#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish. \ exec wish "$0" "$@" catch {rename send {}} # # Copyright (c) 2004 Karl J. Runge # All rights reserved. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. # # tkx11vnc v0.1 # This is a simple frontend to x11vnc. It uses the remote control # and query features (-remote/-query aka -R/-Q) to interact with it. # It is just a quick-n-dirty hack (it parses -help output, etc), but # it could be of use playing with or learning about the (way too) many # parameters x11vnc has. # # It can be used to interact with a running x11vnc (see the x11vnc # -gui option), or to set the parameters and then start up x11vnc. # # # Below is a simple picture of how the gui should be laid out and how # the menus should be organized. Most menu items correspond to remote # control commands. A trailing ":" after the item name means it is a string # to be set rather than a boolean that can be toggled (e.g. the entry # box must be used). # # Some tweak options may be set in the prefix "=" string. # A means it is an "Action" (not a true variable) # R means it is an action only valid in remote mode. # S means it is an action only valid in startup mode. # Q means it is an action worth querying after running. # D means it is a good idea to delay a little before querying # (i.e. perhaps it causes x11vnc to do a lot of work, new fb) # No longer used, -sync is used instead. # P means the string can be +/- appended/deleted (string may not # be the same after the remote command) # G means gui internal item # F means can be set via file browse # -C:val1,... means it will be a checkbox (radio button) # the "-" means no other options follow # 0 means to skip the item. # -- means add a separator # proc set_template {} { global template set template " Row: Actions Clients Permissions Keyboard Pointer Help Row: Displays Screen Tuning Debugging Misc Actions =SA start =RA stop =GA attach =RA detach -- =RA ping =RA update-all =GA clear-all -- =GA Quit Help =GA gui =GA all Clients =RQA current: =F connect: =RQA disconnect: -- accept: gone: vncconnect -- =F httpdir: httpport: enablehttpproxy Displays display: =F auth: desktop: rfbport: =0 gui: Screen =DRA refresh =DRA reset =DRA blacken -- =D id: =D sid: =D scale: -- =D overlay overlay_nocursor -- =D visual: flashcmap notruecolor -- =DP blackout: =D xinerama -- = xrandr =-C:resize,newfbsize,exit xrandr_mode: padgeom: Keyboard norepeat add_keysyms modtweak xkb skip_keycodes: -- =FP remap: -- clear_mods clear_keys Pointer =-C:none,arrow,X,some,most cursor: noxfixes -- cursorpos nocursorshape -- buttonmap: -- xwarppointer Misc =F rc: norc -- nofb -- nobell nosel noprimary -- bg =-C:ignore,exit sigpipe: =0 inetd -- =RA remote-cmd: =GA all-settings Debugging debug_pointer debug_keyboard =F logfile: quiet -- =G debug_gui Permissions =RQA lock =RQA unlock =SQA deny_all -- =FP allow: localhost =RA allowonce: -- viewonly shared forever -- =RA noremote -- alwaysshared nevershared dontdisconnect -- viewpasswd: =F passwdfile: =0 storepasswd =F rfbauth: passwd: -- safer unsafe Tuning =-C:1,2,3,4 pointer_mode: input_skip: nodragging -- =D noshm flipbyteorder onetile -- wait: defer: nap screen_blank: -- fs: gaps: grow: fuzz: -- threads rfbwait: -- progressive: " } proc set_internal_help {} { global helptext helpall # set some internal item help here: set helptext(start) " Launch x11vnc with the settings you have prescribed in the gui. The x11vnc process is started in an xterm window so you can see the output, kill it, etc. " set helptext(debug_gui) " Set debug_gui to get more output printed in the text area. " set helptext(detach) " No longer be associated with the x11vnc server. Switch to non-connected state. " set helptext(attach) " Attach to the x11vnc server, if possible. Switches to connected state if successful. To change or set the X display use \"Displays -> display\" " set helptext(ping) " Check if x11vnc still responds to \"ping\" remote command. " set helptext(update-all) " Query the x11vnc server for the current values of all variables. Populate the values into the gui's database. " set helptext(clear-all) " Forget any variable settings either entered in by you or retrieved from a running x11vnc server. Basically sets everything to 0 or the string (unset). " set helptext(all-settings) " Displays the gui's database of all of the x11vnc server's current settings. Use \"Actions -> update-all\" or \"Control+R\" to refresh this list if it ever gets out of sync. " set helptext(remote-cmd) " Run a remote command (-R) or query (-Q) directly. Only a few remote commands are not on a menu, but for those few you can run the command directly this way. Just enter the command into the Entry box when prompted. Use the prefix \"Q:\" to indicate a -Q query. Examples: \"zero:20,20,100,100\", \"Q:ext_xfixes\" " set helptext(Quit) " Terminate the tkx11vnc gui. Any x11vnc servers will be left running. " set helptext(current) " Shows a menu of currently connected VNC clients on the x11vnc server. Allows you to find more information about them or disconnect them. You will be prompted to confirm any disconnections. " set helptext(xrandr_mode) " Set the -xrandr mode value. " set helptext(all) $helpall set helptext(gui) " tkx11vnc is a simple frontend to x11vnc. Nothing fancy, it merely provides an interface to each of the many x11vnc command line options and remote control commands. See \"Help -> all\" for much info about x11vnc. Most menu items have a (?) button one can click on to get more information about the option or command. In most cases it will be text extracted from that in \"Help -> all\". There are two states tkx11vnc can be in: 1) Available to control a running x11vnc process. 