You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

226 lines
8.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Nicolas Hadacek <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "watch_view.h"
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include "main_global.h"
#include "register_view.h"
#include "devices/base/device_group.h"
#include "devices/gui/device_group_ui.h"
#include "gui_debug_manager.h"
#include "editor_manager.h"
#include "common/gui/list_container.h"
Register::BaseListView::BaseListView(TQWidget *parent)
: ListView(parent), _root(0)
connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)),
TQ_SLOT(itemClicked(int, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)));
connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)),
TQ_SLOT(contextMenu(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)));
Register::RegisterListView::RegisterListView(TQWidget *parent)
: BaseListView(parent)
void Register::RegisterListView::init(const Device::Data *data)
delete _root;
_root = new ListViewItemContainer(i18n("Registers"), this);
TDEIconLoader loader;
_root->setPixmap(0, loader.loadIcon("piklab_chip", TDEIcon::Small));
if (data) Device::groupui(*data).fillWatchListContainer(_root, _ids);
void Register::RegisterListView::updateView()
TQListViewItemIterator it(_root);
for (; it.current(); ++it) {
int id = _root->id(it.current());
if ( id==-1 || _ids[id].type()==Invalid ) continue;
bool watched = Register::list().isWatched(_ids[id]);
static_cast<TQCheckListItem *>(it.current())->setOn(watched);
void Register::RegisterListView::itemClicked(int button, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &, int)
if ( item==0 || button!=TQt::LeftButton ) return;
if ( item==firstChild() ) Main::editorManager().openEditor(EditorManager::RegisterEditor);
int id = _root->id(item);
if ( id==-1 || _ids[id].type()==Invalid ) return;
bool watched = Register::list().isWatched(_ids[id]);
static_cast<TQCheckListItem *>(item)->setOn(!watched);
Debugger::manager->setRegisterWatched(_ids[id], !watched);
Register::WatchedListView::WatchedListView(TQWidget *parent)
: BaseListView(parent), _popup(0), _base(NumberBase::Hex)
_root = new ListViewItemContainer(i18n("Watched"), this);
TDEIconLoader loader;
_root->setPixmap(0, loader.loadIcon("viewmag", TDEIcon::Small));
TDEPopupMenu *Register::WatchedListView::appendFormatMenu(TDEPopupMenu *parent, uint offset)
TDEIconLoader loader;
TQPixmap icon = loader.loadIcon("fonts", TDEIcon::Small);
TDEPopupMenu *popup = new TDEPopupMenu;
FOR_EACH(NumberBase, base) popup->insertItem(base.label(), offset + base.type());
parent->insertItem(icon, i18n("Format"), popup);
return popup;
void Register::WatchedListView::init(const Device::Data *data)
delete _popup;
_popup = 0;
if ( data==0 ) return;
_popup = new PopupContainer(i18n("Watch Register"), this);
Device::groupui(*data).fillWatchListContainer(_popup, _ids);
_formatPopup = appendFormatMenu(_popup, _ids.count());
TDEIconLoader loader;
TQPixmap icon = loader.loadIcon("cancel", TDEIcon::Small);
_popup->insertItem(icon, i18n("Clear"), Debugger::manager, TQ_SLOT(stopWatchAll()));
void Register::WatchedListView::updateView()
// delete items not watched anymore
for (TQListViewItem *item=_root->firstChild(); item;) {
ListViewItem *ritem = static_cast<ListViewItem *>(item);
item = item->nextSibling();
if ( !Register::list().isWatched(ritem->data()) ) delete ritem;
// add new items
bool added = false;
TQValueList<Register::TypeData> watched = Register::list().watched();
TQValueVector<ListViewItem *> items(watched.count());
for (uint k=0; k<watched.count(); k++) {
TQListViewItem *item = _root->firstChild();
for (; item; item=item->nextSibling())
if ( static_cast<ListViewItem *>(item)->data()==watched[k] ) break;
if (item) {
items[k] = static_cast<ListViewItem *>(item);
} else {
items[k] = Device::groupui(*Main::deviceData()).createWatchItem(watched[k], _root);
added = true;
TQString Register::WatchedListView::tooltip(const TQListViewItem &item, int col) const
if ( item.rtti()==Register::PortBitRtti ) return static_cast<const PortBitListViewItem &>(item).tooltip(col);
if ( item.rtti()==Register::RegisterRtti ) return static_cast<const ListViewItem &>(item).tooltip(col);
return TQString();
void Register::WatchedListView::itemClicked(int button, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &, int col)
if ( item==0 || button!=TQt::LeftButton ) return;
else if ( item->rtti()==RegisterRtti ) {
if ( col==2 && Main::programmerState()==Programmer::Halted ) static_cast<ListViewItem *>(item)->startRename();
else item->setOpen(!item->isOpen());
void Register::WatchedListView::contextMenu(TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &p, int)
if ( item==0 ) return;
if ( item==firstChild() ) {
if ( _popup==0 ) return;
FOR_EACH(NumberBase, base) _formatPopup->setItemChecked(_ids.count()+base.type(), _base==base);
int res = _popup->exec(p);
if ( res<0 ) return;
if ( res<int(_ids.count()) ) Debugger::manager->setRegisterWatched(_ids[res], true);
else {
_base = NumberBase::Type(res-_ids.count());
for (TQListViewItem *item=_root->firstChild(); item; item=item->nextSibling())
static_cast<ListViewItem *>(item)->setBase(_base);
} else {
if ( item->rtti()==Register::PortBitRtti ) return;
Register::ListViewItem *ritem = static_cast<ListViewItem *>(item);
TDEPopupMenu *pop = new TDEPopupMenu;
TQPopupMenu *fpop = appendFormatMenu(pop, 0);
FOR_EACH(NumberBase, base) fpop->setItemChecked(base.type(), ritem->base()==base);
TDEIconLoader loader;
TQPixmap icon = loader.loadIcon("edit", TDEIcon::Small);
int editId = pop->insertItem(icon, i18n("Edit"));
pop->setItemEnabled(editId, Main::programmerState()==Programmer::Halted);
icon = loader.loadIcon("cancel", TDEIcon::Small);
int removeId = pop->insertItem(icon, i18n("Remove"));
int res = pop->exec(p);
if ( res==editId ) ritem->startRename();
else if ( res==removeId ) Debugger::manager->setRegisterWatched(ritem->data(), false);
else if ( res>=0 ) ritem->setBase(NumberBase::Type(res));
delete pop;
Register::WatchView::WatchView(TQWidget *parent)
: TQWidget(parent, "watch_view"), GenericView(Register::list()), _data(0)
TQVBoxLayout *top = new TQVBoxLayout(this);
TQValueList<int> sizes;
Splitter *splitter = new Splitter(sizes, TQt::Vertical, this, "watch_window_splitter");
_registerListView = new RegisterListView(splitter);
_watchedListView = new WatchedListView(splitter);
void Register::WatchView::init(bool force)
if ( !force && _data==Main::deviceData() ) return;
_data = Main::deviceData();
void Register::WatchView::updateView()