What is kdenonbeta? ------------------- This package contains software modules that are considered by their authors preceding beta stage, hence "nonbeta" (which means "alpha at best"), and are not normally released. The programs and libraries that are developed here are sometimes moved to official release packages (like tdegraphics) as the program or library matures to a sufficiently stable state. Beware that some of the programs are not maintained or may be suffering bit rot. This place is also touted as a place for free collaborative development of KDE related software. Package contents ---------------- Read the INDEX file to find out about the description and status of each module. Building kdenonbeta ------------------- kdenonbeta is fairly large, at around 170 Mbytes of source code. That much code in active development means that it is unlikely all of kdenonbeta will compile and work at once. You probably don't want to build all of kdenonbeta - pick the bits you are interested in and just build that. There are a number of ways to manage the build process: 1. Only checkout what you need. If you use a sequence like cvs co -l kdenonbeta cd kdenonbeta cvs co admin (or ln -s ../kde-common/admin ./admin) cvs up you will only get the active directories. This is a good idea in terms of build time, and also on load on the CVS servers. 2. Create a file called inst-apps in the toplevel directory to compile modules you want. The file should contain each module name on a separate line, like: konversation kttsd Then do your make -f Makefile.cvs && ./configure etc. 3. Exclude the modules you don't want, by adding them to the DO_NOT_COMPILE variable. For example, if you want to exclude dcopbindings, then edit dcopbindings/configure.in.in to include the line: DO_NOT_COMPILE="$DO_NOT_COMPILE dcopbindings" Using kdenonbeta --------------- The package uses the standard autoconf/automake based KDE build system. To add a new module to the build, create a subdirectory with your code and then say "make -f Makefile.cvs". Don't forget to add your new subdirectory to the INDEX file.