2) Getting ready to start a x11vnc process. In state 1) the Menu items available in the menus are those that correspond to the x11vnc \"remote control\" commands. See the -remote entry under \"Help -> all\" for a complete list. Also available is the \"Actions -> stop\" item to shut down the running x11vnc server, thereby changing to state 2). One could also simply \"Actions -> detach\" leaving the x11vnc server running. \"Actions -> attach\" would reestablish the connection. In state 2) the Menu items available in the menus (Actions, Clients, etc.) are those that correspond to command line options used in starting an x11vnc process, and the \"Actions -> start\" item executes x11vnc thereby changing to state 1). To see what x11vnc startup command you have built so far, look at the (?) help for \"Actions -> start\" and it will show you what the command looks like. There is much overlap between the menu items available in state 1) and state 2), but it is worth keeping in mind it is not 100%. For example, you cannot set passwords or password files in state 1). Also note that there may be *two* separate X displays involved, not just one: 1) the X display x11vnc will be polling (and making available to VNC viewers), and 2) the X display this GUI is intended to display on. For example, one might use ssh to access the remote machine where the GUI would display on :11 and x11vnc would poll display :0. GUI components: --- ---------- At the top of the gui is a info text label where information will be posted, e.g. when traversing menu items text indicating how to get help on the item and its current value will be displayed. Below the info label is the area where the menu buttons, Actions, Clients, etc., are presented. If a menu item has a checkbox, it corresponds to a boolean on/off variable. Otherwise it is either a string variable, or an action not associated with a variable (for the most part). Below the menu button area is a text label indicating the current x11vnc X display being polled and the corresponding VNC display name. Both will be \"(*none*)\" when there is no connection established. Below the x11 and vnc displays text label is a text area there scrolling information about actions being taken and commands being run is displayed. To scroll use PageUp/PageDown or the arrow keys. At the bottom is an entry area. When one selects a menu item that requires supplying a string value, the label will be set to the parameter name and one types in the new value. Then one presses the \"OK\" button or presses \"Enter\" to set the value. Or you can press \"Skip\" or \"Escape\" to avoid changing the variable. Some variables are boolean toggles (for example, \"Permissions -> viewonly\") or Radio button selections. Selecting these menu items will not activate the entry area but rather toggle the variable directly. Cascades: There is a bug not yet worked around for the cascade menus where the (?) help button gets in the way. To get the mouse over to the cascade menu click and release mouse to activate the cascade, then you can click on its items. Dragging with a mouse button held down will not work (sorry). Key Bindings: In the Text Area: Control-/ selects all of the text. Anywhere: Control-d invokes \"Actions -> detach\" Anywhere: Control-a invokes \"Actions -> attach\" Anywhere: Control-p invokes \"Actions -> ping\" Anywhere: Control-u and Control-r invoke \"Actions -> update-all\" " } proc center_win {w} { wm withdraw $w set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2]; set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2]; wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w update } proc textwidth {text} { set min 0; foreach line [split $text "\n"] { set n [string length $line] if {$n > $min} { set min $n } } return $min } proc textheight {text} { set count 0; foreach line [split $text "\n"] { incr count } return $count } proc make_toplevel {w {title ""}} { catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w; bind $w "destroy $w" if {$title != ""} { wm title $w $title } } proc textwin {name title text} { global max_text_height max_text_width global bfont set width [textwidth $text] incr width if {$width > $max_text_width} { set width $max_text_width } set height [textheight $text] if {$height > $max_text_height} { set height $max_text_height } set w ".text_$name" make_toplevel $w $title frame $w.f -bd 0; pack $w.f -fill both -expand 1 text $w.f.t -width $width -height $height -setgrid 1 -bd 2 \ -yscrollcommand "$w.f.y set" -relief ridge -font fixed; scrollbar $w.f.y -orient v -relief sunken -command "$w.f.t yview"; button $w.f.b -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $w" -font $bfont $w.f.t insert 1.0 $text; bind $w "focus $w.f.t" wm withdraw $w pack $w.f.b -side bottom -fill x pack $w.f.y -side right -fill y; pack $w.f.t -side top -fill both -expand 1; update center_win $w } proc active_when_connected {item} { global helpremote helptext if {[opt_match G $item]} { return 1 } elseif {[is_action $item]} { if {[opt_match R $item]} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } elseif {[info exists helpremote($item)]} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc active_when_starting {item} { global helpremote helptext if {[opt_match G $item]} { return 1 } elseif {[is_action $item]} { if {[opt_match S $item]} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } elseif {[info exists helptext($item)]} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc help_win {item} { global helptext helpremote global query_ans query_aro; set ok 0 set text "Help on $item:\n\n" if {[is_gui_internal $item]} { ; } elseif {[is_action $item]} { append text " + Is a remote control Action (cannot be set).\n"; } elseif {[active_when_connected $item]} { append text " + Can be changed in a running x11vnc.\n"; } else { append text " - Cannot be changed in a running x11vnc.\n"; } if {[is_gui_internal $item]} { ; } elseif {[active_when_starting $item]} { append text " + Can be set at x11vnc startup.\n"; } else { append text " - Cannot be set at x11vnc startup.