classes/ssl: Many improvements to Java SSL applet, onetimekey
serverCert param, debugging printout, user dialogs, catch socket exceptions, autodetect x11vnc for GET=1. x11vnc: misc/scripts: desktop.cgi, inet6to4, X11VNC_HTTPS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_TIME, -unixpw %xxx documented, and can run user cmd in UNIXPW_CMD. FD_XDMCP_IF for create script, autodetect dm on udp6 only. Queries: pointer_x, pointer_y, pointer_same, pointer_root. Switch on -xkd if keysyms per key > 4 in all cases. daemon mode improvements for connect_switch, inet6to4, Dynamic change of -clip do not create new fb if WxH is unchanged.pull/1/head
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
SUBDIRS = turbovnc
DIST_SUBDIRS = turbovnc
EXTRA_DIST=README blockdpy.c dtVncPopup rx11vnc shm_clear x11vnc_loop Xdummy connect_switch
EXTRA_DIST=README blockdpy.c dtVncPopup rx11vnc shm_clear x11vnc_loop Xdummy connect_switch desktop.cgi inet6to4
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
# inet6to4: Act as an ipv6-to-ipv4 relay for tcp applications that
# do not support ipv6.
# Usage: inet6to4 <ipv6-listen-port> <ipv4-host:port>
# inet6to4 -r <ipv4-listen-port> <ipv6-host:port>
# Examples: inet6to4 5900 localhost:5900
# inet6to4 8080 web1:80
# inet6to4 -r 5900 fe80::217:f2ff:fee6:6f5a%eth0:5900
# The -r option reverses the direction of translation (e.g. for ipv4
# clients that need to connect to ipv6 servers.) Reversing is the default
# if this script is named 'inet4to6' (e.g. by a symlink.)
# Use Ctrl-C to stop this program.
# You can also set env. vars INET6TO4_LOOP=1 or INET6TO4_LOOP=BG
# to have an outer loop restarting this program (BG means do that
# in the background), and INET6TO4_LOGFILE for a log file.
# Also set INET6TO4_VERBOSE to verbosity level and INET6TO4_WAITTIME
# and INET6TO4_PIDFILE (see below.)
# Copyright (c) 2010 by Karl J. Runge <>
# inet6to4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# inet6to4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with inet6to4; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
# or see <>.
# Set up logging:
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_LOGFILE}) {
close STDOUT;
if (!open(STDOUT, ">>$ENV{INET6TO4_LOGFILE}")) {
die "inet6to4: $ENV{INET6TO4_LOGFILE} $!\n";
close STDERR;
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
select(STDERR); $| = 1;
select(STDOUT); $| = 1;
# interrupt handler:
my $looppid = '';
my $pidfile = '';
my $listen_sock = ''; # declared here for get_out()
sub get_out {
print STDERR "$_[0]:\t$$ looppid=$looppid\n";
close $listen_sock if $listen_sock;
if ($looppid) {
kill 'TERM', $looppid;
unlink $pidfile if $pidfile;
exit 0;
$SIG{INT} = \&get_out;
$SIG{TERM} = \&get_out;
# pidfile:
sub open_pidfile {
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_PIDFILE}) {
my $pf = $ENV{INET6TO4_PIDFILE};
if (open(PID, ">$pf")) {
print PID "$$\n";
close PID;
$pidfile = $pf;
} else {
print STDERR "could not open pidfile: $pf - $! - continuing...\n";
# Set INET6TO4_LOOP=1 to have this script create an outer loop
# restarting itself if it ever exits. Set INET6TO4_LOOP=BG to
# do this in the background as a daemon.
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_LOOP}) {
my $csl = $ENV{INET6TO4_LOOP};
if ($csl ne 'BG' && $csl ne '1') {
die "inet6to4: invalid INET6TO4_LOOP.\n";
if ($csl eq 'BG') {
# go into bg as "daemon":
setpgrp(0, 0);
my $pid = fork();
if (! defined $pid) {
die "inet6to4: $!\n";
} elsif ($pid) {
exit 0;
if (fork) {
exit 0;
setpgrp(0, 0);
close STDIN;
close STDOUT;
close STDERR;
delete $ENV{INET6TO4_LOOP};
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_PIDFILE}) {
print STDERR "inet6to4: starting service at ", scalar(localtime), " master-pid=$$\n";
while (1) {
$looppid = fork;
if (! defined $looppid) {
sleep 10;
} elsif ($looppid) {
} else {
exec $0, @ARGV;
exit 1;
print STDERR "inet6to4: re-starting service at ", scalar(localtime), " master-pid=$$\n";
sleep 1;
exit 0;
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_PIDFILE}) {
use IO::Socket::INET6;
use strict;
use warnings;
# some settings:
my $verbose = 1; # set to 0 for no messages, 2 for more.
