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571 lines
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/* -- macosxCGS.c -- */
* We need to keep this separate from nearly everything else, e.g. rfb.h
* and the other stuff, otherwise it does not work properly, mouse drags
* will not work!!
void macosxCGS_unused(void) {}
#if (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
extern CGDirectDisplayID displayID;
void macosxCGS_get_all_windows(void);
int macosxCGS_get_qlook(int);
void macosxGCS_set_pasteboard(char *str, int len);
typedef CGError CGSError;
typedef long CGSWindowCount;
typedef void * CGSConnectionID;
typedef int CGSWindowID;
typedef CGSWindowID* CGSWindowIDList;
typedef CGWindowLevel CGSWindowLevel;
typedef NSRect CGSRect;
extern CGSConnectionID _CGSDefaultConnection ();
extern CGSError CGSGetOnScreenWindowList (CGSConnectionID cid,
CGSConnectionID owner, CGSWindowCount listCapacity,
CGSWindowIDList list, CGSWindowCount *listCount);
extern CGSError CGSGetWindowList (CGSConnectionID cid,
CGSConnectionID owner, CGSWindowCount listCapacity,
CGSWindowIDList list, CGSWindowCount *listCount);
extern CGSError CGSGetScreenRectForWindow (CGSConnectionID cid,
CGSWindowID wid, CGSRect *rect);
extern CGWindowLevel CGSGetWindowLevel (CGSConnectionID cid,
CGSWindowID wid, CGSWindowLevel *level);
typedef enum _CGSWindowOrderingMode {
kCGSOrderAbove = 1, /* Window is ordered above target. */
kCGSOrderBelow = -1, /* Window is ordered below target. */
kCGSOrderOut = 0 /* Window is removed from the on-screen window list. */
} CGSWindowOrderingMode;
extern OSStatus CGSOrderWindow(const CGSConnectionID cid,
const CGSWindowID wid, CGSWindowOrderingMode place, CGSWindowID relativeToWindowID);
static CGSConnectionID cid = NULL;
extern void macosx_log(char *);
int macwinmax = 0;
typedef struct windat {
int win;
int x, y;
int width, height;
int level;
int mapped;
int clipped;
int ncache_only;
} windat_t;
extern int ncache;
#define MAXWINDAT 4096
windat_t macwins[MAXWINDAT];
static CGSWindowID _wins_all[MAXWINDAT];
static CGSWindowID _wins_mapped[MAXWINDAT];
static CGSWindowCount _wins_all_cnt, _wins_mapped_cnt;
static int _wins_int[MAXWINDAT];
#define WINHISTNUM 32768
#define WINHISTMAX 4
int whist_idx = -1;
int qlook[WINHISTNUM];
char is_exist = 0x1;
char is_mapped = 0x2;
char is_clipped = 0x4;
char is_offscreen = 0x8;
extern double dnow(void);
extern double dnowx(void);
extern int dpy_x, dpy_y;
extern int macosx_icon_anim_time;
extern void macosx_add_mapnotify(int, int, int);
extern void macosx_add_create(int, int);
extern void macosx_add_destroy(int, int);
extern void macosx_add_visnotify(int, int, int);
int CGS_levelmax;
int CGS_levels[16];
int macosxCGS_get_qlook(int w) {
if (w >= WINHISTNUM) {
return -1;
return qlook[w];
int macosxCGS_find_index(int w) {
static int last_index = -1;
int idx;
if (last_index >= 0) {
if (macwins[last_index].win == w) {
return last_index;
idx = macosxCGS_get_qlook(w);
if (idx >= 0) {
if (macwins[idx].win == w) {
last_index = idx;
return idx;
for (idx=0; idx < macwinmax; idx++) {
if (macwins[idx].win == w) {
last_index = idx;
return idx;
return -1;
#if 0
extern void usleep(unsigned long usec);
extern int usleep(useconds_t usec);
int macosxCGS_follow_animation_win(int win, int idx, int grow) {
double t = dnow();
int diffs = 0;
int x, y, w, h;
int xp = -1, yp = -1, wp = -1, hp = -1;
CGSRect rect;