\n"; } append text "\n" if {[info exists helptext($item)]} { append text "\n" if {[is_gui_internal $item]} { append text "==== x11vnc help: ====\n"; } else { append text "==== x11vnc startup option help: ====\n"; } append text "\n" append text $helptext($item) append text "\n" set ok 1 } if {[info exists helpremote($item)]} { append text "\n" append text "==== x11vnc remote control help: ====\n"; append text "\n" append text $helpremote($item) set ok 1 } if {$item == "start"} { set str [get_start_x11vnc_txt] append text $str append_text "$str\n" } regsub -all { } $item " " name if {$ok} { textwin $name "x11vnc help: $item" "$text"; } return $ok } proc parse_help {} { global env x11vnc_prog; global helpall helptext; set helppipe [open "| $x11vnc_prog -help" "r"]; if {$helppipe == ""} { puts stderr "failed to run $x11vnc_prog -help"; exit 1; } set sawopts 0; set curropt ""; while {[gets $helppipe line] > -1} { append helpall "$line\n" # XXX if {[regexp {^Options:} $line]} { set sawopts 1; continue; } # XXX if {[regexp {^These options} $line]} { continue; } if {! $sawopts} { continue; } if {[regexp {^-([A-z_][A-z_]*)} $line match name]} { set allnames($name) 1; if {"$curropt" != "no$name" && "no$curropt" != "$name"} { set curropt $name; set helptext($curropt) "$line\n"; } else { append helptext($curropt) "$line\n"; } } elseif {$curropt != ""} { append helptext($curropt) "$line\n"; } } foreach name [array names allnames] { if {[regexp {^no} $name]} { regsub {^no} $name "" pair } else { set pair "no$name" } if {[info exists helptext($name)]} { if ![info exists helptext($pair)] { set helptext($pair) $helptext($name); } } elseif {[info exists helptext($pair)]} { if ![info exists helptext($name)] { set helptext($name) $helptext($pair); } } } set_internal_help } proc tweak_both {new old} { tweak_help $new $old tweak_remote_help $new $old } proc tweak_remote_help {new old} { global helpremote if ![info exists helpremote($new)] { if {[info exists helpremote($old)]} { set helpremote($new) $helpremote($old) } } } proc tweak_help {new old} { global helptext if ![info exists helptext($new)] { if {[info exists helptext($old)]} { set helptext($new) $helptext($old) } } } proc parse_remote_help {} { global helpremote helptext help_indent remote_name; set sawopts 0; set curropt ""; set possopts ""; set offset [expr $help_indent - 1]; foreach line [split $helptext(remote) "\n"] { set line [string range $line $offset end]; # XXX if {[regexp {^The following -remote/-R commands} $line]} { set sawopts 1; continue; } # XXX if {[regexp {^The vncconnect.*command} $line]} { set sawopts 0; } if {! $sawopts} { continue; } if {[regexp {^([A-z_][A-z_:]*)} $line match name]} { regsub {:.*$} $name "" popt lappend possopts $popt if {"$curropt" != "no$name" && "no$curropt" != "$name"} { set curropt $name; regsub {:.*$} $curropt "" curropt set remote_name($curropt) $name set helpremote($curropt) "$line\n"; } else { append helpremote($curropt) "$line\n"; } } elseif {$curropt != ""} { append helpremote($curropt) "$line\n"; } } foreach popt $possopts { if {[info exists helpremote($popt)]} { continue } if {[regexp {^no} $popt]} { regsub {^no} $popt "" try } else { set try "no$popt" } if {[info exists helpremote($try)]} { set helpremote($popt) $helpremote($try) } } } proc parse_query_help {} { global query_ans query_aro query_ans_list query_aro_list helptext; set sawans 0; set sawaro 0; set ans_str "" set aro_str "" foreach line [split $helptext(query) "\n"] { if {! $sawans && [regexp {^ *ans=} $line]} { set sawans 1 } if {! $sawans} { continue } if {[regexp {^ *aro=} $line]} { set sawaro 1 } if {$sawaro && [regexp {^[ ]*$} $line]} { set sawans 0 break } regsub {ans=} $line "" line regsub {aro=} $line "" line set line [string trim $line] if {$sawaro} { set aro_str "$aro_str $line" } else { set ans_str "$ans_str $line" } } regsub -all { *} $ans_str " " ans_str regsub -all { *} $aro_str " " aro_str set ans_str [string trim $ans_str] set aro_str [string trim $aro_str] set query_ans_list [split $ans_str] set query_aro_list [split $aro_str] foreach item $query_ans_list { if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $item]} { continue } set query_ans($item) 1 } foreach item $query_aro_list { if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $item]} { continue } set query_aro($item) 1 } } proc in_debug_mode {} { global menu_var if {![info exists menu_var(debug_gui)]} { return 0 } return $menu_var(debug_gui) } # Menubar utilities: proc menus_state {state} { global menu_b foreach case [array names menu_b] { set menu_button $menu_b($case) $menu_button configure -state $state } } proc menus_enable {} { menus_state "normal" } proc menus_disable {} { menus_state "disabled" } # Entry box utilities: proc entry_state {x state} { global entry_box entry_label entry_ok entry_help entry_skip entry_browse if {$x == "all"} { $entry_label configure -state $state $entry_box configure -state $state $entry_ok configure -state $state $entry_skip configure -state $state $entry_help configure -state $state $entry_browse configure -state $state } elseif {$x == "label"} { $entry_label configure -state $state } elseif {$x == "box"} { $entry_box configure -state $state } elseif {$x == "ok"} { $entry_ok configure -state $state } elseif {$x == "skip"} { $entry_skip configure -state $state } elseif {$x == "help"} { $entry_help configure -state $state } elseif {$x == "browse"} { $entry_browse configure -state $state } } proc entry_enable {{x "all"}} { entry_state $x normal } proc entry_disable {{x "all"}} { entry_state $x disabled } proc entry_browse_button {{show 1}} { global entry_browse if {$show} { pack $entry_browse -side left } else { pack forget $entry_browse } } proc entry_focus {} { global entry_box focus $entry_box } proc entry_select {} { global entry_box $entry_box selection range 0 end } proc entry_get {} { global entry_box return [$entry_box get] } proc entry_insert {str} { global entry_box entry_delete $entry_box insert end $str $entry_box icursor end } proc entry_delete {} { global entry_box $entry_box delete 0 end } # Utilities for remote control and updating vars. proc push_new_value0 {item name new {query 1}} { # old way w/o -sync global menu_var always_update remote_output query_output global delay_sleep extra_sleep extra_sleep_split set debug [in_debug_mode] set do_query_all 0 set getout 0 if {$item == "remote-cmd"} { # kludge for arbitrary remote command: if {[regexp {^Q:} $new]} { # extra kludge for Q:var to mean -Q var regsub {^Q:} $new "" new set qonly 1 } else { set qonly 0 } # need to extract item from new: set qtmp $new regsub {:.