/* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Karl J. Runge All rights reserved. This file is part of x11vnc. x11vnc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. x11vnc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with x11vnc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA or see . In addition, as a special exception, Karl J. Runge gives permission to link the code of its release of x11vnc with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ /* -- macosxCG.c -- */ /* * We need to keep this separate from nearly everything else, e.g. rfb.h * and the other stuff, otherwise it does not work properly, mouse drags * will not work!! */ void macosxCG_dummy(void) {} #if (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) #include #include #include void macosxCG_init(void); void macosxCG_fini(void); void macosxCG_event_loop(void); char *macosxCG_get_fb_addr(void); int macosxCG_CGDisplayPixelsWide(void); int macosxCG_CGDisplayPixelsHigh(void); int macosxCG_CGDisplayBitsPerPixel(void); int macosxCG_CGDisplayBitsPerSample(void); int macosxCG_CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel(void); int macosxCG_CGDisplayBytesPerRow(void); void macosxCG_pointer_inject(int mask, int x, int y); int macosxCG_get_cursor_pos(int *x, int *y); int macosxCG_get_cursor(void); void macosxCG_init_key_table(void); void macosxCG_key_inject(int down, unsigned int keysym); void macosxCG_keycode_inject(int down, int keycode); CGDirectDisplayID displayID = 0; extern void macosx_log(char *); extern int collect_non_X_xdamage(int x_in, int y_in, int w_in, int h_in, int call); static void macosxCG_callback(CGRectCount n, const CGRect *rects, void *dum) { int i, db = 0; if (db) fprintf(stderr, "macosx_callback: n=%d\n", (int) n); if (!dum) {} for (i=0; i < (int) n; i++) { if (db > 1) fprintf(stderr, " : %g %g - %g %g\n", rects[i].origin.x, rects[i].origin.y, rects[i].size.width, rects[i].size.height); collect_non_X_xdamage( (int) rects[i].origin.x, (int) rects[i].origin.y, (int) rects[i].size.width, (int) rects[i].size.height, 1); } } int dragum(void) { #if 0 int x =200, y = 150, dy = 10, i; CGPoint loc; CGDirectDisplayID displayID2 = kCGDirectMainDisplay; #ifdef X11VNC_MACOSX_USE_GETMAINDEVICE (void) GetMainDevice(); #endif for (i=0; i< 50; i++) { usleep(1000*100); loc.x = x; loc.y = y + i*dy; CGPostMouseEvent(loc, TRUE, 1, TRUE); } CGPostMouseEvent(loc, TRUE, 1, FALSE); usleep(4*1000*1000); #endif return 0; } static int callback_set = 0; extern int nofb; void macosxCG_refresh_callback_on(void) { if (nofb) { return; } if (! callback_set) { if (1) macosx_log("macosxCG_callback: register\n"); CGRegisterScreenRefreshCallback(macosxCG_callback, NULL); } callback_set = 1; } void macosxCG_refresh_callback_off(void) { if (callback_set) { if (1) macosx_log("macosxCG_callback: unregister\n"); CGUnregisterScreenRefreshCallback(macosxCG_callback, NULL); } callback_set = 0; } extern int macosx_noscreensaver; extern void macosxGCS_initpb(void); extern int macosxCGP_init_dimming(void); extern int macosxCGP_undim(void); extern int macosxCGP_dim_shutdown(void); extern void macosxCGP_screensaver_timer_off(void); extern void macosxCGP_screensaver_timer_on(void); void macosxCG_init(void) { if (displayID == 0) { macosx_log("macosxCG_init: initializing display.