CGSError err;
int reps = 0;
if (cid == NULL) {
cid = _CGSDefaultConnection();
if (cid == NULL) {
return 0;
if (idx < 0) {
idx = macosxCGS_find_index(win);
if (idx < 0) {
return 0;
while (dnow() < t + 0.001 * macosx_icon_anim_time) {
err = CGSGetScreenRectForWindow(cid, win, &rect);
if (err != 0) {
x = (int) rect.origin.x;
y = (int) rect.origin.y;
w = (int) rect.size.width;
h = (int) rect.size.height;
if (grow) {
macwins[idx].x = x;
macwins[idx].y = y;
macwins[idx].width = w;
macwins[idx].height = h;
if (0) fprintf(stderr, " chase: %03dx%03d+%03d+%03d %d\n", w, h, x, y, win);
if (x == xp && y == yp && w == wp && h == hp) {
if (reps >= 2) {
} else {
reps = 0;
xp = x;
yp = y;
wp = w;
hp = h;
usleep(50 * 1000);
if (diffs >= 2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
extern int macosx_check_clipped(int win, int *list, int n);
extern int macosx_check_offscreen(int win);
static int check_clipped(int win) {
int i, n = 0, win2;
for (i = 0; i < (int) _wins_mapped_cnt; i++) {
win2 = (int) _wins_mapped[i];
if (win2 == win) {
_wins_int[n++] = win2;
return macosx_check_clipped(win, _wins_int, n);
static int check_offscreen(int win) {
return macosx_check_offscreen(win);
extern int macosx_ncache_macmenu;
void macosxCGS_get_all_windows(void) {
static double last = 0.0;
static int totcnt = 0;
double dt = 0.0, now = dnow();
int i, db = 0, whist_prv = 0, maxwin = 0, whist_skip = 0;
CGSWindowCount cap = (CGSWindowCount) MAXWINDAT;
CGSError err;
CGS_levelmax = 0;
CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGDraggingWindowLevel; /* 500 ? */
if (0) CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGHelpWindowLevel; /* 102 ? */
if (macosx_ncache_macmenu) CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGPopUpMenuWindowLevel; /* 101 pulldown menu */
CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGMainMenuWindowLevelKey; /* 24 ? */
CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGModalPanelWindowLevel; /* 8 open dialog box */
CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGFloatingWindowLevel; /* 3 ? */
CGS_levels[CGS_levelmax++] = (int) kCGNormalWindowLevel; /* 0 regular window */
if (cid == NULL) {
cid = _CGSDefaultConnection();
if (cid == NULL) {
if (dt > 0.0 && now < last + dt) {
last = now;
macwinmax = 0;
if (ncache > 0) {
whist_prv = whist_idx++;
if (whist_prv < 0) {
whist_skip = 1;
whist_prv = 0;
whist_idx = whist_idx % WINHISTMAX;
for (i=0; i < WINHISTNUM; i++) {
whist[whist_idx][i] = 0;
qlook[i] = -1;
err = CGSGetWindowList(cid, NULL, cap, _wins_all, &_wins_all_cnt);
if (db) fprintf(stderr, "cnt: %d err: %d\n", (int) _wins_all_cnt, err);
if (err != 0) {
for (i=0; i < (int) _wins_all_cnt; i++) {
CGSRect rect;
CGSWindowLevel level;
int j, keepit = 0;
err = CGSGetScreenRectForWindow(cid, _wins_all[i], &rect);
if (err != 0) {
if (rect.origin.x == 0 && rect.origin.y == 0) {
if (rect.size.width == dpy_x) {
if (rect.size.height == dpy_y) {
err = CGSGetWindowLevel(cid, _wins_all[i], &level);
if (err != 0) {
for (j=0; j<CGS_levelmax; j++) {
if ((int) level == CGS_levels[j]) {
keepit = 1;
if (! keepit) {
macwins[macwinmax].level = (int) level;
macwins[macwinmax].win = (int) _wins_all[i];
macwins[macwinmax].x = (int) rect.origin.x;
macwins[macwinmax].y = (int) rect.origin.y;
macwins[macwinmax].width = (int) rect.size.width;
macwins[macwinmax].height = (int) rect.size.height;
macwins[macwinmax].mapped = 0;