my $killpid = 1; # does kill(2) at end of connection.
my $waittime = 0.25; # time to wait between connections.
my $reverse = 0; # -r switch (or file named inet4to6)
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_VERBOSE}) {
$verbose = $ENV{INET6TO4_VERBOSE};
if (exists $ENV{INET6TO4_WAITTIME}) {
$waittime = $ENV{INET6TO4_WAITTIME};
# process command line args:
if (! @ARGV || $ARGV[0] =~ '^-+h') { # -help
open(ME, "<$0");
while (<ME>) {
last unless /^#/;
next if /usr.bin.perl/;
$_ =~ s/# ?//;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-r') { # -r
$reverse = 1;
} elsif ($0 =~ /inet4to6$/) {
$reverse = 1;
my $listen_port = shift; # ipv6-listen-port
my $connect_to = shift; # ipv4-host:port
die "no listen port or connect-to-host:port\n" if ! $listen_port || ! $connect_to;
# connect to host:
my $host = '';
my $port = '';
if ($connect_to =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/) {
$host = $1;
$port = $2;
die "invalid connect-to-host:port\n" if ! $host || ! $port;
setpgrp(0, 0);
# create listening socket:
if (!$reverse) {
$listen_sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(
Listen => 10,
LocalPort => $listen_port,
Domain => AF_INET6,
ReuseAddr => 1,
Proto => "tcp"
} else {
$listen_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Listen => 10,
LocalPort => $listen_port,
ReuseAddr => 1,
Proto => "tcp"
if (! $listen_sock) {
die "inet6to4: $!\n";
# for use by the xfer helper processes' interrupt handlers:
my $current_fh1 = '';
my $current_fh2 = '';
# connection counter:
my $conn = 0;
# loop forever waiting for connections:
while (1) {
print STDERR "listening for connection: $conn\n" if $verbose;
my ($client, $ip) = $listen_sock->accept();
if ($client && !$reverse && $port == $listen_port) {
# This happens on Darwin 'tcp46'
if ($client->peerhost() =~ /^::ffff:/) {
print STDERR "closing client we think is actually us: ",
$client->peerhost(), "\n";
close $client;
$client = undef;
if (! $client) {
# to throttle runaways
fsleep(2 * $waittime);
print STDERR "conn: $conn -- ", $client->peerhost(), " at ", scalar(localtime), "\n" if $verbose;
# spawn helper:
my $pid = fork();
if (! defined $pid) {
die "inet6to4: $!\n";
} elsif ($pid) {
# to throttle runaways
} else {
# this is to avoid zombies:
close $listen_sock;
if (fork) {
exit 0;
setpgrp(0, 0);
exit 0;
sub handle_conn {
my $client = shift;
my $start = time();
print STDERR "connecting to: $host:$port\n" if $verbose;
my $sock = '';
if (!$reverse) {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => "tcp"
} else {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Domain => AF_INET6,
Proto => "tcp"
if (! $sock) {
close $client;
die "inet6to4: $!\n";
$current_fh1 = $client;
$current_fh2 = $sock;
# interrupt handler:
$SIG{TERM} = sub {print STDERR "got sigterm\[$$]\n" if $verbose; close $current_fh1; close $current_fh2; exit 0};
# spawn another helper and transfer the data:
my $parent = $$;
if (my $child = fork()) {
xfer($sock, $client, 'S->C');
if ($killpid) {
kill 'TERM', $child;
} else {
xfer($client, $sock, 'C->S');
if ($killpid) {
kill 'TERM', $parent;