\n"); #if 0 dragum(); #endif displayID = kCGDirectMainDisplay; #ifdef X11VNC_MACOSX_USE_GETMAINDEVICE (void) GetMainDevice(); #endif CGSetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval(0.0); CGSetLocalEventsFilterDuringSupressionState( kCGEventFilterMaskPermitAllEvents, kCGEventSupressionStateSupressionInterval); CGSetLocalEventsFilterDuringSupressionState( kCGEventFilterMaskPermitAllEvents, kCGEventSupressionStateRemoteMouseDrag); macosxCGP_init_dimming(); if (macosx_noscreensaver) { macosxCGP_screensaver_timer_on(); } macosxGCS_initpb(); } } void macosxCG_fini(void) { macosxCGP_dim_shutdown(); if (macosx_noscreensaver) { macosxCGP_screensaver_timer_off(); } macosxCG_refresh_callback_off(); } extern int dpy_x, dpy_y, bpp, wdpy_x, wdpy_y; extern int client_count, nofb; extern void do_new_fb(int); extern int macosx_wait_for_switch, macosx_resize; extern void macosxGCS_poll_pb(void); #if 0 extern void usleep(unsigned long usec); #else extern int usleep(useconds_t usec); #endif extern unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds); extern void clean_up_exit(int ret); void macosxCG_event_loop(void) { OSStatus rc; int nbpp; macosxGCS_poll_pb(); if (nofb) { return; } rc = RunCurrentEventLoop(kEventDurationSecond/30); if (client_count) { macosxCG_refresh_callback_on(); } else { macosxCG_refresh_callback_off(); } nbpp = macosxCG_CGDisplayBitsPerPixel(); if (nbpp > 0 && nbpp != bpp) { if (macosx_resize) { do_new_fb(1); } } else if (wdpy_x != (int) CGDisplayPixelsWide(displayID)) { if (wdpy_y != (int) CGDisplayPixelsHigh(displayID)) { if (macosx_wait_for_switch) { int cnt = 0; while (1) { if(CGDisplayPixelsWide(displayID) > 0) { if(CGDisplayPixelsHigh(displayID) > 0) { usleep(500*1000); break; } } if ((cnt++ % 120) == 0) { macosx_log("waiting for user to " "switch back..\n"); } sleep(1); } if (wdpy_x == (int) CGDisplayPixelsWide(displayID)) { if (wdpy_y == (int) CGDisplayPixelsHigh(displayID)) { macosx_log("we're back...\n"); return; } } } if (macosx_resize) { do_new_fb(1); } } } } char *macosxCG_get_fb_addr(void) { macosxCG_init(); return (char *) CGDisplayBaseAddress(displayID); } int macosxCG_CGDisplayPixelsWide(void) { return (int) CGDisplayPixelsWide(displayID); } int macosxCG_CGDisplayPixelsHigh(void) { return (int) CGDisplayPixelsHigh(displayID); } int macosxCG_CGDisplayBitsPerPixel(void) { return (int) CGDisplayBitsPerPixel(displayID); } int macosxCG_CGDisplayBitsPerSample(void) { return (int) CGDisplayBitsPerSample(displayID); } int macosxCG_CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel(void) { return (int) CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel(displayID); } int macosxCG_CGDisplayBytesPerRow(void) { return (int) CGDisplayBytesPerRow(displayID);; } typedef int