macwins[macwinmax].clipped = 0;
macwins[macwinmax].ncache_only = 0;
if (level == kCGPopUpMenuWindowLevel) {
macwins[macwinmax].ncache_only = 1;
if (0 || db) fprintf(stderr, "i=%03d ID: %06d x: %03d y: %03d w: %03d h: %03d level: %d\n", i, _wins_all[i],
(int) rect.origin.x, (int) rect.origin.y,(int) rect.size.width, (int) rect.size.height, (int) level);
if (macwins[macwinmax].win < WINHISTNUM) {
qlook[macwins[macwinmax].win] = macwinmax;
if (macwins[macwinmax].win > maxwin) {
maxwin = macwins[macwinmax].win;
err = CGSGetOnScreenWindowList(cid, NULL, cap, _wins_mapped, &_wins_mapped_cnt);
if (db) fprintf(stderr, "cnt: %d err: %d\n", (int) _wins_mapped_cnt, err);
if (err != 0) {
for (i=0; i < (int) _wins_mapped_cnt; i++) {
int j, idx = -1;
int win = (int) _wins_mapped[i];
if (0 <= win && win < WINHISTNUM) {
j = qlook[win];
if (j >= 0 && macwins[j].win == win) {
idx = j;
if (idx < 0) {
for (j=0; j < macwinmax; j++) {
if (macwins[j].win == win) {
idx = j;
if (idx >= 0) {
macwins[idx].mapped = 1;
if (ncache > 0) {
int nv= 0, NBMAX = 64;
int nv_win[64];
int nv_lvl[64];
int nv_vis[64];
for (i=0; i < macwinmax; i++) {
int win = macwins[i].win;
char prev, curr;
if (win >= WINHISTNUM) {
whist[whist_idx][win] |= is_exist;
if (macwins[i].mapped) {
whist[whist_idx][win] |= is_mapped;
if (check_clipped(win)) {
whist[whist_idx][win] |= is_clipped;
macwins[i].clipped = 1;
if (check_offscreen(win)) {
whist[whist_idx][win] |= is_offscreen;
} else {
whist[whist_idx][win] |= is_offscreen;
curr = whist[whist_idx][win];
prev = whist[whist_prv][win];
if (whist_skip) {
} else if ( !(prev & is_mapped) && (curr & is_mapped)) {
/* MapNotify */
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "MapNotify: %d/%d %d %.4f tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, dnowx(), totcnt);
macosx_add_mapnotify(win, macwins[i].level, 1);
if (0) macosxCGS_follow_animation_win(win, i, 1);
} else if ( !(curr & is_mapped) && (prev & is_mapped)) {
/* UnmapNotify */
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "UnmapNotify: %d/%d %d %.4f A tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, dnowx(), totcnt);
macosx_add_mapnotify(win, macwins[i].level, 0);
} else if ( !(prev & is_exist) && (curr & is_exist)) {
/* CreateNotify */
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "CreateNotify:%d/%d %d %.4f whist: %d/%d 0x%x tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, dnowx(), whist_prv, whist_idx, win, totcnt);
macosx_add_create(win, macwins[i].level);
if (curr & is_mapped) {
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "MapNotify: %d/%d %d %.4f tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, dnowx(), totcnt);
macosx_add_mapnotify(win, macwins[i].level, 1);
if (whist_skip) {
} else if (nv >= NBMAX) {
} else if (!(curr & is_mapped)) {
} else if (!(prev & is_mapped)) {
if (1) {
} else if (curr & is_clipped) {
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "VisibNotify: %d/%d %d OBS tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, totcnt);
nv_win[nv] = win;
nv_lvl[nv] = macwins[i].level;
nv_vis[nv++] = 1;
} else {
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "VisibNotify: %d/%d %d UNOBS tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, totcnt);
nv_win[nv] = win;
nv_lvl[nv] = macwins[i].level;
nv_vis[nv++] = 0;
} else {
if ( !(prev & is_clipped) && (curr & is_clipped) ) {