# done.
if ($verbose > 1) {
my $dt = time() - $start;
print STDERR "dt\[$$]: $dt\n";
exit 0;
# transfers data in one direction:
sub xfer {
my($in, $out, $lab) = @_;
my ($RIN, $WIN, $EIN, $ROUT);
$RIN = $WIN = $EIN = "";
$ROUT = "";
vec($RIN, fileno($in), 1) = 1;
vec($WIN, fileno($in), 1) = 1;
$EIN = $RIN | $WIN;
my $buf;
while (1) {
my $nf = 0;
while (! $nf) {
$nf = select($ROUT=$RIN, undef, undef, undef);
my $len = sysread($in, $buf, 8192);
if (! defined($len)) {
next if $! =~ /^Interrupted/;
print STDERR "inet6to4\[$lab/$conn/$$]: $!\n";
} elsif ($len == 0) {
print STDERR "inet6to4\[$lab/$conn/$$]: "
. "Input is EOF.\n";
if ($verbose > 4) {
# verbose debugging of data:
syswrite(STDERR , "\n$lab: ", 6);
syswrite(STDERR , $buf, $len);
my $offset = 0;
my $quit = 0;
while ($len) {
my $written = syswrite($out, $buf, $len, $offset);
if (! defined $written) {
print STDERR "inet6to4\[$lab/$conn/$$]: "
. "Output is EOF. $!\n";
$quit = 1;
$len -= $written;
$offset += $written;
last if $quit;
# sleep a fraction of a second:
sub fsleep {
my ($time) = @_;
select(undef, undef, undef, $time) if $time;
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# start up x11vnc in '-clip' mode viewing a small (WxH)
# rectangular region of the screen. Allow the viewer user
# to 'pan' around the display region by moving the mouse.
# Remote interaction with applications, e.g. clicking a
# button though the VNC viewer, will be very difficult.
# This may be useful in a 'demo' mode where the user sitting
# at the physical display is the only one moving the mouse.
# Depending on your usage the following x11vnc options may
# be useful: -nonap
# Usage: WxH <x11vnc-args> (e.g. -display ...)
# or WxH:0.05 <x11vnc-args> (e.g. 0.05 is polling time in secs.)
use strict;
my $WxH = shift;
my $poll_time;
# split off poll time:
($WxH, $poll_time) = split(/:/, $WxH);
my ($W, $H) = split(/x/, $WxH);
$poll_time = 0.1 unless $poll_time ne '';
# set to x11vnc command (e.g. full PATH)
my $x11vnc = "x11vnc";
# check if display was given:
my $query_args = "";
for (my $i=0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-display') {
$query_args = "-display $ARGV[$i+1]";
# find the size of display and the current mouse position:
my %v;
# set a -clip argument based on the above:
my $clip = '';
$clip = "${W}x${H}+0+0" unless $v{pointer_same};
# launch x11vnc with -clip in the background:
my $cmd = "$x11vnc -clip $clip -bg " . join(" ", @ARGV);
print STDERR "running: $cmd\n";
system $cmd;
# user can hit Ctrl-C or kill this script to quit (and stop x11vnc)
sub quit {
system("$x11vnc $query_args -R stop");
exit 0;
$SIG{INT} = \&quit;
$SIG{TERM} = \&quit;
# loop forever waiting for mouse position to change, then shift -clip:
my $clip_old = $clip;
while (1) {
next unless $v{pointer_same};
if ($clip ne $clip_old) {
system("$x11vnc $query_args -R clip:$clip");
$clip_old = $clip
exit 0;
# short sleep:
sub fsleep {
my ($time) = @_;
select(undef, undef, undef, $time) if $time;
# set the -clip string, making sure view doesn't go off edges of display:
sub clip_set {
my $x = int($v{pointer_x} - $W/2);
my $y = int($v{pointer_y} - $H/2);
$x = 0 if $x < 0;
$y = 0 if $y < 0;
$x = $v{wdpy_x} - $W if $x + $W > $v{wdpy_x};
$y = $v{wdpy_y} - $H if $y + $H > $v{wdpy_y};
$clip = "${W}x${H}+$x+$y";
# query x11vnc for values, put results in the %v hash:
sub vset {
my $str = shift;
my $out = `$x11vnc $query_args -Q $str 2>/dev/null`;
chomp $out;
foreach my $pair (split(/,/, $out)) {
$pair =~ s/^a..=//;
my ($k, $v) = split(/:/, $pair, 2);
if ($k ne '' && $v ne '') {
print STDERR "k=$k v=$v\n" if $ENV{DEBUG};
$v{$k} = $v;
Reference in New Issue