*$} $qtmp "" qtmp if {! $qonly} { set rargs [list "-R" "$new"] set qargs [list "-Q" "$qtmp"] set getout 1 } else { set rargs [list "-Q" "$qtmp"] set qargs [list "-Q" "$qtmp"] } } elseif {[value_is_string $item]} { set rargs [list "-R" "$name:$new"] set qargs [list "-Q" "$name"] } else { set rargs [list "-R" "$name"] set qargs [list "-Q" "$name"] } if {!$debug} { append_text "x11vnc $rargs ..." } set remote_output [run_remote_cmd $rargs] if {[lindex $rargs 0] == "-Q"} { append_text "\t$remote_output" set getout 1 } elseif {! $query && ! $always_update} { set getout 1 } elseif {$item == "noremote"} { set getout 1 } elseif {[is_action $item] && ![opt_match Q $item] && $rargs != ""} { set getout 1 } elseif {[regexp {^(sid|id)$} $item] && ![regexp {^0x} $new]} { set getout 1 } if {$getout} { append_text "\n" return } stop_watch on after $delay_sleep if {[opt_match D $item]} { set s [expr $extra_sleep/$extra_sleep_split] append_text " " for {set i 0} {$i<$extra_sleep_split} {incr i} { after $s append_text "." update } } stop_watch off if {!$debug} { append_text ", -Q ..." } if {$item == "disconnect"} { set new "N/A" set do_query_all 1 } if {$always_update || $do_query_all} { set query [query_all 1] } else { set query [run_remote_cmd $qargs] } set query_output $query if {![see_if_ok $query $item "$name:$new"]} { # failed if {[regexp {^a..=} $query]} { # but some result came back if {! $always_update} { # synchronize everything set query_output [query_all 1] } } else { # server may be dead if {$item != "ping" && $item != "attach"} { try_connect } } } else { # succeeded if {! $always_update} { # synchronize this variable update_menu_vars $query } else { # already done in query_all } } } proc push_new_value {item name new {query 1}} { global menu_var always_update remote_output query_output global delay_sleep extra_sleep extra_sleep_split global query_result_list set debug [in_debug_mode] set getout 0 set print_getout 0; set do_query_all 0 set newnew "" if {$item == "disconnect"} { set newnew "N/A" set do_query_all 1 } elseif {$always_update} { set do_query_all 1 } if {$item == "remote-cmd"} { # kludge for arbitrary remote command: if {[regexp {^Q:} $new]} { # extra kludge for Q:var to mean -Q var regsub {^Q:} $new "" new set qonly 1 } else { set qonly 0 } # need to extract item from new: set qtmp $new regsub {:.*$} $qtmp "" qtmp if {$qonly} { set rargs [list "-Q" "$qtmp"] set print_getout 1 set qargs "" } else { set rargs [list "-R" "$new"] set qargs "" } set getout 1 } elseif {[value_is_string $item]} { # string var: set rargs [list "-R" "$name:$new"] set qargs [list "-Q" "$name"] } else { # boolean var: set rargs [list "-R" "$name"] set qargs [list "-Q" "$name"] } if {! $query && ! $always_update} { set getout 1 } elseif {$item == "noremote"} { set getout 1 } elseif {[is_action $item] && ![opt_match Q $item] && $rargs != ""} { set getout 1 } elseif {[regexp {^(sid|id)$} $item] && ![regexp {^0x} $new]} { set getout 1 } set remote_output "" set query_output "" if {!$debug} { append_text "x11vnc $rargs ..." } if {$getout} { set remote_output [run_remote_cmd $rargs] if {$print_getout} { append_text "\t$remote_output" } append_text "\n" return } if {$do_query_all} { set all [all_query_vars] set qargs [list "-Q" $all] } set rqargs [concat $rargs $qargs] set query [run_remote_cmd $rqargs] set query_output $query set query_result_list "" if {$newnew != ""} { set new $newnew } if {![see_if_ok $query $item "$name:$new"]} { # failed if {[regexp {^a..=} $query]} { # but some result came back # synchronize everything with a 2nd call. set query_output [query_all 1] } else { # server may be dead if {$item != "ping" && $item != "attach"} { try_connect } } } else { # succeeded # synchronize this variable (or variables) # for a speedup used the list parsed by see_if_ok. update_menu_vars "USE_LIST" if {$do_query_all} { global all_settings set all_settings $query } } } # For updating a string variable. Also used for simple OK/Skip dialogs # with entry = 0. proc entry_dialog {item {entry 1}} { global menu_var entry_str entry_set entry_dialog_item global unset_str connected_to_x11vnc set entry_str "Set $item" set entry_set 0 set entry_dialog_item $item entry_enable menus_disable if {$entry} { entry_insert "" if {[info exists menu_var($item)] && $menu_var($item) != $unset_str} { entry_insert $menu_var($item) entry_select } if {[is_browse $item]} { entry_browse_button } set_info "Set parameter in entry box, " entry_focus } else { entry_disable box } update # wait for user reply: vwait entry_set set rc $entry_set set entry_set 0 set value [entry_get] update entry_browse_button 0 set entry_str "Set... :" entry_delete entry_disable menus_enable update if {! $entry} { ; } elseif {$rc} { set menu_var($item) $value } else { if {[in_debug_mode]} { append_text "skipped setting $item\n" } } return $rc } proc warning_dialog {msg {item "gui"} } { append_text $msg # just reuse the entry widgets for a yes/no dialog return [entry_dialog $item 0] } # For updating a boolean toggle: proc check_var {item} { global menu_var set inval $menu_var($item); if {$item == "debug_gui"} { return ""; } set rname $item if {! $inval} { if {[regexp {^no} $item]} { regsub {^no} $rname "" rname } else { set rname "no$rname" } } return $rname } proc see_if_ok {query item expected} { global query_result_list set ok 0 set found "" set query_result_list [split_query $query] foreach q $query_result_list { # if {[regexp "^$item:" $q]} { # set found $q # } if {[string first "$item:" $q] == 0} { set found $q } if {$q == $expected} { set ok 1 if {$found != ""} { break; } } } if {$found == ""} { set msg $query regsub {^a..