You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
4.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 Nicolas Hadacek <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#ifndef REGISTER_H
#define REGISTER_H
#include "common/common/storage.h"
#include "devices/base/generic_device.h"
namespace Register { class TypeData; }
namespace Device
enum RegisterProperty { NotAccessible = 0x0, Readable = 0x1, Writable = 0x2 };
TQ_DECLARE_FLAGS(RegisterProperties, RegisterProperty)
enum { MAX_NB_PORTS = 8 };
enum { MAX_NB_PORT_BITS = 16 };
enum BitState { Low = 0, High, WeakPullUp, WeakPullDown, HighImpedance, Unknown };
enum IoState { IoLow = 0, IoHigh, IoUnknown };
class PortBitData {
PortBitData() : state(Unknown), driving(false), drivenState(IoUnknown), drivingState(IoUnknown) {}
BitState state;
bool driving;
IoState drivenState, drivingState;
bool operator !=(const PortBitData &pdb) const {
return ( state!=pdb.state || driving!=pdb.driving || drivenState!=pdb.drivenState || drivingState!=pdb.drivingState );
} // namespace
namespace Register
enum Type { Regular, Special, Combined, Invalid };
class TypeData {
TypeData() : _nbChars(0) {}
TypeData(Address address, uint nbChars);
TypeData(const TQString &name, uint nbChars);
TypeData(const TQString &name, Address address, uint nbChars);
bool operator ==(const TypeData &data) const { return _name==data._name && _address==data._address && _nbChars==data._nbChars; }
Type type() const;
TQString name() const { return _name; }
Address address() const { return _address; }
uint nbChars() const { return _nbChars; }
TQString toString() const;
static TypeData fromString(const TQString &s);
uint _nbChars;
Address _address;
TQString _name;
} // namespace
namespace Device
class RegistersData
RegistersData() {}
virtual ~RegistersData() {}
virtual uint nbRegisters() const = 0;
virtual uint nbBits() const = 0;
uint nbBytes() const { return nbBitsToNbBytes(nbBits()); }
uint nbChars() const { return nbBitsToNbChars(nbBits()); }
virtual uint addressFromIndex(uint i) const = 0;
virtual uint indexFromAddress(Address address) const = 0;
virtual RegisterProperties properties(Address address) const = 0;
virtual TQValueList<Register::TypeData> relatedRegisters(const Register::TypeData &data) const = 0;
virtual bool hasPort(uint index) const = 0;
virtual int portIndex(Address address) const = 0;
virtual TQString portName(uint index) const = 0;
virtual bool hasPortBit(uint index, uint bit) const = 0;
virtual TQString portBitName(uint index, uint bit) const = 0;
} // namespace
namespace Register
class List;
extern List &list();
class List : public GenericStorage
List() : GenericStorage(0, "register_list") {}
void init();
void setWatched(const TypeData &data, bool watched);
void clearWatched();
const TQValueList<TypeData> &watched() const { return _watched; }
bool isWatched(const TypeData &data) const { return _watched.contains(data); }
void setValue(const TypeData &data, BitValue value);
BitValue value(const TypeData &data) const;
BitValue oldValue(const TypeData &data) const;
void setPortData(uint index, const TQMap<uint, Device::PortBitData> &data);
TQMap<uint, Device::PortBitData> portData(uint index) const { return _portDatas[index].current; }
TQMap<uint, Device::PortBitData> oldPortData(uint index) const { return _portDatas[index].old; }
class StateData {
BitValue current, old;
TQMap<Address, StateData> _regulars; // registers with address
TQMap<TQString, StateData> _specials; // registers with no address
class PortData {
TQMap<uint, Device::PortBitData> current, old;
TQMap<uint, PortData> _portDatas; // port index
TQValueList<TypeData> _watched;
} // namespace