import *
False = 0
True = not False
listItems = {"Dialogs":
{"KAboutDialog": ["KAboutApplication", "KAboutContainer", "KImageTrackLabel",\
"KAboutContainerBase", "KAboutContributor", "KAboutWidget"],\
"KAboutKDE": [],\
"KBugReport": [],\
"KColorDialog": [],\
"KDialog": [],\
"KDialogBase": ["KDialogBaseButton", "KDialogBase::SButton", "KDialogBaseTile"],\
"KFontDialog": [],\
"KKeyDialog": [],\
"KLineEditDlg": [],\
"KMessageBox": [],\
"KPasswordDialog": [],\
"KWizard": []},\
{"KAnimWidget": [],\
"KAuthIcon": ["KRootPermsIcon", "KWritePermsIcon"],\
"KButtonBox": [],\
"KCharSelect": ["KCharSelectTable"],\
"KColorButton": [],\
"KColorCells": [],\
"KColorCombo": [],\
"KColorPatch": [],\
"KComboBox": [],\
"KCompletionBox": [],\
"KContainerLayout": ["KContainerLayout::KContainerLayoutItem"],\
"KCursor": [],\
"KDatePicker": ["KDateInternalMonthPicker", "KDateInternalYearSelector"],\
"KDateTable": [],\
"KDualColorButton": [],\
"KEdit": ["KEdFind", "KEdGotoLine", "KEdReplace"],\
"KEditListBox": [],\
"KFontChooser": [],\
"KHSSelector": [],\
"KIconView": [],\
"KJanusWidget": ["KJanusWidget::IconListBox"],\
"KKeyChooser": [],\
"KLed": [],\
"KLineEdit": [],\
"KListBox": [],\
"KListView": [],\
"KNumInput": ["KDoubleNumInput", "KIntNumInput"],\
"KPaletteTable": [],\
"KPasswordEdit": [],\
"KProgress": [],\
"KRootPixmap": [],\
"KMainWindow": [],\
"KRestrictedLine": [],\
"KRuler": [],\
"KSelector": ["KGradientSelector", "KValueSelector", "KHSSelector", "KXYSelector"],\
"KSeparator": [],\
"KSqueezedTextLabel": [],\
"KTabCtl": [],\
"KTextBrowser": [],\
"KURLLabel": []},\
{"KActionCollection": [],\
"KEditToolbar": [],\
"KEditToolbarWidget": [],\
"KXMLGUIBuilder": [],\
"KXMLGUIClient": ["KXMLGUIClient::DocStruct"],\
"KXMLGUIFactory": []},\
{"KAccelMenu": [],\
"KAction": ["KFontAction", "KFontSizeAction", "KListAction", "KRecentFilesAction", "KRadioAction",\
"KSelectAction", "KToggleAction"],\
"KActionMenu": [],\
"KActionSeparator": [],\
"KContextMenuManager": [],\
"KDCOPActionProxy": [],\
"KHelpMenu": [],\
"KMenuBar": [],\
"KPanelApplet": [],\
"KPanelExtension": [],\
"KPanelMenu": [],\
"KPopupFrame": [],\
"KPopupMenu": [],\
"KPopupTitle": [],\
"KStatusBar": [],\
"KStatusBarLabel": [],\
"KStdAction": [],\
"KToolBar": ["KToolBarButton", "KToolBarButtonList", "KToolBarPopupAction",\
"KToolBarRadioGroup", "KToolBarSeparator"],\
"KWindowListMenu": []},\
{"KAlphaPainter": [],\
"KCModule": [],\
"KColor": [],\
"KColorDrag": [],\
"KCommand": ["KMacroCommand"],\
"KCommandHistory": [],\
"KDateValidator": [],\
"KDockWindow": ["KDockButton_Private - KPanelMenu", "KDockButton_Private",\
"KDockSplitter", "KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct", "KDockWidgetAbstractHeader",\
"KDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag", "KDockWidgetHeader",\
"KDockWidgetHeaderDrag", "KDockWidgetPrivate"],\
"KFloatValidator": [],\
"KIntValidator": [],\
"KPixmapIO": [],\
"KSharedPixmap": [],\
"KSystemTray": [],\
"KThemeBase": ["KThemeCache", "KThemePixmap", "KThemeStyle"],\
"QXEmbed": []}}
prefix = {"Dialogs": "dlg", "Widgets": "wid", "XML": "xml", "Menus/Toolbars": "menu", "Other": "misc"}
# The following leave about 375 x 390 for the rt hand panel
mainGeom = QRect (0, 0, 640, 500)
treeWidth = 220
blankMsg = """ UISampler - provides examples of PyKDE widgets
Select a dialog/widget/menu/etc example from the tree at left
class MainWin (KMainWindow):
def __init__ (self, *args):
apply (KMainWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)
self.setCaption ("Samples of PyKDE widget usage")
self.setGeometry (mainGeom)
# create the main view - list view on the left and an
# area to display frames on the right
self.mainView = QSplitter (self, "main view")
self.tree = KListView (self.mainView, "tree")
| = QWidgetStack (self.mainView, "page")
self.blankPage = QWidget (, "blank")
self.blankPage.setGeometry (0, 0, 375, 390)
self.blankPage.setBackgroundMode (QWidget.PaletteBase)
blankLbl = QLabel (blankMsg, self.blankPage)
blankLbl.setGeometry (40, 10, 380, 150)
blankLbl.setBackgroundMode (QWidget.PaletteBase)
blankPM = QPixmap ("pytestimage.png")
pmLbl = QLabel ("", self.blankPage)
pmLbl.setPixmap (blankPM)
pmLbl.setGeometry (40, 160, 300, 200)
pmLbl.setBackgroundMode (QWidget.PaletteBase)
| (self.blankPage, 1)
| (1)
self.setCentralWidget (self.mainView)
self.initListView ()
self.connect (self.tree, SIGNAL ("clicked (QListViewItem *)"), self.lvClicked)
self.edit = None
self.currentPageObj = None
def initListView (self):
self.tree.addColumn ("Category", treeWidth - 21)
# self.tree.setMaximumWidth (treeWidth)
self.mainView.setSizes ([treeWidth, 375])
self.tree.setRootIsDecorated (True)
self.tree.setVScrollBarMode (QScrollView.AlwaysOn)
topLevel = listItems.keys ()
for item_1 in topLevel:
parent = QListViewItem (self.tree, item_1)
secondLevel = listItems [item_1].keys ()
for item_2 in secondLevel:
child = QListViewItem (parent, item_2)
for item_3 in listItems [item_1][item_2]:
QListViewItem (child, item_3)
def lvClicked (self, lvItem):
if not lvItem:
if lvItem.text (0).latin1 () in listItems.keys ():
p = lvItem.parent ()
if p.text (0).latin1 () in listItems.keys ():
pfx = prefix [p.text (0).latin1 ()]
funcCall = pfx + lvItem.text (0).latin1 () + "(self)"
pfx = prefix [p.parent ().text (0).latin1 ()]
funcCall = pfx + lvItem.parent ().text (0).latin1 () + "(self)"
eval (funcCall)
def addPage (self):
self.edit = None
self.currentPageObj = None
current = (2)
if current:
| (current)
del current
newPage = QWidget (
newPage.setGeometry (0, 0, 375, 390)
# newPage.setBackgroundMode (QWidget.PaletteBase)
| (newPage, 2)
| (2)
return newPage
#-------------------- main ------------------------------------------------
appName = "UISampler"
app = KApplication (sys.argv, appName)
mainWindow = MainWin (None, "main window")