=} $msg {} msg if {[string length $msg] > 60} { set msg [string range $msg 0 60] } } else { set msg $found } if {$ok} { append_text "\tSet OK ($msg)\n" return 1 } elseif {[opt_match P $item] && [regexp {:(-|\+)} $expected]} { # e.g. blackout:+30x30+20+20 append_text "\t($msg)\n" return 1 } else { append_text "\t*FAILED* $msg\n" return 0 } } proc update_menu_vars {{query ""}} { global all_settings menu_var query_result_list set debug [in_debug_mode] if {$query == "USE_LIST"} { ; } elseif {$query == ""} { set query_result_list [split_query $all_settings] } else { set query_result_list [split_query $query] } foreach piece $query_result_list { if {[regexp {^([^:][^:]*):(.*)$} $piece m0 item val]} { if {[info exists menu_var($item)]} { set old $menu_var($item) if {$val == "N/A"} { continue } if {0 && $debug} { puts "setting menuvar: $item: $old -> $val" } set menu_var($item) $val } if {$item == "clients"} { update_clients_menu $val } } } } proc clear_all {} { global menu_var unset_str set debug [in_debug_mode] foreach item [array names menu_var] { if {$item == "debug_gui"} { continue } if {[info exists menu_var($item)]} { if [is_action $item] { set menu_var($item) "" } elseif {[value_is_bool $item]} { set menu_var($item) 0 } elseif {[value_is_string $item]} { set menu_var($item) $unset_str } } } } proc all_query_vars {} { global query_ans_list query_aro_list all_settings global cache_all_query_vars if {$cache_all_query_vars != ""} { return $cache_all_query_vars } set qry "" foreach item $query_ans_list { if {$qry == ""} { set qry $item } else { append qry ",$item" } } foreach item $query_aro_list { if {$qry == ""} { set qry $item } else { append qry ",$item" } } set cache_all_query_vars $qry return $qry } proc query_all {{quiet 0}} { global query_ans_list query_aro_list all_settings set qry [all_query_vars] set qargs [list "-Q" $qry] set all [run_remote_cmd $qargs] if {[regexp {ans=} $all]} { if {! $quiet} { append_text "Retrieved all settings.\n" } set all_settings $all update_menu_vars $all } else { if {! $quiet} { append_text "Failed to retrieve settings.\n" } } return $all } proc set_info {str} { global info_str set info_str "$str" update } proc append_text {str} { global text_area $text_area insert end $str $text_area see end } proc show_all_settings {} { global all_settings set txt "\nRead-Write setting:\n\n" foreach item [split_query $all_settings] { regsub {:} $item {: } item append txt " $item\n" if {[regexp {noremote} $item]} { append txt "\nRead-Only setting:\n\n" } } textwin "Settings" "All Current Settings" $txt } proc set_connected {yesno} { global connected_to_x11vnc set orig $connected_to_x11vnc if {$yesno == "yes"} { set connected_to_x11vnc 1 } else { set connected_to_x11vnc 0 no_x11_display no_vnc_display } if {$orig != $connected_to_x11vnc} { set_widgets } } proc detach_from_display {} { global connected_to_x11vnc reply_xdisplay x11vnc_xdisplay set str "Detaching from X display." if {$reply_xdisplay != ""} { set str "Detaching from $reply_xdisplay." } elseif {$x11vnc_xdisplay != ""} { set str "Detaching from $x11vnc_xdisplay." } if {$connected_to_x11vnc} { append_text "$str\n" } set_connected no } # Menu item is an action: proc do_action {item} { global menu_var connected_to_x11vnc if {[in_debug_mode]} { append_text "action: \"$item\"\n" } if {$item == "ping"} { try_connect return } elseif {$item == "start"} { start_x11vnc return } elseif {$item == "detach"} { detach_from_display return } elseif {$item == "attach"} { try_connect_and_query_all return } elseif {$item == "update-all"} { query_all return } elseif {$item == "clear-all"} { clear_all return } elseif {$item == "all-settings"} { show_all_settings return } if {[value_is_string $item]} { if {! [entry_dialog $item]} { return } set new $menu_var($item) set name $item } else { set new 1 set name $item } if {! $connected_to_x11vnc} { ; } elseif {[regexp {^(stop|quit|exit|shutdown)$} $item]} { # just do -R append_text "stopping remote x11vnc server...\n" push_new_value $item $name $new 0 set_connected no } elseif [opt_match Q $item] { push_new_value $item $name $new 1 } else { push_new_value $item $name $new 0 } } proc ptime {time} { set usec [lindex [split $time] 0] set sec [format "%.3f" [expr "$usec / 1000000.0"]] puts "time: $sec secs." } proc do_var {item} { global connected_to_x11vnc item_cascade menu_var set debug [in_debug_mode] set string 0 if {[is_action $item]} { # Menu item is action: if {$debug} { ptime [time {do_action $item}] } else { do_action $item } return } if {[value_is_string $item]} { # Menu item is a string: if {$item_cascade($item) != ""} { # Cascade sets variable automatically } else { # Otherwise Entry box if {![entry_dialog $item]} { return } } set new $menu_var($item) set name $item } else { # Menu item is a boolean: set name [check_var $item] if {$name == ""} { return } set new 1 } if {$connected_to_x11vnc} { if {$debug} { ptime [time {push_new_value $item $name $new 1}] } else { push_new_value $item $name $new 1 } } } proc menu_help {item} { if ![help_win $item] { textwin "nohelp" "No help available" \ "Sorry, no help avaiable for \"$item\"" } } proc opt_match {c item} { global item_opts if {[info exists item_opts($item)]} { if {[regexp "^\[A-z\]*$c" $item_opts($item)]} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc is_action {item} { return [opt_match A $item] } proc is_gui_internal {item} { return [opt_match G $item] } proc is_browse {item} { return [opt_match F $item] } proc value_is_string {item} { global item_bool if {! $item_bool($item)} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc value_is_bool {item} { global item_bool if {$item_bool($item)} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc split_query0 {query} { # original slower way with regexp/regsub regsub -all {aro=} $query {ans=} query set items {} while {1} { if {! [regexp {^ans=(.*)$} $query m0 m1]} { break } set item $m1 set m2 "" regexp {,ans=.