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "VisibNotify: %d/%d %d OBS tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, totcnt);
nv_win[nv] = win;
nv_lvl[nv] = macwins[i].level;
nv_vis[nv++] = 1;
} else if ( (prev & is_clipped) && !(curr & is_clipped) ) {
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "VisibNotify: %d/%d %d UNOBS tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, totcnt);
nv_win[nv] = win;
nv_lvl[nv] = macwins[i].level;
nv_vis[nv++] = 0;
for (i=0; i < maxwin; i++) {
char prev, curr;
int win = i;
int q = qlook[i];
int lvl = 0;
if (whist_skip) {
if (q >= 0) {
lvl = macwins[q].level;
curr = whist[whist_idx][win];
prev = whist[whist_prv][win];
if (!(curr & is_exist) && (prev & is_exist)) {
if (prev & is_mapped) {
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "UnmapNotify: %d/%d %d %.4f B tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, dnowx(), totcnt);
macosx_add_mapnotify(win, lvl, 0);
/* DestroyNotify */
if (0) fprintf(stderr, "DestroNotify:%d/%d %d %.4f tot=%d\n", prev, curr, win, dnowx(), totcnt);
macosx_add_destroy(win, lvl);
if (nv) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
macosx_add_visnotify(nv_win[k], nv_lvl[k], nv_vis[k]);
#if 1
NSLock *pblock = nil;
NSString *pbstr = nil;
NSString *cuttext = nil;
int pbcnt = -1;
NSStringEncoding pbenc = NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding;
void macosxGCS_initpb(void) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
pblock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
if (![NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]) {
macosx_log("macosxGCS_initpb: **PASTEBOARD INACCESSIBLE**.\n");
macosx_log("macosxGCS_initpb: Clipboard exchange will NOT work.\n");
macosx_log("macosxGCS_initpb: Start x11vnc *inside* Aqua for Clipboard.\n");
pbcnt = 0;
pbstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"\e<PASTEBOARD INACCESSIBLE>\e"];
[pool release];
void macosxGCS_set_pasteboard(char *str, int len) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
if (pbcnt != 0) {
[pblock lock];
[cuttext release];
cuttext = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:str length:len] encoding: pbenc];
if ([[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:nil]) {
[[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] setString:cuttext forType:NSStringPboardType];
fprintf(stderr, "macosxGCS_set_pasteboard: problem writing to pasteboard\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "macosxGCS_set_pasteboard: problem writing to pasteboard\n");
[cuttext release];
cuttext = nil;
[pblock unlock];
[pool release];
extern void macosx_send_sel(char *, int);
void macosxGCS_poll_pb(void) {
static double dlast = 0.0;
double now = dnow();
if (now < dlast + 0.2) {
dlast = now;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[pblock lock];
if (pbcnt != [[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] changeCount]) {
pbcnt = [[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] changeCount];
[pbstr release];
pbstr = nil;
if ([[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]) {
pbstr = [[[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] stringForType:NSStringPboardType] copy];
if (pbstr) {
NSData *str = [pbstr dataUsingEncoding:pbenc allowLossyConversion:YES];
if ([str length]) {
macosx_send_sel((char *) [str bytes], [str length]);
[pblock unlock];
[pool release];
#endif /* __APPLE__ */