CGSConnectionRef; static CGSConnectionRef conn = 0; extern CGError CGSNewConnection(void*, CGSConnectionRef*); extern CGError CGSReleaseConnection(CGSConnectionRef); extern CGError CGSGetGlobalCursorDataSize(CGSConnectionRef, int*); extern CGError CGSGetGlobalCursorData(CGSConnectionRef, unsigned char*, int*, int*, CGRect*, CGPoint*, int*, int*, int*); extern CGError CGSGetCurrentCursorLocation(CGSConnectionRef, CGPoint*); extern int CGSCurrentCursorSeed(void); extern int CGSHardwareCursorActive(); static unsigned int last_local_button_mask = 0; static unsigned int last_local_mod_mask = 0; static int last_local_x = 0; static int last_local_y = 0; extern unsigned int display_button_mask; extern unsigned int display_mod_mask; extern int got_local_pointer_input; extern time_t last_local_input; static CGPoint current_cursor_pos(void) { CGPoint pos; pos.x = 0; pos.y = 0; if (! conn) { if (CGSNewConnection(NULL, &conn) != kCGErrorSuccess) { macosx_log("CGSNewConnection error.\n"); if (!dpy_x || !dpy_y || !wdpy_x || !wdpy_y) { clean_up_exit(1); } } } if (CGSGetCurrentCursorLocation(conn, &pos) != kCGErrorSuccess) { macosx_log("CGSGetCurrentCursorLocation error\n"); } display_button_mask = GetCurrentButtonState(); #if 0 /* not used yet */ display_mod_mask = GetCurrentKeyModifiers(); #endif if (last_local_button_mask != display_button_mask) { got_local_pointer_input++; last_local_input = time(NULL); } else if (pos.x != last_local_x || pos.y != last_local_y) { got_local_pointer_input++; last_local_input = time(NULL); } last_local_button_mask = display_button_mask; last_local_mod_mask = display_mod_mask; last_local_x = pos.x; last_local_y = pos.y; return pos; } int macosxCG_get_cursor_pos(int *x, int *y) { CGPoint pos = current_cursor_pos(); *x = pos.x; *y = pos.y; return 1; } extern int get_cursor_serial(int); extern int store_cursor(int serial, unsigned long *data, int w, int h, int cbpp, int xhot, int yhot); int macosxCG_get_cursor(void) { int last_idx = (int) get_cursor_serial(1); int which = 1; CGError err; int datasize, row_bytes, cdepth, comps, bpcomp; CGRect rect; CGPoint hot; unsigned char *data; int cursor_seed; static int last_cursor_seed = -1; static time_t last_fetch = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); if (last_idx) { which = last_idx; } if (! conn) { if (CGSNewConnection(NULL, &conn) != kCGErrorSuccess) { macosx_log("CGSNewConnection error.\n"); if (!dpy_x || !dpy_y || !wdpy_x || !wdpy_y) { clean_up_exit(1); } return which; } } cursor_seed = CGSCurrentCursorSeed(); if (last_idx && cursor_seed == last_cursor_seed) { if (now < last_fetch + 2) { return which; } } last_cursor_seed = cursor_seed; last_fetch = now; if (CGSGetGlobalCursorDataSize(conn, &datasize) != kCGErrorSuccess) { macosx_log("CGSGetGlobalCursorDataSize error\n"); return which; } data = (unsigned char*) malloc(datasize); err = CGSGetGlobalCursorData(conn, data, &datasize, &row_bytes, &rect, &hot, &cdepth, &comps, &bpcomp); if (err != kCGErrorSuccess) { macosx_log("CGSGetGlobalCursorData