*$} $item m2 regsub {,ans=.*$} $item "" item if {$item != ""} { lappend items $item } set query $m2 regsub {^,} $query "" query } return $items } proc split_query {query} { regsub -all {aro=} $query {ans=} query set items {} while {1} { set n [string first "ans=" $query] if {$n < 0} { break } set from [expr $n+4] set m [string first ",ans=" $query] if {$m < 0} { set more 0 set item [string range $query $from end] } else { set more 1 set to [expr $m-1] set item [string range $query $from $to] } if {$item != ""} { lappend items $item } if {$more} { incr m set query [string range $query $m end] } else { set query "" } } return $items } proc set_x11_display {name} { global x11_display set x11_display "x11vnc X display: $name" } proc set_vnc_display {name} { global vnc_display set vnc_display "VNC display: $name" } proc no_x11_display {} { set_x11_display "(*none*)" } proc no_vnc_display {} { set_vnc_display "(*none*)" } proc fetch_displays {} { set qargs [list "-Q" "display,vncdisplay"] set result [run_remote_cmd $qargs] set got_x11 0 set got_vnc 0 foreach item [split_query $result] { if {[regexp {^display:(.*)$} $item m0 m1]} { set_x11_display $m1 set got_x11 1 } elseif {[regexp {^vncdisplay:(.*)$} $item m0 m1]} { set_vnc_display $m1 set got_vnc 1 } } if {! $got_x11} { no_x11_display } if {! $got_vnc} { no_vnc_display } } proc disconnect_dialog {client} { set cid "" set host "" set msg "\n" append msg "*** Client info string: $client\n" if {[regexp {^(.*):(.*)/(.*)-(.*)$} $client m0 m1 m2 m3 m4]} { if {$m4 == "ro"} { set view "(viewonly)" } else { set view "(interactive)" } set host $m1 set cid $m3 append msg "*** Host: $m1, Port: $m2 Id: $m3 $view\n" } if {$cid == ""} { append_text "Invalid client info string: $client\n" return } append msg "*** To disconnect this client press \"OK\", otherwise press \"Skip\"\n" bell if [warning_dialog $msg "current"] { push_new_value "disconnect" "disconnect" $cid 1 } else { append_text "disconnect cancelled.\n" } } proc update_clients_menu {list} { global item_cascade set subm $item_cascade(current); catch {destroy $subm} menu $subm -tearoff 0 $subm add command $subm add separator set count 0 foreach client [split $list ","] { regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*/} $client {/} lab $subm add command -label "$client" \ -command "disconnect_dialog $client" incr count } $subm entryconfigure 0 -label "#clients: $count" } proc set_widgets {} { global connected_to_x11vnc item_case item_entry menu_m foreach item [array names item_case] { set case $item_case($item) set menu $menu_m($case) set entry $item_entry($item) set type [$menu type $entry] if {$type == "separator" || $type == "tearoff"} { continue } if {$connected_to_x11vnc} { if {[active_when_connected $item]} { $menu entryconfigure $entry -state normal } else { $menu entryconfigure $entry -state disabled } } else { if {[active_when_starting $item]} { $menu entryconfigure $entry -state normal } else { $menu entryconfigure $entry -state disabled } } } } proc make_widgets {} { global template global menu_b menu_m global item_opts item_bool item_case item_entry menu_var unset_str global item_cascade global info_str x11_display vnc_display global text_area global entry_box entry_str entry_set entry_label entry_ok entry_browse global entry_help entry_skip global bfont global helptext helpremote helplabel set v 0 label .info -textvariable info_str -bd 2 -relief groove -anchor w pack .info -side top -fill x # Extract the Rows: set row 0; set colmax 0; foreach line [split $template "\n"] { if {[regexp {^Row: (.*)} $line rest]} { set col 0 foreach case [split $rest] { if {$case == "" || $case == "Row:"} { continue } set menu_row($case) $row set menu_col($case) $col set menu_count($case) 0 lappend cases($col) $case; set len [string length $case] if {[info exists max_len($col)]} { if {$len > $max_len($col)} { set max_len($col) $len } } else { set max_len($col) $len } incr col if {$col > $colmax} { set colmax $col } } incr row; } } # Make frames for the rows and make the menu buttons. set f ".menuframe" frame $f for {set c 0} {$c < $colmax} {incr c} { set colf "$f.menuframe$c" frame $colf pack $colf -side left -fill y set fbg [$colf cget -background] foreach case $cases($c) { set menub "$colf.menu$case"; set menu "$colf.menu$case.menu"; set menu_b($case) $menub set menu_m($case) $menu menubutton $menub -text "$case" -underline 0 \ -anchor w -menu $menu -background $fbg \ -font $bfont pack $menub -side top -fill x menu $menu -tearoff 0 } } pack $f -side top -fill x # Now extract the menu items: set case ""; foreach line [split $template "\n"] { if {[regexp {^Row:} $line]} { continue } if {[regexp {^[A-z]} $line]} { set case [string trim $line] continue; } set item [string trim $line] regsub -all { *} $item " " item if {$item == ""} { continue; } set opts "" if {[regexp {^=} $item]} { set opts [lindex [split $item] 0] regsub {^=} $opts "" opts set item [lindex [split $item] 1] } if {[regexp {^0} $opts]} { continue; } if {[regexp {:$} $item]} { set bool 0 } else { set bool 1 } regsub {:$} $item {} item set item_opts($item) $opts set item_case($item) $case set item_bool($item) $bool set item_cascade($item) "" set item_entry($item) $menu_count($case) if {$v} { puts "ITEM: $item - $opts - $case - $bool - $menu_count($case)" } set mvar 0 set m $menu_m($case) # Create the menu items, its variables, etc., etc. if {$item == "--"} { $m add separator } elseif {$item == "Quit"} { # Quit item must shut us down: $m add command -label "$item" -underline 0 \ -command {destroy .; exit 0} } elseif {$case == "Help"} { # Help is simple help: $m add command -label "$item" \ -command "menu_help $item" } elseif {$item == "current"} { # Current clients cascade set subm $m.cascade$menu_count($case) set item_cascade($item) $subm update_clients_menu "" $m add cascade -label "$item" \ -menu $subm } elseif {[is_action $item]} { # Action $m add command -label "$item" \ -command "do_var $item" set menu_var($item) ""; # for convenience } elseif {! $item_bool($item)} { # String if {[regexp -- {-C:(.