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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This Makefile.PL is an interface to ./configure intended to be used
# by automatic CPAN builds. It just checks that some needed environment
# variables are set and eventually tries to guess their value...
# You should use it instead of the ./configure program ;
# it accepts the same options.
use strict;
my $libname = "";
my @prefix = ('/usr', '/usr/local');
my $res="";
my %p;
my @alt;
exec "./configure --help" if grep /^-?-h(elp)?$/, @ARGV;
unless ($ENV{'TQTDIR'} or grep /--with-qt-dir/, @ARGV)
print "\n!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!\n".
" Your TQTDIR environment variable is not set and you\n".
"did not use the '--with-qt-dir=' commandline option.\n".
print "Nevermind, I'll try to guess TQt's location.\n";
my $stdpath = $_."/lib/qt3/lib";
if(-s $stdpath."/$libname")
push @alt, glob($stdpath."/$libname*");
print "Found what looks like a TQt-3 tree in $_/lib/qt3\n";
unless (@alt)
@alt=`locate $libname 2>/dev/null`;
if(!check_exit_status($?) || !@alt)
print "mmh... locate did not help. We'll try a find then.\n";
print "Scanning local file system (ctrl-c to abort)...\n";
@alt=`find / -name "$libname*" 2>/dev/null`;
if(!check_exit_status($?) || !@alt)
print "Still no luck... I'll give up and let ./configure work it out\n";
print "We have several answers. I'll try to discriminate a bit...\n";
for(@alt) { /(.*)\/lib\// and $p{$1}++ }
if(keys %p == 1)
$res = each %p;
my ($ver,$tmp)=(0,0);
$tmp = (($1?$1:0)*100)+(($2?$2:0)*10)+($3?$3:0);
$ver = $tmp;
$res = (/(.*)\/lib\//)[0]
$res = each %p if keys %p ==1;
print $res?"OK. We can try --with-qt-dir=$res.\n":"No, that's too fuzzy. I'll give up and let ./configure decide.\n";
print "Fine. We'll try with --with-qt-dir=$res.\n";
unshift(@ARGV, "--with-qt-dir=$res") if $res;
unless ($ENV{'KDEDIR'} or grep /--prefix/, @ARGV)
print "\n!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!\n".
" Your KDEDIR environment variable is not set and you\n".
"did not use the '--prefix=' commandline option.\n";
print "KDE-3 isn't required at all. However, if it's installed on your system,\n".
"it is much better to specify it's location since PerlTQt uses (or build, if\n".
"it can't find it) a KDE library named smokeqt.\n";
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n";
print "\nNow starting ./configure ...\n\n";
exec join " ", "./configure", @ARGV;
sub check_exit_status
my $a = 0xFFFF & shift;
if( !$a )
return 1;
elsif( $a == 0xFF00 )
#die "\nSystem call failed: $!\n";
elsif( $a > 0x80 )
# non-zero status.
if( $a & 0x80 )
#die "\nProgram coredumped with signal ". ($a & ~0x80);
die "\nProgram interrupted by signal $a\n";
return 0;