error\n"); return which; } if (cdepth == 24) { cdepth = 32; } which = store_cursor(cursor_seed, (unsigned long*) data, (int) rect.size.width, (int) rect.size.height, cdepth, (int) hot.x, (int) hot.y); free(data); return(which); } extern int macosx_mouse_wheel_speed; extern int macosx_swap23; extern int off_x, coff_x, off_y, coff_y; void macosxCG_pointer_inject(int mask, int x, int y) { int swap23 = macosx_swap23; int s1 = 0, s2 = 1, s3 = 2, s4 = 3, s5 = 4; CGPoint loc; int wheel_distance = macosx_mouse_wheel_speed; static int cnt = 0; if (swap23) { s2 = 2; s3 = 1; } loc.x = x + off_x + coff_x; loc.y = y + off_y + coff_y; if ((cnt++ % 10) == 0) { macosxCGP_undim(); } if ((mask & (1 << s4))) { CGPostScrollWheelEvent(1, wheel_distance); } if ((mask & (1 << s5))) { CGPostScrollWheelEvent(1, -wheel_distance); } CGPostMouseEvent(loc, TRUE, 3, (mask & (1 << s1)) ? TRUE : FALSE, (mask & (1 << s2)) ? TRUE : FALSE, (mask & (1 << s3)) ? TRUE : FALSE ); } #define keyTableSize 0xFFFF #include static int USKeyCodes[] = { /* The alphabet */ XK_A, 0, /* A */ XK_B, 11, /* B */ XK_C, 8, /* C */ XK_D, 2, /* D */ XK_E, 14, /* E */ XK_F, 3, /* F */ XK_G, 5, /* G */ XK_H, 4, /* H */ XK_I, 34, /* I */ XK_J, 38, /* J */ XK_K, 40, /* K */ XK_L, 37, /* L */ XK_M, 46, /* M */ XK_N, 45, /* N */ XK_O, 31, /* O */ XK_P, 35, /* P */ XK_Q, 12, /* Q */ XK_R, 15, /* R */ XK_S, 1, /* S */ XK_T, 17, /* T */ XK_U, 32, /* U */ XK_V, 9, /* V */ XK_W, 13, /* W */ XK_X, 7, /* X */ XK_Y, 16, /* Y */ XK_Z, 6, /* Z */ XK_a, 0, /* a */ XK_b, 11, /* b */ XK_c, 8, /* c */ XK_d, 2, /* d */ XK_e, 14, /* e */ XK_f, 3, /* f */ XK_g, 5, /* g */ XK_h, 4, /* h */ XK_i, 34, /* i */ XK_j, 38, /* j */ XK_k, 40, /* k */ XK_l, 37, /* l */ XK_m, 46, /* m */ XK_n, 45, /* n */ XK_o, 31, /* o */ XK_p, 35, /* p */ XK_q, 12, /* q */ XK_r, 15, /* r */ XK_s, 1, /* s */ XK_t, 17, /* t */ XK_u, 32, /* u */ XK_v, 9, /* v */ XK_w, 13, /* w */ XK_x, 7, /* x */ XK_y, 16, /* y */ XK_z, 6, /* z */ /* Numbers */ XK_0, 29, /* 0 */ XK_1, 18, /* 1 */ XK_2, 19, /* 2 */ XK_3, 20, /* 3 */ XK_4, 21, /* 4 */ XK_5, 23, /* 5 */ XK_6, 22, /* 6 */ XK_7, 26, /* 7 */ XK_8, 28, /* 8 */ XK_9, 25, /* 9 */ /* Symbols */ XK_exclam, 18, /* ! */ XK_at, 19, /* @ */ XK_numbersign, 20, /* # */ XK_dollar, 21, /* $ */ XK_percent, 23, /* % */ XK_asciicircum, 22, /* ^ */ XK_ampersand, 26, /* & */ XK_asterisk, 28, /* * */ XK_parenleft, 25, /* ( */ XK_parenright, 29, /* ) */ XK_minus, 27, /* - */ XK_underscore, 27, /* _ */ XK_equal, 24, /* = */ XK_plus, 24, /* + */ XK_grave, 50, /* ` */ /* XXX ? */ XK_asciitilde, 50, /* ~ */ XK_bracketleft, 33, /* [ */ XK_braceleft, 33, /* { */ XK_bracketright, 30, /* ] */ XK_braceright, 30, /* } */ XK_semicolon, 41, /* ; */ XK_colon, 41, /* : */ XK_apostrophe, 39, /* ' */ XK_quotedbl, 39, /* " */ XK_comma, 43, /* , */ XK_less, 43, /* < */ XK_period, 47, /* . */ XK_greater, 47, /* > */ XK_slash, 44, /* / */ XK_question, 44, /* ? */ XK_backslash, 42, /* \ */ XK_bar, 42, /* | */ /* OS X Sends this (END OF MEDIUM) for Shift-Tab (with US Keyboard) */ 0x0019, 