*)} $item_opts($item) m0 m1]} { # Radiobutton select set subm $m.cascade$menu_count($case) menu $subm -tearoff 0 foreach val [split $m1 ","] { $subm add radiobutton -label "$val" \ -command "do_var $item" \ -value "$val" \ -variable menu_var($item) } $m add cascade -label "$item" \ -menu $subm set item_cascade($item) $subm } else { # Arbitrary_string $m add command -label "$item" \ -command "do_var $item" } set mvar 1 } else { # Boolean $m add checkbutton -label "$item" \ -command "do_var $item" \ -variable menu_var($item) set menu_var($item) 0 } incr menu_count($case) if {$mvar} { set menu_var($item) $unset_str } } # Now make the litte "(?)" help buttons foreach case [array names menu_m] { if {$case == "Help"} { continue; } set m $menu_m($case); set n [$m index end] if {$v} { puts "$case end: $n" } for {set i 0} {$i <= $n} {incr i} { set type [$m type $i] if {$type == "separator"} { $m add separator } elseif {$type == "tearoff"} { continue; } else { set label [$m entrycget $i -label] set str "" if {[info exists helpremote($label)]} { set str "(?)" } elseif {[info exists helptext($label)]} { set str "(?)" } $m add command -label $str \ -command "menu_help $label"; if {$v} { set ht ""; set hr "" if {[info exists helptext($label)]} { set ht "YES" } if {[info exists helpremote($label)]} { set hr "YES" } puts "'$label'\tht='$ht' hr='$hr'" } if {$str == ""} { $m entryconfigure end -state disabled } set arg "$m,$i" set helplabel($arg) $label set j [$m index end] set arg "$m,$j" set helplabel($arg) $label } if {$i == 0} { $m entryconfigure end -columnbreak 1 } } } # Make the x11 and vnc display label bar: set df .displayframe frame $df -bd 1 -relief groove set df_x11 "$df.xdisplay" no_x11_display label $df_x11 -textvariable x11_display -width 35 -anchor w set df_vnc "$df.vdisplay" no_vnc_display label $df_vnc -textvariable vnc_display -width 35 -anchor w pack $df_x11 $df_vnc -side left pack $df -side top -fill x # text area text .text -height 11 -relief ridge set text_area .text pack .text -side top -fill both -expand 1 set str "Click Help -> gui for overview." append_text "\n$str\n\n" # Make entry box stuff set ef .entryframe frame $ef -bd 1 -relief groove # Label set ef_label "$ef.label" label $ef_label -textvariable entry_str -anchor w -font $bfont set entry_str "Set... : " set ef_entry "$ef.entry" entry $ef_entry -relief sunken bind $ef_entry {set entry_set 1} bind $ef_entry {set entry_set 0} # OK button set ef_ok "$ef.ok" button $ef_ok -text OK -pady 1 -command {set entry_set 1} \ -font $bfont # Skip button set ef_skip "$ef.skip" button $ef_skip -text Skip -pady 0 -command {set entry_set 0} \ -font $bfont # Help button set ef_help "$ef.help" button $ef_help -text Help -pady 0 -command \ {menu_help $entry_dialog_item} -font $bfont # Browse button set ef_browse "$ef.browse" button $ef_browse -text "Browse..." -pady 0 -font $bfont \ -command {entry_insert [tk_getOpenFile]} pack $ef_label -side left pack $ef_entry -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack $ef_ok -side right pack $ef_skip -side right pack $ef_help -side right pack $ef -side bottom -fill x set entry_ok $ef_ok set entry_skip $ef_skip set entry_help $ef_help set entry_box $ef_entry set entry_browse $ef_browse set entry_label $ef_label entry_disable update wm minsize . [winfo width .] [winfo height .] } proc menu_bindings {} { bind Menu <> { #syntax hilite bug \ MenuSelect>> set n [%W index active] set label " " if {$n != "none"} { set str %W,$n set which "" if {[info exists helplabel($str)]} { set vname [format %%-16s $helplabel($str)] set label "Click (?) for help on: $vname" set which $helplabel($str) } if {$which == ""} { ; } elseif {[is_action $which]} { if {[info exists menu_var($which)] && $menu_var($which) != ""} { set label "$label value: $menu_var($which)" } else { set label "$label (is action)" } } elseif {[info exists menu_var($which)]} { set label "$label value: $menu_var($which)" } } set_info $label } } proc key_bindings {} { global env if {[info exists env(USER)] && $env(USER) == "runge"} { # quick restart bind . {exec $argv0 $argv &; destroy .} } bind . {try_connect_and_query_all} bind . {query_all 0} bind . {query_all 0} bind . {detach_from_display} bind . {try_connect_and_query_all} } proc stop_watch {onoff} { global orig_cursor text_area entry_box set widgets [list . $text_area $entry_box] if {$onoff == "on"} { foreach item $widgets { $item config -cursor {watch} } } else { foreach item $widgets { $item config -cursor {} } } update } proc double_check_noremote {} { set msg "\n\n" append msg "WARNING: setting \"noremote\" will disable ALL remote control commands\n" append msg "WARNING: (i.e. this gui will be locked out) Do you really want to do this?\n" append msg "WARNING: If so, press \"OK\", otherwise press \"Skip\"\n" append msg "\n" bell return [warning_dialog $msg "noremote"] } proc double_check_start_x11vnc {} { global hostname set msg [get_start_x11vnc_txt] append msg "\n" append msg "*** To run the above command on machine \"$hostname\" to\n" append msg "*** start x11vnc press \"OK\" otherwise press \"Skip\".\n" return [warning_dialog $msg "start"] } proc get_start_x11vnc_txt {} { set cmd [get_start_x11vnc_cmd] set str [join $cmd] set msg "" append msg "\n" append msg "==== The command built so far is: ====\n"; append msg "\n" append msg "$str\n" return $msg } proc get_start_x11vnc_cmd {} { global menu_var unset_str x11vnc_prog set xterm_cmd "xterm -iconic -geometry 80x35 -title x11vnc-console -e" set cmd [split $xterm_cmd] lappend cmd $x11vnc_prog set saw_id 0 foreach item [lsort [array names menu_var]] { if {![active_when_starting $item]} { continue } if {[is_action $item]} { continue } if {$item == "debug_gui"} { continue } if {$item == "id" || $item == "sid"} { set val $menu_var($item); if {$val == "0x0" || $val == "root"} { continue } } if {$item == "sid" && $saw_id} { continue } if {$item == "id"} { set saw_id 1 } if {$item == "progressive" && $menu_var($item) == "0"} { continue } if {$item == "dontdisconnect" && $menu_var($item) == "-1"} { continue } if {[value_is_bool $item]} { if {[info exists menu_var($item)]} { if {$menu_var($item)} { lappend cmd "-$item" } } } elseif {[value_is_string $item]} { if {[info exists menu_var($item)]} { if {$menu_var($item) != "" && $menu_var($item) != $unset_str} { set nitem $item if {$nitem == "screen_blank"} { set nitem "sb" } lappend cmd "-$nitem" lappend cmd $menu_var($item) } } } } lappend cmd "2>" lappend cmd "/dev/null" lappend cmd "&" return $cmd } proc start_x11vnc {} { global menu_var unset_str global x11vnc_prog x11vnc_xdisplay global connected_to_x11vnc if {$connected_to_x11vnc} { append_text "\n" append_text "WARNING: Still connected to an x11vnc server.\n" append_text "WARNING: Use \"stop\" or \"detach\" first.\n" return 0 } if {![double_check_start_x11vnc]} { return } set x11vnc_xdisplay "" if {[info exists menu_var(display)]} { if {$menu_var(display) != "" && $menu_var(display) != $unset_str} { set x11vnc_xdisplay $menu_var(display) } } set cmd [get_start_x11vnc_cmd] set str [join $cmd] regsub { -e} $str " -e \\\n " str if {0} { puts "running: $str" foreach word $cmd { puts " word: $word" } } append_text "Starting x11vnc in an iconified xterm with command:\n" append_text " $str\n\n" catch {[eval exec $cmd]} after 500 try_connect_and_query_all 3 } proc run_remote_cmd {opts} { global menu_var x11vnc_prog x11vnc_cmdline x11vnc_xdisplay set debug [in_debug_mode] if {[lindex $opts 0] == "-R" && [lindex $opts 1] == "noremote"} { set str [join $opts] if ![double_check_noremote] { append_text "skipping: x11vnc $str" return "" } else { append_text "running: x11vnc $str (please do \"Actions -> detach\" to clean things up)\n" append_text "subsequent -R/-Q commands should fail..." } } set cmd "" lappend cmd $x11vnc_prog; if {$x11vnc_xdisplay != ""} { lappend cmd "-display" lappend cmd $x11vnc_xdisplay } lappend cmd "-sync" foreach word $opts { lappend cmd $word } lappend cmd "2>" lappend cmd "/dev/null" if {0} { set str [join $cmd] puts "running: $str" foreach word $cmd { puts " word: $word" } } set output "" menus_disable stop_watch on catch {set output [eval exec $cmd]} stop_watch off menus_enable if {$debug} { if {[string length $output] > 100} { set str [string range $output 0 100] append_text "output: $str ...\n" } else { append_text "output: $output\n" } } return $output } proc try_connect_and_query_all {{n 2}} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { if {$i > 0} { after 500 append_text "trying again ...\n" } if {[try_connect]} { query_all break } } } proc try_connect {} { global x11vnc_xdisplay connected_to_x11vnc reply_xdisplay global menu_var unset_str if {! $connected_to_x11vnc} { if {[info exists menu_var(display)]} { set d $menu_var(display) if {$d != "" && $d != $unset_str && $d != $x11vnc_xdisplay} { set x11vnc_xdisplay $menu_var(display) append_text "Setting X display to: $x11vnc_xdisplay\n" } } } set_info "Pinging $x11vnc_xdisplay ..." set rargs [list "-Q" "ping"] set result [run_remote_cmd $rargs] if {[regexp {^ans=ping:} $result]} { regsub {^ans=ping:} $result {} reply_xdisplay set msg "Connected to $reply_xdisplay" set_info $msg append_text "$msg\n" set_connected yes fetch_displays return 1 } else { set str "x11vnc server." if {$x11vnc_xdisplay != ""} { set str $x11vnc_xdisplay } set msg "No reply from $str" set_info $msg append_text "$msg\n" set_connected no return 0 } } ############################################################################ # main: global env x11vnc_prog x11vnc_cmdline x11vnc_xdisplay x11vnc_connect; global helpall helptext helpremote helplabel hostname; global all_settings reply_xdisplay always_update global max_text_height max_text_width global menu_var unset_str global bfont global connected_to_x11vnc global delay_sleep extra_sleep extra_sleep_split global cache_all_query_vars set unset_str "(unset)" set connected_to_x11vnc 0 set max_text_height 40 set max_text_width 90 set bfont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*; set help_indent 24; set reply_xdisplay "" set all_settings "None so far." set always_update 1 set cache_all_query_vars "" # these are no longer used under x11vnc -sync: set delay_sleep 350 set extra_sleep 1000 set extra_sleep_split 4 if {"$argv" == "-spit"} { set fh [open $argv0 r] puts "/*" puts " * tkx11vnc.h: generated by 'tkx11vnc -spit'" puts " * Abandon all hope, ye who enter here..." puts " * ...edit tkx11vnc instead." puts " */" puts " char gui_code\[\] =" while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { regsub -all {\\} $line {\\\\} line regsub -all {"} $line {\\"} line puts "\"$line\\n\"" } close $fh puts ";" exit 0 } # Read environment for clues: if {[info exists env(X11VNC_PROG)]} { set x11vnc_prog $env(X11VNC_PROG); } else { set x11vnc_prog "x11vnc"; } if {[info exists env(X11VNC_CMDLINE)]} { set x11vnc_cmdline $env(X11VNC_CMDLINE); } else { set x11vnc_cmdline ""; } if {[info exists env(X11VNC_CONNECT)]} { set x11vnc_connect 1 } else { set x11vnc_connect 0; } if {[info exists env(X11VNC_XDISPLAY)]} { set x11vnc_xdisplay $env(X11VNC_XDISPLAY); set x11vnc_connect 1 } elseif {$argv != "" && [regexp {:[0-9]} $argv]} { set x11vnc_xdisplay "$argv" set x11vnc_connect 1 } elseif {[info exists env(DISPLAY)]} { set x11vnc_xdisplay $env(DISPLAY); } else { set x11vnc_xdisplay ":0"; } set hostname [exec uname -n] #puts [exec env] #puts "x11vnc_xdisplay: $x11vnc_xdisplay" set env(X11VNC_STD_HELP) 1 # scrape the help output for the text and remote control vars: parse_help; parse_remote_help; parse_query_help; # tweaks to duplicate help text: tweak_remote_help lock deny tweak_remote_help unlock deny tweak_both quiet q tweak_help logfile o tweak_both xwarppointer xwarp tweak_both screen_blank sb set_template wm title . "tkx11vnc" make_widgets; menu_bindings; key_bindings; if {$x11vnc_connect} { try_connect_and_query_all } set_widgets # main loop.