48, /* Tab */ XK_space, 49, /* Space */ }; static int SpecialKeyCodes[] = { /* "Special" keys */ XK_Return, 36, /* Return */ XK_Delete, 117, /* Delete */ XK_Tab, 48, /* Tab */ XK_Escape, 53, /* Esc */ XK_Caps_Lock, 57, /* Caps Lock */ XK_Num_Lock, 71, /* Num Lock */ XK_Scroll_Lock, 107, /* Scroll Lock */ XK_Pause, 113, /* Pause */ XK_BackSpace, 51, /* Backspace */ XK_Insert, 114, /* Insert */ /* Cursor movement */ XK_Up, 126, /* Cursor Up */ XK_Down, 125, /* Cursor Down */ XK_Left, 123, /* Cursor Left */ XK_Right, 124, /* Cursor Right */ XK_Page_Up, 116, /* Page Up */ XK_Page_Down, 121, /* Page Down */ XK_Home, 115, /* Home */ XK_End, 119, /* End */ /* Numeric keypad */ XK_KP_0, 82, /* KP 0 */ XK_KP_1, 83, /* KP 1 */ XK_KP_2, 84, /* KP 2 */ XK_KP_3, 85, /* KP 3 */ XK_KP_4, 86, /* KP 4 */ XK_KP_5, 87, /* KP 5 */ XK_KP_6, 88, /* KP 6 */ XK_KP_7, 89, /* KP 7 */ XK_KP_8, 91, /* KP 8 */ XK_KP_9, 92, /* KP 9 */ XK_KP_Enter, 76, /* KP Enter */ XK_KP_Decimal, 65, /* KP . */ XK_KP_Add, 69, /* KP + */ XK_KP_Subtract, 78, /* KP - */ XK_KP_Multiply, 67, /* KP * */ XK_KP_Divide, 75, /* KP / */ /* Function keys */ XK_F1, 122, /* F1 */ XK_F2, 120, /* F2 */ XK_F3, 99, /* F3 */ XK_F4, 118, /* F4 */ XK_F5, 96, /* F5 */ XK_F6, 97, /* F6 */ XK_F7, 98, /* F7 */ XK_F8, 100, /* F8 */ XK_F9, 101, /* F9 */ XK_F10, 109, /* F10 */ XK_F11, 103, /* F11 */ XK_F12, 111, /* F12 */ /* Modifier keys */ XK_Alt_L, 55, /* Alt Left (-> Command) */ XK_Alt_R, 55, /* Alt Right (-> Command) */ XK_Shift_L, 56, /* Shift Left */ XK_Shift_R, 56, /* Shift Right */ XK_Meta_L, 58, /* Option Left (-> Option) */ XK_Meta_R, 58, /* Option Right (-> Option) */ XK_Super_L, 58, /* Option Left (-> Option) */ XK_Super_R, 58, /* Option Right (-> Option) */ XK_Control_L, 59, /* Ctrl Left */ XK_Control_R, 59, /* Ctrl Right */ }; CGKeyCode keyTable[keyTableSize]; unsigned char keyTableMods[keyTableSize]; void macosxCG_init_key_table(void) { static int init = 0; int i; if (init) { return; } init = 1; for (i=0; i < keyTableSize; i++) { keyTable[i] = 0xFFFF; keyTableMods[i] = 0; } for (i=0; i< (int) (sizeof(USKeyCodes) / sizeof(int)); i += 2) { int j = USKeyCodes[i]; keyTable[(unsigned short) j] = (CGKeyCode) USKeyCodes[i+1]; } for (i=0; i< (int) (sizeof(SpecialKeyCodes) / sizeof(int)); i += 2) { int j = SpecialKeyCodes[i]; keyTable[(unsigned short) j] = (CGKeyCode) SpecialKeyCodes[i+1]; } } extern void init_key_table(void); extern int macosx_us_kbd; void macosxCG_keycode_inject(int down, int keycode) { CGKeyCode keyCode = (CGKeyCode) keycode; CGCharCode keyChar = 0; CGPostKeyboardEvent(keyChar, keyCode, down); } void macosxCG_key_inject(int down, unsigned int keysym) { CGKeyCode keyCode = keyTable[(unsigned short)keysym]; CGCharCode keyChar = 0; #if 0 int pressModsForKeys = FALSE; UInt32 modsForKey = keyTableMods[keysym] << 8; #endif init_key_table(); if (keysym < 0xFF && macosx_us_kbd) { keyChar = (CGCharCode) keysym; } if (keyCode == 0xFFFF) { return; } macosxCGP_undim(); CGPostKeyboardEvent(keyChar, keyCode, down); } #endif /* __APPLE__ */